Topo Wind Intercomparison

Executive Summary

  • Surface
  • Upper Air



    • PS pair-wise differences occur during the fall and winter seasons, typically in the overnight hours; all favor the REF configuration.


    • Regardless of initialization time, a number of PS pair-wise differences favoring the REF configuration are noted during the overnight hours, most notably for the annual, fall and winter aggregations when comparing REF-TWIND1 and for all temporal aggregations for the REF-TWIND2 comparison.

Dew Point Temperature


    • For both initializations, a majority of SS pair-wise differences favor TWIND1/TWIND2; however, SS differences favoring REF are seen at longer forecast lead times for the 00 UTC initializations mostly during the winter and fall aggregations. No differences are PS.


    • A majority of the SS pair-wise differences favor the TWIND1/TWIND2 configuration, especially during the overnight hours. PS pair-wise differences are predominantly noted in the fall and winter aggregations and are generally seen at the longer forecast lead times, with no distinct signal in which configuration is favored.



    • For REF-TWIND1, a majority of forecast lead times are SS and favor the REF configuration for all temporal aggregations except summer, which exhibits the fewest SS pair-wise differences. No PS differences are noted.
    • For REF-TWIND2, several SS pair-wise differences are noted, with TWIND2 favored more frequently for the summer aggregation and REF for the other temporal aggregations. None are PS.


    • For both initializations and all temporal aggregations, all forecast lead times are SS with a majority of the differences being PS. TWIND1/TWIND2 is favored for overnight hours (i.e., 03 - 15 UTC) and REF is favored for day time hours (i.e., 18 - 00 UTC). TWIND1/TWIND2 has more PS pair-wise differences in the fall and winter aggregations than during the other temporal aggregations.

3-hour and Daily Precipitation Accumulation


    • Only a few SS pair-wise differences are noted between the REF-TWIND1 and REF-TWIND2 inter-comparisons when considering 3-hourly and daily QPF.

Frequency Bias

    • No SS pair-wise differences are observed for the 3-hourly and daily QPF.

All variables

All verification metrics

    • Inter-comparisons of the REF-TWIND1 and REF-TWIND2 configurations, regardless of forecast lead time or temporal aggregation, show very few SS pair-wise differences in either bias or BCRMSE for all upper air variables. When SS pair-wise differences are noted, tehy are mainly located inthe lowest vertical levels.