The UFS Atmosphere, the atmospheric component of the UFS Weather Model, access runtime configurations from file input.nml
. This file contains various namelists records that control aspects of the I/O, dynamics, physics etc. Most physics-related options are in records &gfs_physics_nml. Some schemes have their own namelist records as described below.
Both the SDF and the input.nml contain information about how to specify the physics suite. Some of this information is redundant, and the user must make sure they are compatible.The safest practice is to use the SDF and namelist provided for each suite, since those are supported configurations. Changes to the SDF must be accompanied by corresponding changes to the namelist. While there is not a one-to-one correspondence between the namelist and the SDF, the tables below show some variables in the namelist that must match the SDF.
Option | CCPP scheme or interstitial | Description | Default Value |
General options | |||
fhzero | gfs_phys_time_vary | hour between clearing of diagnostic buckets | 0.0 |
h2o_phys | h2ophys | flag for stratosphere h2o scheme | .false. |
ldiag3d | see GFS_typedefs.F90 | flag for 3D diagnostic fields | .false. |
qdiag3d | see GFS_typedefs.F90 | flag for 3D tracer diagnostic fields | .false. |
lssav | see GFS_typedefs.F90 | flag for storing diagnostics | .false. |
oz_phys_2015 | ozphys_2015 | flag for new (2015) ozone physics | .false. |
fhcyc | gfs_phys_time_vary | frequency for surface data cycling in hours | 0.0 |
use_ufo | gfs_phys_time_vary | flag for using unfiltered orography surface option | .false. |
add_fire_heat_flux | lsm_ruc | flag for fire heat flux | .false. |
ncld | see GFS_typedefs.F90 | number of hydrometeors | 1 |
do_mynnsfclay | see GFS_typedefs.F90 | flag to activate MYNN-SFCLAY scheme | .false. |
do_sppt | gfs_stochastics | flag for stochastic SPPT option | .false. |
do_shum | gfs_stochastics | flag for stochastic SHUM option | .false. |
do_skeb | gfs_stochastics | flag for stochastic SKEB option | .false. |
do_sfcperts | gfs_rrtmg_pre | flag for stochastic surface perturbations option | .false. |
imp_physics | choice of microphysics scheme | choice of microphysics scheme:
| 99 |
Parameters related to radiation scheme options | |||
pdfcld | gfs_rrtmg_pre | flag for PDF clouds | .false. |
fhswr | rrtmg_sw | frequency for shortwave radiation (secs) | 3600. |
fhlwr | rrtmg_lw | frequency for longwave radiation (secs) | 3600. |
levr | gfs_rrtmg_setup | number of vertical levels for radiation calculations | -99 |
nfxr | gfs_rrtmg_pre | second dimension of radiation input/output array fluxr | 39+6 |
iflip | gfs_rrtmg_setup | control flag for vertical index direction
| 1 |
icliq_sw | rrtmg_sw | sw optical property for liquid clouds | 1 |
iovr | rrtmg_sw | control flag for cloud overlap in SW & LW radiation
| 1 |
ictm | gfs_rrtmg_setup | external data time/date control flag
| 1 |
lcrick | gfs_rrtmg_setup | control flag for eliminating CRICK
| .false. |
lcnorm | gfs_rrtmg_setup | control flag for in-cloud condensate mixing ratio
| .false. |
ialb | gfs_rrtmg_setup | SW surface albedo control flag:
| 0 |
iems | gfs_rrtmg_setup | LW surface emissivity control flag (ab 2-digit integer) :
| 0 |
iaer | gfs_rrtmg_setup | 4-digit aerosol flag (dabc for aermdl, volcanic, LW, SW):
| 1 |
ico2 | gfs_rrtmg_setup | CO_2 data source control flag:
| 0 |
isubc_sw | rrtmg_sw | subgrid cloud approximation control flag in SW radiation:
| 0 |
isubc_lw | rrtmg_lw | subgrid cloud approximation control flag in LW radiation:
| 0 |
iswmode | GFS_rrtmg_setup, radsw_main | SW control flag for scattering process approximation: | 2 |
isol | gfs_rrtmg_setup | solar constant scheme control flag:
| 0 |
lwhtr | rrtmg_lw | flag for output of longwave heating rate | .true. |
swhtr | rrtmg_sw | flag for output of shortwave heating rate | .true. |
nhfrad | gfs_time_vary_pre | number of timesteps for which to call radiation on physics timestep (coldstarts) | 0 |
idcor | |||
dcorr_con | |||
Parameters related to RRTMGP schemes | |||
do_RRTMGP | GFS_rrtmgp_setup | use RRTMGP | .false. |
active_gases | GFS_rrtmgp_pre,rrtmgp_lw_main,rrtmgp_lw_gas_optics,rrtmgp_sw_main,rrtmgp_sw_gas_optics | character list of active gases used in RRTMGP | '' |
nGases | GFS_rrtmgp_pre,rrtmgp_lw_main,rrtmgp_sw_main | number of active gases | 0 |
rrtmgp_root | rrtmgp_lw_cloud_optics,rrtmgp_lw_main,rrtmgp_sw_cloud_optics,rrtmgp_lw_gas_optics,rrtmgp_sw_main | directory of rte+rrtmgp source code | '' |
lw_file_gas | rrtmgp_lw_main,rrtmgp_lw_gas_optics | RRTMGP K-distribution file, coefficients to compute optics for gaseous atmosphere | '' |
lw_file_clouds | rrtmgp_lw_main, rrtmgp_lw_cloud_optics | RRTMGP file containing coefficients used to compute clouds optical properties | '' |
sw_file_gas | rrtmgp_sw_main, rrtmgp_sw_gas_optics | RRTMGP K-distribution file, coefficients to compute optics for gaseous atmosphere | '' |
sw_file_clouds | rrtmgp_sw_main, rrtmgp_sw_cloud_optics | RRTMGP file containing coefficents used to compute clouds optical properties | '' |
rrtmgp_nBandsSW | number of RRTMGP SW bands | -999 | |
rrtmgp_nGptsSW | number of RRTMGP SW spectral points | -999 | |
rrtmgp_nBandsLW | number of RRTMGP LW bands | -999 | |
rrtmgp_nGptsLW | number of RRTMGP LW spectral points | -999 | |
doG_cldoptics | use legacy RRTMG cloud optics | .false. | |
doGP_cldoptics_PADE | GFS_rrtmgp_cloud_mp, rrtmgp_lw_cloud_optics, rrtmgp_sw_cloud_optics, rrtmgp_lw_main, rrtmgp_sw_main | use RRTMGP cloud optics: PADE approximation | .false. |
doGP_cldoptics_LUT | GFS_rrtmgp_cloud_mp,rrtmgp_lw_cloud_optics,rrtmgp_lw_main,rrtmgp_sw_cloud_optics,rrtmgp_sw_main | use RRTMGP cloud optics: LUTs | .false. |
iovr_convcld | rrtmgp_lw_main,rrtmgp_sw_main | cloud-overlap assumption for convective cloud | 1 |
use_LW_jacobian | GFS_suite_interstitial_2, dcyc2t3,rrtmgp_lw_main | use Jacobian of LW to update LW radiation tendencies | .false. |
damp_LW_fluxadj | dcyc2t3 | Damp LW Jacobian flux adjustment with height | .false. |
lfnc_k | dcyc2t3 | depth of transition layer in logistic function for LW flux adjustment damping | -999 |
lfnc_p0 | dcyc2t3 | transition pressure for LW flux adjustment damping | -999 |
doGP_lwscat | rrtmgp_lw_main | if true, include scattering in longwave cloud-optics, only compatible w/ GP cloud-optics | .false. |
doGP_sgs_cnv | rrtmgp_lw_main, rrtmgp_sw_main | if true, include SubGrdiScale convective cloud in RRTMGP | |
doGP_smearclds | GFS_rrtmgp_cloud_mp | if true, include implicit SubGridScale clouds in RRTMGP | |
Parameters related to cumulus schemes | |||
imfshalcnv | choice of shallow convective scheme | flag for mass flux shallow convective scheme:
| 1 |
imfdeepcnv | choice of deep convective scheme | flag for mass-flux deep convective scheme:
| 1 |
do_deep | see GFS_typedefs.F90 | consistency check for deep convection | .true. |
shal_cnv | gfs_suite_interstitial | flag for calling shallow convection | .false. |
lmfshal | gfs_rrtmg_pre | flag for mass-flux shallow convection scheme in the cloud fraction calculation | shal_cnv .and. (imfshalcnv > 0) |
lmfdeep2 | gfs_rrtmg_pre | flag for mass-flux deep convection scheme in the cloud fraction calculation | imfdeepcnv == 2 .or. 3 .or.4 |
random_clds | gfs_phys_time_vary | flag for whether clouds are random | .false. |
trans_trac | gfs_suite_interstitial | flag for convective transport of tracers | .false. |
cal_pre | gfs_phys_time_vary or gfs_MP_generic | flag for calling precipitation type algorithm | .false. |
shcnvcw | samfshalcnv | flag for shallow convective cloud | .false. |
progsigma | samfshalcnv, samfdeepcnv | flag for prognostic updraft area fraction closure in saSAS | .false. |
betascu | samfshalcnv, samfdeepcnv, cu_c3_driver | tuning parameter for prognostic closure shallow clouds | 8.0 |
betamcu | samfshalcnv, samfdeepcnv, cu_c3_driver | tuning parameter for prognostic closure midlevel clouds | 1.0 |
betadcu | samfshalcnv, samfdeepcnv, cu_c3_driver | tuning parameter for prognostic closure deep clouds | 2.0 |
Parameters related to PBL scheme options | |||
do_mynnedmf | mynnedmf_wrapper | flag to activate MYNN-EDMF scheme | .false. |
dspheat | satmedmfvdifq | flag for using TKE dissipative heating to temperature tendency in hybrid EDMF and TKE-EDMF schemes | .false. |
satmedmf | satmedmfvdifq | flag for calling scale-ware TKE-based EDMF PBL scheme | .false. |
isatmedmf | satmedmfvdifq | flag for scale-aware TKE-based moist EDMF scheme
| 0 |
do_ysu | see GFS_typedefs.F90 | flag for YSU PBL scheme | .false. |
debug | see GFS_typedefs.F90 | flag for debug printout | .false. |
xkzm_h | satmedmfvdifq | background vertical diffusion for heat and q | 1.0d0 |
xkzm_m | satmedmfvdifq | background vertical diffusion for momentum | 1.0d0 |
xkzm_s | satmedmfvdifq | sigma threshold for background mom. diffusion | 1.0d0 |
dspfac | satmedmfvdifq | TKE dissipative heating factor | 1.0 |
bl_upfr | satmedmfvdifq | updraft fraction in boundary layer mass flux scheme | 0.13 |
bl_dnfr | satmedmfvdifq | downdraft fraction in boundary layer mass flux scheme | 0.1 |
rlmx | satmedmfvdifq | maximum allowed mixing length in boundary layer mass flux scheme | 300. |
elmx | satmedmfvdifq | maximum allowed dissipation mixing length in boundary layer mass flux scheme | 300. |
sfc_rlm | satmedmfvdifq | choice of near surface mixing lenghth in boundary layer mass flux scheme | 0 |
tc_pbl | satmedmfvdifq | control for TC applications in the PBL scheme | 0 |
bl_mynn_mixlength | mynnedmf_wrapper | flag for different version of mixing length formulation
| 2 |
bl_mynn_edmf | mynnedmf_wrapper | flag to activate the mass-flux scheme
| 0 |
bl_mynn_edmf_mom | mynnedmf_wrapper | flag to activate the transport of momentum
| 1 |
bl_mynn_edmf_tke | mynnedmf_wrapper | flag to activate the transport of TKE
| 0 |
bl_mynn_tkeadvect | mynnedmf_wrapper | activate computation of TKE advection (not yet in use for FV3)
| .false. |
tke_budget | mynnedmf_wrapper | flag to activating TKE budget | 0 |
bl_mynn_cloudpdf | mynnedmf_wrapper | flag to determine which cloud PDF to use
| 2 |
bl_mynn_edmf_cloudmix | mynnedmf_wrapper | flag to activate mixing of cloud species
| 1 |
bl_mynn_mixqt | mynnedmf_wrapper | flag to mix total water or individual species
| 0 |
icloud_bl | mynnedmf_wrapper | flag to coupling SGS clouds to radiation
| 1 |
bl_mynn_closure | mynnedmf_wrapper | flag to determine closure level of MYNN
| 2.6 |
num_dfi_radar | cu_gf_driver | number of timespans with radar-prescried temperature tendencies | 0 |
fh_dfi_radar | cu_gf_driver | begin+end of timespans to receive radar-prescribed temperature tendencies | -2e10 |
do_cap_suppress | cu_gf_driver | enable convection suppression in GF scheme if fh_dfi_radar is specified | .true. |
ix_dfi_radar | cu_gf_driver | index within dfi_radar_tten of each timespan (-1 means "none") | -1 |
dfi_radar_max_intervals | cu_gf_driver | number of radar-derived temperature tendency and/or convection suppression intervals | 4 |
Parameters related to surface perturbation options | |||
nsfcpert | gfs_surface_generic_pre | number of weights for stochastic surface perturbation | 0 |
pertz0 | gfs_surface_generic_pre | magnitude of perturbation of momentum roughness length | -999. |
pertzt | gfs_surface_generic_pre | magnitude of perturbation of heat to momentum roughness length ratio | -999. |
pertshc | gfs_surface_generic_pre | magnitude of perturbation of soil hydraulic conductivity | -999. |
pertlai | gfs_surface_generic_pre | magnitude of perturbation of leaf area index | -999. |
pertalb | gfs_surface_generic_pre | magnitude of surface albedo perturbation | -999. |
pertvegf | gfs_surface_generic_pre | magnitude of perturbation of vegetation fraction | -999. |
Parameters related to Cellular Automata options | |||
do_ca | samfdeepcnv, gfs_stochastics | cellular automata main switch | .false. |
ca_closure | samfdeepcnv | logical switch for CA on closure | .false |
ca_entr | samfdeepcnv | logical swith for CA on entrainment | .false |
ca_trigger | samfdeepcnv | logical switch for CA on trigger | .false. |
Parameters related to microphysics scheme options | |||
lradar | gfdl_cloud_microphys | flag for computing radar reflectivity in Thompson MP scheme | .false. |
sedi_transport | gfdl_cloud_microphys | flag for turning on horizontal momentum transport during sedimentation | .true. |
do_sedi_w | gfdl_cloud_microphys | .true. to turn on vertical motion transport during sedimentation. (not supported in GFS physics) | .false. |
do_sedi_heat | gfdl_cloud_microphys | flag for turning on horizontal heat transport during sedimentation | .true. |
rad_snow | gfdl_cloud_microphys | flag for considering snow in cloud fraction calculation | .true. |
rad_graupel | gfdl_cloud_microphys | flag for considering graupel in cloud fraction calculation | .true. |
rad_rain | gfdl_cloud_microphys | flag for considering rain in cloud fraction calculation | .true. |
cld_min | gfdl_cloud_microphys | minimum cloud fraction. If total cloud condensate exceeds 1.0e-6 kg/kg, cloud fraction cannot be less than cld_min | 0.05 |
const_vi | gfdl_cloud_microphys | flag for using constant cloud ice fall speed | .false. |
const_vs | gfdl_cloud_microphys | flag for using constant snow fall speed | .false. |
const_vg | gfdl_cloud_microphys | flag for using constant graupel fall speed | .false. |
const_vr | gfdl_cloud_microphys | flag for using constant rain fall speed | .false. |
vi_fac | gfdl_cloud_microphys | tunable factor for cloud ice fall or the constant cloud ice fall speed when const_vi is .true. | 1. |
vr_fac | gfdl_cloud_microphys | tunable factor for rain fall or the constant rain fall speed when const_vr is .true. | 1. |
vs_fac | gfdl_cloud_microphys | tunable factor for snow fall or the constant snow fall speed when const_vs is .true. | 1. |
vg_fac | gfdl_cloud_microphys | tunable factor for graupel fall or the constant graupel fall speed when const_vg is .true. | 1. |
vi_max | gfdl_cloud_microphys | maximum fall speed for cloud ice | 0.5 |
vs_max | gfdl_cloud_microphys | maximum fall speed for snow | 5.0 |
vg_max | gfdl_cloud_microphys | maximum fall speed for graupel | 8.0 |
vr_max | gfdl_cloud_microphys | maximum fall speed for rain | 12.0 |
qi_lim | gfdl_cloud_microphys | cloud ice limiter to prevent large ice built up in cloud ice freezing and deposition | 1. |
prog_ccn | gfdl_cloud_microphys | flag for activating prognostic CCN (not supported in GFS Physics) | .false. |
do_qa | gfdl_cloud_microphys | .true. to activate inline cloud fraction diagnosis in fast saturation adjustment. .false. to activate inline cloud fraction diagnosis in major cloud microphysics | .true. |
fast_sat_adj | gfdl_cloud_microphys | flag for adjusting cloud water evaporation (cloud water -> water vapor), cloud water freezing (cloud water -> cloud ice), cloud ice deposition (water vapor -> cloud ice) when fast saturation adjustment is activated (do_sat_adj = .true. in fv_core_nml block) | .true. |
tau_l2v | gfdl_cloud_microphys | time scale for evaporation of cloud water to water vapor. Increasing(decreasing) tau_l2v can decrease(boost) deposition of cloud water to water vapor | 300. |
tau_v2l | gfdl_cloud_microphys | time scale for condensation of water vapor to cloud water. Increasing(decreasing) tau_v2l can decrease(boost) condensation of water vapor to cloud water | 150. |
tau_g2v | gfdl_cloud_microphys | time scale for sublimation of graupel to water vapor. Increasing(decreasing) tau_g2v can decrease(boost) sublimation of graupel to water vapor | 900. |
tau_g2r | gfdl_cloud_microphys | time scale for graupel melting. Increasing(decreasing) tau_g2r can decrease(boost) melting of graupel to rain (graupel-> rain) | 600. |
tau_v2g | gfdl_cloud_microphys | time scale for deposition of water vapor to graupel. Increasing(decreasing) tau_v2g can decrease(boost) deposition of water vapor to graupel (water vapor -> graupel) | 21600. |
tau_l2r | gfdl_cloud_microphys | time scale for autoconversion of cloud water to rain. Increasing(decreasing) tau_l2r can decrese(boost) autoconversion of cloud water to rain (cloud water -> rain) | 900. |
tau_r2g | gfdl_cloud_microphys | time scale for freezing of rain to graupel. Increasing(decreasing) tau_r2g can decrease(boost) freezing of rain to graupel (rain->graupel) | 900. |
tau_i2s | gfdl_cloud_microphys | time scale for autoconversion of cloud ice to snow. Increasing(decreasing) tau_i2s can decrease(boost) autoconversion of cloud ice to snow (cloud ice -> snow) | 1000. |
tau_imlt | gfdl_cloud_microphys | time scale for cloud ice melting. Increasing(decreasing) tau_imlt can decrease(boost) melting of cloud ice to cloud water or rain (cloud ice -> cloud water or rain) | 600. |
tau_smlt | gfdl_cloud_microphys | time scale for snow melting. Increasing(decreasing) tau_smlt can decrease(boost) melting of snow to cloud water or rain (snow-> cloud water or rain) | 900. |
rthresh | gfdl_cloud_microphys | critical cloud water radius for autoconversion (cloud water -> rain). Increasing(decreasing) of rthresh makes the autoconversion harder(easier) | 10.0e-6 |
dw_land | gfdl_cloud_microphys | base value for subgrid deviation/variability over land | 0.20 |
dw_ocean | gfdl_cloud_microphys | base value for subgrid deviation/variability over ocean | 0.10 |
ql_gen | gfdl_cloud_microphys | maximum value for cloud water generated from condensation of water vapor (water vapor-> cloud water) | 1.0e-3 |
qi_gen | gfdl_cloud_microphys | maximum value of cloud ice generated from deposition of water vapor (water vapor->cloud ice) or freezing(cloud water -> cloud ice). Increasing(decreasing) qi_gen can increas(decrease) cloud ice | 1.82e-6 |
ql_mlt | gfdl_cloud_microphys | maximum value of cloud water allowed from melted cloud ice (cloud ice -> cloud water or rain). Exceedance of which will become rain. Increasing(decreasing) ql_mlt can increase(decrease) cloud water and decrease(increase) rain | 2.0e-3 |
qs_mlt | gfdl_cloud_microphys | maximum value of cloud water allowed from melted snow (snow -> cloud water or rain). Exceedance of which will become rain. Increasing(decreasing) qs_mlt can increas(decrease) cloud water and decrease (increase) rain | 1.0e-6 |
ql0_max | gfdl_cloud_microphys | threshold of cloud water to rain autoconversion (cloud water -> rain). Increasing(decreasing) ql0_max can increase(decrease) rain and decrease(increase) cloud water | 2.0e-3 |
qi0_max | gfdl_cloud_microphys | maximum value of cloud ice generated from other sources like convection. Exceedance of which will become snow. Increasing(decreasing) qi0_max can increase(decrease) cloud ice and decrease(increase) snow | 1.0e-4 |
qi0_crt | gfdl_cloud_microphys | threshold of cloud ice to snow autoconversion (cloud ice -> snow). Increasing(decreasing) qi0_crt can increase(decrease) cloud ice and decrease(increase) snow | 1.0e-4 |
qs0_crt | gfdl_cloud_microphys | threshold of snow to graupel autoconversion (snow -> graupel). Increasing(decreasing) qs0_crt can increase(decrease) snow and decrease(increase) graupel | 1.0e-3 |
qc_crt | gfdl_cloud_microphys | minimum value of cloud condensate to allow partial cloudiness. Partial cloud can only exist when total cloud condensate exceeds qc_crt | 5.0e-8 |
c_psaci | gfdl_cloud_microphys | accretion efficiency of cloud ice to snow (cloud ice -> snow). Increasing(decreasing) of c_psaci can boost(decrease) the accretion of cloud ice to snow | 0.02 |
c_pgacs | gfdl_cloud_microphys | accretion efficiency of snow to graupel (snow -> graupel). Increasing(decreasing) of c_pgacs can boost(decrease) the accretion of snow to graupel | 2.0e-3 |
reiflag | gfdl_cloud_microphys | cloud ice effective radius schme
| 1 |
rh_inc | gfdl_cloud_microphys | relative humidity increment for complete evaporation of cloud water and cloud ice | 0.25 |
rh_inr | gfdl_cloud_microphys | relative humidity increment for sublimation of snow | 0.25 |
rh_ins | gfdl_cloud_microphys | relative humidity increment for minimum evaporation of rain | 0.25 |
rthresh | gfdl_cloud_microphys | critical cloud water radius for autoconversion(cloud water->rain). Increasing(decreasing) of rthresh makes the autoconversion harder(easier) | 1.0e-5 |
ccn_l | gfdl_cloud_microphys | base CCN over land. Increasing(decreasing) ccn_l can on the one hand boost(decrease) the autoconversion of cloud water to rain, on the other hand make the autoconversion harder(easier). The unit is cm^{-3} | 270. |
ccn_o | gfdl_cloud_microphys | base CCN over ocean. Increasing(decreasing) ccn_o can on the one hand boost(decrease) the autoconversion of cloud water to rain, on the other hand make the autoconversion harder(easier). The unit is cm^{-3} | 90. |
c_paut | gfdl_cloud_microphys | autoconversion efficiency of cloud water to rain (cloud water -> rain). Increasing(decreasing) of c_paut can boost(decrease) the autoconversion of cloud water to rain | 0.55 |
c_cracw | gfdl_cloud_microphys | accretion efficiency of cloud water to rain (cloud water -> rain). Increasing(decreasing) of c_cracw can boost(decrease) the accretion of cloud water to rain | 0.9 |
sat_adj0 | gfdl_cloud_microphys | adjust factor for condensation of water vapor to cloud water (water vapor->cloud water) and deposition of water vapor to cloud ice | 0.9 |
use_ppm | gfdl_cloud_microphys | true to use PPM fall scheme; false to use time-implicit monotonic fall scheme | .false. |
use_ccn | gfdl_cloud_microphys | true to compute prescribed CCN. It should be .true. when prog_ccn = .false. | .false. |
mono_prof | gfdl_cloud_microphys | true to turn on terminal fall with monotonic PPM scheme. This is used together with use_ppm= .true. | .true. |
z_slope_liq | gfdl_cloud_microphys | true to turn on vertically subgrid linear monotonic slope for autoconversion of cloud water to rain | .true. |
z_slope_ice | gfdl_cloud_microphys | true to turn on vertically subgrid linear monotonic slope for autoconversion of cloud ice to snow | .false. |
de_ice | gfdl_cloud_microphys | true to convert excessive cloud ice to snow to prevent ice over-built from other sources like convection scheme (not supported in GFS physics) | .false. |
fix_negative | gfdl_cloud_microphys | true to fix negative water species using nearby points | .false. |
icloud_f | gfdl_cloud_microphys | flag (0,1,or 2) for cloud fraction diagnostic scheme | 0 |
irain_f | gfdl_cloud_microphys | flag (0 or 1) for cloud water autoconversion to rain scheme. 0: with subgrid variability; 1: no subgrid variability | 0 |
mp_time | gfdl_cloud_microphys | time step of GFDL cloud microphysics (MP). If mp_time isn't divisible by physics time step or is larger than physics time step, the actual MP time step becomes dt/NINT [dt/MIN(dt,mp_time)] | 150. |
alin | gfdl_cloud_microphys | parameter a in Lin et al.(1983). Constant in empirical formula for U_R. Increasing(decreasing) alin can boost(decrease) accretion of cloud water by rain and rain evaporation | 842. |
clin | gfdl_cloud_microphys | parameter c in Lin et al.(1983). Constant in empirical formula for U_S. Increasing(decreasing) clin can boost(decrease) accretion of cloud water by snow, accretion of cloud ice by snow, snow sublimation and deposition, and snow melting | 4.8 |
t_min | gfdl_cloud_microphys | temperature threshold for instant deposition. Deposit all water vapor to cloud ice when temperature is lower than t_min | 178. |
t_sub | gfdl_cloud_microphys | temperature threshold for sublimation. Cloud ice, snow or graupel stops(starts) sublimation when temperature is lower(higher) then t_sub | 184. |
mp_print | gfdl_cloud_microphys | .true. to turn on GFDL cloud microphysics debugging print out. (not supported in GFS physics) | .false. |
ltaerosol | mp_thompson | flag for using aerosol climotology in Thompson MP scheme | .false. |
mraerosol | mynnedmf_wrapper, GFS_rrtmg_pre,GFS_PBL_generic_post, GFS_rrtmgp_cloud_mp, GFS_PBL_generic_common, GFS_PBL_generic_pre | flag for merra2 aerosol aware | .false. |
lradar | mp_thompson,gfdl_cloud_microphys,maximum_hourly_diagnostics | flag for radar reflectivity | .false. |
nsfullradar_diag | seconds between resetting radar reflectivity calculation | .-999.0 | |
ttendlim | mp_thompson | temperature tendency limiter per time step in K/s, set to < 0 to deactivate | -999.0 |
ext_diag_thompson | mp_thompson | flag for extended diagnostic output from Thompson MP | .false. |
thompson_ext_ndiag3d | mp_thompson | number of 3d arrays for extended diagnostic output from Thompson MP | 37 |
dt_inner | mp_thompson | time step for the inner loop in second | -999.0 |
sedi_semi | mp_thompson | flag for semi Lagrangian sedi of rain | .false. |
decfl | mp_thompson | deformed CFL factor | 8 |
effr_in | gfdl_cloud_microphys, mp_thompson | flag for using input cloud effective radii calculation | .false. |
cnvcld | see GFS_typedefs.F90 | flag for convective cloud | .false. |
xr_cnvcld | GFS_rrtmg_pre | flag for including suspended convective clouds in Xu-Randall cloud fraction | .true. |
lgfdlmprad | gfs_rrtmg_pre | flag for GFDL mp scheme and radiation consistency | .false. |
nssl_cccn | mp_nssl | CCN concentration (m^-3) | 0.6e9 |
nssl_alphah | mp_nssl | graupel PSD shape parameter | 0.0 |
nssl_alphahl | mp_nssl | hail PSD shape parameter | 1.0 |
nssl_alphar | mp_nssl | PSD shape parameter for rain | 0.0 |
nssl_ehw0 | mp_nssl | constant or max assumed graupel-droplet collection efficiency | 0.9 |
nssl_ehlw0 | mp_nssl | constant or max assumed hail-droplet collection efficiency | 0.9 |
nssl_hail_on | mp_nssl | NSSL flag to activate the hail category | .false. |
nssl_3moment | mp_nssl | NSSL flag to activate 3-moment for rain/graupel (and hail if activated) | .false. |
ssl_ccn_on | mp_nssl | NSSL flag to activate the CCN category | .true. |
nssl_invertccn | mp_nssl | NSSL flag to treat CCN as activated (.true.) or unactivated (.false.) | .true. |
Parameters related to gravity drag scheme options | |||
knob_ugwp_version | cires_ugwp | parameter selects a version of the UGWP implementation in FV3GFS-127L
| 0 |
knob_ugwp_doaxyz | cires_ugwp | parameter controls application of the momentum deposition for NGW-schemes
| 1 |
knob_ugwp_doheat | cires_ugwp | parameter controls application of the heat deposition for NGW-schemes
| 1 |
knob_ugwp_dokdis | cires_ugwp | parameter controls application of the eddy diffusion due to instability of NGWs
| 0 |
knob_ugwp_solver | cires_ugwp | parameter controls the selection of UGWP-solvers(wave propagation, dissipation and wave breaking) for NGWs
| 1 |
knob_ugwp_ndx4lh | cires_ugwp | parameter controls the selection of the horizontal wavenumber(wavelength) for NGW schemes
| 2 |
knob_ugwp_wvspec | cires_ugwp | four-dimensional array defines number of waves in each arimuthal propagation (as defined by knob_ugwp_azdir) for GWs excited due to the following four sources: (1) sub-grid orography (knob_ugwp_wvspec[1]=1), (2) convective (knob_ugwp_wvspec[2]=25), (3) frontal (knob_ugwp_wvspec[3]=25) activity, (4) knob_ugwp_wvspec[4] represents number of wave excited by dynamical imbalances that may mimic both convective and front-jet mechanisms of GW triggering. In UGWP v0, first two elements of the array, knob_ugwp_wvspec(1:2), control number of waves for stationary (OGW) and nonstationary waves (NGWs). | 1,32,32,32 |
knob_ugwp_azdir | cires_ugwp | four-dimensional array that defines number of azimuths for propagation of GWs triggered by four types of physics-based sources (orography, convection, front-jets, and dynamical imbalance). In UGWP v0, first two elements of the array, knob_ugwp_azdir(1:2), control number of azimuths for OGW and NGWs respectively. | 2,4,4,4 |
knob_ugwp_stoch | cires_ugwp | four-dimensional array that control stochastic selection of GWs triggered by four types of physics-based sources. Default values:0,0,0,0 - reflect determinstic selection of GW parameters without stochastic selection | 0,0,0,0 |
knob_ugwp_effac | cires_ugwp | four-dimensional array that control efficiency of GWs triggerd by four types of physics-based sources. Default values: 1.,1.,1.,1. - reflect that calculated GW-tendencies will be applied for the model state. | 1.,1.,1.,1. |
knob_ugwp_tauamp | ugwpv1_gsldrag | amplitude for GEOS-5/MERRA-2 | 7.75e-3 |
launch_level | cires_ugwp | parameter has been introduced by EMC during implementation. It defines the interface model level from the surface at which NGWs are launched. Default value for FV3GFS-64L, launch_level=25 and for FV3GFS-128L, launch_level=52. | 55 |
ldiag_ugwp | cires_ugwp | flag for CIRES UGWP diagnostics | .false. |
do_ugwp | cires_ugwp | flag for CIRES UGWP revised OGW
| .false.; The CIRES Unified Gravity Wave Physics (cires_ugwp) scheme is used in GFSv15p2 and GFSv16beta SDFs with do_ugwp=F in the namelist. In this setting, the cires_ugwp calls the operational GFS v15.2 orographic gravity wave drag (gwdps) scheme. When do_ugwp=.T., the cires_ugwp scheme calls an experimental orographic gravity wave (gwdps_v0) |
do_tofd | cires_ugwp | flag for turbulent orographic form drag | .false. |
cnvgwd | cires_ugwp | flag for convective gravity wave drag scheme dependent on maxval(cdmbgwd(3:4) == 0.0) | .false. |
cdmbgwd(4) | cires_ugwp | multiplication factors for mountain blocking(1), orographic gravity wave drag(2)
| 2.0,0.25,1.0,1.0 |
nmtvr | cires_ugwp | number of topographic variables such as variance etc used in the GWD parameterization-10 more added if GSL orographic drag scheme is used | 14 |
cgwf | cires_ugwp, unified_ugwp | multiplication factor for convective GWD | 0.5d0,0.05d0 |
do_gwd | see GFS_typedefs.F90 | flag for gravity wave drag | maxval(cdmbgwd) > 0.0 |
gwd_opt | drag_suite | flag for GWD scheme
| 1 |
do_ugwp_v0 | unified_ugwp | flag for version 0 UGWP GWD | .true. |
do_ugwp_v0_orog_only | unified_ugwp | flag for version 0 UGWP GWD (orographic drag only) | .false. |
do_ugwp_v0_nst_only | unified_ugwp | flag for version 0 UGWP GWD (non-stationary GWD only) | .false. |
do_gsl_drag_ls_bl | unified_ugwp, drag_suite | flag for GSL drag (large-scale GWD and blocking only) | .false. |
do_gsl_drag_ss | unified_ugwp, drag_suite | flag for GSL drag (small-scale GWD only) | .false. |
do_gsl_drag_tofd | unified_ugwp, drag_suite | flag for GSL drag (turbulent orog form drag only) | .false. |
do_gwd_opt_psl | unified_ugwp, ugwpv1_gsldrag | flag for PSL drag (mesoscale GWD and blocking only) | .false. |
do_ugwp_v1 | GFS_physics_time_vary | flag for version 1 UGWP | .false. |
do_ugwp_v1_orog_only | ugwpv1_gsldrag | flag for version 1 UGWP (orographic drag only) | .false. |
do_ugwp_v1_w_gsldrag | ugwpv1_gsldrag | flag for version 1 UGWP (orographic drag only) | .false. |
alpha_fd | ugwpv1_gsldrag, drag_suite, unified_ugwp | alpha coefficient for turbulent orographic form drag | 12.0 |
psl_gwd_dx_factor | ugwpv1_gsldrag, drag_suite, unified_ugwp | multiplication factors for grid spacing | 6.0 |
Parameters related to LSM options | |||
lsm | see GFS_typedefs.F90 | flag for land surface model to use
| 1 |
lsoil | lsm_noah | number of soil layers | 4 |
lsoil_lsm | GFS_phys_time_vary.scm.F90 | number of soil layers internal to land surface model; -1 use lsoil | -1 |
rdlai | lsm_ruc | flag to read leaf area index from input files | .false. |
ivegsrc | lsm_noah, lsm_ruc, noahmpdrv, sfc_diff | flag for vegetation type dataset choice:
| 2 |
isot | lsm_noah, lsm_ruc, noahmpdrv | flag for soil type dataset choice:
| 0 |
exticeden | lsm_noah,lsm_ruc | flag for calculating frozen precip ice density outside of the LSM | .false. |
iopt_dveg | noahmpdrv | options for dynamic vegetation
| 4 |
iopt_crs | noahmpdrv | options for canopy stomatal resistance
| 1 |
iopt_btr | noahmpdrv | options for soil moisture factor for stomatal resistance
| 1 |
iopt_run | noahmpdrv | options for runoff and groundwater
| 3 |
iopt_sfc | noahmpdrv | options for surface layer drag coeff (CH&CM)
| 1 |
iopt_frz | noahmpdrv | options for supercooled liquid water (or ice fraction)
| 1 |
iopt_inf | noahmpdrv | options for frozen soil permeability
| 1 |
iopt_rad | noahmpdrv | options for radiation transfer
| 3 |
iopt_alb | noahmpdrv | options for ground snow surface albedo
| 2 |
iopt_snf | noahmpdrv | options for partitioning precipitation into rainfall and snowfall
| 1 |
iopt_tbot | noahmpdrv | options for lower boundary condition of soil temperature
| 2 |
iopt_stc | noahmpdrv | options for snow/soil temperature time scheme (only layer 1)
| 1 |
iopt_trs | noahmpdrv | options for thermal roughness scheme:
| 2 |
iopt_diag | noampdrv | options for surface 2-m t/q diagnostic approach: | 2 |
mosaic_lu | lsm_ruc | control for use of fractional landuse in RUC land surface model
| 0 |
mosaic_soil | lsm_ruc | control for use of fractional soil in RUC land surface model
| 0 |
isncond_opt | lsm_ruc | control for soil thermal conductivity option in RUC land surface model
| 1 |
isncovr_opt | lsm_ruc | control for snow cover fraction option in RUC land surface model
| 1 |
Parameters related to other surface scheme options | |||
lkm | clm_lake | 0: no lake; 1: lake; 2: lake&nsst | 0 |
iopt_lake | clm_lake | 1: flake; 2: CLM lake | 2 |
lakedepth_threshold | clm_lake | lakedepth must be greater than this value to enable a lake model | 1.0 |
lakefrac_threshold | clm_lake | lakefrac must be greater than this value to enable a lake model | 0.0 |
use_lake2m | clm_lake | use 2m T&Q from CLM lake model | .false. |
clm_debug_print | enables prints in clm_lake | .false. | |
clm_lake_debug | verbose debugging in clm_lake | .false. | |
nstf_name(5) | sfc_nst | NSST related paramters:
| /0,0,1,0,5/ |
nst_anl | gfs_phys_time_vary | flag for NSST analysis in gcycle/sfcsub | .false. |
frac_grid | GFS_suite_interstitial_2, GFS_radiation_surface,GFS_surface_composite_pre, GFS_surface_composite_post, GFS_phys_time_vary, sfc_nst_post, lsm_ruc, clm_lake | flag for fractional grid | .false. |
frac_ice | clm_lake, GFS_surface_composites_post | flag for lake fractional ice when fractional grid is not in use | .true. |
min_lakeice | fractional grid | minimum lake ice value | 0.15d0 |
min_seaice | fractional grid | minimum sea ice value | 1.0d-11 |
min_lake_height | fractional grid | minimum lake height value | 250.0 |
sfc_z0_type | sfc_diff | surface roughness options over ocean
| 0 |
icplocn2atm | satmedmfvdifq, sfc_diff, sfc_diag, sfc_nst, sfc_ocean | air-sea flux options over ocean
| 0 |
redrag | sfc_diff | flag for applying reduced drag coefficient for high wind over sea in GFS surface layer scheme | .false. |
lheatstrg | gfs_surface_generic_post | flag for canopy heat storage parameterization | .false. |
z0fac | gfs_surface_generic_post | surface roughness fraction factor | 0.3 |
e0fac | gfs_surface_generic_post | latent heat flux fraction factor relative to sensible heat flux,e.g., e0fac=0.5 indicates that canopy heat storage for latent heat flux is 50% of that for sensible heat flux | 0.5 |
isftcflx | mynnsfc_wrapper | flag for thermal roughness lengths over water in MYNN-SFCLAY
| 0 |
iz0tlnd | mynnsfc_wrapper | flag for thermal roughness lengths over land in MYNN-SFCLAY
| 0 |
sfclay_compute_flux | mynnsfc_wrapper | flag for computing surface scalar fluxes in MYNN-SFCLAY | .false. |
sfclay_compute_diag | mynnsfc_wrapper | flag for computing surface diagnostics in MYNN-SFCLAY | .false. |
thsfc_loc | GFS_surface_composites_post, sfc_diff, sfc_diag, sfc_nst, noahmpdrv, sfc_sice | flag for local .vs. standard potential temperature | .true. |
diag_flux | sfc_diag | flag for flux method in 2-m diagnostics | .false. |
diag_log | sfc_diag | flag for log method in 2-m diagnostics (for stable conditions):
| .false. |
h0facu | GFS_surface_composites_post, GFS_surface_generic_post | canopy heat storage factor for sensible heat flux in unstable surface layer | 0.25 |
h0facs | GFS_surface_composites_post, GFS_surface_generic_post | canopy heat storage factor for sensible heat flux in stable surface layer | 1.0 |
fscav_aero | cs_conv,cs_conv_pre,samfshalcnv,samfdeepcnv, samfaerosols,cu_gf_driver | aerosol scavenging factors | |
lightning_threat | maximum_hourly_diagnostics | report lightning threat indices | .false. |
do_ccpp_suite_sim | GFS_ccpp_suite_sim_pre, ccpp_suite_simulator | CCPP suite simulator | .false. |
fh_dfi_radar | GFS_MP_generic_post, cu_gf_driver, cu_c3_driver | begin&end of four timespans over which radar_tten is applied | -2e10 |
radar_tten_limits(2) | GFS_MP_generic_post | radar_tten values outside this range (min,max) are discarded | |
do_cap_suppress | cu_gf_driver, cu_c3_driver | set .true. to turn on convection suppression in Grell-Freitas scheme during limited intervals when fh_dfi_radar is enabled | .true. iccn |
kice | sfc_sice | number of layers in ice | 2 |
lrefres | flag for radar reflectivity in restart file | .false. |