CCPP SciDoc v7.0.0  v7.0.0
Common Community Physics Package Developed at DTC
No Matches
17 use machine, only: kind_phys
19 use cires_ugwpv0_module, only: knob_ugwp_version, cires_ugwpv0_mod_init, cires_ugwpv0_mod_finalize
21 use gwdps, only: gwdps_run
24 implicit none
26 private
28 public cires_ugwp_init, cires_ugwp_run, cires_ugwp_finalize
30 logical :: is_initialized = .false.
34! ------------------------------------------------------------------------
35! CCPP entry points for CIRES Unified Gravity Wave Physics (UGWP) scheme v0
36! ------------------------------------------------------------------------
41 subroutine cires_ugwp_init (me, master, nlunit, input_nml_file, logunit, &
42 fn_nml2, lonr, latr, levs, ak, bk, dtp, cdmbgwd, cgwf, &
43 pa_rf_in, tau_rf_in, con_p0, gwd_opt,do_ugwp, errmsg, errflg)
45!---- initialization of cires_ugwp
46 implicit none
48 integer, intent (in) :: me
49 integer, intent (in) :: master
50 integer, intent (in) :: nlunit
51 character(len=*), intent (in) :: input_nml_file(:)
52 integer, intent (in) :: logunit
53 integer, intent (in) :: lonr
54 integer, intent (in) :: levs
55 integer, intent (in) :: latr
56 real(kind=kind_phys), intent (in) :: ak(:), bk(:)
57 real(kind=kind_phys), intent (in) :: dtp
58 real(kind=kind_phys), intent (in) :: cdmbgwd(:), cgwf(:) ! "scaling" controls for "old" GFS-GW schemes
59 real(kind=kind_phys), intent (in) :: pa_rf_in, tau_rf_in
60 real(kind=kind_phys), intent (in) :: con_p0
61 integer, intent(in) :: gwd_opt
62 logical, intent (in) :: do_ugwp
64 character(len=*), intent (in) :: fn_nml2
65 !character(len=*), parameter :: fn_nml='input.nml'
67 integer :: ios
68 logical :: exists
69 real :: dxsg
70 integer :: k
72 character(len=*), intent(out) :: errmsg
73 integer, intent(out) :: errflg
75 ! Initialize CCPP error handling variables
76 errmsg = ''
77 errflg = 0
79 if (is_initialized) return
81 ! Consistency checks
82 if (gwd_opt/=1) then
83 write(errmsg,'(*(a))') "Logic error: namelist choice of gravity wave &
84 & drag is different from cires_ugwp scheme"
85 errflg = 1
86 return
87 end if
89 if (do_ugwp .or. cdmbgwd(3) > 0.0) then
90 call cires_ugwpv0_mod_init (me, master, nlunit, input_nml_file, logunit, &
91 fn_nml2, lonr, latr, levs, ak, bk, con_p0, dtp, &
92 cdmbgwd(1:2), cgwf, pa_rf_in, tau_rf_in)
93 else
94 write(errmsg,'(*(a))') "Logic error: cires_ugwp_init called but do_ugwp is false and cdmbgwd(3) <= 0"
95 errflg = 1
96 return
97 end if
99 if (.not.knob_ugwp_version==0) then
100 write(errmsg,'(*(a))') 'Logic error: CCPP only supports version zero of UGWP'
101 errflg = 1
102 return
103 end if
105 is_initialized = .true.
107 end subroutine cires_ugwp_init
110! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
111! finalize of cires_ugwp (_finalize)
112! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
115#if 0
120 subroutine cires_ugwp_finalize(errmsg, errflg)
122 implicit none
124 character(len=*), intent(out) :: errmsg
125 integer, intent(out) :: errflg
127! Initialize CCPP error handling variables
128 errmsg = ''
129 errflg = 0
131 if (.not.is_initialized) return
133 call cires_ugwpv0_mod_finalize()
135 is_initialized = .false.
137 end subroutine cires_ugwp_finalize
140! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
141! originally from ugwp_driver_v0.f
142! driver of cires_ugwp (_driver)
143! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
144! driver is called after pbl & before chem-parameterizations
145! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
146! order = dry-adj=>conv=mp-aero=>radiation -sfc/land- chem -> vertdiff-> [rf-gws]=> ion-re
147! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
194! \section det_cires_ugwp CIRES UGWP V0 Scheme Detailed Algorithm
195 subroutine cires_ugwp_run(do_ugwp, me, master, im, levs, ntrac, dtp, kdt, lonr, &
196 oro, oro_uf, hprime, nmtvr, oc, theta, sigma, gamma, elvmax, clx, oa4, &
197 do_tofd, ldiag_ugwp, cdmbgwd, xlat, xlat_d, sinlat, coslat, &
198 area, ugrs, vgrs, tgrs, qgrs, prsi, prsl, prslk, phii, phil, &
199 del, kpbl, dusfcg, dvsfcg, gw_dudt, gw_dvdt, gw_dtdt, gw_kdis, &
200 tau_tofd, tau_mtb, tau_ogw, tau_ngw, zmtb, zlwb, zogw, &
201 dusfc_ms, dvsfc_ms, dusfc_bl, dvsfc_bl, &
202 dudt_ogw, dtauy2d_ms, dtaux2d_bl, dtauy2d_bl, &
203 dudt_mtb, dudt_tms, du3dt_mtb, du3dt_ogw, du3dt_tms, &
204 dudt, dvdt, dtdt, rdxzb, con_g, con_pi, con_cp, con_rd, con_rv, con_fvirt, &
205 con_omega, rain, ntke, q_tke, dqdt_tke, lprnt, ipr, &
206 dtend, dtidx, index_of_x_wind, index_of_y_wind, index_of_temperature, &
207 index_of_process_orographic_gwd, index_of_process_nonorographic_gwd, &
208 ldiag3d, lssav, flag_for_gwd_generic_tend, errmsg, errflg)
210 implicit none
212 ! interface variables
213 integer, intent(in) :: me, master, im, levs, ntrac, kdt, lonr, nmtvr
214 integer, intent(in), dimension(:) :: kpbl
215 real(kind=kind_phys), intent(in), dimension(:) :: oro, oro_uf, hprime, oc, theta, sigma, gamma
216 logical, intent(in) :: flag_for_gwd_generic_tend
217 ! elvmax is intent(in) for CIRES UGWP, but intent(inout) for GFS GWDPS
218 real(kind=kind_phys), intent(inout), dimension(:) :: elvmax
219 real(kind=kind_phys), intent(in), dimension(:, :) :: clx, oa4
220 real(kind=kind_phys), intent(in), dimension(:) :: xlat, xlat_d, sinlat, coslat, area
221 real(kind=kind_phys), intent(in), dimension(:, :) :: del, ugrs, vgrs, tgrs, prsl, prslk, phil
222 real(kind=kind_phys), intent(in), dimension(:, :) :: prsi, phii
223 real(kind=kind_phys), intent(in), dimension(:,:,:):: qgrs
224 real(kind=kind_phys), intent(in) :: dtp, cdmbgwd(:)
225 logical, intent(in) :: do_ugwp, do_tofd, ldiag_ugwp
227 real(kind=kind_phys), intent(out), dimension(:) :: dusfcg, dvsfcg
228 real(kind=kind_phys), intent(out), dimension(:) :: zmtb, zlwb, zogw, rdxzb
229 real(kind=kind_phys), intent(out), dimension(:) :: tau_mtb, tau_ogw, tau_tofd, tau_ngw
230 real(kind=kind_phys), intent(out), dimension(:, :):: gw_dudt, gw_dvdt, gw_dtdt, gw_kdis
231 real(kind=kind_phys), intent(out), dimension(:, :):: dudt_mtb, dudt_tms
232 real(kind=kind_phys), intent(out), dimension(:, :), optional :: dudt_ogw
233 real(kind=kind_phys), intent(out), dimension(:), optional :: dusfc_ms, dvsfc_ms, dusfc_bl, dvsfc_bl
234 real(kind=kind_phys), intent(out), dimension(:, :), optional :: dtauy2d_ms
235 real(kind=kind_phys), intent(out), dimension(:, :), optional :: dtaux2d_bl, dtauy2d_bl
237 ! dtend is only allocated if ldiag=.true.
238 real(kind=kind_phys), optional, intent(inout) :: dtend(:,:,:)
239 integer, intent(in) :: dtidx(:,:), &
240 index_of_x_wind, index_of_y_wind, index_of_temperature, &
241 index_of_process_orographic_gwd, index_of_process_nonorographic_gwd
243 logical, intent(in) :: ldiag3d, lssav
245 ! These arrays only allocated if ldiag_ugwp = .true.
246 real(kind=kind_phys), intent(inout), dimension(:,:), optional :: du3dt_mtb, du3dt_ogw, du3dt_tms
248 real(kind=kind_phys), intent(inout), dimension(:, :):: dudt, dvdt, dtdt
250 real(kind=kind_phys), intent(in) :: con_g, con_pi, con_cp, con_rd, con_rv, con_fvirt, con_omega
252 real(kind=kind_phys), intent(in), dimension(:) :: rain
254 integer, intent(in) :: ntke
255 real(kind=kind_phys), intent(in), dimension(:,:) :: q_tke, dqdt_tke
257 logical, intent(in) :: lprnt
258 integer, intent(in) :: ipr
260 character(len=*), intent(out) :: errmsg
261 integer, intent(out) :: errflg
263 ! local variables
264 integer :: i, k, idtend
265 real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(im) :: sgh30
266 real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(im, levs) :: pdvdt, pdudt
267 real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(im, levs) :: pdtdt, pkdis
268 real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(im, levs) :: ed_dudt, ed_dvdt, ed_dtdt
269 ! from ugwp_driver_v0.f -> cires_ugwp_initialize.F90 -> module ugwp_wmsdis_init
270 real(kind=kind_phys), parameter :: tamp_mpa=30.e-3
271 ! switches that activate impact of OGWs and NGWs (WL* how to deal with them? *WL)
272 real(kind=kind_phys), parameter :: pogw=1., pngw=1., pked=1.
274 real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: tke
275 real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), allocatable :: turb_fac, tem
276 real(kind=kind_phys) :: rfac, tx1
278 ! Initialize CCPP error handling variables
279 errmsg = ''
280 errflg = 0
282 ! 1) ORO stationary GWs
283 ! ------------------
284 ! wrap everything in a do_ugwp 'if test' in order not to break the namelist functionality
285 if (do_ugwp) then ! calling revised old GFS gravity wave drag
287 ! topo paras
288 ! w/ orographic effects
289 if(nmtvr == 14)then
290 ! calculate sgh30 for TOFD
291 sgh30 = abs(oro - oro_uf)
292 ! w/o orographic effects
293 else
294 sgh30 = 0.
295 endif
297 zlwb(:) = 0.
299 call gwdps_v0(im, levs, lonr, do_tofd, pdvdt, pdudt, pdtdt, pkdis, &
300 ugrs, vgrs, tgrs, qgrs(:,:,1), kpbl, prsi,del,prsl, prslk, phii, phil, &
301 dtp, kdt, sgh30, hprime, oc, oa4, clx, theta, sigma, gamma, elvmax, &
302 dusfcg, dvsfcg, xlat_d, sinlat, coslat, area, cdmbgwd(1:2), &
303 me, master, rdxzb, con_g, con_omega, zmtb, zogw, tau_mtb, tau_ogw, &
304 tau_tofd, dudt_mtb, dudt_ogw, dudt_tms)
306 else ! calling old GFS gravity wave drag as is
308 do k=1,levs
309 do i=1,im
310 pdvdt(i,k) = 0.0
311 pdudt(i,k) = 0.0
312 pdtdt(i,k) = 0.0
313 pkdis(i,k) = 0.0
314 enddo
315 enddo
317 if (cdmbgwd(1) > 0.0 .or. cdmbgwd(2) > 0.0) then
318 call gwdps_run(im, levs, pdvdt, pdudt, pdtdt, &
319 ugrs, vgrs, tgrs, qgrs(:,:,1), &
320 kpbl, prsi, del, prsl, prslk, phii, phil, dtp, kdt, &
321 hprime, oc, oa4, clx, theta, sigma, gamma, &
322 elvmax, dusfcg, dvsfcg, dudt_ogw, dtauy2d_ms, &
323 dtaux2d_bl, dtauy2d_bl, dusfc_ms, dvsfc_ms, &
324 dusfc_bl, dvsfc_bl, &
325 con_g, con_cp, con_rd, con_rv, lonr, &
326 nmtvr, cdmbgwd, me, lprnt, ipr, rdxzb, ldiag_ugwp, &
327 errmsg, errflg)
328 if (errflg/=0) return
329 endif
331 tau_mtb = 0.0 ; tau_ogw = 0.0 ; tau_tofd = 0.0
332 if (ldiag_ugwp) then
333 du3dt_mtb = 0.0 ; du3dt_ogw = 0.0 ; du3dt_tms= 0.0
334 endif
336 endif ! do_ugwp
339 if(ldiag3d .and. lssav .and. .not. flag_for_gwd_generic_tend) then
340 idtend = dtidx(index_of_x_wind,index_of_process_orographic_gwd)
341 if(idtend>=1) then
342 dtend(:,:,idtend) = dtend(:,:,idtend) + pdudt*dtp
343 endif
344 idtend = dtidx(index_of_y_wind,index_of_process_orographic_gwd)
345 if(idtend>=1) then
346 dtend(:,:,idtend) = dtend(:,:,idtend) + pdvdt*dtp
347 endif
348 idtend = dtidx(index_of_temperature,index_of_process_orographic_gwd)
349 if(idtend>=1) then
350 dtend(:,:,idtend) = dtend(:,:,idtend) + pdtdt*dtp
351 endif
352 endif
355 if (cdmbgwd(3) > 0.0) then
357 ! 2) non-stationary GW-scheme with GMAO/MERRA GW-forcing
358 call slat_geos5_tamp_v0(im, tamp_mpa, xlat_d, tau_ngw)
360 if (abs(1.0-cdmbgwd(3)) > 1.0e-6) then
361 if (cdmbgwd(4) > 0.0) then
362 allocate(turb_fac(im))
363 do i=1,im
364 turb_fac(i) = 0.0
365 enddo
366 if (ntke > 0) then
367 allocate(tke(im,levs))
368 allocate(tem(im))
369 tke(:,:) = q_tke(:,:) + dqdt_tke(:,:) * dtp
370 tem(:) = 0.0
371 do k=1,(levs+levs)/3
372 do i=1,im
373 turb_fac(i) = turb_fac(i) + del(i,k) * tke(i,k)
374 tem(i) = tem(i) + del(i,k)
375 enddo
376 enddo
377 do i=1,im
378 turb_fac(i) = turb_fac(i) / tem(i)
379 enddo
380 deallocate(tke)
381 deallocate(tem)
382 endif
383 rfac = 86400000 / dtp
384 do i=1,im
385 tx1 = cdmbgwd(4)*min(10.0, max(turb_fac(i),rain(i)*rfac))
386 tau_ngw(i) = tau_ngw(i) * max(0.1, min(5.0, tx1))
387 enddo
388 deallocate(turb_fac)
389 endif
390 do i=1,im
391 tau_ngw(i) = tau_ngw(i) * cdmbgwd(3)
392 enddo
393 endif
395 call fv3_ugwp_solv2_v0(im, levs, dtp, tgrs, ugrs, vgrs,qgrs(:,:,1), &
396 prsl, prsi, phil, xlat_d, sinlat, coslat, &
397 gw_dudt, gw_dvdt, gw_dtdt, gw_kdis, tau_ngw, &
398 me, master, kdt)
400 do k=1,levs
401 do i=1,im
402 gw_dtdt(i,k) = pngw*gw_dtdt(i,k) + pogw*pdtdt(i,k)
403 gw_dudt(i,k) = pngw*gw_dudt(i,k) + pogw*pdudt(i,k)
404 gw_dvdt(i,k) = pngw*gw_dvdt(i,k) + pogw*pdvdt(i,k)
405 gw_kdis(i,k) = pngw*gw_kdis(i,k) + pogw*pkdis(i,k)
406 ! accumulation of tendencies for CCPP to replicate EMC-physics updates (!! removed in latest code commit to VLAB)
407 !dudt(i,k) = dudt(i,k) + gw_dudt(i,k)
408 !dvdt(i,k) = dvdt(i,k) + gw_dvdt(i,k)
409 !dtdt(i,k) = dtdt(i,k) + gw_dtdt(i,k)
410 enddo
411 enddo
413 else
415 do k=1,levs
416 do i=1,im
417 gw_dtdt(i,k) = pdtdt(i,k)
418 gw_dudt(i,k) = pdudt(i,k)
419 gw_dvdt(i,k) = pdvdt(i,k)
420 gw_kdis(i,k) = pkdis(i,k)
421 enddo
422 enddo
424 endif
426 if (pogw == 0.0) then
427 tau_mtb = 0. ; tau_ogw = 0. ; tau_tofd = 0.
428 dudt_mtb = 0. ; dudt_ogw = 0. ; dudt_tms = 0.
429 endif
431 if(ldiag3d .and. lssav .and. .not. flag_for_gwd_generic_tend) then
432 idtend = dtidx(index_of_x_wind,index_of_process_nonorographic_gwd)
433 if(idtend>=1) then
434 dtend(:,:,idtend) = dtend(:,:,idtend) + (gw_dudt - pdudt)*dtp
435 endif
436 idtend = dtidx(index_of_y_wind,index_of_process_nonorographic_gwd)
437 if(idtend>=1) then
438 dtend(:,:,idtend) = dtend(:,:,idtend) + (gw_dvdt - pdvdt)*dtp
439 endif
440 idtend = dtidx(index_of_temperature,index_of_process_nonorographic_gwd)
441 if(idtend>=1) then
442 dtend(:,:,idtend) = dtend(:,:,idtend) + (gw_dtdt - pdtdt)*dtp
443 endif
444 endif
446 end subroutine cires_ugwp_run
447end module cires_ugwp
subroutine gwdps_run(im, km, a, b, c, u1, v1, t1, q1, kpbl, prsi, del, prsl, prslk, phii, phil, deltim, kdt, hprime, oc, oa4, clx4, theta, sigma, gamma, elvmax, dusfc, dvsfc, dtaux2d_ms, dtauy2d_ms, dtaux2d_bl, dtauy2d_bl, dusfc_ms, dvsfc_ms, dusfc_bl, dvsfc_bl, g, cp, rd, rv, imx, nmtvr, cdmbgwd, me, lprnt, ipr, rdxzb, ldiag_ugwp, errmsg, errflg)
Definition gwdps.f:203
This module contains routines describing the the latitudinal shape of vertical momentum flux function...
This module contains the UGWP v0 scheme by Valery Yudin (University of Colorado, CIRES)
This module contains the UGWPv0 driver.
This module contains the CCPP-compliant orographic gravity wave dray scheme. This version of gwdps is...
Definition gwdps.f:7
This module contains the UGWP v0 driver module.