Common Community Physics Package (CCPP) Scientific Documentation  Version 2.0
GFS sfc_sice Main

This is three-layer thermodynomics sea-ice model based on Winton (2000) [103]. More...

Detailed Description

Argument Table

local_name standard_name long_name units rank type kind intent optional
im horizontal_loop_extent horizontal loop extent count 0 integer in F
km soil_vertical_dimension vertical loop extent for soil levels, start at 1 count 0 integer in F
ps surface_air_pressure surface pressure Pa 1 real kind_phys in F
u1 x_wind_at_lowest_model_layer u component of surface layer wind m s-1 1 real kind_phys in F
v1 y_wind_at_lowest_model_layer v component of surface layer wind m s-1 1 real kind_phys in F
t1 air_temperature_at_lowest_model_layer surface layer mean temperature K 1 real kind_phys in F
q1 water_vapor_specific_humidity_at_lowest_model_layer surface layer mean specific humidity kg kg-1 1 real kind_phys in F
delt time_step_for_dynamics time step s 0 real kind_phys in F
sfcemis surface_longwave_emissivity sfc lw emissivity frac 1 real kind_phys in F
dlwflx surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_absorbed_by_ground total sky surface downward longwave flux absorbed by the ground W m-2 1 real kind_phys in F
sfcnsw surface_net_downwelling_shortwave_flux total sky sfc netsw flx into ground W m-2 1 real kind_phys in F
sfcdsw surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux total sky sfc downward sw flux W m-2 1 real kind_phys in F
srflag flag_for_precipitation_type snow/rain flag for precipitation flag 1 real kind_phys in F
cm surface_drag_coefficient_for_momentum_in_air surface exchange coeff for momentum none 1 real kind_phys in F
ch surface_drag_coefficient_for_heat_and_moisture_in_air surface exchange coeff heat & moisture none 1 real kind_phys in F
prsl1 air_pressure_at_lowest_model_layer surface layer mean pressure Pa 1 real kind_phys in F
prslki ratio_of_exner_function_between_midlayer_and_interface_at_lowest_model_layer Exner function ratio bt midlayer and interface at 1st layer ratio 1 real kind_phys in F
islimsk sea_land_ice_mask sea/land/ice mask (=0/1/2) flag 1 integer in F
ddvel surface_wind_enhancement_due_to_convection wind enhancement due to convection m s-1 1 real kind_phys in F
flag_iter flag_for_iteration flag for iteration flag 1 logical in F
mom4ice flag_for_mom4_coupling flag for Mom4 coupling flag 0 logical in F
lsm flag_for_land_surface_scheme flag for land sfc scheme =0: osu; =1: noah flag 0 integer in F
lprnt flag_print switch for printing sample column to stdout flag 0 logical in F
ipr horizontal_index_of_printed_column horizontal index of printed column index 0 integer in F
hice sea_ice_thickness sea-ice thickness m 1 real kind_phys inout F
fice sea_ice_concentration sea-ice concentration [0,1] frac 1 real kind_phys inout F
tice sea_ice_temperature sea-ice surface temperature K 1 real kind_phys inout F
weasd water_equivalent_accumulated_snow_depth water equivalent accumulated snow depth mm 1 real kind_phys inout F
tskin surface_skin_temperature surface skin temperature K 1 real kind_phys inout F
tprcp nonnegative_lwe_thickness_of_precipitation_amount_on_dynamics_timestep nonnegative precipitation amount in one dynamics time step m 1 real kind_phys inout F
stc soil_temperature soil temp K 2 real kind_phys inout F
ep surface_upward_potential_latent_heat_flux potential evaporation W m-2 1 real kind_phys inout F
snwdph surface_snow_thickness_water_equivalent water equivalent snow depth mm 1 real kind_phys inout F
qsurf surface_specific_humidity sfc air saturation specific humidity kg kg-1 1 real kind_phys inout F
snowmt surface_snow_melt snow melt during timestep m 1 real kind_phys inout F
gflux upward_heat_flux_in_soil soil heat flux W m-2 1 real kind_phys inout F
cmm surface_drag_wind_speed_for_momentum_in_air surf mom exch coef time mean surf wind m s-1 1 real kind_phys inout F
chh surface_drag_mass_flux_for_heat_and_moisture_in_air surf h&m exch coef time surf wind & density kg m-2 s-1 1 real kind_phys inout F
evap kinematic_surface_upward_latent_heat_flux evaporative latent heat flux kg kg-1 m s-1 1 real kind_phys inout F
hflx kinematic_surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux kinematic sensible heat flux K m s-1 1 real kind_phys inout F
errmsg ccpp_error_message error message for error handling in CCPP none 0 character len=* out F
errflg ccpp_error_flag error flag for error handling in CCPP flag 0 integer out F

GFS Sea Ice Driver General Algorithm

The model has four prognostic variables: the snow layer thickness \(h_s\), the ice layer thickness \(h_i\), the upper and lower ice layer temperatures located at the midpoints of the layers \(h_i/4\) and \(3h_i/4\) below the ice surface, respectively \(T_1\) and \(T_2\). The temperature of the bottom of the ice is fixed at \(T_f\), the freezing temperature of seawater. The temperature of the top of the ice or snow, \(T_s\), is determined from the surface energy balance. The model consists of a zero-heat-capacity snow layer overlying two equally thick sea ice layers (Figure 1). The upper ice layer has a variable heat capacity to represent brine pockets.

Fig.1 Schematic representation of the three-layer model
The ice model main program ice3lay() performs two functions:

GFS Sea Ice Driver Detailed Algorithm


subroutine sfc_sice::sfc_sice_run (im, km, ps, u1, v1, t1, q1, delt, sfcemis, dlwflx, sfcnsw, sfcdsw, srflag, cm, ch, prsl1, prslki, islimsk, ddvel, flag_iter, mom4ice, lsm, lprnt, ipr, hice, fice, tice, weasd, tskin, tprcp, stc, ep, snwdph, qsurf, snowmt, gflux, cmm, chh, evap, hflx, errmsg, errflg
subroutine ice3lay
 This subroutine is the entity of three-layer sea ice vertical thermodynamics based on Winton(2000) [103] . More...