CCPP Scientific Documentation
radlw_main.f File Reference

This file contains NCEP's modifications of the rrtmg-lw radiation code from AER. More...


module  rrtmg_lw
 This module contains the CCPP-compliant NCEP's modifications of the rrtm-lw radiation code from aer inc.


subroutine, public rrtmg_lw::rrtmg_lw_init ()
subroutine, public rrtmg_lw::rrtmg_lw_run (plyr, plvl, tlyr, tlvl, qlyr, olyr, gasvmr_co2, gasvmr_n2o, gasvmr_ch4, gasvmr_o2, gasvmr_co, gasvmr_cfc11, gasvmr_cfc12, gasvmr_cfc22, gasvmr_ccl4, icseed, aeraod, aerssa, sfemis, sfgtmp, dzlyr, delpin, de_lgth, npts, nlay, nlp1, lprnt, cld_cf, lslwr, hlwc, topflx, sfcflx, cldtau, HLW0, HLWB, FLXPRF, cld_lwp, cld_ref_liq, cld_iwp, cld_ref_ice, cld_rwp, cld_ref_rain, cld_swp, cld_ref_snow, cld_od, errmsg, errflg )
subroutine, public rrtmg_lw::rrtmg_lw_finalize ()
subroutine taugb02
 Band 2: 350-500 cm-1 (low key - h2o; high key - h2o) More...
subroutine taugb03
 Band 3: 500-630 cm-1 (low key - h2o,co2; low minor - n2o); (high key - h2o,co2; high minor - n2o) More...
subroutine taugb04
 Band 4: 630-700 cm-1 (low key - h2o,co2; high key - o3,co2) More...
subroutine taugb05
 Band 5: 700-820 cm-1 (low key - h2o,co2; low minor - o3, ccl4) (high key - o3,co2) More...
subroutine taugb06
 Band 6: 820-980 cm-1 (low key - h2o; low minor - co2) (high key - none; high minor - cfc11, cfc12) More...
subroutine taugb07
 Band 7: 980-1080 cm-1 (low key - h2o,o3; low minor - co2) (high key - o3; high minor - co2) More...
subroutine taugb08
 Band 8: 1080-1180 cm-1 (low key - h2o; low minor - co2,o3,n2o) (high key - o3; high minor - co2, n2o) More...
subroutine taugb09
 Band 9: 1180-1390 cm-1 (low key - h2o,ch4; low minor - n2o) (high key - ch4; high minor - n2o) More...
subroutine taugb10
 Band 10: 1390-1480 cm-1 (low key - h2o; high key - h2o) More...
subroutine taugb11
 Band 11: 1480-1800 cm-1 (low - h2o; low minor - o2) (high key - h2o; high minor - o2) More...
subroutine taugb12
 Band 12: 1800-2080 cm-1 (low - h2o,co2; high - nothing) More...
subroutine taugb13
 Band 13: 2080-2250 cm-1 (low key-h2o,n2o; high minor-o3 minor) More...
subroutine taugb14
 Band 14: 2250-2380 cm-1 (low - co2; high - co2) More...
subroutine taugb15
 Band 15: 2380-2600 cm-1 (low - n2o,co2; low minor - n2) (high - nothing) More...
subroutine taugb16
 Band 16: 2600-3250 cm-1 (low key- h2o,ch4; high key - ch4) More...
subroutine, public rrtmg_lw::rlwinit (me)
 This subroutine performs calculations necessary for the initialization of the longwave model, which includes non-varying model variables, conversion factors, and look-up tables. More...
subroutine rrtmg_lw::cldprop (cfrac, cliqp, reliq, cicep, reice, cdat1, cdat2, cdat3, cdat4, nlay, nlp1, ipseed, dz, de_lgth, cldfmc, taucld )
 This subroutine computes the cloud optical depth(s) for each cloudy layer and g-point interval. More...
subroutine rrtmg_lw::mcica_subcol (cldf, nlay, ipseed, dz, de_lgth, lcloudy )
 This suroutine computes sub-colum cloud profile flag array. More...
subroutine rrtmg_lw::setcoef (pavel, tavel, tz, stemp, h2ovmr, colamt, coldry, colbrd, nlay, nlp1, laytrop, pklay, pklev, jp, jt, jt1, rfrate, fac00, fac01, fac10, fac11, selffac, selffrac, indself, forfac, forfrac, indfor, minorfrac, scaleminor, scaleminorn2, indminor )
 This subroutine computes various coefficients needed in radiative transfer calculations. More...
subroutine rrtmg_lw::rtrn (semiss, delp, cldfrc, taucld, tautot, pklay, pklev, fracs, secdif, nlay, nlp1, totuflux, totdflux, htr, totuclfl, totdclfl, htrcl, htrb )
 This subroutine computes the upward/downward radiative fluxes, and heating rates for both clear or cloudy atmosphere. Clouds assumed as randomly overlaping in a vertical column. More...
subroutine rrtmg_lw::rtrnmr (semiss, delp, cldfrc, taucld, tautot, pklay, pklev, fracs, secdif, nlay, nlp1, totuflux, totdflux, htr, totuclfl, totdclfl, htrcl, htrb )
 This subroutine computes the upward/downward radiative fluxes, and heating rates for both clear or cloudy atmosphere. Clouds are assumed as in maximum-randomly overlaping in a vertical column. More...
subroutine rrtmg_lw::rtrnmc (semiss, delp, cldfmc, taucld, tautot, pklay, pklev, fracs, secdif, nlay, nlp1, totuflux, totdflux, htr, totuclfl, totdclfl, htrcl, htrb )
 This subroutine computes the upward/downward radiative fluxes, and heating rates for both clear or cloudy atmosphere.Clouds are treated with the mcica stochastic approach. More...
subroutine rrtmg_lw::taumol (laytrop, pavel, coldry, colamt, colbrd, wx, tauaer, rfrate, fac00, fac01, fac10, fac11, jp, jt, jt1, selffac, selffrac, indself, forfac, forfrac, indfor, minorfrac, scaleminor, scaleminorn2, indminor, nlay, fracs, tautot )
 This subroutine contains optical depths developed for the rapid radiative transfer model. More...
subroutine taugb01
 band 1: 10-350 cm-1 (low key - h2o; low minor - n2); (high key - h2o; high minor - n2) More...


character(40), parameter rrtmg_lw::vtaglw ='NCEP LW v5.1 Nov 2012 -RRTMG-LW v4.82 '
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter rrtmg_lw::eps = 1.0e-6
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter rrtmg_lw::oneminus = 1.0-eps
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter rrtmg_lw::cldmin = tiny(cldmin)
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter rrtmg_lw::bpade = 1.0/0.278
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter rrtmg_lw::stpfac = 296.0/1013.0
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter rrtmg_lw::wtdiff = 0.5
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter rrtmg_lw::tblint = ntbl
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter rrtmg_lw::f_zero = 0.0
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter rrtmg_lw::f_one = 1.0
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter rrtmg_lw::amdw = con_amd/con_amw
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter rrtmg_lw::amdo3 = con_amd/con_amo3
integer, dimension(nbands) rrtmg_lw::nspa
integer, dimension(nbands) rrtmg_lw::nspb
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(nbands) rrtmg_lw::a0
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(nbands) rrtmg_lw::a1
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(nbands) rrtmg_lw::a2
logical rrtmg_lw::lhlwb = .false.
logical rrtmg_lw::lhlw0 = .false.
logical rrtmg_lw::lflxprf = .false.
real(kind=kind_phys) rrtmg_lw::fluxfac
real(kind=kind_phys) rrtmg_lw::heatfac
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(nbands) rrtmg_lw::semiss0
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(0:ntbl) rrtmg_lw::tau_tbl
 clr-sky opt dep (for cldy transfer) More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(0:ntbl) rrtmg_lw::exp_tbl
 transmittance lookup table More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(0:ntbl) rrtmg_lw::tfn_tbl
 tau transition function; i.e. the transition of planck func from mean lyr temp to lyr boundary temp as a func of opt dep. "linear in tau" method is used. More...
integer, parameter rrtmg_lw::ipsdlw0 = ngptlw