Common Community Physics Package (CCPP) Scientific Documentation  Version 2.0
GFS NSST Water Property

This module contains GFS NSST water property subroutines. More...

Detailed Description

Collaboration diagram for GFS NSST Water Property:


module  module_nst_water_prop
 This module contains GFS NSST water property subroutines.

Data Types

interface  module_nst_water_prop::sw_ps_9b_aw
interface  module_nst_water_prop::sw_rad
interface  module_nst_water_prop::sw_rad_aw
interface  module_nst_water_prop::sw_rad_sum
interface  module_nst_water_prop::sw_rad_upper
interface  module_nst_water_prop::sw_rad_upper_aw
interface  module_nst_water_prop::sw_rad_skin


elemental subroutine module_nst_water_prop::sw_ps_9b::sw_ps_9b (z, fxp)
 This subroutine computes the fraction of the solar radiation absorbed by the depth z following Paulson and Simpson (1981) [84] . More...
elemental subroutine module_nst_water_prop::sw_ps_9b_aw::sw_ps_9b_aw (z, aw)
elemental subroutine module_nst_water_prop::sw_rad::sw_fairall_6exp_v1 (z, fxp)
 This subroutine computes fraction of the solar radiation absorbed by the ocean at the depth z (Fairall et al. (1996) [27], p. 1298) following Paulson and Simpson (1981) [84] . More...
elemental subroutine module_nst_water_prop::sw_rad_aw::sw_fairall_6exp_v1_aw (z, aw)
elemental subroutine module_nst_water_prop::sw_rad_sum::sw_fairall_6exp_v1_sum (z, sum)
 This subroutine computes fraction of the solar radiation absorbed by the ocean at the depth z (Fairall et al.(1996) [27] , p.1298) following Paulson and Simpson (1981) [84] . More...
elemental subroutine module_nst_water_prop::sw_rad_upper::sw_soloviev_3exp_v2 (f_sol_0, z, df_sol_z)
elemental subroutine module_nst_water_prop::sw_rad_upper_aw::sw_soloviev_3exp_v2_aw (z, aw)
elemental subroutine module_nst_water_prop::sw_rad_skin::sw_ohlmann_v1 (z, fxp)
subroutine, public module_nst_water_prop::rhocoef (t, s, rhoref, alpha, beta)
 This subroutine computes thermal expansion coefficient (alpha) and saline contraction coefficient (beta). More...
subroutine, public module_nst_water_prop::density (t, s, rho)
 This subroutine computes sea water density. More...
elemental subroutine, public module_nst_water_prop::sw_ps_9b (z, fxp)
 This subroutine computes the fraction of the solar radiation absorbed by the depth z following Paulson and Simpson (1981) [84] . More...
elemental subroutine, public module_nst_water_prop::sw_ps_9b_aw (z, aw)
elemental subroutine module_nst_water_prop::sw_fairall_6exp_v1 (z, fxp)
 This subroutine computes fraction of the solar radiation absorbed by the ocean at the depth z (Fairall et al. (1996) [27], p. 1298) following Paulson and Simpson (1981) [84] . More...
elemental subroutine module_nst_water_prop::sw_fairall_6exp_v1_aw (z, aw)
elemental subroutine module_nst_water_prop::sw_fairall_6exp_v1_sum (z, sum)
 This subroutine computes fraction of the solar radiation absorbed by the ocean at the depth z (Fairall et al.(1996) [27] , p.1298) following Paulson and Simpson (1981) [84] . More...
elemental subroutine module_nst_water_prop::sw_fairall_simple_v1 (f_sol_0, z, df_sol_z)
 Solar radiation absorbed by the ocean at the depth z (Fairall et al. (1996) [27], p.1298) More...
elemental subroutine module_nst_water_prop::sw_wick_v1 (f_sol_0, z, df_sol_z)
 solar radiation absorbed by the ocean at the depth z (Zeng and Beljaars (2005) [107] , p.5). More...
elemental subroutine module_nst_water_prop::sw_soloviev_3exp_v1 (f_sol_0, z, df_sol_z)
 This subroutine computes solar radiation absorbed by the ocean at the depth z (Fairall et al.(1996) [27] , p.1301) following Soloviev and Vershinsky (1982) [97]. More...
elemental subroutine module_nst_water_prop::sw_soloviev_3exp_v2 (f_sol_0, z, df_sol_z)
elemental subroutine module_nst_water_prop::sw_soloviev_3exp_v2_aw (z, aw)
elemental subroutine module_nst_water_prop::sw_ohlmann_v1 (z, fxp)
function, public module_nst_water_prop::grv (lat)
subroutine, public module_nst_water_prop::solar_time_from_julian (jday, xlon, soltim)
 This subroutine computes solar time from the julian date. More...
subroutine, public module_nst_water_prop::compjd (jyr, jmnth, jday, jhr, jmn, jd, fjd)
 This subroutine computes julian day and fraction from year, month, day and time UTC. More...
subroutine, public module_nst_water_prop::get_dtzm_point (xt, xz, dt_cool, zc, z1, z2, dtm)
 This subroutine computes dtm (the mean of \(dT(z)\)). More...
subroutine, public module_nst_water_prop::get_dtzm_2d (xt, xz, dt_cool, zc, slmsk, z1, z2, nx, ny, dtm)