Interoperable Physics Driver for NGGPS
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nuopc_physics::diagnostics Type Reference

DDT for fields typically only used for diagnostic output. More...

Collaboration diagram for nuopc_physics::diagnostics:

Private Member Functions

procedure setrad => diagnostics_setrad
 set the items required by radiation More...
procedure setphys => diagnostics_setphys
 set the items required by physics More...

Private Attributes

integer nfxr
 second dimension of input/output array fluxr More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer fluxr => null()
 [in,out] for radiation [dim(ix,nfxr): created in grrad.f] to save time accumulated 2-d fields defined as: More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer dswcmp => null()
 [dim(ix,4): created in grrad.f] downward sfc sw spectral components More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer uswcmp => null()
 [dim(ix,4): created in grrad.f] upward sfc sw spectral components More...
type(topfsw_type), dimension(:), pointer topfsw => null()
 [in,out] for radiation [dim(im): created in grrad.f]: sw radiation fluxes at toa, components:
upfxc - total sky upward sw flux at toa (w/m**2)
dnflx - total sky downward sw flux at toa (w/m**2)
upfx0 - clear sky upward sw flux at toa (w/m**2) More...
type(topflw_type), dimension(:), pointer topflw => null()
 [in,out] for radiation [dim(im): created in grrad.f]: lw radiation fluxes at top, component:
upfxc - total sky upward lw flux at toa (w/m**2)
upfx0 - clear sky upward lw flux at toa (w/m**2) More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer srunoff => null()
 [in,out] for phys: flx_fldsrunoff surface water runoff (from lsm) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer evbsa => null()
 [in,out] for phys: flx_fldevbsa noah lsm diagnostics [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer evcwa => null()
 [in,out] for phys: flx_fldevcwa noah lsm diagnostics [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer snohfa => null()
 [in,out] for phys: flx_fldsnohfa noah lsm diagnostics [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer transa => null()
 [in,out] for phys: flx_fldtransa noah lsm diagnostics [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer sbsnoa => null()
 [in,out] for phys: flx_fldsbsnoa noah lsm diagnostics [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer snowca => null()
 [in,out] for phys: flx_fldsnowca noah lsm diagnostics [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer soilm => null()
 [in,out] for phys: flx_fldsoilm soil moisture [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer tmpmin => null()
 [in,out] for phys: flx_fldtmpmin min temperature at 2m height (k) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer tmpmax => null()
 [in,out] for phys: flx_fldtmpmax max temperature at 2m height (k) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer dusfc => null()
 [in,out] for phys: flx_flddusfc u component of surface stress [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer dvsfc => null()
 [in,out] for phys: flx_flddvsfc v component of surface stress [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer dtsfc => null()
 [in,out] for phys: flx_flddtsfc sensible heat flux (w/m2) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer dqsfc => null()
 [in,out] for phys: flx_flddqsfc latent heat flux (w/m2) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer totprcp => null()
 [in,out] for phys: flx_fldgeshem accumulated total precipitation (kg/m2) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer gflux => null()
 [in,out] for phys: flx_fldgflux groud conductive heat flux [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer dlwsfc => null()
 [in,out] for phys: flx_flddlwsfc time accumulated sfc dn lw flux ( w/m**2 ) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer ulwsfc => null()
 [in,out] for phys: flx_fldulwsfc time accumulated sfc up lw flux ( w/m**2 ) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer suntim => null()
 [in,out] for phys: flx_fldsuntim sunshine duration time (s) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer runoff => null()
 [in,out] for phys: flx_fldrunoff total water runoff [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer ep => null()
 [in,out] for phys: flx_fldep potential evaporation [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer cldwrk => null()
 [in,out] for phys: flx_fldcldwrk cloud workfunction (valid only with sas) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer dugwd => null()
 [in,out] for phys: flx_flddugwd vertically integrated u change by OGWD [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer dvgwd => null()
 [in,out] for phys: flx_flddvgwd vertically integrated v change by OGWD [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer psmean => null()
 [in,out] for phys: flx_fldpsmean surface pressure (kPa) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer cnvprcp => null()
 [in,out] for phys: flx_fldbengsh accumulated convective precipitation (kg/m2) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer spfhmin => null()
 [in,out] for phys: flx_fldspfhmin minimum specific humidity [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer spfhmax => null()
 [in,out] for phys: flx_fldspfhmax maximum specific humidity [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer rain => null()
 [in,out] for phys: flx_fldrain total rain at this time step [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer rainc => null()
 [in,out] for phys: flx_fldrainc convective rain at this time step [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:,:), pointer dt3dt => null()
 [in,out] for phys: ix,levs,6 temperature change due to physics [dim(ix,levs,6): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:,:), pointer dq3dt => null()
 [in,out] for phys: ix,levs,5+pl_coeff moisture change due to physics [dim(ix,levs,5+pl_coeff): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:,:), pointer du3dt => null()
 [in,out] for phys: ix,levs,4 u momentum change due to physics [dim(ix,levs,4): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:,:), pointer dv3dt => null()
 [in,out] for phys: ix,levs,4 v momentum change due to physics [dim(ix,levs,4): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer dqdt_v => null()
 [in,out] for phys: ix,levs total moisture tendency (kg/kg/s) [dim(ix,levs): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer u10m => null()
 [out] for phys: flx_fldu10m 10 meater u/v wind speed [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer v10m => null()
 [out] for phys: flx_fldv10m 10 meater u/v wind speed [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer zlvl => null()
 [out] for phys: flx_fldzlvl layer 1 height (m) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer psurf => null()
 [out] for phys: flx_fldpsurf surface pressure (Pa) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer hpbl => null()
 [out] for phys: flx_fldhpbl pbl height (m) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer pwat => null()
 [out] for phys: flx_fldpwat precipitable water [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer t1 => null()
 [out] for phys: flx_fldt1 layer 1 temperature (K) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer q1 => null()
 [out] for phys: flx_fldq1 layer 1 specific humidity (kg/kg) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer u1 => null()
 [out] for phys: flx_fldu1 layer 1 zonal wind (m/s) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer v1 => null()
 [out] for phys: flx_fldv1 layer 1 merdional wind (m/s) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer chh => null()
 [out] for phys: flx_fldchh thermal exchange coefficient [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer cmm => null()
 [out] for phys: flx_fldcmm momentum exchange coefficient [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer dlwsfci => null()
 [out] for phys: flx_flddlwsfci instantaneous sfc dnwd lw flux ( w/m**2 ) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer ulwsfci => null()
 [out] for phys: flx_fldulwsfci instantaneous sfc upwd lw flux ( w/m**2 ) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer dswsfci => null()
 [out] for phys: flx_flddswsfci instantaneous sfc dnwd sw flux ( w/m**2 ) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer uswsfci => null()
 [out] for phys: flx_flduswsfci instantaneous sfc upwd sw flux ( w/m**2 ) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer dusfci => null()
 [out] for phys: flx_flddusfci instantaneous u component of surface stress [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer dvsfci => null()
 [out] for phys: flx_flddvsfci instantaneous v component of surface stress [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer dtsfci => null()
 [out] for phys: flx_flddtsfci instantaneous sfc sensible heat flux [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer dqsfci => null()
 [out] for phys: flx_flddqsfci instantaneous sfc latent heat flux [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer gfluxi => null()
 [out] for phys: flx_fldgfluxi instantaneous sfc ground heat flux [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer epi => null()
 [out] for phys: flx_fldepi instantaneous sfc potential evaporation [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer smcwlt2 => null()
 [out] for phys: flx_fldsmcwlt2 wilting point (volumetric) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer smcref2 => null()
 [out] for phys: flx_fldsmcref2 soil moisture threshold (volumetric) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer wet1 => null()
 [out] for phys: flx_fldwet1 normalized soil wetness [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer sr => null()
 [out] for phys: flx_fldsr snow ratio : ratio of snow to total precipitation More...

Detailed Description

DDT for fields typically only used for diagnostic output.

Definition at line 414 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

The documentation for this type was generated from the following file: