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rrtmgp_lw_cloud_optics Module Reference

This module contains two routines: The first initializes data and functions needed to compute the longwave cloud radiative properteis in RRTMGP. The second routine is a ccpp scheme within the "radiation loop", where the shortwave optical prperties (optical-depth, single-scattering albedo, asymmetry parameter) are computed for ALL cloud types visible to RRTMGP.


subroutine rrtmgp_lw_cloud_optics_init (rrtmgp_root_dir, rrtmgp_lw_file_clouds, dogp_cldoptics_pade, dogp_cldoptics_lut, nrghice, mpicomm, mpirank, mpiroot, errmsg, errflg)


type(ty_cloud_optics) lw_cloud_props
integer nrghice_fromfilelw
integer nbandlw
integer nsize_liqlw
integer nsize_icelw
integer nsizereglw
integer ncoeff_extlw
integer ncoeff_ssa_glw
integer nboundlw
integer npairslw
real(kind_phys) radliq_faclw
 Factor for calculating LUT interpolation indices for liquid.
real(kind_phys) radice_faclw
 Factor for calculating LUT interpolation indices for ice

real(kind_phys), dimension(:,:), allocatable lut_extliqlw
 LUT shortwave liquid extinction coefficient.
real(kind_phys), dimension(:,:), allocatable lut_ssaliqlw
 LUT shortwave liquid single scattering albedo.
real(kind_phys), dimension(:,:), allocatable lut_asyliqlw
 LUT shortwave liquid asymmetry parameter.
real(kind_phys), dimension(:,:), allocatable band_limscldlw
 Beginning and ending wavenumber [cm -1] for each band

real(kind_phys), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable lut_exticelw
 LUT shortwave ice extinction coefficient.
real(kind_phys), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable lut_ssaicelw
 LUT shortwave ice single scattering albedo.
real(kind_phys), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable lut_asyicelw
 LUT shortwave ice asymmetry parameter.
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), allocatable pade_sizereg_extliqlw
 Particle size regime boundaries for shortwave liquid extinction.
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), allocatable pade_sizereg_ssaliqlw
 Particle size regime boundaries for shortwave liquid single.
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), allocatable pade_sizereg_asyliqlw
 Particle size regime boundaries for shortwave liquid asymmetry.
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), allocatable pade_sizereg_exticelw
 Particle size regime boundaries for shortwave ice extinction.
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), allocatable pade_sizereg_ssaicelw
 Particle size regime boundaries for shortwave ice single.
real(kind_phys), dimension(:), allocatable pade_sizereg_asyicelw
 Particle size regime boundaries for shortwave ice asymmetry.
real(kind_phys), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable pade_extliqlw
 PADE coefficients for shortwave liquid extinction.
real(kind_phys), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable pade_ssaliqlw
 PADE coefficients for shortwave liquid single scattering albedo.
real(kind_phys), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable pade_asyliqlw
 PADE coefficients for shortwave liquid asymmetry parameter.
real(kind_phys), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable pade_exticelw
 PADE coefficients for shortwave ice extinction.
real(kind_phys), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable pade_ssaicelw
 PADE coefficients for shortwave ice single scattering albedo.
real(kind_phys), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable pade_asyicelw
 PADE coefficients for shortwave ice asymmetry parameter.
real(kind_phys), parameter absrain = 0.33e-3
 Rain drop absorption coefficient m2/g .
real(kind_phys), parameter abssnow0 = 1.5
 Snow flake absorption coefficient (micron), fu coeff.
real(kind_phys), parameter abssnow1 = 2.34e-3
 Snow flake absorption coefficient m2/g, ncar coef.
real(kind_phys) radliq_lwrlw
 Liquid particle size lower bound for LUT interpolation.
real(kind_phys) radliq_uprlw
 Liquid particle size upper bound for LUT interpolation.
real(kind_phys) radice_lwrlw
 Ice particle size upper bound for LUT interpolation.
real(kind_phys) radice_uprlw
 Ice particle size lower bound for LUT interpolation.