subroutine, public | rrtmg_sw::rrtmg_sw_init () |
subroutine, public | rrtmg_sw::rrtmg_sw_run (plyr, plvl, tlyr, tlvl, qlyr, olyr, gasvmr_co2, gasvmr_n2o, gasvmr_ch4, gasvmr_o2, gasvmr_co, gasvmr_cfc11, gasvmr_cfc12, gasvmr_cfc22, gasvmr_ccl4, icseed, aeraod, aerssa, aerasy, sfcalb_nir_dir, sfcalb_nir_dif, sfcalb_uvis_dir, sfcalb_uvis_dif, dzlyr, delpin, de_lgth, cosz, solcon, NDAY, idxday, npts, nlay, nlp1, lprnt, cld_cf, lsswr, hswc, topflx, sfcflx, cldtau, HSW0, HSWB, FLXPRF, FDNCMP, cld_lwp, cld_ref_liq, cld_iwp, cld_ref_ice, cld_rwp, cld_ref_rain, cld_swp, cld_ref_snow, cld_od, cld_ssa, cld_asy, errmsg, errflg |
subroutine, public | rrtmg_sw::rrtmg_sw_finalize () |
subroutine | taumol17 |
| The subroutine computes the optical depth in band 17: 3250-4000 cm-1 (low - h2o,co2; high - h2o,co2) More...
subroutine | taumol18 |
| The subroutine computes the optical depth in band 18: 4000-4650 cm-1 (low - h2o,ch4; high - ch4) More...
subroutine | taumol19 |
| The subroutine computes the optical depth in band 19: 4650-5150 cm-1 (low - h2o,co2; high - co2) More...
subroutine | taumol20 |
| The subroutine computes the optical depth in band 20: 5150-6150 cm-1 (low - h2o; high - h2o) More...
subroutine | taumol21 |
| The subroutine computes the optical depth in band 21: 6150-7700 cm-1 (low - h2o,co2; high - h2o,co2) More...
subroutine | taumol22 |
| The subroutine computes the optical depth in band 22: 7700-8050 cm-1 (low - h2o,o2; high - o2) More...
subroutine | taumol23 |
| The subroutine computes the optical depth in band 23: 8050-12850 cm-1 (low - h2o; high - nothing) More...
subroutine | taumol24 |
| The subroutine computes the optical depth in band 24: 12850-16000 cm-1 (low - h2o,o2; high - o2) More...
subroutine | taumol25 |
| The subroutine computes the optical depth in band 25: 16000-22650 cm-1 (low - h2o; high - nothing) More...
subroutine | taumol26 |
| The subroutine computes the optical depth in band 26: 22650-29000 cm-1 (low - nothing; high - nothing) More...
subroutine | taumol27 |
| The subroutine computes the optical depth in band 27: 29000-38000 cm-1 (low - o3; high - o3) More...
subroutine | taumol28 |
| The subroutine computes the optical depth in band 28: 38000-50000 cm-1 (low - o3,o2; high - o3,o2) More...
subroutine | taumol29 |
| The subroutine computes the optical depth in band 29: 820-2600 cm-1 (low - h2o; high - co2) More...
subroutine, public | rrtmg_sw::rswinit (me) |
| This subroutine initializes non-varying module variables, conversion factors, and look-up tables. More...
subroutine | rrtmg_sw::cldprop (cfrac, cliqp, reliq, cicep, reice, cdat1, cdat2, cdat3, cdat4, cf1, nlay, ipseed, dz, delgth, taucw, ssacw, asycw, cldfrc, cldfmc ) |
| This subroutine computes the cloud optical properties for each cloudy layer and g-point interval. More...
subroutine | rrtmg_sw::mcica_subcol (cldf, nlay, ipseed, dz, de_lgth, lcloudy ) |
| This subroutine computes the sub-colum cloud profile flag array. More...
subroutine | rrtmg_sw::setcoef (pavel, tavel, h2ovmr, nlay, nlp1, laytrop, jp, jt, jt1, fac00, fac01, fac10, fac11, selffac, selffrac, indself, forfac, forfrac, indfor ) |
| This subroutine computes various coefficients needed in radiative transfer calculation. More...
subroutine | rrtmg_sw::spcvrtc (ssolar, cosz, sntz, albbm, albdf, sfluxzen, cldfrc, cf1, cf0, taug, taur, tauae, ssaae, asyae, taucw, ssacw, asycw, nlay, nlp1, fxupc, fxdnc, fxup0, fxdn0, ftoauc, ftoau0, ftoadc, fsfcuc, fsfcu0, fsfcdc, fsfcd0, sfbmc, sfdfc, sfbm0, sfdf0, suvbfc, suvbf0 ) |
| This subroutine computes the shortwave radiative fluxes using two-stream method. More...
subroutine | rrtmg_sw::spcvrtm (ssolar, cosz, sntz, albbm, albdf, sfluxzen, cldfmc, cf1, cf0, taug, taur, tauae, ssaae, asyae, taucw, ssacw, asycw, nlay, nlp1, fxupc, fxdnc, fxup0, fxdn0, ftoauc, ftoau0, ftoadc, fsfcuc, fsfcu0, fsfcdc, fsfcd0, sfbmc, sfdfc, sfbm0, sfdf0, suvbfc, suvbf0 ) |
| This subroutine computes the shortwave radiative fluxes using two-stream method of h. barder and mcica,the monte-carlo independent column approximation, for the representation of sub-grid cloud variability (i.e. cloud overlap). More...
subroutine | rrtmg_sw::vrtqdr (zrefb, zrefd, ztrab, ztrad, zldbt, ztdbt, NLAY, NLP1, zfu, zfd ) |
| This subroutine is called by spcvrtc() and spcvrtm(), and computes the upward and downward radiation fluxes. More...
subroutine | rrtmg_sw::taumol (colamt, colmol, fac00, fac01, fac10, fac11, jp, jt, jt1, laytrop, forfac, forfrac, indfor, selffac, selffrac, indself, nlay, sfluxzen, taug, taur ) |
| This subroutine calculates optical depths for gaseous absorption and rayleigh scattering
subroutine called taumol## (## = 16-29) More...
subroutine | taumol16 |
| The subroutine computes the optical depth in band 16: 2600-3250 cm-1 (low - h2o,ch4; high - ch4) More...