WRF v3.3.1

Executive Summary

  • Surface
  • Upper Air



    • A number of SS pair-wise differences are present but the favored configuration depends on the temporal aggregation and lead time; PS pair-wise differences that are seen occur in the fall and winter aggregations and favor the RRTMG configuration


    • SS/PS pair-wise differences predominantly indicate the RRTMG configuration is a better performer, with a consistent exception during the winter aggregation for forecast lead times valid between 06 - 09 UTC, which favor the AFWA configuration

Dew Point Temperature


    • A diurnal trend in which configuration is favored is noted, with the AFWA configuration typically performing better during times valid in the afternoon/early evening hour and the RRTMG configuration generally favored during times valid overnight/early morning; however, only one difference is PS


    • The RRTMG configuration is generally favored during times valid overnight/early morning during the summer and fall aggregations; for all other seasonal aggregations and lead times, many PS differences are noted and favor the AFWA configuration



    • For both initializations and all temporal aggregations, many SS pair-wise differences are seen, with nearly all favoring the RRTMG configuration; however, none are PS


    • For both initializations and all temporal aggregations, many SS pair-wise differences are seen, with nearly all favoring the AFWA configuration; however, none are PS

3-hour Precipitation Accumulation


    • The AFWA configuration is generally a better performer, with differences occurring at an assortment of thresholds and lead times; however, during the winter season the majority of differences favor the RRTMG configuration, namely at the lowest thresholds

Frequency Bias

    • No SS pair-wise differences noted

24-hour Precipitation Accumulation


    • SS pair-wise differences favor the RRTMG configuration at the 0.01" threshold for a majority of temporal aggregations and lead times for both initializations; all differences at higher thresholds favor the AFWA configuration

Frequency Bias

    • No SS pair-wise differences noted



    • The RRTMG configuration was SS favored at most levels below 300 hPa for most lead times and temporal aggregations; no PS differences were observed


    • For all temporal aggregations, persistent PS pair-wise differences favoring the RRTMG configuration at and below 700 hPa were noted

Dew Point Temperature


    • All SS/PS pair-wise differences favor the RRTMG configuration, which most frequently occur at 850 hPa and occasionally at additional levels


    • With exception to several forecast lead times during the summer aggregation that favor the RRTMG configuration, all other PS pair-wise differences favor the AFWA configuration



    • SS pair-wise differences overwhelmingly favor the RRTMG configuration; however, none are PS


    • Pair-wise differences generally favor the AFWA configuration; however, none are PS