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CCPP SciDoc v7.0.0  v7.0.0
Common Community Physics Package Developed at DTC
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sfc_diff Module Reference

This module contains the CCPP-compliant GFS surface layer scheme.


subroutine, public sfc_diff_run (im, rvrdm1, eps, epsm1, grav, ps, t1, q1, z1, garea, wind, prsl1, prslki, prsik1, prslk1, sigmaf, vegtype, shdmax, ivegsrc, z0pert, ztpert, flag_iter, redrag, flag_lakefreeze, u10m, v10m, sfc_z0_type, u1, v1, usfco, vsfco, icplocn2atm, wet, dry, icy, thsfc_loc, tskin_wat, tskin_lnd, tskin_ice, tsurf_wat, tsurf_lnd, tsurf_ice, z0rl_wat, z0rl_lnd, z0rl_ice, z0rl_wav, ustar_wat, ustar_lnd, ustar_ice, cm_wat, cm_lnd, cm_ice, ch_wat, ch_lnd, ch_ice, rb_wat, rb_lnd, rb_ice, stress_wat, stress_lnd, stress_ice, fm_wat, fm_lnd, fm_ice, fh_wat, fh_lnd, fh_ice, fm10_wat, fm10_lnd, fm10_ice, fh2_wat, fh2_lnd, fh2_ice, ztmax_wat, ztmax_lnd, ztmax_ice, zvfun, errmsg, errflg)
subroutine, public stability (z1, zvfun, gdx, tv1, thv1, wind, z0max, ztmax, tvs, grav, thsfc_loc, rb, fm, fh, fm10, fh2, cm, ch, stress, ustar)
subroutine znot_m_v6 (uref, znotm)
 add fitted z0,zt curves for hurricane application (used in HWRF/HMON) Weiguo Wang, 2019-0425
subroutine znot_t_v6 (uref, znott)
 Calculate scalar roughness over water with input 10-m wind For low-to-moderate winds, try to match the Ck-U10 relationship from COARE algorithm For high winds, try to retain the Ck-U10 relationship of FY2015 HWRF.
subroutine znot_m_v7 (uref, znotm)
 Calculate areodynamical roughness over water with input 10-m wind For low-to-moderate winds, try to match the Cd-U10 relationship from COARE V3.5 (Edson et al. 2013) For high winds, try to fit available observational data Comparing to znot_t_v6, slightly decrease Cd for higher wind speed.
subroutine znot_t_v7 (uref, znott)
 Calculate scalar roughness over water with input 10-m wind For low-to-moderate winds, try to match the Ck-U10 relationship from COARE algorithm For high winds, try to retain the Ck-U10 relationship of FY2015 HWRF To be compatible with the slightly decreased Cd for higher wind speed.


real(kind=kind_phys), parameter ca =0.4_kind_phys