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CCPP SciDoc v7.0.0  v7.0.0
Common Community Physics Package Developed at DTC
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Modules List
CCPP-Physics Modules
 Mbl_mynn_commonThis module defines model-specific constants/parameters
 Mcalpreciptype_modThis module defines four algorithms that are called to calculate dominant precipitation type, and the tallies are sumed in calwxt_dominant()
 Mccpp_multi_gases_modThe module 'multi_gases' peforms multi constitutents computations
 Mcires_orowam2017This module includes the OROGW solver of WAM2017
 Mcires_ugwpThis module contains the UGWP v0 scheme by Valery Yudin (University of Colorado, CIRES)
 Mcires_ugwp_postThis module contains the calculation of the UGWP v0 diagnostics (ldiag_ugwp)
 Mcires_ugwp_triggersThis module contains routines describing the the latitudinal shape of vertical momentum flux function in UGWP v0
 Mcires_ugwpv0_moduleThis module contains the UGWPv0 driver
 Mclm_lakeThis module contains the CLM Lake model
 Mcu_gf_deepThis module contains the Grell_Freitas deep convection scheme
 Mcu_gf_driverThis module contains the scale-aware Grell-Freitas cumulus scheme driver
 Mcu_gf_driver_postThis module contains code related to GF convective schemes to be used within the GFS physics suite
 Mcu_gf_driver_preThis module contains code related to GF convective schemes to be used within the GFS physics suite
 Mcu_gf_shThis module contains the Grell-Freitas shallow convection scheme
 Mdrag_suiteThis module contains the orographic drag scheme
 Mfv_sat_adjThis module contains the GFDL in-core fast saturation adjustment
called in FV3 dynamics solver
 Mgfdl_cloud_microphysThis module contains the CCPP entry point for the column GFDL cloud microphysics ( Chen and Lin (2013) [32] )
 Mgfdl_cloud_microphys_modThis module contains the column GFDL Cloud microphysics scheme
 MgwdpsThis module contains the CCPP-compliant orographic gravity wave dray scheme. This version of gwdps is called from the unified_ugwp CCPP scheme
 Mh2o_defThis module defines arrays in H2O scheme
 Mh2ointerpThis module contains subroutines of reading and interpolating h2o coefficients
 Mh2ophysThis module contains the CCPP-compliant H2O physics for stratosphere and mesosphere
 Mlsm_noahThis module contains the CCPP-compliant Noah land surface scheme driver
 Mlsm_rucThis module contain the RUC land surface model driver
 Mmersenne_twisterThis module calculates random numbers using the Mersenne twister
 Mmfpbl_modThis module contains the subroutine that calculates the updraft properties and mass flux for use in the Hybrid EDMF PBL scheme
 Mmfpblt_modThis module contains the subroutine that calculates mass flux and updraft parcel properties for thermals driven by surface heating for use in the TKE-EDMF PBL scheme
 Mmfpbltq_modThis module contains the subroutine that calculates mass flux and updraft parcel properties for thermals driven by surface heating for use in the TKE-EDMF PBL scheme (updated version)
 Mmfscuq_modThis module contains the mass flux and downdraft parcel properties parameterization for stratocumulus-top-driven turbulence (updated version)
 Mmo_rrtmg_lw_cloud_opticsThis module contains the cloud optics property module for RRTMG-LW
 Mmo_rrtmg_sw_cloud_opticsThis module contains the cloud optics property module for RRTMG-SW
 Mmodule_bl_mynnThis module contains the entity of MYNN-EDMF PBL scheme
 Mmodule_iounitdefThis module defines fortran unit numbers for input/output data files for the ncep gfs model
 Mmodule_microphysicsThis module contains some subroutines used in microphysics
 Mmodule_mp_nssl_2momThis module contains 1/2/3-moment bulk microphysics scheme based on a combination of Straka and Mansell (2005, JAM) and Zeigler (1985, JAS) and modified/upgraded in in Mansell, Zeigler, and Bruning (2010, JAS)
 Mmodule_mp_radarThis module is more library code whereas the individual microphysics schemes contains specific details needed for the final computation, so refer to location within each schemes calling the routine named rayleigh_soak_wetgraupel
 Mmodule_mp_thompsonThis module computes the moisture tendencies of water vapor, cloud droplets, rain, cloud ice (pristine), snow, and graupel. Prior to WRFv2.2 this code was based on Reisner et al (1998), but few of those pieces remain. A complete description is now found in Thompson, G., P. R. Field, R. M. Rasmussen, and W. D. Hall, 2008: Explicit Forecasts of winter precipitation using an improved bulk microphysics scheme. Part II: Implementation of a new snow parameterization. Mon. Wea. Rev., 136, 5095-5115
 Mmodule_mp_thompson_make_number_concentrationsThis module ocntains lookup tables of radiative effective radius of cloud ice, rain and water
 Mmodule_nst_parametersThis module contains constants and parameters used in GFS near surface sea temperature scheme
 Mmodule_nst_water_propThis module contains GFS NSST water property subroutines
 Mmodule_ozphysThe operational GFS currently parameterizes ozone production and destruction based on monthly mean coefficients ( global_o3prdlos.f77) provided by Naval Research Laboratory through CHEM2D chemistry model (McCormack et al. (2006) [134])
 Mmodule_radiation_aerosolsThis module contains climatological atmospheric aerosol schemes for radiation computations
 Mmodule_radiation_astronomyThis module sets up astronomy quantities for solar radiation calculations
 Mmodule_radiation_cloud_overlapThis module contains the calculation of cloud overlap parameters for both RRTMG and RRTMGP
 Mmodule_radiation_cloudsThis module computes cloud related quantities for radiation computations
 Mmodule_radiation_gasesThis module sets up constant gas rofiles, such as co2, ch4, n2o, o2, and those of cfc gases
 Mmodule_radiation_surfaceThis module sets up surface albedo for SW radiation and surface emissivity for LW radiation.
 Mmodule_radlw_avplankThis module contains plank flux data
 Mmodule_radlw_cldprlwThis module contains cloud property coefficients
 Mmodule_radlw_kgb01This module sets up absorption coefficients for band 01: 10-350 cm-1 (low - h2o; high - h2o)
 Mmodule_radlw_kgb02This module sets up absorption coefficients for band 02: 350-500 cm-1 (low - h2o; high - h2o)
 Mmodule_radlw_kgb03This module sets up absorption coefficients for band 03: 500-630 cm-1 (low - h2o, co2; high - h2o, co2)
 Mmodule_radlw_kgb04This module sets up absorption coefficients for band 04: 630-700 cm-1 (low - h2o, co2; high - co2, o3)
 Mmodule_radlw_kgb05This module sets up absorption coefficients for band 05: 700-820 cm-1 (low - h2o, co2; high - co2, o3)
 Mmodule_radlw_kgb06This module sets up absorption coefficients for band 06: 820-980 cm-1 (low - h2o; high - /)
 Mmodule_radlw_kgb07This module sets up absorption coefficients for band 07: 980-1080 cm-1 (low - h2o, o3; high - o3)
 Mmodule_radlw_kgb08This module sets up absorption coefficients for band 08: 1080-1180 cm-1 (low - h2o; high - o3)
 Mmodule_radlw_kgb09This module sets up absorption coefficients for band 09: 1180-1390 cm-1 (low - h2o, ch4; high - ch4)
 Mmodule_radlw_kgb10This module sets up absorption coefficients for band 10: 1390-1480 cm-1 (low - h2o; high - h2o)
 Mmodule_radlw_kgb11This module sets up absorption coefficients for band 11: 1480-1800 cm-1 (low - h2o; high - h2o)
 Mmodule_radlw_kgb12This module sets up absorption coefficients for band 12: 1800-2080 cm-1 (low - h2o, co2; high - /)
 Mmodule_radlw_kgb13This module sets up absorption coefficients for band 13: 2080-2250 cm-1 (low - h2o, n2o; high - /)
 Mmodule_radlw_kgb14This module sets up absorption coefficients for band 14: 2250-2380 cm-1 (low - co2; high - co2)
 Mmodule_radlw_kgb15This module sets up absorption coefficients for band 15: 2380-2600 cm-1 (low - n2o, co2; high - /)
 Mmodule_radlw_kgb16This module sets up absorption coefficients for band 16: 2600-3000 cm-1 (low - h2o, ch4; high - /)
 Mmodule_radlw_parametersThis module contains LW band parameters set up
 Mmodule_radlw_refThis module contains reference temperature and pressure
 Mmodule_radsw_cldprtbThis module contains cloud radiative property coefficients
 Mmodule_radsw_kgb16This module sets up absorption coefficients for band 16: 2600-3250 cm-1 (low - h2o, ch4; high - ch4)
 Mmodule_radsw_kgb17This module sets up absorption coeffients for band 17: 3250-4000 cm-1 (low - h2o,co2; high - h2o,co2)
 Mmodule_radsw_kgb18This module sets up absorption coeffients for band 18: 4000-4650 cm-1 (low - h2o,ch4; high - ch4)
 Mmodule_radsw_kgb19This module sets up absorption coeffients for band 19: 4650-5150 cm-1 (low - h2o,co2; high - co2)
 Mmodule_radsw_kgb20This module sets up absorption coeffients for band 20: 5150-6150 cm-1 (low - h2o; high - h2o)
 Mmodule_radsw_kgb21This module sets up absorption coeffients for band 21: 6150-7700 cm-1 (low - h2o,co2; high - h2o,co2)
 Mmodule_radsw_kgb22This module sets up absorption coeffients for band 22: 7700-8050 cm-1 (low - h2o, o2; high - o2)
 Mmodule_radsw_kgb23This module sets up absorption coeffients for band 23: 8050-12850 cm-1 (low - h2o; high - nothing)
 Mmodule_radsw_kgb24This module sets up absorption coeffients for band 24: 12850-16000 cm-1 (low - h2o, o2; high - o2)
 Mmodule_radsw_kgb25This module sets up absorption coeffients for band 25: 16000-22650 cm-1 (low - h2o; high - nothing)
 Mmodule_radsw_kgb26This module sets up absorption coeffients for band 26: 22650-29000 cm-1 (low - nothing; high - nothing)
 Mmodule_radsw_kgb27This module sets up absorption coeffients for band 27: 29000-38000 cm-1 (low - o3; high - o3)
 Mmodule_radsw_kgb28This module sets up absorption coeffients for band 28: 38000-50000 cm-1 (low - o3,o2; high - o3,o2)
 Mmodule_radsw_kgb29This module sets up absorption coeffients for band 29: 820-2600 cm-1 (low - h2o; high - co2)
 Mmodule_radsw_parametersThis module is for specifying the band structures and program parameters used by the RRTMG-SW scheme
 Mmodule_radsw_refThis module contains the reference pressures (in logarithm form) at 59 vertical levels (TOA is omitted), and the mid-latitude summer (MLS) standard temperature profile for the 59 pressure layers that are used to establish pre calculated transmission tables
 Mmodule_radsw_sfluxThis module contains various indexes and coefficients for SW spectral bands, as well as the spectral distribution of solar flux. The values of spectral solar flux are derived based on a prescribed solar constant ( 1368.22 W/m^2). Scaling will be applied for the actual inputted solar constant value
 Mmodule_sf_mynnThis module contain routines to calculate stability parameters, kinematic siscosity in MYNN surface layer scheme
 Mmodule_sf_noahmp_glacierThis module contains the interface of noahmp_glacier_routines and noahmp_glacier_globals
 Mmodule_sf_ruclsmThis module contains the entity of the RUC LSM model, which is a
soil/veg/snowpack and ice/snowpack/land-surface model to update soil moisture, soil temperature, skin temperature, snowpack water content, snowdepth, and all terms of the surface energy balance and surface water balance
 Mmodule_soil_preThis module contains subroutines that initialize RUC LSM levels, soil temperature/moisture
 Mmp_nsslThis module contains the front end to NSSL microphysics scheme
 Mmp_thompsonThis module contains the aerosol-aware Thompson microphysics scheme
 Mmp_thompson_postThis module contain the post processing of Thompson microphysics
 Mmp_thompson_preThis module contains the pre-processing of Thompson cloud microphysics
 Mmynnedmf_wrapperThe following references best describe the code within Olson et al. (2019, NOAA Technical Memorandum) Nakanishi and Niino (2009) [147]
 Mmynnsfc_wrapperThis Model ontains all of the code related to running the MYNN surface layer scheme
 Mnamelist_soilvegThis module contains namelist options for Noah LSM
 Mnamelist_soilveg_rucThis module contains the namelist options of soil/vegetation in RUC
 Mnoahmp_glacier_routinesThis module contains NoahMP glacier routines
 Mnoahmp_tablesBrief Data from MPTABLE.TBL, SOILPARM.TBL, GENPARM.TBL for NoahMP
 Mnst_moduleThis module contains the diurnal thermocline layer model (DTM) of the GFS NSST scheme
 MprogsigmaThis module contains the subroutine that calculates the prognostic updraft area fraction that is used for closure computations in saSAS deep and shallow convection, based on a moisture budget as described in Bengtsson et al. 2022 [16]
 Mrad_sw_preThis module gathers the sunlit points for the shortwave radiation schemes
 MradconsThis module contains some of the most frequently used math and physics constants for RRTMG
 Mradiation_toolsThis module contains tools for radiation
 Mrrtmg_lwThis module contains the CCPP-compliant NCEP's modifications of the rrtmg-lw radiation code from aer inc
 Mrrtmg_lw_postThis module contains code executed after RRTMG-LW scheme
 Mrrtmg_swThis module contains the CCPP-compliant NCEP's modifications of the rrtmg-sw radiation code from aer inc.
 Mrrtmg_sw_postThis module contains RRTMG-SW scheme post
 Mrrtmgp_aerosol_opticsThis module contains aerosol optics properties for RRTMGP
 Mrrtmgp_lw_cloud_opticsThis module contains two routines: The first initializes data and functions needed to compute the longwave cloud radiative properteis in RRTMGP. The second routine is a ccpp scheme within the "radiation loop", where the shortwave optical prperties (optical-depth, single-scattering albedo, asymmetry parameter) are computed for ALL cloud types visible to RRTMGP
 Mrrtmgp_lw_gas_opticsThis module contains two routines: One to initialize the k-distribution data and functions needed to compute the longwave gaseous optical properties in RRTMGP. The second routine is a ccpp scheme within the "radiation loop", where the longwave optical prperties (optical-depth) are computed for clear-sky conditions (no aerosols)
 Mrrtmgp_lw_mainThis module contains the RRTMGP-LW radiation scheme
 Mrrtmgp_samplingThis module provides a simple implementation of sampling for the Monte Carlo Independent Pixel Approximation (McICA, doi:10.1029/2002jd003322)
 Mrrtmgp_sw_cloud_opticsThis module contains the cloud optics properties calculation for RRTMGP-SW
 Mrrtmgp_sw_gas_opticsThis module contains a routine to initialize the k-distribution data used by the RRTMGP shortwave radiation scheme
 Mrrtmgp_sw_mainThis module contain the RRTMGP-SW radiation scheme
 MsamfdeepcnvThis module contains the CCPP-compliant scale-aware mass-flux deep convection scheme
 MsamfshalcnvThis module contains the Scale-Aware mass flux Shallow Convection scheme
 MsatmedmfvdifqThis file contains the CCPP-compliant SATMEDMF scheme (updated version) which computes subgrid vertical turbulence mixing using scale-aware TKE-based moist eddy-diffusion mass-flux (TKE-EDMF) parameterization (by Jongil Han)
 Mset_soilveg_modThis module contains set_soilveg subroutine
 Mset_soilveg_ruc_modThis module contains subroutine to specify vegetation and soil parameters for a given soild and land-use classification
 Msfc_ciceThis module contains the CCPP-compliant GFS sea ice post interstitial codes, which returns updated ice thickness and concentration to global arrays where there is no ice, and set temperature to surface skin temperature
 Msfc_diagThis module contains the land surface diagnose calcualtion
 Msfc_diag_postThis module contains code related to the surface diagnostic scheme
 Msfc_diffThis module contains the CCPP-compliant GFS surface layer scheme
 Msfc_landThis module contains the CCPP-compliant GFS land post interstitial codes, which returns updated surface properties such as latent heat and sensible heat provided by the component version of land model
 Msfc_nstThis module contains the CCPP-compliant GFS near-surface sea temperature scheme
 Msfc_nst_postThis module contains code to be executed after the near-surface sea temperature scheme
 Msfc_nst_preThis module contain preparation for the near-surface sea temperature scheme
 Msfc_oceanThis module contains the CCPP-compliant GFS near-surface sea temperature scheme when the model is initialized from GRIB2 data
 Msfc_siceThis module contains the CCPP-compliant GFS sea ice scheme
 MsflxThis module contains the entity of GFS Noah LSM Model(Version 2.7)
 Msurface_perturbationThis module contains routines used in the percentile matching algorithm for the albedo and vegetation fraction perturbations
 Mtridi_modThis module contains routine to compute tridiagonal matrix elements for TKE, heat, moist and momentum
 Mugwp_common_v0This module contains UGWP v0 initialization schemes
 Mugwp_driver_v0This module contains the UGWP v0 driver module
 Mugwpv0_lsatdis_initThis module contains initialization of wave solvers for UGWP v0
 Mugwpv0_oro_initThis module contains orographic wave source schemes for UGWP v0
 Mugwpv0_wmsdis_initThis module contains init-solvers for "broad" non-stationary multi-wave spectra
 Mugwpv1_gsldragThis module introduces two gravity wave drag schemes: UGWPv1 and orographic drag scheme
 Mugwpv1_gsldrag_postThis module contains code to be executed after the UGWP v1 scheme