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cu_gf_deep Module Reference

This module contains the Grell_Freitas deep convection scheme.


integer function my_maxloc1d (a, n)
subroutine cu_gf_deep_run (itf, ktf, its, ite, kts, kte, dicycle, ichoice, ipr, ccn, ccnclean, dtime, imid, kpbl, dhdt, xland, zo, forcing, t, q, z1, tn, qo, po, psur, us, vs, rho, hfx, qfx, dx, mconv, omeg, csum, cnvwt, zuo, zdo, zdm, edto, edtm, xmb_out, xmbm_in, xmbs_in, pre, outu, outv, outt, outq, outqc, kbcon, ktop, cupclw, frh_out, ierr, ierrc, nchem, fscav, chem3d, wetdpc_deep, do_smoke_transport, rand_mom, rand_vmas, rand_clos, nranflag, do_capsuppress, cap_suppress_j, k22, jmin, kdt, tropics)
 Driver for the deep or congestus GF routine.
subroutine fct1d3 (ktop, n, dt, z, tracr, massflx, trflx_in, dellac, g)
 Calculates tracer fluxes due to subsidence, only up-stream differencing is currently used but flux corrected transport can be turn on.
subroutine rain_evap_below_cloudbase (itf, ktf, its, ite, kts, kte, ierr, kbcon, xmb, psur, xland, qo_cup, po_cup, qes_cup, pwavo, edto, pwevo, pre, outt, outq)
 Calculates rain evaporation below cloud base.
subroutine cup_dd_edt (ierr, us, vs, z, ktop, kbcon, edt, p, pwav, pw, ccn, ccnclean, pwev, edtmax, edtmin, edtc, psum2, psumh, rho, aeroevap, pefc, xland1, itf, ktf, its, ite, kts, kte)
 Calculates strength of downdraft based on windshear and/or aerosol content.
subroutine cup_dd_moisture (ierrc, zd, hcd, hes_cup, qcd, qes_cup, pwd, q_cup, z_cup, dd_massentr, dd_massdetr, jmin, ierr, gamma_cup, pwev, bu, qrcd, p_cup, q, he, iloop, itf, ktf, its, ite, kts, kte)
 Calcultes moisture properties of downdrafts.
subroutine cup_env (z, qes, he, hes, t, q, p, z1, psur, ierr, tcrit, itest, itf, ktf, its, ite, kts, kte)
 Calculates environmental moist static energy, saturation moist static energy, heights, and saturation mixing ratio.
subroutine cup_env_clev (t, qes, q, he, hes, z, p, qes_cup, q_cup, he_cup, hes_cup, z_cup, p_cup, gamma_cup, t_cup, psur, ierr, z1, itf, ktf, its, ite, kts, kte)
 Calculates environmental values on cloud levels.
subroutine cup_forcing_ens_3d (closure_n, xland, aa0, aa1, xaa0, mbdt, dtime, ierr, ierr2, ierr3, xf_ens, axx, forcing, maxens3, mconv, rand_clos, p_cup, ktop, omeg, zd, zdm, k22, zu, pr_ens, edt, edtm, kbcon, ichoice, imid, ipr, itf, ktf, its, ite, kts, kte, dicycle, tau_ecmwf, aa1_bl, xf_dicycle)
 Calculates an ensemble of closures and the resulting ensemble average to determine cloud base mass-flux.
subroutine cup_kbcon (ierrc, cap_inc, iloop_in, k22, kbcon, he_cup, hes_cup, hkb, ierr, kbmax, p_cup, cap_max, ztexec, zqexec, jprnt, itf, ktf, its, ite, kts, kte, z_cup, entr_rate, heo, imid)
 Calculates the level of convective cloud base.
subroutine cup_maximi (array, ks, ke, maxx, ierr, itf, ktf, its, ite, kts, kte)
 Calculates the level at which the maximum value in an array occurs.
subroutine cup_minimi (array, ks, kend, kt, ierr, itf, ktf, its, ite, kts, kte)
 Calculates the level at which the minimum value in an array occurs.
subroutine cup_up_aa0 (aa0, z, zu, dby, gamma_cup, t_cup, kbcon, ktop, ierr, itf, ktf, its, ite, kts, kte)
 Calculates the cloud work functions for updrafts.
subroutine neg_check (name, j, dt, q, outq, outt, outu, outv, outqc, pret, its, ite, kts, kte, itf, ktf, ktop)
 Checks for negative or excessive tendencies and corrects in a mass conversing way by adjusting the cloud base mass-flux.
subroutine cup_output_ens_3d (xff_mid, xf_ens, ierr, dellat, dellaq, dellaqc, outtem, outq, outqc, dx, zu, pre, pw, xmb, ktop, edt, pwd, name, ierr2, ierr3, p_cup, pr_ens, maxens3, sig, closure_n, xland1, xmbm_in, xmbs_in, ichoice, imid, ipr, itf, ktf, its, ite, kts, kte, dicycle, xf_dicycle)
 This subroutine calculates final output fields including physical tendencies, precipitation, and mass-flux.
subroutine cup_up_moisture (name, ierr, z_cup, qc, qrc, pw, pwav, p_cup, kbcon, ktop, dby, clw_all, xland1, q, gamma_cup, zu, qes_cup, k22, qe_cup, c0, c0t3d, zqexec, ccn, ccnclean, rho, c1d, t, autoconv, up_massentr, up_massdetr, psum, psumh, itest, itf, ktf, its, ite, kts, kte)
 Calculates moisture properties of the updraft.
real function satvap (temp2)
 Calculates saturation vapor pressure.
subroutine get_cloud_bc (mzp, array, x_aver, k22, add)
 Calculates the average value of a variable at the updraft originating level.
subroutine rates_up_pdf (rand_vmas, ipr, name, ktop, ierr, p_cup, entr_rate_2d, hkbo, heo, heso_cup, z_cup, xland, kstabi, k22, kbcon, its, ite, itf, kts, kte, ktf, zuo, kpbl, ktopdby, csum, pmin_lev)
 Driver for the normalized mass-flux routine.
subroutine get_zu_zd_pdf_fim (kklev, p, rand_vmas, zubeg, ipr, xland, zuh2, draft, ierr, kb, kt, zu, kts, kte, ktf, max_mass, kpbli, csum, pmin_lev)
 Calculates a normalized mass-flux profile for updrafts and downdrafts using the beta function.
subroutine cup_up_aa1bl (aa0, t, tn, q, qo, dtime, z_cup, zu, dby, gamma_cup, t_cup, kbcon, ktop, ierr, itf, ktf, its, ite, kts, kte)
 Calculates the cloud work function based on boundary layer forcing.
subroutine get_inversion_layers (ierr, p_cup, t_cup, z_cup, qo_cup, qeso_cup, k_inv_layers, kstart, kend, dtempdz, itf, ktf, its, ite, kts, kte)
 Finds temperature inversions using the first and second derivative of temperature.
subroutine get_lateral_massflux (itf, ktf, its, ite, kts, kte, ierr, ktop, zo_cup, zuo, cd, entr_rate_2d, up_massentro, up_massdetro, up_massentr, up_massdetr, draft, kbcon, k22, up_massentru, up_massdetru, lambau)
 Calculates mass entranment and detrainment rates.
subroutine get_partition_liq_ice (ierr, tn, po_cup, p_liq_ice, melting_layer, itf, ktf, its, ite, kts, kte, cumulus)
 Calculates the partition between cloud water and cloud ice.
subroutine get_melting_profile (ierr, tn_cup, po_cup, p_liq_ice, melting_layer, qrco, pwo, edto, pwdo, melting, itf, ktf, its, ite, kts, kte, cumulus)
 Calculates the melting profile.
subroutine get_cloud_top (name, ktop, ierr, p_cup, entr_rate_2d, hkbo, heo, heso_cup, z_cup, kstabi, k22, kbcon, its, ite, itf, kts, kte, ktf, zuo, kpbl, klcl, hcot)
 Calculates the cloud top height.


real(kind=kind_phys), parameter g =9.81
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter cp =1004.
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter xlv =2.5e6
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter r_v =461.
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter tcrit =258.
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter c1 = 0.003
 tuning constant for cloudwater/ice detrainment
integer, parameter irainevap =1
 parameter to turn on or off evaporation of rainwater as done in sas
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter frh_thresh = .9
 max allowed fractional coverage (frh_thresh)
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter rh_thresh = .97
 rh threshold. if fractional coverage ~ frh_thres, do not use cupa any further
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter betajb =1.2
 tuning constant for j. brown closure (ichoice = 4,5,6)
integer, parameter use_excess =0
 tuning for shallow and mid convection. ec uses 1.5
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter fluxtune =1.5
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter pgcd = 0.1
 flag to turn off or modify mom transport by downdrafts
integer, parameter autoconv =1
 aerosol awareness, do not use yet!
integer, parameter aeroevap =1
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter scav_factor = 0.5
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter dx_thresh = 6500.
integer, parameter maxens3 =16
 still 16 ensembles for clousres
logical, parameter melt_glac = .true.
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter t_0 = 273.16
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter t_ice = 250.16
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter xlf = 0.333e6
 latent heat of freezing (j k-1 kg-1)
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter qrc_crit = 2.e-4