Common Community Physics Package (CCPP) Scientific Documentation  Version 2.0
fv_sat_adj Module Reference

This module is part of the GFDL Cloud MP and it is the CCPP-compliant fast phyiscs called in FV3 dynamics solver.


subroutine, public fv_sat_adj_init (kmp, errmsg, errflg)
 The subroutine 'fv_sat_adj_init' initializes lookup tables for the saturation mixing ratio. More...
subroutine, public fv_sat_adj_finalize (errmsg, errflg)
 The subroutine 'fv_sat_adj_finalize' deallocates lookup tables for the saturation mixing ratio. More...
subroutine, public fv_sat_adj_run (mdt, zvir, is, ie, isd, ied, kmp, km, kmdelz, js, je, jsd, jed, ng, hydrostatic, fast_mp_consv, te0_2d, te0, qv, ql, qi, qr, qs, qg, hs, peln, delz, delp, pt, pkz, q_con, akap, cappa, area, dtdt, out_dt, last_step, do_qa, qa, nthreads, errmsg, errflg)
subroutine fv_sat_adj_work (mdt, zvir, is, ie, js, je, ng, hydrostatic, consv_te, te0, qv, ql, qi, qr, qs, qg, hs, dpln, delz, pt, dp, q_con, cappa, area, dtdt, out_dt, last_step, do_qa, qa)
 This subroutine includes the entity of the fast saturation adjustment processes. More...
real function wqs1 (ta, den)
 the function 'wqs1' computes the saturated specific humidity for table ii. More...
real function iqs1 (ta, den)
 the function 'wqs1' computes the saturated specific humidity for table iii More...
real function wqs2 (ta, den, dqdt)
 The function 'wqs2'computes the gradient of saturated specific humidity for table ii. More...
subroutine wqs2_vect (is, ie, ta, den, wqsat, dqdt)
 The function wqs2_vect computes the gradient of saturated specific humidity for table ii. It is the same as "wqs2", but written as vector function. More...
real function iqs2 (ta, den, dqdt)
 The function 'iqs2' computes the gradient of saturated specific humidity for table iii. More...
subroutine qs_table (n)
 saturation water vapor pressure table i More...
subroutine qs_tablew (n)
 saturation water vapor pressure table ii. More...
subroutine qs_table2 (n)
 saturation water vapor pressure table iii. More...


real, parameter rrg = -rdgas/grav
real, parameter cp_vap = 4.0 * rvgas
 1846.0, heat capacity of water vapor at constant pressure More...
real, parameter cv_air = cp_air - rdgas
 717.55, heat capacity of dry air at constant volume More...
real, parameter cv_vap = 3.0 * rvgas
 1384.5, heat capacity of water vapor at constant volume More...
real, parameter c_ice = 1972.0
 gfdl: heat capacity of ice at - 15 deg c More...
real, parameter c_liq = 4185.5
 gfdl: heat capacity of liquid at 15 deg c More...
real, parameter dc_vap = cp_vap - c_liq
real, parameter dc_ice = c_liq - c_ice
 2213.5, isobaric heating / colling More...
real, parameter tice = 273.16
 freezing temperature More...
real, parameter t_wfr = tice - 40.
 homogeneous freezing temperature More...
real, parameter lv0 = hlv - dc_vap * tice
 3.13905782e6, evaporation latent heat coefficient at 0 deg k More...
real, parameter li00 = hlf - dc_ice * tice
real(kind_grid), parameter e00 = 611.21
 ifs: saturation vapor pressure at 0 deg c More...
real(kind_grid), parameter d2ice = dc_vap + dc_ice
real(kind_grid), parameter li2 = lv0 + li00
 2.86799816e6, sublimation latent heat coefficient at 0 deg k More...
real, parameter lat2 = (hlv + hlf) ** 2
 used in bigg mechanism More...
real d0_vap
 the same as dc_vap, except that cp_vap can be cp_vap or cv_vap More...
real lv00
 the same as lv0, except that cp_vap can be cp_vap or cv_vap More...
real, dimension(:), allocatable table
real, dimension(:), allocatable table2
real, dimension(:), allocatable tablew
real, dimension(:), allocatable des2
real, dimension(:), allocatable desw