Community EnKF Users Page

EnKF Residential Tutorials

Since 2010, the DTC has conducted a series of community GSI Tutorial which provides basic and advanced lectures for both new and experienced GSI users, as well as practical sessions to provide hands-on experience using GSI.

After the beta release v1.0 of the EnKF, the DTC hosted an instrucational session consisting of both basic and advanced lectures on the EnKF. Starting in summer 2015, the DTC is offering a joint GSI-EnKF tutorial with basic and advanced lectures, as well as hand-on practical sessions for both systems.

The latest tutorial was: Residential Tutorial Summary 2017.

GSI-EnKF Tutorial Lectures

The lecture content for the residential tutorials through 2014, as well as the EnKF v1.0 beta instrucational session are archived, along with the related documentation. See the GSI and EnKF documentation webpages: GSI Documentation , EnKF Documentation