Common Community Physics Package (CCPP) Scientific Documentation  Version 2.0
GFS gscond Main

This subroutine computes grid-scale condensation and evaporation of cloud condensate. More...

Detailed Description

Argument Table

local_name standard_name long_name units rank type kind intent optional
im horizontal_loop_extent horizontal loop extent count 0 integer in F
ix horizontal_dimension horizontal dimension count 0 integer in F
km vertical_dimension vertical layer dimension count 0 integer in F
dt time_step_for_physics physics time step s 0 real kind_phys in F
dtf time_step_for_dynamics dynamics time step s 0 real kind_phys in F
prsl air_pressure layer mean air pressure Pa 2 real kind_phys in F
ps surface_air_pressure surface pressure Pa 1 real kind_phys in F
q water_vapor_specific_humidity_updated_by_physics water vapor specific humidity kg kg-1 2 real kind_phys inout F
clw1 cloud_ice_mixing_ratio moist cloud ice mixing ratio kg kg-1 2 real kind_phys in F
clw2 cloud_liquid_water_mixing_ratio moist cloud water mixing ratio kg kg-1 2 real kind_phys in F
cwm cloud_condensed_water_mixing_ratio_updated_by_physics moist cloud condensed water mixing ratio kg kg-1 2 real kind_phys out F
t air_temperature_updated_by_physics layer mean air temperature K 2 real kind_phys inout F
tp air_temperature_two_time_steps_back air temperature two time steps back K 2 real kind_phys inout F
qp water_vapor_specific_humidity_two_time_steps_back water vapor specific humidity two time steps back kg kg-1 2 real kind_phys inout F
psp surface_air_pressure_two_time_steps_back surface air pressure two time steps back Pa 1 real kind_phys inout F
tp1 air_temperature_at_previous_time_step air temperature at previous time step K 2 real kind_phys inout F
qp1 water_vapor_specific_humidity_at_previous_time_step water vapor specific humidity at previous time step kg kg-1 2 real kind_phys inout F
psp1 surface_air_pressure_at_previous_time_step surface air surface pressure at previous time step Pa 1 real kind_phys inout F
u critical_relative_humidity critical relative humidity frac 2 real kind_phys in F
lprnt flag_print flag for printing diagnostics to output flag 0 logical in F
ipr horizontal_index_of_printed_column horizontal index of printed column index 0 integer in F
errmsg ccpp_error_message error message for error handling in CCPP none 0 character len=* out F
errflg ccpp_error_flag error flag for error handling in CCPP flag 0 integer out F

GFS gscond Scheme General Algorithm

  1. Calculate ice-water identification number \(IW\) in order to make a distinction between cloud water and cloud ice (table2 of Zhao and Carr (1997) [111]).
  2. Calculate the changes in \(t\), \(q\) and \(p\) due to all the processes except microphysics.
  3. Calculate cloud evaporation rate ( \(E_c\), eq. 19 of Zhao and Carr (1997)[111]).
  4. Calculate cloud condensation rate ( \(C_g\), eq.8 of Zhao and Carr (1997)[111]).
  5. Update \(t\), \(q\), \(cwm\) due to cloud evaporation and condensation processes.

GFS gscond Scheme Detailed Algorithm


subroutine zhaocarr_gscond::zhaocarr_gscond_run (im, ix, km, dt, dtf, prsl, ps, q, clw1, clw2, cwm, t, tp, qp, psp , tp1, qp1, psp1, u, lprnt, ipr, errmsg, errflg)