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calpreciptype_mod Module Reference

This module defines four algorithms that are called to calculate dominant precipitation type, and the tallies are sumed in calwxt_dominant().


subroutine calpreciptype (kdt, nrcm, im, ix, lm, lp1, randomno, xlat, xlon, gt0, gq0, prsl, prsi, prec, phii, tskin, domr, domzr, domip, doms)
subroutine calwxt (lm, lp1, t, q, pmid, pint, d608, rog, epsq, zint, iwx, twet)
 This subroutine computes precipitation type using a decision tree approach that uses variables such as integrated wet bulb temperatue below freezing and lowest layer temperature (Baldwin et al. 1994 [11])
subroutine calwxt_ramer (lm, lp1, t, q, pmid, rh, td, pint, ptyp)
 This subroutine is written and provided by Jim Ramer at NOAA/ESRL (Ramer (1993) [167]).
real(kind=kind_phys) function xmytw (t, td, p)
subroutine calwxt_bourg (lm, lp1, rn, g, t, q, pmid, pint, zint, ptype)
 this routine computes precipitation type using a decision tree approach that uses the so-called "energy method" of Bourgouin(2000) [25].
subroutine calwxt_revised (lm, lp1, t, q, pmid, pint, d608, rog, epsq, zint, twet, iwx)
 This subroutine computes precipitation type using a decision tree approach that uses variables such as integrated wet bulb temperature below freezing and lowest layer temperature (Baldwin et al.1994 [11]). Since the original version of the algorithm has a high bias for freezing rain and sleet, the revised version is to balance that bias with a version more likely to predict snow.
subroutine calwxt_dominant (nalg, rain, freezr, sleet, snow, domr, domzr, domip, doms)
 This subroutine takes the precipitation type solutions from different algorithms and sums them up to give a dominant type.