Common Community Physics Package (CCPP) Scientific Documentation  Version 2.0
GFS Physics Parameter Module

Those variables are grouped together in accordance with functionaity and are given brief descriptions and value specifications. There are two types of attributes (parameters vs. save) designated for the control variables. Those with a "parameter" attribute are prescribed with a preferred option value, while the ones with a "save" attribute are given a default value but could be changed at the model's execution-time (usually through an input of name-list file or through run scripts). More...

Detailed Description


module  physparam
 This module defines commonly used control variables and parameters in physics related programs.

1.1 Control flags for SW radiation

integer, parameter physparam::iswrate = 2
 SW heating rate unit control flag: =1:k/day; =2:k/second. More...
integer, parameter physparam::iswrgas = 1
 SW minor gases effect control flag (CH4 and O2): =0:no; =1:yes.
=0: minor gases' effects are not included in calculations
=1: minor gases' effects are included in calculations. More...
integer, save physparam::iswcliq = 1
 SW optical property for liquid clouds
=0:input cld opt depth, ignoring iswcice setting
=1:cloud optical property scheme based on Hu and Stamnes(1993) [50] method. More...
integer, save physparam::iswcice = 3
 SW optical property for ice clouds (only iswcliq>0)
=1:optical property scheme based on Ebert and Curry (1992) [24] method
=2:optical property scheme based on Streamer v3.0 [56] method
=3:optical property scheme based on Fu's method (1996) [33] method. More...
integer, parameter physparam::iswmode = 2
 SW control flag for scattering process approximation
=1:two-stream delta-eddington (Joseph et al. 1976 [55])
=2:two-stream PIFM (Zdunkowski et al. 1980 [106])
=3:discrete ordinates (Liou, 1973 [68]) More...

1.2 Control flags for LW radiation

integer, parameter physparam::ilwrate = 2
 LW heating rate unit: =1:k/day; =2:k/second. More...
integer, parameter physparam::ilwrgas = 1
 LW minor gases effect control flag (CH4,N2O,O2,and some CFCs):
=0: minor gases' effects are not included in calculations
=1: minor gases' effects are included in calculations. More...
integer, save physparam::ilwcliq = 1
 LW optical property scheme for liquid clouds
=0:input cloud optical properties directly, not computed within
=1:input cwp,rew, use Hu and Stamnes(1993) [50] method. More...
integer, save physparam::ilwcice = 3
 LW optical property scheme for ice clouds (only ilwcliq>0)
=1:optical property scheme based on Ebert and Curry (1992) [24] method
=2:optical property scheme based on Streamer v3 [56] method
=3:optical property scheme use Fu's method (1998) [32] method. More...

1.3 Control flag for LW aerosol property

logical, parameter physparam::lalw1bd =.false.
 selects 1 band or multi bands for LW aerosol properties
=.true.:aerosol properties calculated in 1 broad LW band
=.false.:aerosol properties calculated in all LW bands
variable names diff in Opr CFS More...

2.1 For module radiation_astronomy

integer, save physparam::isolar = 0
 solar constant scheme control flag
=0:fixed value=1366.0 \(W/m^2\)(old standard)
=10:fixed value=1360.8 \(W/m^2\)(new standard)
=1:NOAA ABS-scale TSI table (yearly) w 11-yr cycle approx
=2:NOAA TIM-scale TSI table (yearly) w 11-yr cycle approx
=3:CMIP5 TIM-scale TSI table (yearly) w 11-yr cycle approx
=4:CMIP5 TIM-scale TSI table (monthly) w 11-yr cycle approx
see ISOL in run scripts: Opr GFS=2; Opr CFS=1 More...
character, save physparam::solar_file
 external solar constant data table,solarconstant_noaa_a0.txt More...

2.2 For module radiation_aerosols

integer, save physparam::iaermdl = 0
 aerosol model scheme control flag
=0:seasonal global distributed OPAC aerosol climatology
=1:monthly global distributed GOCART aerosol climatology
=2: GOCART prognostic aerosol model
Opr GFS=0; Opr CFS=n/a More...
integer, save physparam::iaerflg = 0
 aerosol effect control flag
3-digit flag 'abc':
a-stratospheric volcanic aerols
b-tropospheric aerosols for LW
c-tropospheric aerosols for SW
=0:aerosol effect is not included; =1:aerosol effect is included
Opr GFS/CFS =111; see IAER in run scripts More...
logical, save physparam::lalwflg = .true.
 LW aerosols effect control flag
=.true.:aerosol effect is included in LW radiation
=.false.:aerosol effect is not included in LW radiation. More...
logical, save physparam::laswflg = .true.
 SW aerosols effect control flag
=.true.:aerosol effect is included in SW radiation
=.false.:aerosol effect is not included in SW radiation. More...
logical, save physparam::lavoflg = .true.
 stratospheric volcanic aerosol effect flag
=.true.:historical events of stratosphere volcanic aerosol effect is included radiation (limited by data availability)
=.false.:volcanic aerosol effect is not included in radiation More...
character, save physparam::aeros_file
 external aerosols data file: aerosol.dat More...

2.3 For module radiation_gases

integer, save physparam::ico2flg = 0
 co2 data source control flag
=0:prescribed value(380 ppmv)
=1:yearly global averaged annual mean from observations
=2:monthly 15 degree horizontal resolution from observations
Opr GFS/CFS=2; see ICO2 in run scripts More...
integer, save physparam::ictmflg = 0
 controls external data at initial time and data usage during forecast time
=-2:as in 0,but superimpose with seasonal climatology cycle
=-1:use user data,no extrapolation in overtime
=0:use IC time to select data,no extrapolation in overtime
=1:use forecast time to select data,extrapolate when necessary
=yyyy0:use yyyy year of data, no extrapolation
=yyyy1:use yyyy year of data, extrapolate when necessary
Opr GFS/CFS=1; see ICTM in run scripts More...
integer, save physparam::ioznflg = 1
 ozone data source control flag
=0:use seasonal climatology ozone data
>0:use prognostic ozone scheme (also depend on other model control variable at initial time) More...
character, save physparam::co2dat_file
 external co2 2d monthly obsv data table: co2historicaldata_2004.txt More...
character, save physparam::co2gbl_file
 external co2 global annual mean data tb: co2historicaldata_glob.txt More...
character, save physparam::co2usr_file
 external co2 user defined data table: co2userdata.txt More...
character, save physparam::co2cyc_file
 external co2 clim monthly cycle data tb: co2monthlycyc.txt More...

2.4 For module radiation_clouds

integer, save physparam::icldflg = 1
 cloud optical property scheme control flag
=0:use diagnostic cloud scheme for cloud cover and mean optical properties
=1:use prognostic cloud scheme for cloud cover and cloud properties More...
integer, save physparam::iovrsw = 1
 cloud micorphysics scheme control flag
=1:modified Zhao/Carr/Sundqvist scheme (Moorthi, 2001)
=2:Ferrier microphysics scheme (Ferrier et al. 2002)
=3:as in 1 but with pdf method defined cloud cover More...
integer, save physparam::iovrlw = 1
 cloud overlapping control flag for LW
=0:use random cloud overlapping method
=1:use maximum-random cloud overlapping method
Opr GFS/CFS=1; see IOVR_LW in run scripts More...
logical, save physparam::lcrick =.false.
 eliminating CRICK control flag More...
logical, save physparam::lcnorm =.false.
 in-cld condensate control flag More...
logical, save physparam::lnoprec =.false.
 precip effect on radiation flag (Ferrier microphysics) More...
logical, save physparam::lsashal =.false.
 shallow convetion flag More...

2.5 For module radiation_surface

integer, save physparam::ialbflg = 0
 surface albedo scheme control flag
=0:vegetation type based climatological albedo scheme
=1:seasonal albedo derived from MODIS measurements More...
integer, save physparam::iemsflg = 0
 surface emissivity scheme control flag
=0:black-body surface emissivity(=1.0)
=1:vegetation type based climatology emissivity(<1.0)
Opr GFS/CFS=1; see IEMS in run scripts More...
character, save physparam::semis_file
 external sfc emissivity data table: sfc_emissivity_idx.txt More...

2.6 general purpose

integer, save physparam::ivflip = 1
 vertical profile indexing flag More...
integer, save physparam::isubcsw = 0
 sub-column cloud approx flag in SW radiation
=0:no McICA approximation in SW radiation
=1:use McICA with precribed permutation seeds (test mode)
=2:use McICA with randomly generated permutation seeds
Opr GFS/CFS=2; see ISUBC_SW in run scripts More...
integer, save physparam::isubclw = 0
 sub-column cloud approx flag in LW radiation
=0:no McICA approximation in LW radiation
=1:use McICA with prescribed permutation seeds (test mode)
=2:use McICA with randomly generated
Opr GFS/CFS=2; see ISUBC_LW in run scripts More...
integer, save physparam::ipsd0 = 0
 initial permutaion seed for mcica radiation More...
integer, save physparam::ipsdlim = 1e8
 vertical profile indexing flag More...