GFS Operational Physics Documentation  Revision: 81451

This module defines commonly used control variables and parameters in physics related programs. More...

Detailed Description

This module defines commonly used control variables and parameters in physics related programs.

Collaboration diagram for physparam:

-1.1- Control flags for SW radiation

integer, parameter physparam::iswrate = 2
 SW heating rate unit control flag: =1:k/day; =2:k/second.
integer, parameter physparam::iswrgas = 1
 SW rare gases effect control flag (ch4,n2o,o2,...): =0:no; =1:yes.
integer, save physparam::iswcliq = 1
 SW optical property for liquid clouds
=0:input cld opt depth, ignoring iswcice setting
=1:input cwp,rew, use Hu and Stamnes(1993) [28] method
=2:not defined yet.
integer, save physparam::iswcice = 3
 SW optical property for ice clouds (only iswcliq>0)
=0:not defined yet
=1:input cip,rei, use Ebert and Curry (1992) [13] method
=2:input cip,rei, use Streamer v3.0 (2001) [33] method
=3:input cip,rei, use Fu's method (1996) [17] method.
integer, parameter physparam::iswmode = 2
 SW control flag for 2-stream transfer scheme
=1:delta-eddington (Joseph et al. 1976 [31])
=2:pifm (Zdunkowski et al. 1980 [56])
=3:discrete ordinates (Liou, 1973 [37])

-1.2- Control flags for LW radiation

integer, parameter physparam::ilwrate = 2
 LW heating rate unit (1:k/day; 2:k/second): =1:k/day; =2:k/second.
integer, parameter physparam::ilwrgas = 1
 LW rare gases effect control flag (ch4,n2o,o2,cfcs...): =0:no; =1:yes.
integer, save physparam::ilwcliq = 1
 LW optical property for liquid clouds
=0:input cld opt depth, ignoring ilwcice setting
=1:input cwp,rew, use Hu and Stamnes(1993) [28] method
=2:not defined yet.
integer, save physparam::ilwcice = 3
 LW optical property for ice clouds (only ilwcliq>0)
=0:not defined yet
=1:input cip,rei, use Ebert and Curry (1992) [13] method
=2:input cip,rei, use Streamer (1996) method
=3:input cip,rei, use Fu's method (1998) [16] method.

-1.3- Control flag for LW aerosol property

logical, parameter physparam::lalw1bd =.false.
 =t: use 1 broad-band LW aeros properties
=f: use multi bands aeros properites

-2.1- For module radiation_astronomy

integer, save physparam::isolar = 0
 solar constant scheme control flag
character, save physparam::solar_file
 external solar constant data table,solarconstant_noaa_a0.txt

-2.2- For module radiation_aerosols

integer, save physparam::iaermdl = 0
 aerosol model scheme control flag
integer, save physparam::iaerflg = 0
 aerosol effect control flag
logical, save physparam::lalwflg = .true.
 LW aerosols effect control flag.
logical, save physparam::laswflg = .true.
 SW aerosols effect control flag.
logical, save physparam::lavoflg = .true.
 stratospheric volcanic effect flag
character, save physparam::aeros_file
 external aerosols data file: aerosol.dat

-2.3- For module radiation_gases

integer, save physparam::ico2flg = 0
 co2 data source control flag
integer, save physparam::ictmflg = 0
 external data time/date control flag
integer, save physparam::ioznflg = 1
 ozone data source control flag
character, save physparam::co2dat_file
 external co2 2d monthly obsv data table: co2historicaldata_2004.txt
character, save physparam::co2gbl_file
 external co2 global annual mean data tb: co2historicaldata_glob.txt
character, save physparam::co2usr_file
 external co2 user defined data table: co2userdata.txt
character, save physparam::co2cyc_file
 external co2 clim monthly cycle data tb: co2monthlycyc.txt

-2.4- For module radiation_clouds

integer, save physparam::icldflg = 1
 cloud optical property scheme control flag
integer, save physparam::icmphys = 1
 cloud micorphysics scheme control flag
integer, save physparam::iovrsw = 1
 cloud overlapping control flag for SW
integer, save physparam::iovrlw = 1
 cloud overlapping control flag for LW
logical, save physparam::lcrick =.false.
 eliminating CRICK control flag
logical, save physparam::lcnorm =.false.
 in-cld condensate control flag
logical, save physparam::lnoprec =.false.
 precip effect on radiation flag (Ferrier microphysics)
logical, save physparam::lsashal =.false.
 shallow convetion flag

-2.5- For module radiation_surface

integer, save physparam::ialbflg = 0
 surface albedo scheme control flag
integer, save physparam::iemsflg = 0
 surface emissivity scheme control flag
character, save physparam::semis_file
 external sfc emissivity data table: sfc_emissivity_idx.txt

-2.6- general purpose

integer, save physparam::ivflip = 1
 vertical profile indexing flag
integer, save physparam::isubcsw = 0
 sub-column cloud approx flag in SW radiation
integer, save physparam::isubclw = 0
 sub-column cloud approx flag in LW radiation
integer, save physparam::ipsd0 = 0
 initial permutaion seed for mcica radiation