WRF Rapid Refresh Core Test

WRF Rapid Refresh Core Test

  • Code
  • Domain
  • Model
  • Initialization
  • Cases
  • Verification

Codes Employed

The components of the end-to-end forecast system used in the WRF Rapid Refresh Core Test included:

    • Standard Initialization (SI) (Note: Each dynamic core has its own        approach to processing the input data and thus differences        between the initial and lateral boundary conditions, as well as the        static fields (e.g. terrain height) are possible.)

    • WRF model (Note: The WRF code used in this test does not        correspond to a public release, but is based on WRF v2.0 with        significant changes and enhancements.)

    • WRF Post Processor (WPP) (v2.0)

    • NCEP Verification System

    • NCAR Command Language (NCL) for graphics generation

    • Statistical programming language, R, to compute aggregations        and confidence intervals