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CCPP SciDoc v7.0.0  v7.0.0
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cires_ugwpv0_module Module Reference

This module contains the UGWPv0 driver.


subroutine cires_ugwpv0_mod_init (me, master, nlunit, input_nml_file, logunit, fn_nml, lonr, latr, levs, ak, bk, pref, dtp, cdmvgwd, cgwf, pa_rf_in, tau_rf_in)
 This subroutine initializes CIRES UGWP.
subroutine cires_ugwpv0_mod_finalize
 This subroutine deallocate sources/spectra and some diagnostics.


logical module_is_initialized
logical do_physb_gwsrcs = .false.
 control for physics-based GW-sources
logical do_rfdamp = .false.
 control for Rayleigh friction inside ugwp_driver
real, parameter arad =6370.e3
real, parameter pi = atan(1.0)
real, parameter pi2 = 2.*pi
real, parameter hps = 7000.
real, parameter hpskm = hps/1000.
real kxw = 6.28e-3/100.
 single horizontal wavenumber of ugwp schemes
real, parameter ricrit = 0.25
real, parameter frcrit = 0.50
real, parameter linsat = 1.00
real, parameter linsat2 = linsat*linsat
integer knob_ugwp_solver =1
 1, 2, 3, 4 - (linsat, ifs_2010, ad_gfdl, dsp_dis)
integer, dimension(4) knob_ugwp_source
 [1,1,1,0] - (oro, fronts, conv, imbf-owp]
integer, dimension(4) knob_ugwp_wvspec
 number of waves for- (oro, fronts, conv, imbf-owp]
integer, dimension(4) knob_ugwp_azdir
 number of wave azimuths for- (oro, fronts, conv, imbf-owp]
integer, dimension(4) knob_ugwp_stoch
 1 - deterministic ; 0 - stochastic
real, dimension(4) knob_ugwp_effac
 efficiency factors for- (oro, fronts, conv, imbf-owp]
integer knob_ugwp_doaxyz =1
 1 -gwdrag
integer knob_ugwp_doheat =1
 1 -gwheat
integer knob_ugwp_dokdis =0
 1 -gwmixing
integer knob_ugwp_ndx4lh = 2
 n-number of "unresolved" "n*dx" for lh_gw
integer ugwp_azdir
integer ugwp_stoch
integer ugwp_src
integer ugwp_nws
real ugwp_effac
 oro-conv-fjet-okw-taub_lat: 1-active 0-off
integer knob_ugwp_version = 0
 version control had sense under IPD in CCPP=> to SUITES
integer launch_level = 55
real, dimension(:), allocatable kvg
real, dimension(:), allocatable ktg
real, dimension(:), allocatable krad
real, dimension(:), allocatable kion
real, dimension(:), allocatable zkm
real, dimension(:), allocatable pmb
real, dimension(:), allocatable rfdis
real, dimension(:), allocatable rfdist
integer levs_rf
real pa_rf
real tau_rf
real, parameter max_kdis = 400.
real, parameter max_axyz = 400.e-5
real, parameter max_eps = max_kdis*4.e-7
real, parameter f_coriol =1
real, parameter f_nonhyd =1
real, parameter f_kds =0
real, parameter ipr_ktgw =1./3.
real, parameter ipr_spgw =iPr_ktgw
real, parameter ipr_turb =1./3.
real, parameter ipr_mol =1.95
real, parameter rhp1 =1./hps
real, parameter rhp2 =0.5*rhp1
real, parameter rhp4 = rhp2*rhp2
real, parameter khp = 0.287*rhp1
real, parameter cd_ulim = 1.0