This subroutine computes grid-scale condensation and evaporation of cloud condensate.
local_name | standard_name | long_name | units | rank | type | kind | intent | optional |
im | horizontal_loop_extent | horizontal loop extent | count | 0 | integer | | in | F |
ix | horizontal_dimension | horizontal dimension | count | 0 | integer | | in | F |
km | vertical_dimension | vertical layer dimension | count | 0 | integer | | in | F |
dt | time_step_for_physics | physics time step | s | 0 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
dtf | time_step_for_dynamics | dynamics time step | s | 0 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
prsl | air_pressure | layer mean air pressure | Pa | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
ps | surface_air_pressure | surface pressure | Pa | 1 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
q | water_vapor_specific_humidity_updated_by_physics | water vapor specific humidity | kg kg-1 | 2 | real | kind_phys | inout | F |
clw1 | cloud_ice_mixing_ratio | moist cloud ice mixing ratio | kg kg-1 | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
clw2 | cloud_liquid_water_mixing_ratio | moist cloud water mixing ratio | kg kg-1 | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
cwm | cloud_condensed_water_mixing_ratio_updated_by_physics | moist cloud condensed water mixing ratio | kg kg-1 | 2 | real | kind_phys | out | F |
t | air_temperature_updated_by_physics | layer mean air temperature | K | 2 | real | kind_phys | inout | F |
tp | air_temperature_two_time_steps_back | air temperature two time steps back | K | 2 | real | kind_phys | inout | F |
qp | water_vapor_specific_humidity_two_time_steps_back | water vapor specific humidity two time steps back | kg kg-1 | 2 | real | kind_phys | inout | F |
psp | surface_air_pressure_two_time_steps_back | surface air pressure two time steps back | Pa | 1 | real | kind_phys | inout | F |
tp1 | air_temperature_at_previous_time_step | air temperature at previous time step | K | 2 | real | kind_phys | inout | F |
qp1 | water_vapor_specific_humidity_at_previous_time_step | water vapor specific humidity at previous time step | kg kg-1 | 2 | real | kind_phys | inout | F |
psp1 | surface_air_pressure_at_previous_time_step | surface air surface pressure at previous time step | Pa | 1 | real | kind_phys | inout | F |
u | critical_relative_humidity | critical relative humidity | frac | 2 | real | kind_phys | in | F |
lprnt | flag_print | flag for printing diagnostics to output | flag | 0 | logical | | in | F |
ipr | horizontal_index_of_printed_column | horizontal index of printed column | index | 0 | integer | | in | F |
errmsg | ccpp_error_message | error message for error handling in CCPP | none | 0 | character | len=* | out | F |
errflg | ccpp_error_flag | error flag for error handling in CCPP | flag | 0 | integer | | out | F |