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CCPP SciDoc v7.0.0  v7.0.0
Common Community Physics Package Developed at DTC
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HRRR_gf Suite


The HRRR_gf suite is one of the candidates for the future operational implementation of the Rapid Refresh Forecast System (RRFS). Simplified configurations of RRFS can be configured using the UFS SRW App. This suite is similar to the one used by the NOAA operational HRRR v4 (Dowell et al. 2022 [46]), with the addition of the Grell-Freitas deep convective parameterization.

While the parameterization for smoke and dust representation is used RRFS prototype tests and is included in the HRRR_gf Suite Definition File, is not active in the CCPP Single Column Model since the smoke and dust tracers are initialized with new zero values.

The HRRR_gf suite uses the parameterizations in the following order:

Suite Definition File

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<suite name="SCM_HRRR_gf" version="1">
<group name="time_vary">
<subcycle loop="1">
<group name="radiation">
<subcycle loop="1">
<group name="physics">
<subcycle loop="1">
<!-- Surface iteration loop -->
<subcycle loop="2">
<!-- End of surface iteration loop -->
<subcycle loop="1">


  • General physics options
    addsmoke_flag = 1
    aero_dir_fdb = .true.
    aero_ind_fdb = .false.
    bl_mynn_edmf = 1
    bl_mynn_edmf_mom = 1
    bl_mynn_tkeadvect = .true.
    cal_pre = .false.
    cdmbgwd = 3.5, 1.0
    clm_debug_print = .false.
    clm_lake_debug = .false.
    cnvcld = .false.
    cnvgwd = .false.
    coarsepm_settling = 1
    cplflx = .false.
    diag_log = .true.
    debug = .false.
    do_deep = .true.
    do_gsl_drag_ls_bl = .true.
    do_gsl_drag_ss = .true.
    do_gsl_drag_tofd = .true.
    do_mynnedmf = .true.
    do_mynnsfclay = .true.
    do_plumerise = .true.
    do_smoke_transport = .true.
    do_tofd = .false.
    do_ugwp = .false.
    do_ugwp_v0 = .false.
    do_ugwp_v0_nst_only = .false.
    do_ugwp_v0_orog_only = .false.
    drydep_opt = 1
    dspheat = .true.
    dt_inner = 36
    dust_alpha = 10.0
    dust_drylimit_factor = 0.5
    dust_gamma = 1.3
    dust_moist_correction = 2.0
    dust_opt = 1
    ebb_dcycle = 2
    effr_in = .true.
    enh_mix = .false.
    fhcyc = 0
    fhlwr = 900.0
    fhswr = 900.0
    fhzero = 1.0
    frac_ice = .true.
    gwd_opt = 3
    h2o_phys = .true.
    hybedmf = .false.
    iaer = 1011
    ialb = 2
    iau_delthrs = 6
    iau_inc_files = ''
    iaufhrs = 30
    iccn = 2
    icliq_sw = 2
    icloud_bl = 1
    ico2 = 2
    iems = 2
    imfdeepcnv = 3
    imfshalcnv = -1
    imp_physics = 8
    iopt_alb = 2
    iopt_btr = 1
    iopt_crs = 1
    iopt_dveg = 2
    iopt_frz = 1
    iopt_inf = 1
    iopt_lake = 2
    iopt_rad = 1
    iopt_run = 1
    iopt_sfc = 1
    iopt_snf = 4
    iopt_stc = 1
    iopt_tbot = 2
    iovr = 3
    isncond_opt = 2
    isncovr_opt = 3
    isol = 2
    isot = 1
    isubc_lw = 2
    isubc_sw = 2
    ivegsrc = 1
    kice = 9
    ldiag3d = .true.
    ldiag_ugwp = .false.
    lgfdlmprad = .false.
    lheatstrg = .false.
    lightning_threat = .true.
    lkm = 1
    lradar = .true.
    lrefres = .true.
    lsm = 3
    lsoil = 4
    lsoil_lsm = 9
    ltaerosol = .true.
    lwhtr = .true.
    min_lakeice = 0.15
    min_seaice = 0.15
    mix_chem = .true.
    nsfullradar_diag = 3600
    oz_phys = .false.
    oz_phys_2015 = .true.
    pdfcld = .false.
    plume_wind_eff = 1
    plumerisefire_frq = 60
    pre_rad = .false.
    print_diff_pgr = .true.
    prslrd0 = 0.0
    qdiag3d = .true.
    random_clds = .false.
    redrag = .true.
    rrfs_sd = .true.
    rrfs_smoke_debug = .false.
    satmedmf = .false.
    seas_opt = 0
    sfclay_compute_flux = .true.
    shal_cnv = .false.
    smoke_conv_wet_coef = 0.5, 0.5, 0.5
    smoke_forecast = 1
    swhtr = .true.
    thsfc_loc = .false.
    trans_trac = .true.
    ttendlim = -999
    use_ufo = .true.
    wetdep_ls_alpha = 0.5
    wetdep_ls_opt = 1