Interoperable Physics Driver for NGGPS
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nuopc_physics Module Reference

the interface between the dynamic core and the physics packages More...

Data Types

type  cloud_properties
 DDT for cloud data and parameters. Used by grrad and gbphys with different intent. More...
type  diagnostics
 DDT for fields typically only used for diagnostic output. More...
type  dynamic_parameters
 DDT for data that changes frequently (e.g. inner loops) More...
type  interface_fields
 DDT for data used for coupling (e.g. land and ocean) More...
type  model_parameters
 DDT for non-changing model parameters - set once in initialize. More...
type  radiation_tendencies
 DDT for radiation tendencies. More...
type  sfc_properties
 DDT for surface fields. More...
type  state_fields_in
 DDT for basic inputs of radiation and physics parameters. More...
type  state_fields_out
 DDT for basic outputs from radiation and physics. More...
type  tbd_ddt
 DDT for data that has not been pigeonholed and is left to be determined. More...


subroutine, public nuopc_phys_init (mdl, ntcw, ncld, ntoz, NTRAC, levs, me, lsoil, ntiw, ntlnc, ntinc, lsm, nmtvr, nrcm, levozp, levh2o, lonr, latr, jcap, num_p3d, num_p2d, npdf3d, ncnvcld3d, pl_coeff, ncw, crtrh, cdmbgwd, ccwf, dlqf, ctei_rm, cgwf, prslrd0, ral_ts, ras, pre_rad, ldiag3d, lgocart, lssav_cpl, flipv, old_monin, cnvgwd, shal_cnv, imfshalcnv, imfdeepcnv, cal_pre, mom4ice, mstrat, trans_trac, nstf_name, moist_adj, thermodyn_id, sfcpress_id, gen_coord_hybrid, levr, lsidea, pdfcld, shcnvcw, redrag, hybedmf, dspheat, dxmaxin, dxminin, dxinvin, h2o_phys, h2o_coeff,
subroutine, public ozoneini (this, jindx1, jindx2, ozplin, ddy)
 Writes inputs that are used for nuopc_phys_init to init_savein.dat. More...
subroutine, public h2oini (this, jindx1_h, jindx2_h, h2oplin, ddy_h, h2o_pres)
subroutine, public phys_init_savein (levr, ntcw, ncld, ntoz, NTRAC, levs, me, lsoil, lsm, nmtvr, nrcm, levozp, lonr, latr, jcap, num_p3d, num_p2d, npdf3d, ncnvcld3d, pl_coeff, ncw, nstf_name, thermodyn_id, sfcpress_id, crtrh, cdmbgwd, ccwf, dlqf, ctei_rm, cgwf, prslrd0, ral_ts, ras, pre_rad, ldiag3d, lgocart, lssav_cpl, flipv, old_monin, cnvgwd, shal_cnv, imfshalcnv, imfdeepcnv, cal_pre, mom4ice, mstrat, trans_trac, moist_adj, gen_coord_hybrid, lsidea, pdfcld, shcnvcw, redrag, hybedmf, dspheat, dxmax, dxmin, dxinv,
subroutine, public phys_init_readin (levr, ntcw, ncld, ntoz, NTRAC, levs, me, lsoil, lsm, nmtvr, nrcm, levozp, lonr, latr, jcap, num_p3d, num_p2d, npdf3d, ncnvcld3d, pl_coeff, ncw, nstf_name, thermodyn_id, sfcpress_id, crtrh, cdmbgwd, ccwf, dlqf, ctei_rm, cgwf, prslrd0, ral_ts, ras, pre_rad, ldiag3d, lgocart, lssav_cpl, flipv, old_monin, cnvgwd, shal_cnv, imfshalcnv, imfdeepcnv, cal_pre, mom4ice, mstrat, trans_trac, moist_adj, gen_coord_hybrid, lsidea, pdfcld, shcnvcw, redrag, hybedmf, dspheat, dxmaxin, dxminin, dxinvin,
 Reads inputs that are used for nuopc_phys_init from init_savein.dat. More...
subroutine, public nuopc_rad_update (mdl, dyn)
 Wrapper for radupdate (grrad.f) - updates some fields between timesteps. More...
subroutine, public nuopc_rad_run (statein, sfc_prop, diags, intrfc_fld, cld_prop, rad_tend, mdl_parm, dyn_parm)
 Wrapper for grrad (grrad.f). More...
subroutine, public nuopc_sppt_phys (stateout, diag, intr, rad, mdl, tbd, dyn)
subroutine, public nuopc_phys_run (statein, stateout, sfc, diag, intr, cld, rad, mdl, tbd, dyn)
subroutine, public rad_run_savein (statein, sfc_prop, diags, intrfc_fld, cld_prop, rad_tend, mdl_parm, dyn_parm)
 Write inputs to nuopc_rad_run to file radrun_savein.dat. More...
subroutine, public rad_run_readin (statein, sfc_prop, diags, intrfc_fld, cld_prop, rad_tend, mdl_parm, dyn_parm)
 Reads inputs to nuopc_rad_run from file radrun_savein.dat. More...
subroutine, public rad_run_saveout (diags, intrfc_fld, cld_prop, rad_tend)
 Write outputs from nuopc_rad_run to radrun_saveout.dat. More...
subroutine, public rad_run_readout (diags, intrfc_fld, cld_prop, rad_tend)
 Read outputs from nuopc_rad_run from radrun_saveout.dat. More...
subroutine, public phys_run_savein (statein, sfc, diag, intr, cld, rad, mdl, tbd, dyn)
 @ brief Write inputs to nuopc_phys_run to physrun_savein.dat. More...
subroutine, public phys_run_readin (statein, sfc, diag, intr, cld, rad, mdl, tbd, dyn)
 @ brief Read inputs to nuopc_phys_run from physrun_savein.dat. More...
subroutine, public phys_run_saveout (stateout, sfc, diag, intr, cld, rad, tbd)
 Write outputs from nuopc_phys_run to physrun_saveout.dat. More...
subroutine, public phys_run_readout (stateout, sfc, diag, intr, cld, rad, tbd)
 Read outputs from nuopc_phys_run from physrun_saveout.dat. More...


integer myme
logical, parameter debug = .false.
logical, parameter, public use_nuopc = .false.

Detailed Description

the interface between the dynamic core and the physics packages

Variable Documentation

integer nuopc_physics::myme

Definition at line 175 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

Referenced by nuopc_phys_init(), and phys_run_readout().