CCPP SciDoc v7.0.0  v7.0.0
Common Community Physics Package Developed at DTC
No Matches
Physics Update Summary

This page provides an overview of the major updates in CCPP Physics v7.0.0.

General Changes:

Suites GFS_v17_p8, HRRR, RRFS_v1beta, and RAP, which were supported with CCPP v6.0.0, have been phased out.

GFS Scale-aware SAS Cumulus Schemes:

The updates between GFSv16 and GFSv17 are carefully outlined in Bengtsson and Han (2024)(submitted to Weather and Forecasting). The main updates include:

  • Implementation of a positive definition mass-flux scheme and a method for removing the negative tracers (Han et al. 2022 [82])
  • Introduction of a new closure based on a prognostic evolution of the convective updraft area fraction in both shallow and deep convection (Bengtsson et al. 2022 [16])
  • Introduction of 3D effects of cold-pool dynamics and stochastic initiation using self-organizing cellular automata stochastic convective organization scheme (not supported in SCM; Bengtsson et al. 2021 [15])
  • Introduction of environmental wind shear effect and subgrid TKE dependence in convection, to seek improvements in hurricane forecast prediction (Han et al. 2024 [83])
  • Introduction of stricter convective initiation criteria to allow for more CAPE to build up to address a low CAPE bias in GFSv16 (Han et al. 2021 [81])
  • Reduction of convective rain evaporation rate to address a systematic cold bias near the surface in GFSv16 (Han et al. 2021 [81])

Grell-Freitas Scale and Aerosol Aware Convection Scheme:

  • Update for aerosol-awareness (experimental and not supported)
  • Scale-awareness turned off when explicit microphysics is not active anywhere in the column
  • Convection is completely suppressed at grid points where the MYNN PBL sheme produces shallow convection
  • Radar reflectivity considers mass flux PDF as well as whether scale-awareness is turned on at the gird point in equation

GFS Scale-aware TKE-EDMF PBL Scheme:

  • Implementation of a parameterization for environmental wind shear effect in the GFS TKE-EDMF PBL and cumulus schemes to reduce the negative hurricane intensity biases.
  • Entrainment rates are enhanced proportionally to the sub-cloud or PBL mean TKE (turbulent kinetic energy) when TKE is larger than a threshold value
  • Increased entrainment rate as a function of vegetation fraction and surface roughness length to enhance the underestimated CAPE forecasts in the GFS
See also
Han et al.(2024) [83]


  • Small increase of buoyancy length scale in convective environment
  • Patch for ensuring non-zero cloud fractions for all grid cells where cloud mixing ratio is greater than 1e-6 or ice mixing ratio is greater than 1e-9

Subgrid-scale (SGS) Clouds Scheme:

  • Bug fix for cloud condensate input into RRTMG radiation
  • New code section for use with SAS cumulus scheme
  • Cloud fraction now computed as a mix between the area-dependent form and the modified Chaboureau and Bechtold (2005) [30] form
  • Adjusted limit for the boundary flux functions

Thompson Cloud Microphysics Scheme:

  • Ice generation supersaturation requirement reduced from 0.25 to 0.15 to generate more ice at the upper levels and reduce the outgoing longwave radiation bias
  • Cloud number concentration divided into two parts (over land and others). Number concentration over ocean reduced to a smaller number (50/L) from its previous default (100/L). Both changes were made to increase the downward shortwave radiative flux and reduce the negative bias off coastal regions including the Southeast Pacific
  • Small fixes to the minimum size of snow and collision constants
The above improvements were tested with the non-aerosol option (in GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1 suite), so results with the aerosol-aware Thompson (in HRRR_gf suite) may vary.

NSSL Cloud Microphysics Scheme:

  • Updated with 3-moment option


  • Coupling of GOCART aerosols with radiation (iaer=2011)
  • Convective cloud water (liquid water + ice water) added to the calculations of cloud water path and ice water path for radiation cloud properties

NoahMP Land Surface Model:

  • Option for using the unified frozen precipitation fraction in NoahMP
  • Diagnostic 2-meter temperature and humidity now based on vegetation and bare-ground tiles (new namelist option iopt_diag)
  • Bug fixes for GFS-based thermal roughness length scheme
  • New soil color dataset introduced to improve soil albedo to reduce the large warm bias found in the Sahel desert
  • Wet leaf contribution factor is included
  • Leaf-area index now depends on momentum roughness length

RUC Land Surface Model:

  • Initialization of land and ice emissivity and albedo with consideration of partial snow cover
  • Initialization of water vapor mixing ratio over land ice
  • Initialization of fractions of soil and vegetation types in a grid cell
  • Changes in the computation of a flag for sea ice: set to true only if flag_ice=.false. (atmosphere uncoupled from the sea ice model)
  • Separate variable for sea ice, for example: snowfallac is replaced with snowfallac_ice
  • Solar angle dependence of albedo for snow-free land
  • Stochastic physics perturbations (SPP) introduced for emissivity, albedo and vegetation fraction
  • Coefficient in soil resistance formulation (Sakaguchi and Zeng, 2009 [175]) raised from 0.7 to 1.0 to increase soil resistance to evaporation
  • Computation of snow cover fraction and snow thermal conductivity updated

MYNN Surface-layer Scheme

  • Reintroduce friction velocity averaging over water to reduce noise in 10-m winds in the hurricane regime

Unified Gravity Wave Physics Scheme:

  • Replacement of the resolution-dependent effective grid spacing (cdmbgwd) with a constant (=6dx)
  • Removal of the planetary boundary layer height in determining the reference level
  • Weakening of the momentum stress over land ice to reduce the negative wind biases
  • Introduction of a launching level to avoid the underestimation of the blocked stress
  • Introduction of damped breaking to prevent the wind reversal in the lower troposphere
  • Suppression of gravity wave breaking in the upper atmosphere (over 7.5 hPa) to avoid numerical instability
  • Revision in sub-grid orography data considering the mathematical definition of moments