• Code
  • Domain
  • Model
  • Initialization
  • Cases
  • Verification

Codes Employed

The components of the end-to-end forecast system used for this test included:

    • WRF Preprocessing System (WPS) (v2.2)

    • WRF-NMM model (Note: The WRF code used in this test does not        correspond to a public release. Instead, a snapshot of the top of        the WRF code repository as of August 29, 2007 was used. The        choice of code was based on the need to use the latest code        developments, especially the unified Noah LSM, which was not        available in the public release (WRF v2.2))

    • WRF Post Processor (WPP) (v2.2)

    • NCEP Verification System

    • NCAR Command Language (NCL) for graphics generation

    • Statistical programming language, R, to perform aggregations        and compute confidence intervals

Domain Configuration

    • Contiguous U.S. (CONUS) domain with roughly 13-km grid        spacing (selected such that it fits within the RUC13 domain)

Click thumbnail for larger image.

    • 280 x 435 gridpoints, for a total of 121,800 horizontal gridpoints

    • 451 x 337 gridpoints, for a total of 151,987 horizontal gridpoints        in the post-processed domain

    • 58 vertical levels (59 sigma entries)

    • Rotated Latitude-Longitude map projection

Sample Namelists



Physics Suite

Microphysics: Ferrier
Radiation (LW/SW): GFDL
Surface Layer: Janic
Land Surface: Noah
PBL: Mellor-Yamada-Janjic
Convection: Betts-Miller-Janjic

Other run-time settings

    • Long timestep = 30 s

    • Calls to the boundary layer, microphysics and cumulus        parameterization were made every other time step

    • Calls to radiation were made every 30 minutes

    • Sample namelist.input

The end-to-end system for this test did not include a data assimilation component.

Initial and Boundary Conditions

    • Initial conditions (ICs) and Lateral Boundary Conditions        (LBCs): North American Mesoscale Model (NAM212)
       (Note: For the retrospective period used, the forecast component of        the NAM was the Eta model.)

    • Sea Surface Temperature (SST) Initialization: NCEPs daily,        real-time SST product

Cases Run

    • Forecast Dates by season:
        • Summer: 09 July - 24 August 2005
        • Fall: 10 October - 23 November 2005
        • Winter: 10 January - 22 February 2006
        • Spring: 10 April - 23 May 2006

    • Initializations: Every 36 hours, therefore, alternating 00 and        12 hr cycles

    • Forecast Length: 60 hours; output files generated every 3        hours

The table below lists the forecast cases that were not verified due to the reasons described in the table.

Missing Verification:

Forecast cycle Affected Case Missing Data Reason
Winter 2006011300 Incomplete 24-hr and 3-hr QPF verification Missing RFC and ST2 analysis
2006011412 Incomplete 24-hr and 3-hr QPF verification Missing RFC and ST2 analysis
2006011712 Incomplete sfc/ua verification Missing RUC Prepbufr
2006011900 Incomplete sfc/ua verification Missing RUC Prepbufr
2006021312 Incomplete 3-hr QPF verification Corrupt ST2 analysis
2006021500 Incomplete 3-hr QPF verification Corrupt ST2 analysis
2006021612 Incomplete sfc/ua verification Missing RUC Prepbufr
2006021800 Incomplete sfc/ua verification Missing RUC Prepbufr
Fall 2005101212 Incomplete 3-hr QPF verification Corrupt ST2 analysis
2005103012 Incomplete sfc/ua verification Missing RUC Prepbufr
2005110100 Incomplete sfc/ua verification Missing RUC Prepbufr
2005110812 Incomplete sfc/ua verification Missing RUC Prepbufr
2005111000 Incomplete sfc/ua verification Missing RUC Prepbufr
Spring 2006042200 Incomplete 24-hr QPF and sfc/ua verification Missing RFC analysis and RUC Prepbufr
2006042312 Incomplete 24-hr QPF and sfc/ua verification Missing RFC analysis and RUC Prepbufr
2006050100 Incomplete 3-hr QPF verification Missing ST2 analysis
2006051300 Incomplete sfc/ua verification Missing RUC Prepbufr
2006051412 Incomplete sfc/ua verification Missing RUC Prepbufr
2006052312 Incomplete sfc/ua verification Missing RUC Prepbufr
Summer 2005070912 Incomplete 3-hr QPF verification (at 60-hr) Unknown
2005072812 Incomplete 3-hr QPF verification (at 60-hr) Unknown


The NCEP Verification System is comprised of:
    • Surface and Upper Air Verification System (grid-to-point        comparison)
    • Quantitative Precipitation Forecast (QPF) Verification        System (grid-to-grid comparison)

From these, model verification partial sums (aggregated by geographical region using the mean) were generated and objective model verification statistics were then computed using the statistical programming language, R. Confidence intervals (CIs), at the 99% level, were applied to each of the variables using the appropriate statistical method.

Objective verification statistics generated included:
    • Bias-corrected Root Mean Square Error (BCRMSE) and Mean        Error (Bias) for:
        • Surface Temperature (2 m), Relative Humidity (2 m) and            Winds (10 m)
        • Upper Air Temperature, Relative Humidity and Winds

    • Equitable Threat Score (ETS) and Frequency Bias (FBias) for:
        • 3-hr and 24-hr Precipitation Accumulation intervals

Verification results were computed for select spatial aggregations, including the entire CONUS (G164), CONUS-West (G165), and CONUS-East (G166) domains (shown here).