Radiation Scheme in CCPP
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module_radiation_clouds Module Reference

This module computes cloud related quantities for radiation computations.


subroutine gethml
 This subroutine computes high, mid, low, total, and boundary cloud fractions and cloud top/bottom layer indices for model diagnostic output. More...
subroutine rhtable
 cld-rh relations obtained from mitchell-hahn procedure. More...
subroutine, public cld_init
 This subroutine is an initialization program for cloud-radiation calculations. It sets up boundary layer cloud top. More...
subroutine, public progcld1
 This subroutine computes cloud related quantities using zhao/moorthi's prognostic cloud microphysics scheme. More...
subroutine, public progcld2
 This subroutine computes cloud related quantities using ferrier's prognostic cloud microphysics scheme. More...
subroutine, public progcld3
 This subroutine computes cloud related quantities using zhao/moorthi's prognostic cloud microphysics scheme + pdfcld. More...
subroutine, public diagcld1
 This subroutine computes cloud fractions for radiation calculations. More...


character(40), parameter vtagcld ='NCEP-Radiation_clouds v5.1 Nov 2012 '
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter gfac =1.0e5/con_g
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter gord =con_g/con_rd
integer, parameter, public nf_clds = 9
 number of fields in cloud array More...
integer, parameter, public nk_clds = 3
 number of cloud vertical domains More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(nk_clds+1, 2), save ptopc
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter climit = 0.001
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter climit2 =0.05
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter ovcst = 1.0 - 1.0e-8
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter reliq_def = 10.0
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter reice_def = 50.0
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter rrain_def = 1000.0
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter rsnow_def = 250.0
integer, parameter nbin =100
integer, parameter nlon =2
integer, parameter nlat =4
integer, parameter mcld =4
integer, parameter nseal =2
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter cldssa_def = 0.99
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter cldasy_def = 0.84
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter xlim =5.0
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(3) xlabdy
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(3) xlobdy
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter vvcld1 = 0.0003e0
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter vvcld2 =-0.0005e0
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(nbin, nlon, nlat, mcld, nsealrhcl
integer llyr = 2
integer iovr = 1

Function/Subroutine Documentation

subroutine, public module_radiation_clouds::cld_init ( )
[in]sireal, model vertical sigma layer interface
[in]NLAYinteger, vertical layer number
[in]meinteger, print control flag

General Algorithm

  1. Calling rhtable, set up tuned rh table
    - subroutine rhtable: cld-rh relations obtained from mitchell-hahn procedure
  2. Compute llyr - the top of BL cld and is topmost non cld(low) layer for stratiform (at or above lowest 0.1 of the atmosphere)

Definition at line 231 of file radiation_clouds.f.

References physparam::icldflg, physparam::icmphys, iovr, physparam::iovrlw, physparam::iovrsw, physparam::ivflip, llyr, rhtable(), and vtagcld.

Referenced by module_radiation_driver::radinit().

232 ! --- inputs:
233  & ( si, nlay, me )
234 ! --- outputs:
235 ! ( none )
237 ! =================================================================== !
238 ! !
239 ! abstract: cld_init is an initialization program for cloud-radiation !
240 ! calculations. it sets up boundary layer cloud top. !
241 ! !
242 ! !
243 ! inputs: !
244 ! si (L+1) : model vertical sigma layer interface !
245 ! NLAY : vertical layer number !
246 ! me : print control flag !
247 ! !
248 ! outputs: (none) !
249 ! to module variables !
250 ! !
251 ! external module variables: (in physparam) !
252 ! icldflg : cloud optical property scheme control flag !
253 ! =0: model use diagnostic cloud method !
254 ! =1: model use prognostic cloud method !
255 ! icmphys : cloud microphysics scheme control flag !
256 ! =1: zhao/carr/sundqvist microphysics cloud !
257 ! =2: ferrier microphysics cloud scheme !
258 ! =3: zhao/carr/sundqvist microphysics cloud +pdfcld!
259 ! iovrsw/iovrlw : sw/lw control flag for cloud overlapping scheme !
260 ! =0: random overlapping clouds !
261 ! =1: max/ran overlapping clouds !
262 ! ivflip : control flag for direction of vertical index !
263 ! =0: index from toa to surface !
264 ! =1: index from surface to toa !
265 ! usage: call cld_init !
266 ! !
267 ! subroutines called: rhtable !
268 ! !
269 ! =================================================================== !
270 !
271  implicit none
273 ! --- inputs:
274  integer, intent(in) :: nlay, me
276  real (kind=kind_phys), intent(in) :: si(:)
278 ! --- outputs: (none)
280 ! --- locals:
281  integer :: k, kl, ier
283 !
284 !===> ... begin here
285 !
286 ! --- set up module variables
288  iovr = max( iovrsw, iovrlw ) !cld ovlp used for diag HML cld output
290  if (me == 0) print *, vtagcld !print out version tag
292  if ( icldflg == 0 ) then
293  if (me == 0) print *,' - Using Diagnostic Cloud Method'
297 ! --- set up tuned rh table
299  call rhtable( me, ier )
301  if (ier < 0) then
302  write(6,99) ier
303  99 format(3x,' *** Error in finding tuned RH table ***' &
304  &, /3x,' STOP at calling subroutine RHTABLE !!'/)
305  stop 99
306  endif
307  else
308  if (me == 0) then
309  print *,' - Using Prognostic Cloud Method'
310  if (icmphys == 1) then
311  print *,' --- Zhao/Carr/Sundqvist microphysics'
312  elseif (icmphys == 2) then
313  print *,' --- Ferrier cloud microphysics'
314  elseif (icmphys == 3) then
315  print *,' --- zhao/carr/sundqvist + pdf cloud'
316  else
317  print *,' !!! ERROR in cloud microphysc specification!!!', &
318  & ' icmphys (NP3D) =',icmphys
319  stop
320  endif
321  endif
322  endif
325 ! --- compute llyr - the top of bl cld and is topmost non cld(low) layer
326 ! for stratiform (at or above lowest 0.1 of the atmosphere)
328  if ( ivflip == 0 ) then ! data from toa to sfc
329  lab_do_k0 : do k = nlay, 2, -1
330  kl = k
331  if (si(k) < 0.9e0) exit lab_do_k0
332  enddo lab_do_k0
334  llyr = kl
335  else ! data from sfc to top
336  lab_do_k1 : do k = 2, nlay
337  kl = k
338  if (si(k) < 0.9e0) exit lab_do_k1
339  enddo lab_do_k1
341  llyr = kl - 1
342  endif ! end_if_ivflip
344 !
345  return
346 !...................................

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine, public module_radiation_clouds::diagcld1 ( )
[in]plyrreal, (IX,NLAY), model layer mean pressure in mb (100Pa)
[in]plvlreal, (IX,NLP1), model level pressure in mb (100Pa)
[in]tlyrreal, (IX,NLAY), model layer mean temperature in K
[in]rhlyreal, (IX,NLAY), layer relative humidity
[in]vvelreal, (IX,NLAY), layer mean vertical velocity in mb/sec
[in]cvreal, (IX), fraction of convective cloud
[in]cvt,cvbreal, (IX), conv cloud top/bottom pressure in mb
[in]xlatreal, (IX), grid latitude in radians, default to pi/2 -> -pi/2 range, otherwise see in-line comment
[in]xlonreal, (IX), grid longitude in radians, ok for both 0->2pi or -pi -> +pi ranges
[in]slmskreal, (IX), sea/land mask array (sea:0,land:1,sea-ice:2)
[in]IXinteger, horizontal dimention
[in]NLAY,NLP1integer, vertical layer/level dimensions
[out]cloudsreal, (IX,NLAY,NF_CLDS), cloud profiles
(:,:,1) - layer total cloud fraction
(:,:,2) - layer cloud optical depth
(:,:,3) - layer cloud single scattering albedo
(:,:,4) - layer cloud asymmetry factor
[out]cldsreal, (IX,5), fraction of clouds for low, mid, hi, tot, bl
[out]mtopinteger, (IX,3), vertical indices for low, mid, hi cloud tops
[out]mbotreal, (IX,3), vertical indices for low, mid, hi cloud bases

General Algorithm

  1. Get rh-cld relation for this lat
  2. Linear transition betweeen latitudinal regions
  3. Get rh-cld relationship for each grid point, interpolating longitudinally between regions if necessary.
  4. Find top pressure for each cloud domain
  5. Compute stratiform cloud optical depth
  6. Compute potential temperature and its lapse rate
  7. Diagnostic method to find cloud amount cldtot, cldcnv
    • Find the lowest low cloud top sigma level, computed for each lat cause domain definition changes with latitude.
    • Find the stratosphere cut off layer for high cloud (about 250mb). It is assumed to be above the layerwith dthdp less than -0.25 in the high cloud domain
    • Put convective cloud into 'cldcnv', no merge at this point.
    • Calculate stratiform cloud and put into array 'cldtot' using the cld-rh relationship from table look-up.where tables obtained using k.mitchell frequency distribution tuning
    • Compute vertical velocity adjustment on low clouds
    • Compute diagnostic cloud optical depth
  8. Calling gethml, to compute low, mid, high, total, and boundary layer cloud fractions and cloud top/bottom layer indices for low, mid, and high clouds.

Definition at line 1789 of file radiation_clouds.f.

References cldasy_def, cldssa_def, climit, physcons::con_pi, physcons::con_rocp, physcons::con_ttp, gethml(), physparam::ivflip, llyr, mcld, nbin, nlon, nseal, ptopc, rhcl, vvcld1, vvcld2, xlabdy, xlim, and xlobdy.

Referenced by module_radiation_driver::grrad().

1789 !...................................
1791 ! --- inputs:
1792  & ( plyr,plvl,tlyr,rhly,vvel,cv,cvt,cvb, &
1793  & xlat,xlon,slmsk, &
1794  & ix, nlay, nlp1, &
1795 ! --- outputs:
1796  & clouds,clds,mtop,mbot &
1797  & )
1799 ! ================= subprogram documentation block ================ !
1800 ! !
1801 ! subprogram: diagcld1 computes cloud fractions for radiation !
1802 ! calculations. !
1803 ! !
1804 ! abstract: clouds are diagnosed from layer relative humidity, and !
1805 ! estimate cloud optical depth from temperature and layer thickness. !
1806 ! then computes the low, mid, high, total and boundary layer cloud !
1807 ! fractions and the vertical indices of low, mid, and high cloud top !
1808 ! and base. the three vertical cloud domains are set up in the !
1809 ! initial subroutine "cld_init". !
1810 ! !
1811 ! usage: call diagcld1 !
1812 ! !
1813 ! subprograms called: gethml !
1814 ! !
1815 ! attributes: !
1816 ! language: fortran 90 !
1817 ! machine: ibm-sp, sgi !
1818 ! !
1819 ! !
1820 ! ==================== definition of variables ==================== !
1821 ! !
1822 ! input variables: !
1823 ! plyr (IX,NLAY) : model layer mean pressure in mb (100Pa) !
1824 ! plvl (IX,NLP1) : model level pressure in mb (100Pa) !
1825 ! tlyr (IX,NLAY) : model layer mean temperature in k !
1826 ! rhly (IX,NLAY) : layer relative humidity !
1827 ! vvel (IX,NLAY) : layer mean vertical velocity in mb/sec !
1828 ! clw (IX,NLAY) : layer cloud condensate amount (not used) !
1829 ! xlat (IX) : grid latitude in radians, default to pi/2 -> -pi/2!
1830 ! range, otherwise see in-line comment !
1831 ! xlon (IX) : grid longitude in radians, ok for both 0->2pi or !
1832 ! -pi -> +pi ranges !
1833 ! slmsk (IX) : sea/land mask array (sea:0,land:1,sea-ice:2) !
1834 ! cv (IX) : fraction of convective cloud !
1835 ! cvt, cvb (IX) : conv cloud top/bottom pressure in mb !
1836 ! IX : horizontal dimention !
1837 ! NLAY,NLP1 : vertical layer/level dimensions !
1838 ! !
1839 ! output variables: !
1840 ! clouds(IX,NLAY,NF_CLDS) : cloud profiles !
1841 ! clouds(:,:,1) - layer total cloud fraction !
1842 ! clouds(:,:,2) - layer cloud optical depth !
1843 ! clouds(:,:,3) - layer cloud single scattering albedo !
1844 ! clouds(:,:,4) - layer cloud asymmetry factor !
1845 ! clds (IX,5) : fraction of clouds for low, mid, hi, tot, bl !
1846 ! mtop (IX,3) : vertical indices for low, mid, hi cloud tops !
1847 ! mbot (IX,3) : vertical indices for low, mid, hi cloud bases !
1848 ! !
1849 ! external module variables: !
1850 ! ivflip : control flag of vertical index direction !
1851 ! =0: index from toa to surface !
1852 ! =1: index from surface to toa !
1853 ! !
1854 ! ==================== end of description ===================== !
1855 !
1856  implicit none
1858 ! --- inputs
1859  integer, intent(in) :: ix, nlay, nlp1
1861  real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: plvl, plyr, &
1862  & tlyr, rhly, vvel
1864  real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(in) :: xlat, xlon, &
1865  & slmsk, cv, cvt, cvb
1867 ! --- outputs
1868  real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:,:), intent(out) :: clouds
1870  real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: clds
1872  integer, dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: mtop,mbot
1874 ! --- local variables:
1875  real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(IX,NLAY) :: cldtot, cldcnv, &
1876  & cldtau, taufac, dthdp, tem2d
1878  real (kind=kind_phys) :: ptop1(ix,nk_clds+1)
1880  real (kind=kind_phys) :: cr1, cr2, crk, pval, cval, omeg, value, &
1881  & tem1, tem2
1883  integer, dimension(IX):: idom, kcut
1885 ! --- for rh-cl calculation
1886  real (kind=kind_phys) :: xlatdg, xlondg, xlnn, xlss, xrgt, xlft, &
1887  & rhcla(NBIN,NLON,MCLD,NSEAL), rhcld(IX,NBIN,MCLD)
1889  integer :: ireg, ib, ic, id, id1, il, is, nhalf
1891  integer :: i, j, k, klowt
1892 ! integer :: klowb
1894  logical :: notstop
1896 !
1897 !===> ... begin here
1898 !
1899  clouds(:,:,:) = 0.0
1901  tem1 = 180.0 / con_pi
1903  lab_do_i_ix : do i = 1, ix
1905  xlatdg = xlat(i) * tem1 ! if xlat in pi/2 -> -pi/2 range
1906 ! xlatdg = 90.0 - xlat(i)*tem1 ! if xlat in 0 -> pi range
1908  xlondg = xlon(i) * tem1
1909  if (xlondg < 0.0) xlondg = xlondg + 360.0 ! if in -180->180, chg to 0->360 range
1911  ireg = 4
1914 ! --- get rh-cld relation for this lat
1916  lab_do_j : do j = 1, 3
1917  if (xlatdg > xlabdy(j)) then
1918  ireg = j
1919  exit lab_do_j
1920  endif
1921  enddo lab_do_j
1923  do is = 1, nseal
1924  do ic = 1, mcld
1925  do il = 1, nlon
1926  do ib = 1, nbin
1927  rhcla(ib,il,ic,is) = rhcl(ib,il,ireg,ic,is)
1928  enddo
1929  enddo
1930  enddo
1931  enddo
1934 ! --- linear transition between latitudinal regions...
1935  do j = 1, 3
1936  xlnn = xlabdy(j) + xlim
1937  xlss = xlabdy(j) - xlim
1939  if (xlatdg < xlnn .and. xlatdg > xlss) then
1940  do is = 1, nseal
1941  do ic = 1, mcld
1942  do il = 1, nlon
1943  do ib = 1, nbin
1944  rhcla(ib,il,ic,is) = rhcl(ib,il,j+1,ic,is) &
1945  & + (rhcl(ib,il,j,ic,is)-rhcl(ib,il,j+1,ic,is)) &
1946  & * (xlatdg-xlss) / (xlnn-xlss)
1947  enddo
1948  enddo
1949  enddo
1950  enddo
1951  endif
1953  enddo ! end_j_loop
1956 ! --- get rh-cld relationship for each grid point, interpolating
1957 ! longitudinally between regions if necessary..
1959  if (slmsk(i) < 1.0) then
1960  is = 2
1961  else
1962  is = 1
1963  endif
1965 ! --- which hemisphere (e,w)
1967  if (xlondg > 180.e0) then
1968  il = 2
1969  else
1970  il = 1
1971  endif
1973  do ic = 1, mcld
1974  do ib = 1, nbin
1975  rhcld(i,ib,ic) = rhcla(ib,il,ic,is)
1976  enddo
1978  lab_do_k : do k = 1, 3
1979  tem2 = abs(xlondg - xlobdy(k))
1981  if (tem2 < xlim) then
1982  id = il
1983  id1= id + 1
1984  if (id1 > nlon) id1 = 1
1986  xlft = xlobdy(k) - xlim
1987  xrgt = xlobdy(k) + xlim
1989  do ib = 1, nbin
1990  rhcld(i,ib,ic) = rhcla(ib,id1,ic,is) &
1991  & + (rhcla(ib,id,ic,is) - rhcla(ib,id1,ic,is)) &
1992  & * (xlondg-xrgt)/(xlft-xrgt)
1993  enddo
1994  exit lab_do_k
1995  endif
1997  enddo lab_do_k
1999  enddo ! end_do_ic_loop
2000  enddo lab_do_i_ix
2003 ! --- find top pressure for each cloud domain
2005  do j = 1, 4
2006  tem1 = ptopc(j,2) - ptopc(j,1)
2008  do i = 1, ix
2009  tem2 = xlat(i) / con_pi ! if xlat in pi/2 -> -pi/2 range
2010 ! tem2 = 0.5 - xlat(i)/con_pi ! if xlat in 0 -> pi range
2012  ptop1(i,j) = ptopc(j,1) + tem1*max( 0.0, 4.0*abs(tem2)-1.0 )
2013  enddo
2014  enddo
2017 ! --- stratiform cloud optical depth
2019  do k = 1, nlay
2020  do i = 1, ix
2021  tem1 = tlyr(i,k) - con_ttp
2022  if (tem1 <= -10.0) then
2023  cldtau(i,k) = max( 0.1e-3, 2.0e-6*(tem1+82.5)**2 )
2024  else
2025  cldtau(i,k) = min( 0.08, 6.949e-3*tem1+0.08 )
2026  endif
2027  enddo
2028  enddo
2031 ! --- potential temperature and its lapse rate
2033  do k = 1, nlay
2034  do i = 1, ix
2035  cldtot(i,k) = 0.0
2036  cldcnv(i,k) = 0.0
2037  tem1 = (plyr(i,k)*0.001) ** (-con_rocp)
2038  tem2d(i,k) = tem1 * tlyr(i,k)
2039  enddo
2040  enddo
2042  do k = 1, nlay-1
2043  do i = 1, ix
2044  dthdp(i,k) = (tem2d(i,k+1)-tem2d(i,k))/(plyr(i,k+1)-plyr(i,k))
2045  enddo
2046  enddo
2049 !===> ... diagnostic method to find cloud amount cldtot, cldcnv
2050 !
2052  if ( ivflip == 0 ) then ! input data from toa to sfc
2055 ! --- find the lowest low cloud top sigma level, computed for each lat cause
2056 ! domain definition changes with latitude...
2058 ! klowb = 1
2059  klowt = 1
2060  do k = 1, nlay
2061  do i = 1, ix
2062 ! if (plvl(i,k) < ptop1(i,2)) klowb = k
2063  if (plvl(i,k) < ptop1(i,2)) klowt = max(klowt,k)
2064  taufac(i,k) = plvl(i,k+1) - plvl(i,k)
2065  enddo
2066  enddo
2068  do i = 1, ix
2073 ! --- find the stratosphere cut off layer for high cloud (about 250mb).
2074 ! it is assumed to be above the layer with dthdp less than -0.25 in
2075 ! the high cloud domain
2077  kcut(i) = 2
2078  lab_do_kcut0 : do k = klowt-1, 2, -1
2079  if (plyr(i,k) <= ptop1(i,3) .and. &
2080  & dthdp(i,k) < -0.25e0) then
2081  kcut(i) = k
2082  exit lab_do_kcut0
2083  endif
2084  enddo lab_do_kcut0
2087 ! --- put convective cloud into 'cldcnv', no merge at this point..
2089  if (cv(i) >= climit .and. cvt(i) < cvb(i)) then
2090  id = nlay
2091  id1 = nlay
2093  lab_do_k_cvt0 : do k = 2, nlay
2094  if (cvt(i) <= plyr(i,k)) then
2095  id = k - 1
2096  exit lab_do_k_cvt0
2097  endif
2098  enddo lab_do_k_cvt0
2100  lab_do_k_cvb0 : do k = nlay-1, 1, -1
2101  if (cvb(i) >= plyr(i,k)) then
2102  id1 = k + 1
2103  exit lab_do_k_cvb0
2104  endif
2105  enddo lab_do_k_cvb0
2107  tem1 = plyr(i,id1) - plyr(i,id)
2108  do k = id, id1
2109  cldcnv(i,k) = cv(i)
2110  taufac(i,k) = taufac(i,k) * max( 0.25, 1.0-0.125*tem1 )
2111  cldtau(i,k) = 0.06
2112  enddo
2113  endif
2115  enddo ! end_do_i_loop
2119 ! --- calculate stratiform cloud and put into array 'cldtot' using
2120 ! the cloud-rel.humidity relationship from table look-up..where
2121 ! tables obtained using k.mitchell frequency distribution tuning
2122 !bl (observations are daily means from us af rtneph).....k.a.c.
2123 !bl tables created without lowest 10 percent of atmos.....k.a.c.
2124 ! (observations are synoptic using -6,+3 window from rtneph)
2125 ! tables are created with lowest 10-percent-of-atmos, and are
2126 ! --- now used.. 25 october 1995 ... kac.
2128  do k = nlay-1, 2, -1
2130  if (k < llyr) then
2131  do i = 1, ix
2132  idom(i) = 0
2133  enddo
2135  do i = 1, ix
2136  lab_do_ic0 : do ic = 2, 4
2137  if(plyr(i,k) >= ptop1(i,ic)) then
2138  idom(i) = ic
2139  exit lab_do_ic0
2140  endif
2141  enddo lab_do_ic0
2142  enddo
2143  else
2144  do i = 1, ix
2145  idom(i) = 1
2146  enddo
2147  endif
2149  do i = 1, ix
2150  id = idom(i)
2151  nhalf = (nbin + 1) / 2
2153  if (id <= 0 .or. k < kcut(i)) then
2154  cldtot(i,k) = 0.0
2155  elseif (rhly(i,k) <= rhcld(i,1,id)) then
2156  cldtot(i,k) = 0.0
2157  elseif (rhly(i,k) >= rhcld(i,nbin,id)) then
2158  cldtot(i,k) = 1.0
2159  else
2160  ib = nhalf
2161  crk = rhly(i,k)
2163  notstop = .true.
2164  do while ( notstop )
2165  nhalf = (nhalf + 1) / 2
2166  cr1 = rhcld(i,ib, id)
2167  cr2 = rhcld(i,ib+1,id)
2169  if (crk <= cr1) then
2170  ib = max( ib-nhalf, 1 )
2171  elseif (crk > cr2) then
2172  ib = min( ib+nhalf, nbin-1 )
2173  else
2174  cldtot(i,k) = 0.01 * (ib + (crk - cr1)/(cr2 - cr1))
2175  notstop = .false.
2176  endif
2177  enddo ! end_do_while
2178  endif
2179  enddo ! end_do_i_loop
2181  enddo ! end_do_k_loop
2184 ! --- vertical velocity adjustment on low clouds
2186  value = vvcld1 - vvcld2
2187  do k = klowt, llyr+1
2188  do i = 1, ix
2190  omeg = vvel(i,k)
2191  cval = cldtot(i,k)
2192  pval = plyr(i,k)
2194 ! --- vertical velocity adjustment on low clouds
2196  if (cval >= climit .and. pval >= ptop1(i,2)) then
2197  if (omeg >= vvcld1) then
2198  cldtot(i,k) = 0.0
2199  elseif (omeg > vvcld2) then
2200  tem1 = (vvcld1 - omeg) / value
2201  cldtot(i,k) = cldtot(i,k) * sqrt(tem1)
2202  endif
2203  endif
2205  enddo ! end_do_i_loop
2206  enddo ! end_do_k_loop
2208  else ! input data from sfc to toa
2210 ! --- find the lowest low cloud top sigma level, computed for each lat cause
2211 ! domain definition changes with latitude...
2213 ! klowb = NLAY
2214  klowt = nlay
2215  do k = nlay, 1, -1
2216  do i = 1, ix
2217 ! if (plvl(i,k) < ptop1(i,2)) klowb = k
2218  if (plvl(i,k) < ptop1(i,2)) klowt = min(klowt,k)
2219  taufac(i,k) = plvl(i,k) - plvl(i,k+1) ! dp for later cal cldtau use
2220  enddo
2221  enddo
2223  do i = 1, ix
2225 ! --- find the stratosphere cut off layer for high cloud (about 250mb).
2226 ! it is assumed to be above the layer with dthdp less than -0.25 in
2227 ! the high cloud domain
2229  kcut(i) = nlay - 1
2230  lab_do_kcut1 : do k = klowt+1, nlay-1
2231  if (plyr(i,k) <= ptop1(i,3) .and. &
2232  & dthdp(i,k) < -0.25e0) then
2233  kcut(i) = k
2234  exit lab_do_kcut1
2235  endif
2236  enddo lab_do_kcut1
2238 ! --- put convective cloud into 'cldcnv', no merge at this point..
2240  if (cv(i) >= climit .and. cvt(i) < cvb(i)) then
2241  id = 1
2242  id1 = 1
2244  lab_do_k_cvt : do k = nlay-1, 1, -1
2245  if (cvt(i) <= plyr(i,k)) then
2246  id = k + 1
2247  exit lab_do_k_cvt
2248  endif
2249  enddo lab_do_k_cvt
2251  lab_do_k_cvb : do k = 2, nlay
2252  if (cvb(i) >= plyr(i,k)) then
2253  id1 = k - 1
2254  exit lab_do_k_cvb
2255  endif
2256  enddo lab_do_k_cvb
2258  tem1 = plyr(i,id1) - plyr(i,id)
2259  do k = id1, id
2260  cldcnv(i,k) = cv(i)
2261  taufac(i,k) = taufac(i,k) * max( 0.25, 1.0-0.125*tem1 )
2262  cldtau(i,k) = 0.06
2263  enddo
2264  endif
2266  enddo ! end_do_i_loop
2268 ! --- calculate stratiform cloud and put into array 'cldtot' using
2269 ! the cloud-rel.humidity relationship from table look-up..where
2270 ! tables obtained using k.mitchell frequency distribution tuning
2271 !bl (observations are daily means from us af rtneph).....k.a.c.
2272 !bl tables created without lowest 10 percent of atmos.....k.a.c.
2273 ! (observations are synoptic using -6,+3 window from rtneph)
2274 ! tables are created with lowest 10-percent-of-atmos, and are
2275 ! --- now used.. 25 october 1995 ... kac.
2277  do k = 2, nlay-1
2279  if (k > llyr) then
2280  do i = 1, ix
2281  idom(i) = 0
2282  enddo
2284  do i = 1, ix
2285  lab_do_ic1 : do ic = 2, 4
2286  if(plyr(i,k) >= ptop1(i,ic)) then
2287  idom(i) = ic
2288  exit lab_do_ic1
2289  endif
2290  enddo lab_do_ic1
2291  enddo
2292  else
2293  do i = 1, ix
2294  idom(i) = 1
2295  enddo
2296  endif
2298  do i = 1, ix
2299  id = idom(i)
2300  nhalf = (nbin + 1) / 2
2302  if (id <= 0 .or. k > kcut(i)) then
2303  cldtot(i,k) = 0.0
2304  elseif (rhly(i,k) <= rhcld(i,1,id)) then
2305  cldtot(i,k) = 0.0
2306  elseif (rhly(i,k) >= rhcld(i,nbin,id)) then
2307  cldtot(i,k) = 1.0
2308  else
2309  ib = nhalf
2310  crk = rhly(i,k)
2312  notstop = .true.
2313  do while ( notstop )
2314  nhalf = (nhalf + 1) / 2
2315  cr1 = rhcld(i,ib, id)
2316  cr2 = rhcld(i,ib+1,id)
2318  if (crk <= cr1) then
2319  ib = max( ib-nhalf, 1 )
2320  elseif (crk > cr2) then
2321  ib = min( ib+nhalf, nbin-1 )
2322  else
2323  cldtot(i,k) = 0.01 * (ib + (crk - cr1)/(cr2 - cr1))
2324  notstop = .false.
2325  endif
2326  enddo ! end_do_while
2327  endif
2328  enddo ! end_do_i_loop
2330  enddo ! end_do_k_loop
2332 ! --- vertical velocity adjustment on low clouds
2334  value = vvcld1 - vvcld2
2335  do k = llyr-1, klowt
2336  do i = 1, ix
2338  omeg = vvel(i,k)
2339  cval = cldtot(i,k)
2340  pval = plyr(i,k)
2342 ! --- vertical velocity adjustment on low clouds
2344  if (cval >= climit .and. pval >= ptop1(i,2)) then
2345  if (omeg >= vvcld1) then
2346  cldtot(i,k) = 0.0
2347  elseif (omeg > vvcld2) then
2348  tem1 = (vvcld1 - omeg) / value
2349  cldtot(i,k) = cldtot(i,k) * sqrt(tem1)
2350  endif
2351  endif
2353  enddo ! end_do_i_loop
2354  enddo ! end_do_k_loop
2356  endif ! end_if_ivflip
2358 ! --- diagnostic cloud optical depth
2359 ! cldtau = cldtau * taufac
2361  where (cldtot < climit)
2362  cldtot = 0.0
2363  endwhere
2364  where (cldcnv < climit)
2365  cldcnv = 0.0
2366  endwhere
2368  where (cldtot < climit .and. cldcnv < climit)
2369  cldtau = 0.0
2370  endwhere
2372  do k = 1, nlay
2373  do i = 1, ix
2374  clouds(i,k,1) = max(cldtot(i,k), cldcnv(i,k))
2375  clouds(i,k,2) = cldtau(i,k) * taufac(i,k)
2376  clouds(i,k,3) = cldssa_def
2377  clouds(i,k,4) = cldasy_def
2378  enddo
2379  enddo
2383 !
2384 !===> ... compute low, mid, high, total, and boundary layer cloud fractions
2385 ! and clouds top/bottom layer indices for low, mid, and high clouds.
2386 ! the three cloud domain boundaries are defined by ptopc. the cloud
2387 ! overlapping method is defined by control flag 'iovr', which may
2388 ! be different for lw and sw radiation programs.
2390  call gethml &
2391 ! --- inputs:
2392  & ( plyr, ptop1, cldtot, cldcnv, &
2393  & ix, nlay, &
2394 ! --- outputs:
2395  & clds, mtop, mbot &
2396  & )
2398 !
2399  return
2400 !...................................

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine module_radiation_clouds::gethml ( )

Definition at line 2410 of file radiation_clouds.f.

References climit, iovr, physparam::ivflip, llyr, nk_clds, and ovcst.

Referenced by diagcld1(), progcld1(), progcld2(), and progcld3().

2411 ! --- inputs:
2412  & ( plyr, ptop1, cldtot, cldcnv, &
2413  & ix, nlay, &
2414 ! --- outputs:
2415  & clds, mtop, mbot &
2416  & )
2418 ! =================================================================== !
2419 ! !
2420 ! abstract: compute high, mid, low, total, and boundary cloud fractions !
2421 ! and cloud top/bottom layer indices for model diagnostic output. !
2422 ! the three cloud domain boundaries are defined by ptopc. the cloud !
2423 ! overlapping method is defined by control flag 'iovr', which is also !
2424 ! used by lw and sw radiation programs. !
2425 ! !
2426 ! usage: call gethml !
2427 ! !
2428 ! subprograms called: none !
2429 ! !
2430 ! attributes: !
2431 ! language: fortran 90 !
2432 ! machine: ibm-sp, sgi !
2433 ! !
2434 ! !
2435 ! ==================== definition of variables ==================== !
2436 ! !
2437 ! input variables: !
2438 ! plyr (IX,NLAY) : model layer mean pressure in mb (100Pa) !
2439 ! ptop1 (IX,4) : pressure limits of cloud domain interfaces !
2440 ! (sfc,low,mid,high) in mb (100Pa) !
2441 ! cldtot(IX,NLAY) : total or straiform cloud profile in fraction !
2442 ! cldcnv(IX,NLAY) : convective cloud (for diagnostic scheme only) !
2443 ! IX : horizontal dimention !
2444 ! NLAY : vertical layer dimensions !
2445 ! !
2446 ! output variables: !
2447 ! clds (IX,5) : fraction of clouds for low, mid, hi, tot, bl !
2448 ! mtop (IX,3) : vertical indices for low, mid, hi cloud tops !
2449 ! mbot (IX,3) : vertical indices for low, mid, hi cloud bases !
2450 ! !
2451 ! external module variables: (in physparam) !
2452 ! ivflip : control flag of vertical index direction !
2453 ! =0: index from toa to surface !
2454 ! =1: index from surface to toa !
2455 ! !
2456 ! internal module variables: !
2457 ! iovr : control flag for cloud overlap !
2458 ! =0 random overlapping clouds !
2459 ! =1 max/ran overlapping clouds !
2460 ! !
2461 ! !
2462 ! ==================== end of description ===================== !
2463 !
2464  implicit none!
2466 ! --- inputs:
2467  integer, intent(in) :: ix, nlay
2469  real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: plyr, ptop1, &
2470  & cldtot, cldcnv
2472 ! --- outputs
2473  real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: clds
2475  integer, dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: mtop, mbot
2477 ! --- local variables:
2478  real (kind=kind_phys) :: cl1(ix), cl2(ix)
2479  real (kind=kind_phys) :: pcur, pnxt, ccur, cnxt
2481  integer, dimension(IX):: idom, kbt1, kth1, kbt2, kth2
2482  integer :: i, k, id, id1, kstr, kend, kinc
2484 !
2485 !===> ... begin here
2486 !
2487  clds(:,:) = 0.0
2489  do i = 1, ix
2490  cl1(i) = 1.0
2491  cl2(i) = 1.0
2492  enddo
2494 ! --- total and bl clouds, where cl1, cl2 are fractions of clear-sky view
2495 ! layer processed from surface and up
2497  if ( ivflip == 0 ) then ! input data from toa to sfc
2498  kstr = nlay
2499  kend = 1
2500  kinc = -1
2501  else ! input data from sfc to toa
2502  kstr = 1
2503  kend = nlay
2504  kinc = 1
2505  endif ! end_if_ivflip
2507  if ( iovr == 0 ) then ! random overlap
2509  do k = kstr, kend, kinc
2510  do i = 1, ix
2511  ccur = min( ovcst, max( cldtot(i,k), cldcnv(i,k) ))
2512  if (ccur >= climit) cl1(i) = cl1(i) * (1.0 - ccur)
2513  enddo
2515  if (k == llyr) then
2516  do i = 1, ix
2517  clds(i,5) = 1.0 - cl1(i) ! save bl cloud
2518  enddo
2519  endif
2520  enddo
2522  do i = 1, ix
2523  clds(i,4) = 1.0 - cl1(i) ! save total cloud
2524  enddo
2526  else ! max/ran overlap
2528  do k = kstr, kend, kinc
2529  do i = 1, ix
2530  ccur = min( ovcst, max( cldtot(i,k), cldcnv(i,k) ))
2531  if (ccur >= climit) then ! cloudy layer
2532  cl2(i) = min( cl2(i), (1.0 - ccur) )
2533  else ! clear layer
2534  cl1(i) = cl1(i) * cl2(i)
2535  cl2(i) = 1.0
2536  endif
2537  enddo
2539  if (k == llyr) then
2540  do i = 1, ix
2541  clds(i,5) = 1.0 - cl1(i) * cl2(i) ! save bl cloud
2542  enddo
2543  endif
2544  enddo
2546  do i = 1, ix
2547  clds(i,4) = 1.0 - cl1(i) * cl2(i) ! save total cloud
2548  enddo
2550  endif ! end_if_iovr
2552 ! --- high, mid, low clouds, where cl1, cl2 are cloud fractions
2553 ! layer processed from one layer below llyr and up
2554 ! --- change! layer processed from surface to top, so low clouds will
2555 ! contains both bl and low clouds.
2557  if ( ivflip == 0 ) then ! input data from toa to sfc
2559  do i = 1, ix
2560  cl1(i) = 0.0
2561  cl2(i) = 0.0
2562  kbt1(i) = nlay
2563  kbt2(i) = nlay
2564  kth1(i) = 0
2565  kth2(i) = 0
2566  idom(i) = 1
2567  mbot(i,1) = nlay
2568  mtop(i,1) = nlay
2569  mbot(i,2) = nlay - 1
2570  mtop(i,2) = nlay - 1
2571  mbot(i,3) = nlay - 1
2572  mtop(i,3) = nlay - 1
2573  enddo
2575 !org do k = llyr-1, 1, -1
2576  do k = nlay, 1, -1
2577  do i = 1, ix
2578  id = idom(i)
2579  id1= id + 1
2581  pcur = plyr(i,k)
2582  ccur = min( ovcst, max( cldtot(i,k), cldcnv(i,k) ))
2584  if (k > 1) then
2585  pnxt = plyr(i,k-1)
2586  cnxt = min( ovcst, max( cldtot(i,k-1), cldcnv(i,k-1) ))
2587  else
2588  pnxt = -1.0
2589  cnxt = 0.0
2590  endif
2592  if (pcur < ptop1(i,id1)) then
2593  id = id + 1
2594  id1= id1 + 1
2595  idom(i) = id
2596  endif
2598  if (ccur >= climit) then
2599  if (kth2(i) == 0) kbt2(i) = k
2600  kth2(i) = kth2(i) + 1
2602  if ( iovr == 0 ) then
2603  cl2(i) = cl2(i) + ccur - cl2(i)*ccur
2604  else
2605  cl2(i) = max( cl2(i), ccur )
2606  endif
2608  if (cnxt < climit .or. pnxt < ptop1(i,id1)) then
2609  kbt1(i) = nint( (cl1(i)*kbt1(i) + cl2(i)*kbt2(i) ) &
2610  & / (cl1(i) + cl2(i)) )
2611  kth1(i) = nint( (cl1(i)*kth1(i) + cl2(i)*kth2(i) ) &
2612  & / (cl1(i) + cl2(i)) )
2613  cl1(i) = cl1(i) + cl2(i) - cl1(i)*cl2(i)
2615  kbt2(i) = k - 1
2616  kth2(i) = 0
2617  cl2(i) = 0.0
2618  endif ! end_if_cnxt_or_pnxt
2619  endif ! end_if_ccur
2621  if (pnxt < ptop1(i,id1)) then
2622  clds(i,id) = cl1(i)
2623  mtop(i,id) = min( kbt1(i), kbt1(i)-kth1(i)+1 )
2624  mbot(i,id) = kbt1(i)
2626  cl1(i) = 0.0
2627  kbt1(i) = k - 1
2628  kth1(i) = 0
2630  if (id1 <= nk_clds) then
2631  mbot(i,id1) = kbt1(i)
2632  mtop(i,id1) = kbt1(i)
2633  endif
2634  endif ! end_if_pnxt
2636  enddo ! end_do_i_loop
2637  enddo ! end_do_k_loop
2639  else ! input data from sfc to toa
2641  do i = 1, ix
2642  cl1(i) = 0.0
2643  cl2(i) = 0.0
2644  kbt1(i) = 1
2645  kbt2(i) = 1
2646  kth1(i) = 0
2647  kth2(i) = 0
2648  idom(i) = 1
2649  mbot(i,1) = 1
2650  mtop(i,1) = 1
2651  mbot(i,2) = 2
2652  mtop(i,2) = 2
2653  mbot(i,3) = 2
2654  mtop(i,3) = 2
2655  enddo
2657 !org do k = llyr+1, NLAY
2658  do k = 1, nlay
2659  do i = 1, ix
2660  id = idom(i)
2661  id1= id + 1
2663  pcur = plyr(i,k)
2664  ccur = min( ovcst, max( cldtot(i,k), cldcnv(i,k) ))
2666  if (k < nlay) then
2667  pnxt = plyr(i,k+1)
2668  cnxt = min( ovcst, max( cldtot(i,k+1), cldcnv(i,k+1) ))
2669  else
2670  pnxt = -1.0
2671  cnxt = 0.0
2672  endif
2674  if (pcur < ptop1(i,id1)) then
2675  id = id + 1
2676  id1= id1 + 1
2677  idom(i) = id
2678  endif
2680  if (ccur >= climit) then
2681  if (kth2(i) == 0) kbt2(i) = k
2682  kth2(i) = kth2(i) + 1
2684  if ( iovr == 0 ) then
2685  cl2(i) = cl2(i) + ccur - cl2(i)*ccur
2686  else
2687  cl2(i) = max( cl2(i), ccur )
2688  endif
2690  if (cnxt < climit .or. pnxt < ptop1(i,id1)) then
2691  kbt1(i) = nint( (cl1(i)*kbt1(i) + cl2(i)*kbt2(i)) &
2692  & / (cl1(i) + cl2(i)) )
2693  kth1(i) = nint( (cl1(i)*kth1(i) + cl2(i)*kth2(i)) &
2694  & / (cl1(i) + cl2(i)) )
2695  cl1(i) = cl1(i) + cl2(i) - cl1(i)*cl2(i)
2697  kbt2(i) = k + 1
2698  kth2(i) = 0
2699  cl2(i) = 0.0
2700  endif ! end_if_cnxt_or_pnxt
2701  endif ! end_if_ccur
2703  if (pnxt < ptop1(i,id1)) then
2704  clds(i,id) = cl1(i)
2705  mtop(i,id) = max( kbt1(i), kbt1(i)+kth1(i)-1 )
2706  mbot(i,id) = kbt1(i)
2708  cl1(i) = 0.0
2709  kbt1(i) = min(k+1, nlay)
2710  kth1(i) = 0
2712  if (id1 <= nk_clds) then
2713  mbot(i,id1) = kbt1(i)
2714  mtop(i,id1) = kbt1(i)
2715  endif
2716  endif ! end_if_pnxt
2718  enddo ! end_do_i_loop
2719  enddo ! end_do_k_loop
2721  endif ! end_if_ivflip
2723 !
2724  return
2725 !...................................

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine, public module_radiation_clouds::progcld1 ( )
[in]plyrreal, (IX,NLAY), model layer mean pressure in mb (100Pa)
[in]plvlreal, (IX,NLP1), model level pressure in mb (100Pa)
[in]tlyrreal, (IX,NLAY), model layer mean temperature in K
[in]tvlyreal, (IX,NLAY), model layer virtual temperature in K
[in]qlyrreal, (IX,NLAY), layer specific humidity in gm/gm
[in]qstlreal, (IX,NLAY), layer saturate humidity in gm/gm
[in]rhlyreal, (IX,NLAY), layer relative humidity \( (=qlyr/qstl) \)
[in]clwreal, (IX,NLAY), layer cloud condensate amount
[in]xlatreal, (IX), grid latitude in radians, default to pi/2 -> -pi/2 range, otherwise see in-line comment
[in]xlonreal, (IX), grid longitude in radians (not used)
[in]slmskreal, (IX), sea/land mask array (sea:0,land:1,sea-ice:2)
[in]IXinteger, horizontal dimention
[in]NLAY,NLP1integer, vertical layer/level dimensions
[out]cloudsreal, (IX,NLAY,NF_CLDS), cloud profiles
(:,:,1) - layer total cloud fraction
(:,:,2) - layer cloud liq water path \((g/m^2)\)
(:,:,3) - mean eff radius for liq cloud (micron)
(:,:,4) - layer cloud ice water path \((g/m^2)\)
(:,:,5) - mean eff radius for ice cloud (micron)
(:,:,6) - layer rain drop water path (not assigned)
(:,:,7) - mean eff radius for rain drop (micron)
(:,:,8) - layer snow flake water path (not assigned)
(:,:,9) - mean eff radius for snow flake (micron)
*** fu's scheme need to be normalized by snow density \( (g/m^3/1.0e6)\)
[out]cldsreal, (IX,5), fraction of clouds for low, mid, hi, tot, bl
[out]mtopinteger, (IX,3), vertical indices for low, mid, hi cloud tops
[out]mbotinteger, (IX,3), vertical indices for low, mid, hi cloud bases

General Algorithm

  1. Find top pressure for each cloud domain for given latitude
  2. Compute liquid/ice condensate path in \( g/m^2 \)
  3. Compute effective liquid cloud droplet radius over land
  4. Compute effective ice cloud droplet radius
    For ice clouds, following Heymsfield and McFarquhar (1996),the effective ice droplet radius is made to be an empirical function of ice water concentration (IWC) and environmental temperature as:
    \( r_{ei} = (1250/9.917)IWC^{0.109},T<-50^oC \)
    \( r_{ei} = (1250/9.337)IWC^{0.080},-50^oC<=T<-40^oC \)
    \( r_{ei} = (1250/9.208)IWC^{0.055},-40^oC<=T<-30^oC \)
  5. Call gethml to compute low,mid,high,total, and boundary layer cloud fractions

Definition at line 384 of file radiation_clouds.f.

References climit, climit2, physcons::con_pi, physcons::con_ttp, gethml(), gfac, gord, physparam::ivflip, physparam::lcnorm, physparam::lcrick, physparam::lsashal, nf_clds, ptopc, reice_def, reliq_def, rrain_def, and rsnow_def.

Referenced by module_radiation_driver::grrad().

385 ! --- inputs:
386  & ( plyr,plvl,tlyr,tvly,qlyr,qstl,rhly,clw, &
387  & xlat,xlon,slmsk, &
388  & ix, nlay, nlp1, shoc_cld, cldcov, &
389 ! --- outputs:
390  & clouds,clds,mtop,mbot &
391  & )
393 ! ================= subprogram documentation block ================ !
394 ! !
395 ! subprogram: progcld1 computes cloud related quantities using !
396 ! zhao/moorthi's prognostic cloud microphysics scheme. !
397 ! !
398 ! abstract: this program computes cloud fractions from cloud !
399 ! condensates, calculates liquid/ice cloud droplet effective radius, !
400 ! and computes the low, mid, high, total and boundary layer cloud !
401 ! fractions and the vertical indices of low, mid, and high cloud !
402 ! top and base. the three vertical cloud domains are set up in the !
403 ! initial subroutine "cld_init". !
404 ! !
405 ! usage: call progcld1 !
406 ! !
407 ! subprograms called: gethml !
408 ! !
409 ! attributes: !
410 ! language: fortran 90 !
411 ! machine: ibm-sp, sgi !
412 ! !
413 ! !
414 ! ==================== definition of variables ==================== !
415 ! !
416 ! input variables: !
417 ! plyr (IX,NLAY) : model layer mean pressure in mb (100Pa) !
418 ! plvl (IX,NLP1) : model level pressure in mb (100Pa) !
419 ! tlyr (IX,NLAY) : model layer mean temperature in k !
420 ! tvly (IX,NLAY) : model layer virtual temperature in k !
421 ! qlyr (IX,NLAY) : layer specific humidity in gm/gm !
422 ! qstl (IX,NLAY) : layer saturate humidity in gm/gm !
423 ! rhly (IX,NLAY) : layer relative humidity (=qlyr/qstl) !
424 ! clw (IX,NLAY) : layer cloud condensate amount !
425 ! xlat (IX) : grid latitude in radians, default to pi/2 -> -pi/2!
426 ! range, otherwise see in-line comment !
427 ! xlon (IX) : grid longitude in radians (not used) !
428 ! slmsk (IX) : sea/land mask array (sea:0,land:1,sea-ice:2) !
429 ! IX : horizontal dimention !
430 ! NLAY,NLP1 : vertical layer/level dimensions !
431 ! !
432 ! output variables: !
433 ! clouds(IX,NLAY,NF_CLDS) : cloud profiles !
434 ! clouds(:,:,1) - layer total cloud fraction !
435 ! clouds(:,:,2) - layer cloud liq water path (g/m**2) !
436 ! clouds(:,:,3) - mean eff radius for liq cloud (micron) !
437 ! clouds(:,:,4) - layer cloud ice water path (g/m**2) !
438 ! clouds(:,:,5) - mean eff radius for ice cloud (micron) !
439 ! clouds(:,:,6) - layer rain drop water path not assigned !
440 ! clouds(:,:,7) - mean eff radius for rain drop (micron) !
441 ! *** clouds(:,:,8) - layer snow flake water path not assigned !
442 ! clouds(:,:,9) - mean eff radius for snow flake (micron) !
443 ! *** fu's scheme need to be normalized by snow density (g/m**3/1.0e6) !
444 ! clds (IX,5) : fraction of clouds for low, mid, hi, tot, bl !
445 ! mtop (IX,3) : vertical indices for low, mid, hi cloud tops !
446 ! mbot (IX,3) : vertical indices for low, mid, hi cloud bases !
447 ! !
448 ! module variables: !
449 ! ivflip : control flag of vertical index direction !
450 ! =0: index from toa to surface !
451 ! =1: index from surface to toa !
452 ! lsashal : control flag for shallow convection !
453 ! lcrick : control flag for eliminating CRICK !
454 ! =t: apply layer smoothing to eliminate CRICK !
455 ! =f: do not apply layer smoothing !
456 ! lcnorm : control flag for in-cld condensate !
457 ! =t: normalize cloud condensate !
458 ! =f: not normalize cloud condensate !
459 ! !
460 ! ==================== end of description ===================== !
461 !
462  implicit none
464 ! --- inputs
465  integer, intent(in) :: ix, nlay, nlp1
467  logical, intent(in) :: shoc_cld
468  real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: plvl, plyr, &
469  & tlyr, tvly, qlyr, qstl, rhly, clw, cldcov
471  real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(in) :: xlat, xlon, &
472  & slmsk
474 ! --- outputs
475  real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:,:), intent(out) :: clouds
477  real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: clds
479  integer, dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: mtop,mbot
481 ! --- local variables:
482  real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(IX,NLAY) :: cldtot, cldcnv, &
483  & cwp, cip, crp, csp, rew, rei, res, rer, delp, tem2d, clwf
485  real (kind=kind_phys) :: ptop1(ix,nk_clds+1)
487  real (kind=kind_phys) :: clwmin, clwm, clwt, onemrh, value, &
488  & tem1, tem2, tem3
490  integer :: i, k, id, nf
492 !
493 !===> ... begin here
494 !
495  do nf=1,nf_clds
496  do k=1,nlay
497  do i=1,ix
498  clouds(i,k,nf) = 0.0
499  enddo
500  enddo
501  enddo
502 ! clouds(:,:,:) = 0.0
504  do k = 1, nlay
505  do i = 1, ix
506  cldtot(i,k) = 0.0
507  cldcnv(i,k) = 0.0
508  cwp (i,k) = 0.0
509  cip (i,k) = 0.0
510  crp (i,k) = 0.0
511  csp (i,k) = 0.0
512  rew (i,k) = reliq_def ! default liq radius to 10 micron
513  rei (i,k) = reice_def ! default ice radius to 50 micron
514  rer (i,k) = rrain_def ! default rain radius to 1000 micron
515  res (i,k) = rsnow_def ! default snow radius to 250 micron
516  tem2d(i,k) = min( 1.0, max( 0.0, (con_ttp-tlyr(i,k))*0.05 ) )
517  clwf(i,k) = 0.0
518  enddo
519  enddo
520 !
521  if ( lcrick ) then
522  do i = 1, ix
523  clwf(i,1) = 0.75*clw(i,1) + 0.25*clw(i,2)
524  clwf(i,nlay) = 0.75*clw(i,nlay) + 0.25*clw(i,nlay-1)
525  enddo
526  do k = 2, nlay-1
527  do i = 1, ix
528  clwf(i,k) = 0.25*clw(i,k-1) + 0.5*clw(i,k) + 0.25*clw(i,k+1)
529  enddo
530  enddo
531  else
532  do k = 1, nlay
533  do i = 1, ix
534  clwf(i,k) = clw(i,k)
535  enddo
536  enddo
537  endif
540 ! --- find top pressure for each cloud domain for given latitude
541 ! ptopc(k,i): top presure of each cld domain (k=1-4 are sfc,L,m,h;
542 ! --- i=1,2 are low-lat (<45 degree) and pole regions)
544  do id = 1, 4
545  tem1 = ptopc(id,2) - ptopc(id,1)
547  do i =1, ix
548  tem2 = xlat(i) / con_pi ! if xlat in pi/2 -> -pi/2 range
549 ! tem2 = 0.5 - xlat(i)/con_pi ! if xlat in 0 -> pi range
551  ptop1(i,id) = ptopc(id,1) + tem1*max( 0.0, 4.0*abs(tem2)-1.0 )
552  enddo
553  enddo
556 ! --- compute liquid/ice condensate path in g/m**2
558  if ( ivflip == 0 ) then ! input data from toa to sfc
559  do k = 1, nlay
560  do i = 1, ix
561  delp(i,k) = plvl(i,k+1) - plvl(i,k)
562  clwt = max(0.0, clwf(i,k)) * gfac * delp(i,k)
563  cip(i,k) = clwt * tem2d(i,k)
564  cwp(i,k) = clwt - cip(i,k)
565  enddo
566  enddo
567  else ! input data from sfc to toa
568  do k = 1, nlay
569  do i = 1, ix
570  delp(i,k) = plvl(i,k) - plvl(i,k+1)
571  clwt = max(0.0, clwf(i,k)) * gfac * delp(i,k)
572  cip(i,k) = clwt * tem2d(i,k)
573  cwp(i,k) = clwt - cip(i,k)
574  enddo
575  enddo
576  endif ! end_if_ivflip
579 ! --- effective liquid cloud droplet radius over land
581  do i = 1, ix
582  if (nint(slmsk(i)) == 1) then
583  do k = 1, nlay
584  rew(i,k) = 5.0 + 5.0 * tem2d(i,k)
585  enddo
586  endif
587  enddo
588  if (shoc_cld) then ! use shoc generated sgs clouds
589  do k = 1, nlay
590  do i = 1, ix
591  cldtot(i,k) = cldcov(i,k)
592  enddo
593  enddo
595  else
596 ! --- layer cloud fraction
598  if ( ivflip == 0 ) then ! input data from toa to sfc
600  clwmin = 0.0
601  if (.not. lsashal) then
602  do k = nlay, 1, -1
603  do i = 1, ix
604  clwt = 1.0e-6 * (plyr(i,k)*0.001)
605 ! clwt = 2.0e-6 * (plyr(i,k)*0.001)
607  if (clwf(i,k) > clwt) then
609  onemrh= max( 1.e-10, 1.0-rhly(i,k) )
610  clwm = clwmin / max( 0.01, plyr(i,k)*0.001 )
612  tem1 = min(max(sqrt(sqrt(onemrh*qstl(i,k))),0.0001),1.0)
613  tem1 = 2000.0 / tem1
614 ! tem1 = 1000.0 / tem1
616  value = max( min( tem1*(clwf(i,k)-clwm), 50.0 ), 0.0 )
617  tem2 = sqrt( sqrt(rhly(i,k)) )
619  cldtot(i,k) = max( tem2*(1.0-exp(-value)), 0.0 )
620  endif
621  enddo
622  enddo
623  else
624  do k = nlay, 1, -1
625  do i = 1, ix
626  clwt = 1.0e-6 * (plyr(i,k)*0.001)
627 ! clwt = 2.0e-6 * (plyr(i,k)*0.001)
629  if (clwf(i,k) > clwt) then
630  onemrh= max( 1.e-10, 1.0-rhly(i,k) )
631  clwm = clwmin / max( 0.01, plyr(i,k)*0.001 )
633 ! tem1 = min(max(sqrt(sqrt(onemrh*qstl(i,k))),0.0001),1.0)
634 ! tem1 = 2000.0 / tem1
636  tem1 = min(max((onemrh*qstl(i,k))**0.49,0.0001),1.0) !jhan
637  tem1 = 100.0 / tem1
638 !
639 ! tem1 = 2000.0 / tem1
640 ! tem1 = 1000.0 / tem1
641 !
643  value = max( min( tem1*(clwf(i,k)-clwm), 50.0 ), 0.0 )
644  tem2 = sqrt( sqrt(rhly(i,k)) )
645  cldtot(i,k) = max( tem2*(1.0-exp(-value)), 0.0 )
646  endif
647  enddo
648  enddo
649  endif
651  else ! input data from sfc to toa
653  clwmin = 0.0
654  if (.not. lsashal) then
655  do k = 1, nlay
656  do i = 1, ix
657  clwt = 1.0e-6 * (plyr(i,k)*0.001)
658 ! clwt = 2.0e-6 * (plyr(i,k)*0.001)
660  if (clwf(i,k) > clwt) then
662  onemrh= max( 1.e-10, 1.0-rhly(i,k) )
663  clwm = clwmin / max( 0.01, plyr(i,k)*0.001 )
665  tem1 = min(max(sqrt(sqrt(onemrh*qstl(i,k))),0.0001),1.0)
666  tem1 = 2000.0 / tem1
668 ! tem1 = 1000.0 / tem1
670  value = max( min( tem1*(clwf(i,k)-clwm), 50.0 ), 0.0 )
671  tem2 = sqrt( sqrt(rhly(i,k)) )
673  cldtot(i,k) = max( tem2*(1.0-exp(-value)), 0.0 )
674  endif
675  enddo
676  enddo
677  else
678  do k = 1, nlay
679  do i = 1, ix
680  clwt = 1.0e-6 * (plyr(i,k)*0.001)
681 ! clwt = 2.0e-6 * (plyr(i,k)*0.001)
683  if (clwf(i,k) > clwt) then
684  onemrh= max( 1.e-10, 1.0-rhly(i,k) )
685  clwm = clwmin / max( 0.01, plyr(i,k)*0.001 )
687 ! tem1 = min(max(sqrt(sqrt(onemrh*qstl(i,k))),0.0001),1.0)
688 ! tem1 = 2000.0 / tem1
690  tem1 = min(max((onemrh*qstl(i,k))**0.49,0.0001),1.0) !jhan
691  tem1 = 100.0 / tem1
692 !
693 ! tem1 = 2000.0 / tem1
694 ! tem1 = 1000.0 / tem1
695 !
697  value = max( min( tem1*(clwf(i,k)-clwm), 50.0 ), 0.0 )
698  tem2 = sqrt( sqrt(rhly(i,k)) )
700  cldtot(i,k) = max( tem2*(1.0-exp(-value)), 0.0 )
701  endif
702  enddo
703  enddo
704  endif
706  endif ! end_if_flip
707  endif ! if (shoc_cld) then
709  do k = 1, nlay
710  do i = 1, ix
711  if (cldtot(i,k) < climit) then
712  cldtot(i,k) = 0.0
713  cwp(i,k) = 0.0
714  cip(i,k) = 0.0
715  crp(i,k) = 0.0
716  csp(i,k) = 0.0
717  endif
718  enddo
719  enddo
721  if ( lcnorm ) then
722  do k = 1, nlay
723  do i = 1, ix
724  if (cldtot(i,k) >= climit) then
725  tem1 = 1.0 / max(climit2, cldtot(i,k))
726  cwp(i,k) = cwp(i,k) * tem1
727  cip(i,k) = cip(i,k) * tem1
728  crp(i,k) = crp(i,k) * tem1
729  csp(i,k) = csp(i,k) * tem1
730  endif
731  enddo
732  enddo
733  endif
742 ! --- effective ice cloud droplet radius
744  do k = 1, nlay
745  do i = 1, ix
746  tem2 = tlyr(i,k) - con_ttp
748  if (cip(i,k) > 0.0) then
749  tem3 = gord * cip(i,k) * plyr(i,k) / (delp(i,k)*tvly(i,k))
751  if (tem2 < -50.0) then
752  rei(i,k) = (1250.0/9.917) * tem3 ** 0.109
753  elseif (tem2 < -40.0) then
754  rei(i,k) = (1250.0/9.337) * tem3 ** 0.08
755  elseif (tem2 < -30.0) then
756  rei(i,k) = (1250.0/9.208) * tem3 ** 0.055
757  else
758  rei(i,k) = (1250.0/9.387) * tem3 ** 0.031
759  endif
760 ! rei(i,k) = max(20.0, min(rei(i,k), 300.0))
761 ! rei(i,k) = max(10.0, min(rei(i,k), 100.0))
762  rei(i,k) = max(10.0, min(rei(i,k), 150.0))
763 ! rei(i,k) = max(5.0, min(rei(i,k), 130.0))
764  endif
765  enddo
766  enddo
768 !
769  do k = 1, nlay
770  do i = 1, ix
771  clouds(i,k,1) = cldtot(i,k)
772  clouds(i,k,2) = cwp(i,k)
773  clouds(i,k,3) = rew(i,k)
774  clouds(i,k,4) = cip(i,k)
775  clouds(i,k,5) = rei(i,k)
776 ! clouds(i,k,6) = 0.0
777  clouds(i,k,7) = rer(i,k)
778 ! clouds(i,k,8) = 0.0
779  clouds(i,k,9) = rei(i,k)
780  enddo
781  enddo
784 ! --- compute low, mid, high, total, and boundary layer cloud fractions
785 ! and clouds top/bottom layer indices for low, mid, and high clouds.
786 ! The three cloud domain boundaries are defined by ptopc. The cloud
787 ! overlapping method is defined by control flag 'iovr', which may
788 ! be different for lw and sw radiation programs.
790  call gethml &
791 ! --- inputs:
792  & ( plyr, ptop1, cldtot, cldcnv, &
793  & ix,nlay, &
794 ! --- outputs:
795  & clds, mtop, mbot &
796  & )
799 !
800  return
801 !...................................

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine, public module_radiation_clouds::progcld2 ( )
[in]plyrreal, (IX,NLAY), model layer mean pressure in mb (100Pa)
[in]plvlreal, (IX,NLP1), model level pressure in mb (100Pa)
[in]tlyrreal, (IX,NLAY), model layer mean temperature in K
[in]tvlyreal, (IX,NLAY), model layer virtual temperature in K
[in]qlyrreal, (IX,NLAY), layer specific humidity in gm/gm
[in]qstlreal, (IX,NLAY), layer saturate humidity in gm/gm
[in]rhlyreal, (IX,NLAY), layer relative humidity (=qlyr/qstl)
[in]clwreal, (IX,NLAY), layer cloud condensate amount
[in]f_icereal, (IX,NLAY), fraction of layer cloud ice (ferrier micro-phys)
[in]f_rainreal, (IX,NLAY), fraction of layer rain water (ferrier micro-phys)
[in]r_rimereal, (IX,NLAY), mass ratio of total ice to unrimed ice (>=1)
[in]flgminreal, (IX), minimim large ice fraction
[in]xlatreal, (IX), grid latitude in radians, default to pi/2 -> -pi/2 range, otherwise see in-line comment
[in]xlonreal, (IX), grid longitude in radians (not used)
[in]slmskreal, (IX), sea/land mask array (sea:0,land:1,sea-ice:2)
[in]IXinteger, horizontal dimention
[in]NLAY,NLP1integer, vertical layer/level dimensions
[out]cloudsreal, (IX,NLAY,NF_CLDS), cloud profiles
(:,:,1) - layer total cloud fraction
(:,:,2) - layer cloud liq water path \((g/m^2)\)
(:,:,3) - mean eff radius for liq cloud (micron)
(:,:,4) - layer cloud ice water path \((g/m^2)\)
(:,:,5) - mean eff radius for ice cloud (micron)
(:,:,6) - layer rain drop water path \((g/m^2)\)
(:,:,7) - mean eff radius for rain drop (micron)
(:,:,8) - layer snow flake water path \((g/m^2)\)
(:,:,9) - mean eff radius for snow flake (micron)
*** fu's scheme need to be normalized by snow density (g/m**3/1.0e6)
[out]cldsreal, (IX,5), fraction of clouds for low, mid, hi, tot, bl
[out]mtopinteger, (IX,3), vertical indices for low, mid, hi cloud tops
[out]mbotinteger, (IX,3), vertical indices for low, mid, hi cloud bases

General Algorithm

  1. Find top pressure for each cloud domain for given latitude
    • ptopc(k,i): top pressure of each cld domain (k=1-4 are sfc,l,m,h; i=1,2 are low-lat (<45 degree) and pole regions)
  2. Seperate cloud condensate into liquid, ice, and rain types, and save the liquid+ice condensate in array clw2 for later calculation of cloud fraction
  3. Call module_microphysics::rsipath2, in ferrier's scheme,to compute layer's cloud liquid, ice, rain, and snow water condensate path and the partical effective radius for liquid droplet, rain drop, and snow flake.
  4. Compute layer cloud fraction
  5. Compute effective ice cloud droplet radius
  6. Call gethml, to compute low, mid, high, total, and boundary layer cloud fractions and clouds top/bottom layer indices for low, mid, and high clouds.

Definition at line 844 of file radiation_clouds.f.

References climit, climit2, physcons::con_g, physcons::con_pi, physcons::con_rd, physcons::con_t0c, physcons::con_ttp, gethml(), physparam::ivflip, physparam::lcnorm, physparam::lcrick, physparam::lnoprec, physparam::lsashal, ptopc, reice_def, reliq_def, rrain_def, module_microphysics::rsipath2(), and rsnow_def.

Referenced by module_radiation_driver::grrad().

845 ! --- inputs:
846  & ( plyr,plvl,tlyr,tvly,qlyr,qstl,rhly,clw, &
847  & xlat,xlon,slmsk, f_ice,f_rain,r_rime,flgmin, &
848  & ix, nlay, nlp1, &
849 ! --- outputs:
850  & clouds,clds,mtop,mbot &
851  & )
853 ! ================= subprogram documentation block ================ !
854 ! !
855 ! subprogram: progcld2 computes cloud related quantities using !
856 ! ferrier's prognostic cloud microphysics scheme. !
857 ! !
858 ! abstract: this program computes cloud fractions from cloud !
859 ! condensates, calculates liquid/ice cloud droplet effective radius, !
860 ! and computes the low, mid, high, total and boundary layer cloud !
861 ! fractions and the vertical indices of low, mid, and high cloud !
862 ! top and base. the three vertical cloud domains are set up in the !
863 ! initial subroutine "cld_init". !
864 ! !
865 ! usage: call progcld2 !
866 ! !
867 ! subprograms called: gethml !
868 ! !
869 ! attributes: !
870 ! language: fortran 90 !
871 ! machine: ibm-sp, sgi !
872 ! !
873 ! !
874 ! ==================== definition of variables ==================== !
875 ! !
876 ! input variables: !
877 ! plyr (IX,NLAY) : model layer mean pressure in mb (100Pa) !
878 ! plvl (IX,NLP1) : model level pressure in mb (100Pa) !
879 ! tlyr (IX,NLAY) : model layer mean temperature in k !
880 ! tvly (IX,NLAY) : model layer virtual temperature in k !
881 ! qlyr (IX,NLAY) : layer specific humidity in gm/gm !
882 ! qstl (IX,NLAY) : layer saturate humidity in gm/gm !
883 ! rhly (IX,NLAY) : layer relative humidity (=qlyr/qstl) !
884 ! clw (IX,NLAY) : layer cloud condensate amount !
885 ! f_ice (IX,NLAY) : fraction of layer cloud ice (ferrier micro-phys) !
886 ! f_rain(IX,NLAY) : fraction of layer rain water (ferrier micro-phys) !
887 ! r_rime(IX,NLAY) : mass ratio of total ice to unrimed ice (>=1) !
888 ! flgmin(IX) : minimim large ice fraction !
889 ! xlat (IX) : grid latitude in radians, default to pi/2 -> -pi/2!
890 ! range, otherwise see in-line comment !
891 ! xlon (IX) : grid longitude in radians (not used) !
892 ! slmsk (IX) : sea/land mask array (sea:0,land:1,sea-ice:2) !
893 ! IX : horizontal dimention !
894 ! NLAY,NLP1 : vertical layer/level dimensions !
895 ! !
896 ! output variables: !
897 ! clouds(IX,NLAY,NF_CLDS) : cloud profiles !
898 ! clouds(:,:,1) - layer total cloud fraction !
899 ! clouds(:,:,2) - layer cloud liq water path (g/m**2) !
900 ! clouds(:,:,3) - mean eff radius for liq cloud (micron) !
901 ! clouds(:,:,4) - layer cloud ice water path (g/m**2) !
902 ! clouds(:,:,5) - mean eff radius for ice cloud (micron) !
903 ! clouds(:,:,6) - layer rain drop water path (g/m**2) !
904 ! clouds(:,:,7) - mean eff radius for rain drop (micron) !
905 ! *** clouds(:,:,8) - layer snow flake water path (g/m**2) !
906 ! clouds(:,:,9) - mean eff radius for snow flake (micron) !
907 ! *** fu's scheme need to be normalized by snow density (g/m**3/1.0e6) !
908 ! clds (IX,5) : fraction of clouds for low, mid, hi, tot, bl !
909 ! mtop (IX,3) : vertical indices for low, mid, hi cloud tops !
910 ! mbot (IX,3) : vertical indices for low, mid, hi cloud bases !
911 ! !
912 ! external module variables: !
913 ! ivflip : control flag of vertical index direction !
914 ! =0: index from toa to surface !
915 ! =1: index from surface to toa !
916 ! lsashal : control flag for shallow convection !
917 ! lcrick : control flag for eliminating CRICK !
918 ! =t: apply layer smoothing to eliminate CRICK !
919 ! =f: do not apply layer smoothing !
920 ! lcnorm : control flag for in-cld condensate !
921 ! =t: normalize cloud condensate !
922 ! =f: not normalize cloud condensate !
923 ! lnoprec : precip effect in radiation flag (ferrier scheme) !
924 ! =t: snow/rain has no impact on radiation !
925 ! =f: snow/rain has impact on radiation !
926 ! !
927 ! ==================== end of description ===================== !
928 !
929  implicit none
931 ! --- constants
933 ! --- inputs
934  integer, intent(in) :: ix, nlay, nlp1
936  real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: plvl, plyr, &
937  & tlyr, tvly, qlyr, qstl, rhly, clw, f_ice, f_rain, r_rime
939  real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(in) :: xlat, xlon, &
940  & slmsk
941  real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(in) :: flgmin
943 ! --- outputs
944  real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:,:), intent(out) :: clouds
946  real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: clds
948  integer, dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: mtop,mbot
950 ! --- local variables:
951  real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(IX,NLAY) :: cldtot, cldcnv, &
952  & cwp, cip, crp, csp, rew, rei, res, rer, tem2d, clw2, &
953  & qcwat, qcice, qrain, fcice, frain, rrime, rsden, clwf
955  real (kind=kind_phys) :: ptop1(ix,nk_clds+1)
957  real (kind=kind_phys) :: clwmin, clwm, clwt, onemrh, value, &
958  & tem1, tem2, tem3
960  integer :: i, k, id
962 !
963 !===> ... begin here
964 !
965 ! clouds(:,:,:) = 0.0
967  do k = 1, nlay
968  do i = 1, ix
969  cldtot(i,k) = 0.0
970  cldcnv(i,k) = 0.0
971  cwp (i,k) = 0.0
972  cip (i,k) = 0.0
973  crp (i,k) = 0.0
974  csp (i,k) = 0.0
975  rew (i,k) = reliq_def ! default liq radius to 10 micron
976  rei (i,k) = reice_def ! default ice radius to 50 micron
977  rer (i,k) = rrain_def ! default rain radius to 1000 micron
978  res (i,k) = rsnow_def ! default snow radius to 250 micron
979  fcice(i,k) = max(0.0, min(1.0, f_ice(i,k)))
980  frain(i,k) = max(0.0, min(1.0, f_rain(i,k)))
981  rrime(i,k) = max(1.0, r_rime(i,k))
982  tem2d(i,k) = tlyr(i,k) - con_t0c
983  enddo
984  enddo
985 !
986  if ( lcrick ) then
987  do i = 1, ix
988  clwf(i,1) = 0.75*clw(i,1) + 0.25*clw(i,2)
989  clwf(i,nlay) = 0.75*clw(i,nlay) + 0.25*clw(i,nlay-1)
990  enddo
991  do k = 2, nlay-1
992  do i = 1, ix
993  clwf(i,k) = 0.25*clw(i,k-1) + 0.5*clw(i,k) + 0.25*clw(i,k+1)
994  enddo
995  enddo
996  else
997  do k = 1, nlay
998  do i = 1, ix
999  clwf(i,k) = clw(i,k)
1000  enddo
1001  enddo
1002  endif
1005 ! --- find top pressure for each cloud domain for given latitude
1006 ! ptopc(k,i): top presure of each cld domain (k=1-4 are sfc,L,m,h;
1007 ! --- i=1,2 are low-lat (<45 degree) and pole regions)
1009  do id = 1, 4
1010  tem1 = ptopc(id,2) - ptopc(id,1)
1012  do i =1, ix
1013  tem2 = xlat(i) / con_pi ! if xlat in pi/2 -> -pi/2 range
1014 ! tem2 = 0.5 - xlat(i)/con_pi ! if xlat in 0 -> pi range
1016  ptop1(i,id) = ptopc(id,1) + tem1*max( 0.0, 4.0*abs(tem2)-1.0 )
1017  enddo
1018  enddo
1022 ! --- separate cloud condensate into liquid, ice, and rain types, and
1023 ! save the liquid+ice condensate in array clw2 for later
1024 ! calculation of cloud fraction
1026  do k = 1, nlay
1027  do i = 1, ix
1028  if (tem2d(i,k) > -40.0) then
1029  qcice(i,k) = clwf(i,k) * fcice(i,k)
1030  tem1 = clwf(i,k) - qcice(i,k)
1031  qrain(i,k) = tem1 * frain(i,k)
1032  qcwat(i,k) = tem1 - qrain(i,k)
1033  clw2(i,k) = qcwat(i,k) + qcice(i,k)
1034  else
1035  qcice(i,k) = clwf(i,k)
1036  qrain(i,k) = 0.0
1037  qcwat(i,k) = 0.0
1038  clw2(i,k) = clwf(i,k)
1039  endif
1040  enddo
1041  enddo
1046  call rsipath2 &
1047 ! --- inputs:
1048  & ( plyr, plvl, tlyr, qlyr, qcwat, qcice, qrain, rrime, &
1049  & ix, nlay, ivflip, flgmin, &
1050 ! --- outputs:
1051  & cwp, cip, crp, csp, rew, rer, res, rsden &
1052  & )
1055  if ( ivflip == 0 ) then ! input data from toa to sfc
1056  do k = 1, nlay
1057  do i = 1, ix
1058  tem2d(i,k) = (con_g * plyr(i,k)) &
1059  & / (con_rd* (plvl(i,k+1) - plvl(i,k)))
1060  enddo
1061  enddo
1062  else ! input data from sfc to toa
1063  do k = 1, nlay
1064  do i = 1, ix
1065  tem2d(i,k) = (con_g * plyr(i,k)) &
1066  & / (con_rd* (plvl(i,k) - plvl(i,k+1)))
1067  enddo
1068  enddo
1069  endif ! end_if_ivflip
1071 ! --- layer cloud fraction
1073  if ( ivflip == 0 ) then ! input data from toa to sfc
1075  clwmin = 0.0
1076  if (.not. lsashal) then
1077  do k = nlay, 1, -1
1078  do i = 1, ix
1079 ! clwt = 1.0e-7 * (plyr(i,k)*0.001)
1080 ! clwt = 1.0e-6 * (plyr(i,k)*0.001)
1081  clwt = 2.0e-6 * (plyr(i,k)*0.001)
1082 ! clwt = 5.0e-6 * (plyr(i,k)*0.001)
1083 ! clwt = 5.0e-6
1085  if (clw2(i,k) > clwt) then
1086  onemrh= max( 1.e-10, 1.0-rhly(i,k) )
1087  clwm = clwmin / max( 0.01, plyr(i,k)*0.001 )
1089 ! tem1 = min(max(sqrt(onemrh*qstl(i,k)),0.0001),1.0)
1090 ! tem1 = 100.0 / tem1
1092  tem1 = min(max(sqrt(sqrt(onemrh*qstl(i,k))),0.0001),1.0)
1093  tem1 = 2000.0 / tem1
1094 ! tem1 = 2400.0 / tem1
1095 !cnt tem1 = 2500.0 / tem1
1096 ! tem1 = min(max(sqrt(onemrh*qstl(i,k)),0.0001),1.0)
1097 ! tem1 = 2000.0 / tem1
1098 ! tem1 = 1000.0 / tem1
1099 ! tem1 = 100.0 / tem1
1101  value = max( min( tem1*(clw2(i,k)-clwm), 50.0 ), 0.0 )
1102  tem2 = sqrt( sqrt(rhly(i,k)) )
1104  cldtot(i,k) = max( tem2*(1.0-exp(-value)), 0.0 )
1105  endif
1106  enddo
1107  enddo
1108  else
1109  do k = nlay, 1, -1
1110  do i = 1, ix
1111 ! clwt = 1.0e-6 * (plyr(i,k)*0.001)
1112  clwt = 2.0e-6 * (plyr(i,k)*0.001)
1114  if (clw2(i,k) > clwt) then
1115  onemrh= max( 1.e-10, 1.0-rhly(i,k) )
1116  clwm = clwmin / max( 0.01, plyr(i,k)*0.001 )
1118  tem1 = min(max((onemrh*qstl(i,k))**0.49,0.0001),1.0) !jhan
1119  tem1 = 100.0 / tem1
1121 ! tem1 = min(max(sqrt(sqrt(onemrh*qstl(i,k))),0.0001),1.0)
1122 ! tem1 = 2000.0 / tem1
1123 !
1124 ! tem1 = min(max(sqrt(sqrt(onemrh*qstl(i,k))),0.0001),1.0)
1125 ! tem1 = 2200.0 / tem1
1126 ! tem1 = 2400.0 / tem1
1127 ! tem1 = 2500.0 / tem1
1128 ! tem1 = min(max(sqrt(onemrh*qstl(i,k)),0.0001),1.0)
1129 ! tem1 = 2000.0 / tem1
1130 ! tem1 = 1000.0 / tem1
1131 ! tem1 = 100.0 / tem1
1133  value = max( min( tem1*(clw2(i,k)-clwm), 50.0 ), 0.0 )
1134  tem2 = sqrt( sqrt(rhly(i,k)) )
1136  cldtot(i,k) = max( tem2*(1.0-exp(-value)), 0.0 )
1137  endif
1138  enddo
1139  enddo
1140  endif
1142  else ! input data from sfc to toa
1144  clwmin = 0.0e-6
1145  if (.not. lsashal) then
1146  do k = 1, nlay
1147  do i = 1, ix
1148 ! clwt = 1.0e-7 * (plyr(i,k)*0.001)
1149 ! clwt = 1.0e-6 * (plyr(i,k)*0.001)
1150  clwt = 2.0e-6 * (plyr(i,k)*0.001)
1151 ! clwt = 5.0e-6 * (plyr(i,k)*0.001)
1152 ! clwt = 5.0e-6
1154  if (clw2(i,k) > clwt) then
1155  onemrh= max( 1.e-10, 1.0-rhly(i,k) )
1156  clwm = clwmin / max( 0.01, plyr(i,k)*0.001 )
1158 ! tem1 = min(max(sqrt(onemrh*qstl(i,k)),0.0001),1.0)
1159 ! tem1 = 100.0 / tem1
1161  tem1 = min(max(sqrt(sqrt(onemrh*qstl(i,k))),0.0001),1.0)
1162  tem1 = 2000.0 / tem1
1163 ! tem1 = 2400.0 / tem1
1164 !cnt tem1 = 2500.0 / tem1
1165 ! tem1 = min(max(sqrt(onemrh*qstl(i,k)),0.0001),1.0)
1166 ! tem1 = 2000.0 / tem1
1167 ! tem1 = 1000.0 / tem1
1168 ! tem1 = 100.0 / tem1
1170  value = max( min( tem1*(clw2(i,k)-clwm), 50.0 ), 0.0 )
1171  tem2 = sqrt( sqrt(rhly(i,k)) )
1173  cldtot(i,k) = max( tem2*(1.0-exp(-value)), 0.0 )
1174  endif
1175  enddo
1176  enddo
1177  else
1178  do k = 1, nlay
1179  do i = 1, ix
1180 ! clwt = 1.0e-6 * (plyr(i,k)*0.001)
1181  clwt = 2.0e-6 * (plyr(i,k)*0.001)
1183  if (clw2(i,k) > clwt) then
1184  onemrh= max( 1.e-10, 1.0-rhly(i,k) )
1185  clwm = clwmin / max( 0.01, plyr(i,k)*0.001 )
1187  tem1 = min(max((onemrh*qstl(i,k))**0.49,0.0001),1.0) !jhan
1188  tem1 = 100.0 / tem1
1190 ! tem1 = min(max(sqrt(sqrt(onemrh*qstl(i,k))),0.0001),1.0)
1191 ! tem1 = 2000.0 / tem1
1192 !
1193 ! tem1 = min(max(sqrt(sqrt(onemrh*qstl(i,k))),0.0001),1.0)
1194 ! tem1 = 2200.0 / tem1
1195 ! tem1 = 2400.0 / tem1
1196 ! tem1 = 2500.0 / tem1
1197 ! tem1 = min(max(sqrt(onemrh*qstl(i,k)),0.0001),1.0)
1198 ! tem1 = 2000.0 / tem1
1199 ! tem1 = 1000.0 / tem1
1200 ! tem1 = 100.0 / tem1
1202  value = max( min( tem1*(clw2(i,k)-clwm), 50.0 ), 0.0 )
1203  tem2 = sqrt( sqrt(rhly(i,k)) )
1205  cldtot(i,k) = max( tem2*(1.0-exp(-value)), 0.0 )
1206  endif
1207  enddo
1208  enddo
1209  endif
1211  endif ! end_if_flip
1213  do k = 1, nlay
1214  do i = 1, ix
1215  if (cldtot(i,k) < climit) then
1216  cldtot(i,k) = 0.0
1217  cwp(i,k) = 0.0
1218  cip(i,k) = 0.0
1219  crp(i,k) = 0.0
1220  csp(i,k) = 0.0
1221  endif
1222  enddo
1223  enddo
1225 ! When lnoprec = .true. snow/rain has no impact on radiation
1226  if ( lnoprec ) then
1227  do k = 1, nlay
1228  do i = 1, ix
1229  crp(i,k) = 0.0
1230  csp(i,k) = 0.0
1231  enddo
1232  enddo
1233  endif
1234 !
1235  if ( lcnorm ) then
1236  do k = 1, nlay
1237  do i = 1, ix
1238  if (cldtot(i,k) >= climit) then
1239  tem1 = 1.0 / max(climit2, cldtot(i,k))
1240  cwp(i,k) = cwp(i,k) * tem1
1241  cip(i,k) = cip(i,k) * tem1
1242  crp(i,k) = crp(i,k) * tem1
1243  csp(i,k) = csp(i,k) * tem1
1244  endif
1245  enddo
1246  enddo
1247  endif
1250 ! --- effective ice cloud droplet radius
1252  do k = 1, nlay
1253  do i = 1, ix
1254  tem1 = tlyr(i,k) - con_ttp
1255  tem2 = cip(i,k)
1257  if (tem2 > 0.0) then
1258  tem3 = tem2d(i,k) * tem2 / tvly(i,k)
1260  if (tem1 < -50.0) then
1261  rei(i,k) = (1250.0/9.917) * tem3 ** 0.109
1262  elseif (tem1 < -40.0) then
1263  rei(i,k) = (1250.0/9.337) * tem3 ** 0.08
1264  elseif (tem1 < -30.0) then
1265  rei(i,k) = (1250.0/9.208) * tem3 ** 0.055
1266  else
1267  rei(i,k) = (1250.0/9.387) * tem3 ** 0.031
1268  endif
1270 ! if (lprnt .and. k == l) print *,' reiL=',rei(i,k),' icec=', &
1271 ! & icec,' cip=',cip(i,k),' tem=',tem,' delt=',delt
1273  rei(i,k) = max(10.0, min(rei(i,k), 300.0))
1274 ! rei(i,k) = max(20.0, min(rei(i,k), 300.0))
1275 !!!! rei(i,k) = max(30.0, min(rei(i,k), 300.0))
1276 ! rei(i,k) = max(50.0, min(rei(i,k), 300.0))
1277 ! rei(i,k) = max(100.0, min(rei(i,k), 300.0))
1278  endif
1279  enddo
1280  enddo
1281 !
1282  do k = 1, nlay
1283  do i = 1, ix
1284  clouds(i,k,1) = cldtot(i,k)
1285  clouds(i,k,2) = cwp(i,k)
1286  clouds(i,k,3) = rew(i,k)
1287  clouds(i,k,4) = cip(i,k)
1288  clouds(i,k,5) = rei(i,k)
1289  clouds(i,k,6) = crp(i,k)
1290  clouds(i,k,7) = rer(i,k)
1291 ! clouds(i,k,8) = csp(i,k) !ncar scheme
1292  clouds(i,k,8) = csp(i,k) * rsden(i,k) !fu's scheme
1293  clouds(i,k,9) = rei(i,k)
1294  enddo
1295  enddo
1299 ! --- compute low, mid, high, total, and boundary layer cloud fractions
1300 ! and clouds top/bottom layer indices for low, mid, and high clouds.
1301 ! The three cloud domain boundaries are defined by ptopc. The cloud
1302 ! overlapping method is defined by control flag 'iovr', which may
1303 ! be different for lw and sw radiation programs.
1305  call gethml &
1306 ! --- inputs:
1307  & ( plyr, ptop1, cldtot, cldcnv, &
1308  & ix,nlay, &
1309 ! --- outputs:
1310  & clds, mtop, mbot &
1311  & )
1314 !
1315  return
1316 !...................................

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine, public module_radiation_clouds::progcld3 ( )
[in]plyrreal, (ix,nlay), model layer mean pressure in mb (100pa)
[in]plvlreal, (ix,nlp1), model level pressure in mb (100pa)
[in]tlyrreal, (ix,nlay), model layer mean temperature in K
[in]tvlyreal, (ix,nlay), model layer virtual temperature in K
[in]qlyrreal, (ix,nlay), layer specific humidity in gm/gm
[in]qstlreal, (ix,nlay), layer saturate humidity in gm/gm
[in]rhlyreal, (ix,nlay), layer relative humidity (=qlyr/qstl)
[in]clwreal, (ix,nlay), layer cloud condensate amount
[in]xlatreal, (ix), grid latitude in radians, default to pi/2 -> -pi/2 range, otherwise see in-line comment
[in]xlonreal, (ix), grid longitude in radians (not used)
[in]slmskreal, (ix), sea/land mask array (sea:0,land:1,sea-ice:2)
[in]ixinteger, horizontal dimention
[in]nlay,nlp1integer, vertical layer/level dimensions
[in]deltaqreal, (ix,nlay), half total water distribution width
[in]supreal, supersaturation
[in]meinteger, print control flag
[out]cloudsreal, (ix,nlay,nf_clds), cloud profiles
(:,:,1) - layer total cloud fraction
(:,:,2) - layer cloud liq water path (g/m**2)
(:,:,3) - mean eff radius for liq cloud (micron)
(:,:,4) - layer cloud ice water path (g/m**2)
(:,:,5) - mean eff radius for ice cloud (micron)
(:,:,6) - layer rain drop water path not assigned
(:,:,7) - mean eff radius for rain drop (micron)
(:,:,8) - layer snow flake water path not assigned
(:,:,9) - mean eff radius for snow flake(micron)
[out]cldsreal, (ix,5), fraction of clouds for low, mid, hi, tot, bl
[out]mtopinteger, (ix,3), vertical indices for low, mid, hi cloud tops
[out]mbotinteger, (ix,3), vertical indices for low, mid, hi cloud bases

General Algorithm

  1. Find top pressure for each cloud domain for given latitude
  2. Compute liquid/ice condensate path in \( g/m^2 \)
  3. Compute effective liquid cloud droplet radius over land
  4. Compute effective ice cloud droplet radius
    For ice clouds, following Heymsfield and McFarquhar (1996),the effective ice droplet radius is made to be an empirical function of ice water concentration (IWC) and environmental temperature as:
    \( r_{ei} = (1250/9.917)IWC^{0.109},T<-50^oC \)
    \( r_{ei} = (1250/9.337)IWC^{0.080},-50^oC<=T<-40^oC \)
    \( r_{ei} = (1250/9.208)IWC^{0.055},-40^oC<=T<-30^oC \)
  5. Call gethml to compute low,mid,high,total, and boundary layer cloud fractions

Definition at line 1357 of file radiation_clouds.f.

References climit, climit2, physcons::con_pi, physcons::con_thgni, physcons::con_ttp, gethml(), gfac, gord, physparam::ivflip, physparam::lcnorm, physparam::lcrick, nf_clds, ptopc, reice_def, reliq_def, rrain_def, and rsnow_def.

Referenced by module_radiation_driver::grrad().

1358 ! --- inputs:
1359  & ( plyr,plvl,tlyr,tvly,qlyr,qstl,rhly,clw,cnvw,cnvc, &
1360  & xlat,xlon,slmsk, &
1361  & ix, nlay, nlp1, &
1362  & deltaq,sup,kdt,me, &
1363 ! --- outputs:
1364  & clouds,clds,mtop,mbot &
1365  & )
1367 ! ================= subprogram documentation block ================ !
1368 ! !
1369 ! subprogram: progcld3 computes cloud related quantities using !
1370 ! zhao/moorthi's prognostic cloud microphysics scheme. !
1371 ! !
1372 ! abstract: this program computes cloud fractions from cloud !
1373 ! condensates, calculates liquid/ice cloud droplet effective radius, !
1374 ! and computes the low, mid, high, total and boundary layer cloud !
1375 ! fractions and the vertical indices of low, mid, and high cloud !
1376 ! top and base. the three vertical cloud domains are set up in the !
1377 ! initial subroutine "cld_init". !
1378 ! !
1379 ! usage: call progcld3 !
1380 ! !
1381 ! subprograms called: gethml !
1382 ! !
1383 ! attributes: !
1384 ! language: fortran 90 !
1385 ! machine: ibm-sp, sgi !
1386 ! !
1387 ! !
1388 ! ==================== defination of variables ==================== !
1389 ! !
1390 ! input variables: !
1391 ! plyr (ix,nlay) : model layer mean pressure in mb (100pa) !
1392 ! plvl (ix,nlp1) : model level pressure in mb (100pa) !
1393 ! tlyr (ix,nlay) : model layer mean temperature in k !
1394 ! tvly (ix,nlay) : model layer virtual temperature in k !
1395 ! qlyr (ix,nlay) : layer specific humidity in gm/gm !
1396 ! qstl (ix,nlay) : layer saturate humidity in gm/gm !
1397 ! rhly (ix,nlay) : layer relative humidity (=qlyr/qstl) !
1398 ! clw (ix,nlay) : layer cloud condensate amount !
1399 ! xlat (ix) : grid latitude in radians, default to pi/2 -> -pi/2!
1400 ! range, otherwise see in-line comment !
1401 ! xlon (ix) : grid longitude in radians (not used) !
1402 ! slmsk (ix) : sea/land mask array (sea:0,land:1,sea-ice:2) !
1403 ! ix : horizontal dimention !
1404 ! nlay,nlp1 : vertical layer/level dimensions !
1405 ! cnvw (ix,nlay) : layer convective cloud condensate !
1406 ! cnvc (ix,nlay) : layer convective cloud cover !
1407 ! deltaq(ix,nlay) : half total water distribution width !
1408 ! sup : supersaturation !
1410 ! !
1411 ! output variables: !
1412 ! clouds(ix,nlay,nf_clds) : cloud profiles !
1413 ! clouds(:,:,1) - layer total cloud fraction !
1414 ! clouds(:,:,2) - layer cloud liq water path (g/m**2) !
1415 ! clouds(:,:,3) - mean eff radius for liq cloud (micron) !
1416 ! clouds(:,:,4) - layer cloud ice water path (g/m**2) !
1417 ! clouds(:,:,5) - mean eff radius for ice cloud (micron) !
1418 ! clouds(:,:,6) - layer rain drop water path not assigned !
1419 ! clouds(:,:,7) - mean eff radius for rain drop (micron) !
1420 ! *** clouds(:,:,8) - layer snow flake water path not assigned !
1421 ! clouds(:,:,9) - mean eff radius for snow flake (micron) !
1422 ! *** fu's scheme need to be normalized by snow density (g/m**3/1.0e6) !
1423 ! clds (ix,5) : fraction of clouds for low, mid, hi, tot, bl !
1424 ! mtop (ix,3) : vertical indices for low, mid, hi cloud tops !
1425 ! mbot (ix,3) : vertical indices for low, mid, hi cloud bases !
1426 ! !
1427 ! module variables: !
1428 ! ivflip : control flag of vertical index direction !
1429 ! =0: index from toa to surface !
1430 ! =1: index from surface to toa !
1431 ! lcrick : control flag for eliminating crick !
1432 ! =t: apply layer smoothing to eliminate crick !
1433 ! =f: do not apply layer smoothing !
1434 ! lcnorm : control flag for in-cld condensate !
1435 ! =t: normalize cloud condensate !
1436 ! =f: not normalize cloud condensate !
1437 ! !
1438 ! ==================== end of description ===================== !
1439 !
1440  implicit none
1442 ! --- inputs
1443  integer, intent(in) :: ix, nlay, nlp1,kdt
1445  real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: plvl, plyr, &
1446  & tlyr, tvly, qlyr, qstl, rhly, clw
1447 ! & tlyr, tvly, qlyr, qstl, rhly, clw, cnvw, cnvc
1448 ! real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: deltaq
1449  real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:) :: deltaq, cnvw, cnvc
1450  real (kind=kind_phys) qtmp,qsc,rhs
1451  real (kind=kind_phys), intent(in) :: sup
1452  real (kind=kind_phys), parameter :: epsq = 1.0e-12
1454  real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(in) :: xlat, xlon, &
1455  & slmsk
1456  integer :: me
1458 ! --- outputs
1459  real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:,:), intent(out) :: clouds
1461  real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: clds
1463  integer, dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: mtop,mbot
1465 ! --- local variables:
1466  real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(ix,nlay) :: cldtot, cldcnv, &
1467  & cwp, cip, crp, csp, rew, rei, res, rer, delp, tem2d, clwf
1469  real (kind=kind_phys) :: ptop1(ix,nk_clds+1)
1471  real (kind=kind_phys) :: clwmin, clwm, clwt, onemrh, value, &
1472  & tem1, tem2, tem3
1474  integer :: i, k, id, nf
1476 !
1477 !===> ... begin here
1478 !
1479  do nf=1,nf_clds
1480  do k=1,nlay
1481  do i=1,ix
1482  clouds(i,k,nf) = 0.0
1483  enddo
1484  enddo
1485  enddo
1486 ! clouds(:,:,:) = 0.0
1488  do k = 1, nlay
1489  do i = 1, ix
1490  cldtot(i,k) = 0.0
1491  cldcnv(i,k) = 0.0
1492  cwp (i,k) = 0.0
1493  cip (i,k) = 0.0
1494  crp (i,k) = 0.0
1495  csp (i,k) = 0.0
1496  rew (i,k) = reliq_def ! default liq radius to 10 micron
1497  rei (i,k) = reice_def ! default ice radius to 50 micron
1498  rer (i,k) = rrain_def ! default rain radius to 1000 micron
1499  res (i,k) = rsnow_def ! default snow radius to 250 micron
1500  tem2d(i,k) = min( 1.0, max( 0.0, (con_ttp-tlyr(i,k))*0.05 ) )
1501  clwf(i,k) = 0.0
1502  enddo
1503  enddo
1504 !
1505  if ( lcrick ) then
1506  do i = 1, ix
1507  clwf(i,1) = 0.75*clw(i,1) + 0.25*clw(i,2)
1508  clwf(i,nlay) = 0.75*clw(i,nlay) + 0.25*clw(i,nlay-1)
1509  enddo
1510  do k = 2, nlay-1
1511  do i = 1, ix
1512  clwf(i,k) = 0.25*clw(i,k-1) + 0.5*clw(i,k) + 0.25*clw(i,k+1)
1513  enddo
1514  enddo
1515  else
1516  do k = 1, nlay
1517  do i = 1, ix
1518  clwf(i,k) = clw(i,k)
1519  enddo
1520  enddo
1521  endif
1523  if(kdt==1) then
1524  do k = 1, nlay
1525  do i = 1, ix
1526  deltaq(i,k) = (1.-0.95)*qstl(i,k)
1527  enddo
1528  enddo
1529  endif
1532 ! --- find top pressure for each cloud domain for given latitude
1533 ! ptopc(k,i): top presure of each cld domain (k=1-4 are sfc,l,m,h;
1534 ! --- i=1,2 are low-lat (<45 degree) and pole regions)
1536  do id = 1, 4
1537  tem1 = ptopc(id,2) - ptopc(id,1)
1539  do i =1, ix
1540  tem2 = xlat(i) / con_pi ! if xlat in pi/2 -> -pi/2 range
1541 ! tem2 = 0.5 - xlat(i)/con_pi ! if xlat in 0 -> pi range
1543  ptop1(i,id) = ptopc(id,1) + tem1*max( 0.0, 4.0*abs(tem2)-1.0 )
1544  enddo
1545  enddo
1548 ! --- compute liquid/ice condensate path in g/m**2
1550  if ( ivflip == 0 ) then ! input data from toa to sfc
1551  do k = 1, nlay
1552  do i = 1, ix
1553  delp(i,k) = plvl(i,k+1) - plvl(i,k)
1554  clwt = max(0.0,(clwf(i,k)+cnvw(i,k))) * gfac * delp(i,k)
1555  cip(i,k) = clwt * tem2d(i,k)
1556  cwp(i,k) = clwt - cip(i,k)
1557  enddo
1558  enddo
1559  else ! input data from sfc to toa
1560  do k = 1, nlay
1561  do i = 1, ix
1562  delp(i,k) = plvl(i,k) - plvl(i,k+1)
1563  clwt = max(0.0,(clwf(i,k)+cnvw(i,k))) * gfac * delp(i,k)
1564  cip(i,k) = clwt * tem2d(i,k)
1565  cwp(i,k) = clwt - cip(i,k)
1566  enddo
1567  enddo
1568  endif ! end_if_ivflip
1571 ! --- effective liquid cloud droplet radius over land
1573  do i = 1, ix
1574  if (nint(slmsk(i)) == 1) then
1575  do k = 1, nlay
1576  rew(i,k) = 5.0 + 5.0 * tem2d(i,k)
1577  enddo
1578  endif
1579  enddo
1581 ! --- layer cloud fraction
1583  if ( ivflip == 0 ) then ! input data from toa to sfc
1584  do k = nlay, 1, -1
1585  do i = 1, ix
1586  tem1 = tlyr(i,k) - 273.16
1587  if(tem1 < con_thgni) then ! for pure ice, has to be consistent with gscond
1588  qsc = sup * qstl(i,k)
1589  rhs = sup
1590  else
1591  qsc = qstl(i,k)
1592  rhs = 1.0
1593  endif
1594  if(rhly(i,k) >= rhs) then
1595  cldtot(i,k) = 1.0
1596  else
1597  qtmp = qlyr(i,k) + clwf(i,k) - qsc
1598  if(deltaq(i,k) > epsq) then
1599  if(qtmp < -deltaq(i,k) .or. clwf(i,k) < epsq) then
1600 ! if(qtmp < -deltaq(i,k)) then
1601  cldtot(i,k) = 0.0
1602  elseif(qtmp >= deltaq(i,k)) then
1603  cldtot(i,k) = 1.0
1604  else
1605  cldtot(i,k) = 0.5*qtmp/deltaq(i,k) + 0.5
1606  cldtot(i,k) = max(cldtot(i,k),0.0)
1607  cldtot(i,k) = min(cldtot(i,k),1.0)
1608  endif
1609  else
1610  if(qtmp.gt.0) then
1611  cldtot(i,k) = 1.0
1612  else
1613  cldtot(i,k) = 0.0
1614  endif
1615  endif
1616  endif
1617  cldtot(i,k) = cnvc(i,k)+(1-cnvc(i,k))*cldtot(i,k)
1618  cldtot(i,k) = max(cldtot(i,k),0.)
1619  cldtot(i,k) = min(cldtot(i,k),1.)
1620  enddo
1621  enddo
1622  else ! input data from sfc to toa
1623  do k = 1, nlay
1624  do i = 1, ix
1625  tem1 = tlyr(i,k) - 273.16
1626  if(tem1 < con_thgni) then ! for pure ice, has to be consistent with gscond
1627  qsc = sup * qstl(i,k)
1628  rhs = sup
1629  else
1630  qsc = qstl(i,k)
1631  rhs = 1.0
1632  endif
1633  if(rhly(i,k) >= rhs) then
1634  cldtot(i,k) = 1.0
1635  else
1636  qtmp = qlyr(i,k) + clwf(i,k) - qsc
1637  if(deltaq(i,k) > epsq) then
1638 ! if(qtmp <= -deltaq(i,k) .or. cwmik < epsq) then
1639  if(qtmp <= -deltaq(i,k)) then
1640  cldtot(i,k) = 0.0
1641  elseif(qtmp >= deltaq(i,k)) then
1642  cldtot(i,k) = 1.0
1643  else
1644  cldtot(i,k) = 0.5*qtmp/deltaq(i,k) + 0.5
1645  cldtot(i,k) = max(cldtot(i,k),0.0)
1646  cldtot(i,k) = min(cldtot(i,k),1.0)
1647  endif
1648  else
1649  if(qtmp > 0.) then
1650  cldtot(i,k) = 1.0
1651  else
1652  cldtot(i,k) = 0.0
1653  endif
1654  endif
1655  endif
1656  cldtot(i,k) = cnvc(i,k) + (1-cnvc(i,k))*cldtot(i,k)
1657  cldtot(i,k) = max(cldtot(i,k),0.)
1658  cldtot(i,k) = min(cldtot(i,k),1.)
1660  enddo
1661  enddo
1662  endif ! end_if_flip
1664  do k = 1, nlay
1665  do i = 1, ix
1666  if (cldtot(i,k) < climit) then
1667  cldtot(i,k) = 0.0
1668  cwp(i,k) = 0.0
1669  cip(i,k) = 0.0
1670  crp(i,k) = 0.0
1671  csp(i,k) = 0.0
1672  endif
1673  enddo
1674  enddo
1676  if ( lcnorm ) then
1677  do k = 1, nlay
1678  do i = 1, ix
1679  if (cldtot(i,k) >= climit) then
1680  tem1 = 1.0 / max(climit2, cldtot(i,k))
1681  cwp(i,k) = cwp(i,k) * tem1
1682  cip(i,k) = cip(i,k) * tem1
1683  crp(i,k) = crp(i,k) * tem1
1684  csp(i,k) = csp(i,k) * tem1
1685  endif
1686  enddo
1687  enddo
1688  endif
1697 ! --- effective ice cloud droplet radius
1699  do k = 1, nlay
1700  do i = 1, ix
1701  tem2 = tlyr(i,k) - con_ttp
1703  if (cip(i,k) > 0.0) then
1704 ! tem3 = gord * cip(i,k) * (plyr(i,k)/delp(i,k)) / tvly(i,k)
1705  tem3 = gord * cip(i,k) * plyr(i,k) / (delp(i,k)*tvly(i,k))
1707  if (tem2 < -50.0) then
1708  rei(i,k) = (1250.0/9.917) * tem3 ** 0.109
1709  elseif (tem2 < -40.0) then
1710  rei(i,k) = (1250.0/9.337) * tem3 ** 0.08
1711  elseif (tem2 < -30.0) then
1712  rei(i,k) = (1250.0/9.208) * tem3 ** 0.055
1713  else
1714  rei(i,k) = (1250.0/9.387) * tem3 ** 0.031
1715  endif
1716 ! rei(i,k) = max(20.0, min(rei(i,k), 300.0))
1717 ! rei(i,k) = max(10.0, min(rei(i,k), 100.0))
1718  rei(i,k) = max(10.0, min(rei(i,k), 150.0))
1719 ! rei(i,k) = max(5.0, min(rei(i,k), 130.0))
1720  endif
1721  enddo
1722  enddo
1724 !
1725  do k = 1, nlay
1726  do i = 1, ix
1727  clouds(i,k,1) = cldtot(i,k)
1728  clouds(i,k,2) = cwp(i,k)
1729  clouds(i,k,3) = rew(i,k)
1730  clouds(i,k,4) = cip(i,k)
1731  clouds(i,k,5) = rei(i,k)
1732 ! clouds(i,k,6) = 0.0
1733  clouds(i,k,7) = rer(i,k)
1734 ! clouds(i,k,8) = 0.0
1735  clouds(i,k,9) = rei(i,k)
1736  enddo
1737  enddo
1740 ! --- compute low, mid, high, total, and boundary layer cloud fractions
1741 ! and clouds top/bottom layer indices for low, mid, and high clouds.
1742 ! the three cloud domain boundaries are defined by ptopc. the cloud
1743 ! overlapping method is defined by control flag 'iovr', which may
1744 ! be different for lw and sw radiation programs.
1747  call gethml &
1748 ! --- inputs:
1749  & ( plyr, ptop1, cldtot, cldcnv, &
1750  & ix,nlay, &
1751 ! --- outputs:
1752  & clds, mtop, mbot &
1753  & )
1756 !
1757  return
1758 !...................................

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine module_radiation_clouds::rhtable ( )

Definition at line 2733 of file radiation_clouds.f.

References mcld, nbin, nlat, nlon, nseal, and rhcl.

Referenced by cld_init().

2734 ! --- inputs:
2735  & ( me &
2736 ! --- outputs:
2737  &, ier )
2739 ! =================================================================== !
2740 ! !
2741 ! abstract: cld-rh relations obtained from mitchell-hahn procedure, !
2742 ! here read cld/rh tuning tables for day 0,1,...,5 and merge into 1 !
2743 ! file. !
2744 ! !
2745 ! inputs: !
2746 ! me : check print control flag !
2747 ! !
2748 ! outputs: !
2749 ! ier : error flag !
2750 ! !
2751 ! =================================================================== !
2752 !
2753  implicit none!
2755 ! --- inputs:
2756  integer, intent(in) :: me
2758 ! --- output:
2759  integer, intent(out) :: ier
2761 ! --- locals:
2762  real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(NBIN,NLON,NLAT,MCLD,NSEAL) :: &
2763  & rhfd, rtnfd, rhcf, rtncf, rhcla
2765  real (kind=kind_io4), dimension(NBIN,NLON,NLAT,MCLD,NSEAL) :: &
2766  & rhfd4, rtnfd4
2768  real(kind=kind_io4) :: fhour
2770  real(kind=kind_phys) :: binscl, cfrac, clsat, rhsat, cstem
2772  integer, dimension(NLON,NLAT,MCLD,NSEAL) :: kpts, kkpts
2774  integer :: icdays(15), idate(4), nbdayi, isat
2776  integer :: i, i1, j, k, l, m, id, im, iy
2778 !
2779 !===> ... begin here
2780 !
2782  ier = 1
2784  rewind nicltun
2786  binscl = 1.0 / nbin
2788 ! --- array initializations
2790  do m=1,nseal
2791  do l=1,mcld
2792  do k=1,nlat
2793  do j=1,nlon
2794  do i=1,nbin
2795  rhcf(i,j,k,l,m) = 0.0
2796  rtncf(i,j,k,l,m) = 0.0
2797  rhcla(i,j,k,l,m) = -0.1
2798  enddo
2799  enddo
2800  enddo
2801  enddo
2802  enddo
2804  kkpts = 0
2806 ! --- read the data off the rotating file
2808  read (nicltun,err=998,end=999) nbdayi, icdays
2810  if (me == 0) print 11, nbdayi
2811  11 format(' from rhtable DAYS ON FILE =',i5)
2813  do i = 1, nbdayi
2814  id = icdays(i) / 10000
2815  im = (icdays(i)-id*10000) / 100
2816  iy = icdays(i)-id*10000-im*100
2817  if (me == 0) print 51, id,im,iy
2818  51 format(' from rhtable ARCHV DATA FROM DA,MO,YR=',3i4)
2819  enddo
2821  read (nicltun,err=998,end=999) fhour,idate
2823  do i1 = 1, nbdayi
2824  read (nicltun) rhfd4
2825  rhfd = rhfd4
2827  read (nicltun) rtnfd4
2828  rtnfd = rtnfd4
2830  read (nicltun) kpts
2832  do m=1,nseal
2833  do l=1,mcld
2834  do k=1,nlat
2835  do j=1,nlon
2836  do i=1,nbin
2837  rhcf(i,j,k,l,m) = rhcf(i,j,k,l,m) + rhfd(i,j,k,l,m)
2838  rtncf(i,j,k,l,m) = rtncf(i,j,k,l,m) + rtnfd(i,j,k,l,m)
2839  enddo
2840  enddo
2841  enddo
2842  enddo
2843  enddo
2845  kkpts = kkpts + kpts
2847  enddo ! end_do_i1_loop
2849  do m = 1, nseal
2850  do l = 1, mcld
2851  do k = 1, nlat
2852  do j = 1, nlon
2854 ! --- compute the cumulative frequency distribution
2856  do i = 2, nbin
2857  rhcf(i,j,k,l,m) = rhcf(i-1,j,k,l,m) + rhcf(i,j,k,l,m)
2858  rtncf(i,j,k,l,m) = rtncf(i-1,j,k,l,m) + rtncf(i,j,k,l,m)
2859  enddo ! end_do_i_loop
2861  if (kkpts(j,k,l,m) > 0) then
2862  do i = 1, nbin
2863  rhcf(i,j,k,l,m)= rhcf(i,j,k,l,m)/kkpts(j,k,l,m)
2864  rtncf(i,j,k,l,m)=min(1., rtncf(i,j,k,l,m)/kkpts(j,k,l,m))
2865  enddo
2867 ! --- cause we mix calculations of rh retune with cray and ibm words
2868 ! the last value of rhcf is close to but ne 1.0,
2869 ! --- so we reset it in order that the 360 loop gives complete tabl
2871  rhcf(nbin,j,k,l,m) = 1.0
2873  do i = 1, nbin
2874  lab_do_i1 : do i1 = 1, nbin
2875  if (rhcf(i1,j,k,l,m) >= rtncf(i,j,k,l,m)) then
2876  rhcla(i,j,k,l,m) = i1 * binscl
2877  exit lab_do_i1
2878  endif
2879  enddo lab_do_i1
2880  enddo
2882  else ! if_kkpts
2883 ! --- no critical rh
2885  do i = 1, nbin
2886  rhcf(i,j,k,l,m) = -0.1
2887  rtncf(i,j,k,l,m) = -0.1
2888  enddo
2890  if (me == 0) then
2891  print 210, k,j,m
2892  210 format(' NO CRIT RH FOR LAT=',i3,' AND LON BAND=',i3, &
2893  & ' LAND(=1) SEA=',i3//' MODEL RH ',' OBS RTCLD')
2894  do i = 1, nbin
2895  print 203, rhcf(i,j,k,l,m), rtncf(i,j,k,l,m)
2896  203 format(2f10.2)
2897  enddo
2898  endif
2900  endif ! if_kkpts
2902  enddo ! end_do_j_loop
2903  enddo ! end_do_k_loop
2904  enddo ! end_do_l_loop
2905  enddo ! end_do_m_loop
2907  do m = 1, nseal
2908  do l = 1, mcld
2909  do k = 1, nlat
2910  do j = 1, nlon
2912  isat = 0
2913  do i = 1, nbin-1
2914  cfrac = binscl * (i - 1)
2916  if (rhcla(i,j,k,l,m) < 0.0) then
2917  print 1941, i,m,l,k,j
2918  1941 format(' NEG RHCLA FOR IT,NSL,NC,LAT,LON=',5i4 &
2919  &, '...STOPPP..')
2920  stop
2921  endif
2923  if (rtncf(i,j,k,l,m) >= 1.0) then
2924  if (isat <= 0) then
2925  isat = i
2926  rhsat = rhcla(i,j,k,l,m)
2927  clsat = cfrac
2928  endif
2930  rhcla(i,j,k,l,m) = rhsat + (1.0 - rhsat) &
2931  & * (cfrac - clsat) / (1.0 - clsat)
2932  endif
2933  enddo
2935  rhcla(nbin,j,k,l,m) = 1.0
2937  enddo ! end_do_j_loop
2938  enddo ! end_do_k_loop
2939  enddo ! end_do_l_loop
2940  enddo ! end_do_m_loop
2942 ! --- smooth out the table as it reaches rh=1.0, via linear interpolation
2943 ! between location of rh ge .98 and the NBIN bin (where rh=1.0)
2944 ! previously rh=1.0 occurred for many of the latter bins in the
2945 ! --- table, thereby giving a cloud value of less then 1.0 for rh=1.0
2947  rhcl = rhcla
2949  do m = 1, nseal
2950  do l = 1, mcld
2951  do k = 1, nlat
2952  do j = 1, nlon
2954  lab_do_i : do i = 1, nbin - 2
2955  cfrac = binscl * i
2957  if (rhcla(i,j,k,l,m) >= 0.98) then
2958  do i1 = i, nbin
2959  cstem = binscl * i1
2961  rhcl(i1,j,k,l,m) = rhcla(i,j,k,l,m) &
2962  & + (rhcla(nbin,j,k,l,m) - rhcla(i,j,k,l,m)) &
2963  & * (cstem - cfrac) / (1.0 - cfrac)
2964  enddo
2965  exit lab_do_i
2966  endif
2967  enddo lab_do_i
2969  enddo ! end_do_j_loop
2970  enddo ! end_do_k_loop
2971  enddo ! end_do_l_loop
2972  enddo ! end_do_m_loop
2974  if (me == 0) then
2975  print *,'completed rhtable for cloud tuninig tables'
2976  endif
2977  return
2979  998 print 988
2980  988 format(' from rhtable ERROR READING TABLES')
2981  ier = -1
2982  return
2984  999 print 989
2985  989 format(' from rhtable E.O.F READING TABLES')
2986  ier = -1
2987  return
2989 !...................................

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

real (kind=kind_phys), parameter module_radiation_clouds::cldasy_def = 0.84

Definition at line 192 of file radiation_clouds.f.

Referenced by diagcld1().

192  real (kind=kind_phys), parameter :: cldasy_def = 0.84 ! default cld asymmetry factor
real (kind=kind_phys), parameter module_radiation_clouds::cldssa_def = 0.99

Definition at line 191 of file radiation_clouds.f.

Referenced by diagcld1().

191  real (kind=kind_phys), parameter :: cldssa_def = 0.99 ! default cld single scat albedo
real (kind=kind_phys), parameter module_radiation_clouds::climit = 0.001

Definition at line 175 of file radiation_clouds.f.

Referenced by diagcld1(), gethml(), progcld1(), progcld2(), and progcld3().

175  real (kind=kind_phys), parameter :: climit = 0.001, climit2=0.05
real (kind=kind_phys), parameter module_radiation_clouds::climit2 =0.05

Definition at line 175 of file radiation_clouds.f.

Referenced by progcld1(), progcld2(), and progcld3().

real (kind=kind_phys), parameter module_radiation_clouds::gfac =1.0e5/con_g

Definition at line 161 of file radiation_clouds.f.

Referenced by progcld1(), and progcld3().

161  real (kind=kind_phys), parameter :: gfac=1.0e5/con_g &
162  &, gord=con_g/con_rd
real (kind=kind_phys), parameter module_radiation_clouds::gord =con_g/con_rd

Definition at line 161 of file radiation_clouds.f.

Referenced by progcld1(), and progcld3().

integer module_radiation_clouds::iovr = 1

Definition at line 211 of file radiation_clouds.f.

Referenced by cld_init(), and gethml().

211  integer :: iovr = 1 ! cloud over lapping method for diagnostic 3-domain
integer module_radiation_clouds::llyr = 2

Definition at line 210 of file radiation_clouds.f.

Referenced by cld_init(), diagcld1(), and gethml().

210  integer :: llyr = 2 ! upper limit of boundary layer clouds
integer, parameter module_radiation_clouds::mcld =4

Definition at line 188 of file radiation_clouds.f.

Referenced by diagcld1(), and rhtable().

188  integer, parameter :: mcld=4 ! =1,4 for bl,low,mid,hi cld type
integer, parameter module_radiation_clouds::nbin =100

Definition at line 185 of file radiation_clouds.f.

Referenced by diagcld1(), and rhtable().

185  integer, parameter :: nbin=100 ! rh in one percent interval
integer, parameter, public module_radiation_clouds::nf_clds = 9

Definition at line 164 of file radiation_clouds.f.

Referenced by progcld1(), and progcld3().

164  integer, parameter, public :: nf_clds = 9 ! number of fields in cloud array
integer, parameter, public module_radiation_clouds::nk_clds = 3

Definition at line 166 of file radiation_clouds.f.

Referenced by gethml().

166  integer, parameter, public :: nk_clds = 3 ! number of cloud vertical domains
integer, parameter module_radiation_clouds::nlat =4

Definition at line 187 of file radiation_clouds.f.

Referenced by rhtable().

187  integer, parameter :: nlat=4 ! =1,4 for 60n-30n,30n-equ,equ-30s,30s-60s
integer, parameter module_radiation_clouds::nlon =2

Definition at line 186 of file radiation_clouds.f.

Referenced by diagcld1(), and rhtable().

186  integer, parameter :: nlon=2 ! =1,2 for eastern and western hemispheres
integer, parameter module_radiation_clouds::nseal =2

Definition at line 189 of file radiation_clouds.f.

Referenced by diagcld1(), and rhtable().

189  integer, parameter :: nseal=2 ! =1,2 for land,sea
real (kind=kind_phys), parameter module_radiation_clouds::ovcst = 1.0 - 1.0e-8

Definition at line 176 of file radiation_clouds.f.

Referenced by gethml().

176  real (kind=kind_phys), parameter :: ovcst = 1.0 - 1.0e-8
real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(nk_clds+1,2), save module_radiation_clouds::ptopc

Definition at line 169 of file radiation_clouds.f.

Referenced by diagcld1(), progcld1(), progcld2(), and progcld3().

169  real (kind=kind_phys), save :: ptopc(nk_clds+1,2)
real (kind=kind_phys), parameter module_radiation_clouds::reice_def = 50.0

Definition at line 180 of file radiation_clouds.f.

Referenced by progcld1(), progcld2(), and progcld3().

180  real (kind=kind_phys), parameter :: reice_def = 50.0 ! default ice radius to 50 micron
real (kind=kind_phys), parameter module_radiation_clouds::reliq_def = 10.0

Definition at line 179 of file radiation_clouds.f.

Referenced by progcld1(), progcld2(), and progcld3().

179  real (kind=kind_phys), parameter :: reliq_def = 10.0 ! default liq radius to 10 micron
real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(nbin,nlon,nlat,mcld,nseal) module_radiation_clouds::rhcl

Definition at line 208 of file radiation_clouds.f.

Referenced by diagcld1(), and rhtable().

208  real (kind=kind_phys) :: rhcl(nbin,nlon,nlat,mcld,nseal)
real (kind=kind_phys), parameter module_radiation_clouds::rrain_def = 1000.0

Definition at line 181 of file radiation_clouds.f.

Referenced by progcld1(), progcld2(), and progcld3().

181  real (kind=kind_phys), parameter :: rrain_def = 1000.0 ! default rain radius to 1000 micron
real (kind=kind_phys), parameter module_radiation_clouds::rsnow_def = 250.0

Definition at line 182 of file radiation_clouds.f.

Referenced by progcld1(), progcld2(), and progcld3().

182  real (kind=kind_phys), parameter :: rsnow_def = 250.0 ! default snow radius to 250 micron
character(40), parameter module_radiation_clouds::vtagcld ='NCEP-Radiation_clouds v5.1 Nov 2012 '

Definition at line 156 of file radiation_clouds.f.

Referenced by cld_init().

156  character(40), parameter :: &
157  & VTAGCLD='NCEP-Radiation_clouds v5.1 Nov 2012 '
real (kind=kind_phys), parameter module_radiation_clouds::vvcld1 = 0.0003e0

Definition at line 202 of file radiation_clouds.f.

Referenced by diagcld1().

202  real (kind=kind_phys), parameter :: vvcld1= 0.0003e0
real (kind=kind_phys), parameter module_radiation_clouds::vvcld2 =-0.0005e0

Definition at line 203 of file radiation_clouds.f.

Referenced by diagcld1().

203  real (kind=kind_phys), parameter :: vvcld2=-0.0005e0
real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(3) module_radiation_clouds::xlabdy

Definition at line 197 of file radiation_clouds.f.

Referenced by diagcld1().

197  real (kind=kind_phys) :: xlabdy(3), xlobdy(3)
real (kind=kind_phys), parameter module_radiation_clouds::xlim =5.0

Definition at line 196 of file radiation_clouds.f.

Referenced by diagcld1().

196  real (kind=kind_phys), parameter :: xlim=5.0
real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(3) module_radiation_clouds::xlobdy

Definition at line 197 of file radiation_clouds.f.

Referenced by diagcld1().