Common Community Physics Package (CCPP) Scientific Documentation  Version 2.0
module_radlw_kgb06 Module Reference

This module sets up absorption coefficients for band 06: 820-980 cm-1 (low - h2o; high - /)


integer, public msa06
 msa06=65 More...
integer, public msf06
 msf06=10 More...
integer, public mfr06
 mfr06=4 More...
integer, public mmc06
 mmc06=19 More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(ng06, mfr06), public forref
 the array forref contains the coefficient of the water vapor foreign-continuum (including the energy term). the first index refers to reference temperature (296,260,224,260) and pressure (970,475,219,3 mbar) levels. the second index runs over the g-channel (1 to NG06=8). More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(ng06, msa06), public absa
 the array absa(NG06,65) = ka(NG06,5,13) contains absorption coefs at the NG06=8 g-intervals for a range of pressure levels > ~100mb, temperatures, and ratios of water vapor to co2. the first index in the array, jt, which runs from 1 to 5, corresponds to different temperatures. more specifically, jt = 1-5 means that the data are for the corresponding temperature of tref-30, tref-15, tref, tref+15, and tref+30, respectively. the second index, jp, runs from 1 to 13 and refers to the corresponding pressure level in pref (e.g. jp = 1 is for a pressure of 1053.63 mb). the third index, ig, goes from 1 to NG06=8, and tells us which g-interval the absorption coefficients are for. More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(ng06), public fracrefa
 planck fraction mapping level : p = 473.4280 mb, t = 259.83 k More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(ng06, msf06), public selfref
 the array selfref contains the coefficient of the water vapor self-continuum (including the energy term). the first index refers to temperature in 7.2 degree increments. for instance, jt = 1 refers to a temperature of 245.6, jt = 2 refers to 252.8, etc. the second index runs over the g-channel (1 to NG06=8). More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(ng06, mmc06), public ka_mco2
 the array kao_mxx contains the absorption coefficient for a minor species at the NG06=8 chosen g-values for a reference pressure level below 100~ mb. the first index refers to temperature in 7.2 degree increments. for instance, jt = 1 refers to a temperature of 188.0, jt = 2 refers to 195.2, etc. the second index runs over the g-channel (1 to NG06=8). More...
minor gas mapping level:
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(ng06), public cfc11adj
 lower - co2, p = 706.2720 mb, t = 294.2 k upper - cfc11, cfc12 original cfc11 is multiplied by 1.385 to account for the 1060-1107 \(cm^{-1}\) band. More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(ng06), public cfc12
 lower - co2, p = 706.2720 mb, t = 294.2 k upper - cfc11, cfc12 original cfc11 is multiplied by 1.385 to account for the 1060-1107 \(cm^{-1}\) band. More...