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cires_ugwp Module Reference

This module contains the UGWP v0 scheme by Valery Yudin (University of Colorado, CIRES) More...


subroutine, public cires_ugwp_init (me, master, nlunit, input_nml_file, logunit, fn_nml2, lonr, latr, levs, ak, bk, dtp, cdmbgwd, cgwf, pa_rf_in, tau_rf_in, con_p0, gwd_opt, do_ugwp, errmsg, errflg)
 The subroutine initializes the CIRES UGWP V0.
subroutine, public cires_ugwp_finalize (errmsg, errflg)
 The subroutine finalizes the CIRES UGWP.
subroutine, public cires_ugwp_run (do_ugwp, me, master, im, levs, ntrac, dtp, kdt, lonr, oro, oro_uf, hprime, nmtvr, oc, theta, sigma, gamma, elvmax, clx, oa4, do_tofd, ldiag_ugwp, cdmbgwd, xlat, xlat_d, sinlat, coslat, area, ugrs, vgrs, tgrs, qgrs, prsi, prsl, prslk, phii, phil, del, kpbl, dusfcg, dvsfcg, gw_dudt, gw_dvdt, gw_dtdt, gw_kdis, tau_tofd, tau_mtb, tau_ogw, tau_ngw, zmtb, zlwb, zogw, dusfc_ms, dvsfc_ms, dusfc_bl, dvsfc_bl, dudt_ogw, dtauy2d_ms, dtaux2d_bl, dtauy2d_bl, dudt_mtb, dudt_tms, du3dt_mtb, du3dt_ogw, du3dt_tms, dudt, dvdt, dtdt, rdxzb, con_g, con_pi, con_cp, con_rd, con_rv, con_fvirt, con_omega, rain, ntke, q_tke, dqdt_tke, lprnt, ipr, dtend, dtidx, index_of_x_wind, index_of_y_wind, index_of_temperature, index_of_process_orographic_gwd, index_of_process_nonorographic_gwd, ldiag3d, lssav, flag_for_gwd_generic_tend, errmsg, errflg)
 These subroutines and modules execute the CIRES UGWP Version 0.


logical is_initialized = .False.

Detailed Description

See Valery Yudin's presentation at 2017 NGGPS PI meeting: Gravity waves (GWs): Mesoscale GWs transport momentum, energy (heat) , and create eddy mixing in the whole atmosphere domain; Breaking and dissipating GWs deposit: (a) momentum; (b) heat (energy); and create (c) turbulent mixing of momentum, heat, and tracers To properly incorporate GW effects (a-c) unresolved by DYCOREs we need GW physics "Unified": a) all GW effects due to both dissipation/breaking; b) identical GW solvers for all GW sources; c) ability to replace solvers. Unified Formalism:

  • GW Sources: Stochastic and physics based mechanisms for GW-excitations in the lower atmosphere, calibrated by the high-res analyses/forecasts, and observations (3 types of GW sources: orography, convection, fronts/jets).
  • GW Propagation: Unified solver for "propagation, dissipation and breaking" excited from all type of GW sources.
  • GW Effects: Unified representation of GW impacts on the "resolved" flow for all sources (energy-balanced schemes for momentum, heat and mixing). https://www.weather.gov/media/sti/nggps/Presentations%202017/02%20NGGPS_VYUDIN_2017_.pdf