CCPP SciDoc v7.0.0  v7.0.0
Common Community Physics Package Developed at DTC
No Matches
5module sfc_nst
7 use machine , only : kind_phys, kp => kind_phys
8 use funcphys , only : fpvs
9 use module_nst_parameters , only : one, zero, half
10 use module_nst_parameters , only : t0k, cp_w, omg_m, omg_sh, sigma_r, solar_time_6am, sst_max
11 use module_nst_parameters , only : ri_c, z_w_max, delz, wd_max, rad2deg, const_rot, tau_min, tw_max
15 !
16 implicit none
27 subroutine sfc_nst_run &
28 ( im, hvap, cp, hfus, jcal, eps, epsm1, rvrdm1, rd, rhw0, & ! --- inputs:
29 pi, tgice, sbc, ps, u1, v1, usfco, vsfco, icplocn2atm, t1, &
30 q1, tref, cm, ch, lseaspray, fm, fm10, &
31 prsl1, prslki, prsik1, prslk1, wet, use_lake_model, xlon, &
32 sinlat, stress, &
33 sfcemis, dlwflx, sfcnsw, rain, timestep, kdt, solhr,xcosz, &
34 wind, flag_iter, flag_guess, nstf_name1, nstf_name4, &
35 nstf_name5, lprnt, ipr, thsfc_loc, &
36 tskin, tsurf, xt, xs, xu, xv, xz, zm, xtts, xzts, dt_cool, & ! --- input/output:
37 z_c, c_0, c_d, w_0, w_d, d_conv, ifd, qrain, &
38 qsurf, gflux, cmm, chh, evap, hflx, ep, errmsg, errflg & ! --- outputs:
39 )
40 !
41 ! ===================================================================== !
42 ! description: !
43 ! !
44 ! !
45 ! usage: !
46 ! !
47 ! call sfc_nst !
48 ! inputs: !
49 ! ( im, ps, u1, v1, t1, q1, tref, cm, ch, !
50 ! lseaspray, fm, fm10, !
51 ! prsl1, prslki, wet, use_lake_model, xlon, sinlat, stress, !
52 ! sfcemis, dlwflx, sfcnsw, rain, timestep, kdt,solhr,xcosz, !
53 ! wind, flag_iter, flag_guess, nstf_name1, nstf_name4, !
54 ! nstf_name5, lprnt, ipr, thsfc_loc, !
55 ! input/outputs: !
56 ! tskin, tsurf, xt, xs, xu, xv, xz, zm, xtts, xzts, dt_cool, !
57 ! z_c, c_0, c_d, w_0, w_d, d_conv, ifd, qrain, !
58 ! -- outputs:
59 ! qsurf, gflux, cmm, chh, evap, hflx, ep !
60 ! )
61 ! !
62 ! !
63 ! subprogram/functions called: fpvs, density, rhocoef, cool_skin !
64 ! !
65 ! program history log: !
66 ! 2007 -- xu li createad original code !
67 ! 2008 -- s. moorthi adapted to the parallel version !
68 ! may 2009 -- y.-t. hou modified to include input lw surface !
69 ! emissivity from radiation. also replaced the !
70 ! often comfusing combined sw and lw suface !
71 ! flux with separate sfc net sw flux (defined !
72 ! as dn-up) and lw flux. added a program doc block. !
73 ! sep 2009 -- s. moorthi removed rcl and additional reformatting !
74 ! and optimization + made pa as input pressure unit.!
75 ! 2009 -- xu li recreatead the code !
76 ! feb 2010 -- s. moorthi added some changes made to the previous !
77 ! version !
78 ! Jul 2016 -- X. Li, modify the diurnal warming event reset !
79 ! !
80 ! !
81 ! ==================== definition of variables ==================== !
82 ! !
83 ! inputs: size !
84 ! im - integer, horiz dimension 1 !
85 ! ps - real, surface pressure (pa) im !
86 ! u1, v1 - real, u/v component of surface layer wind (m/s) im !
87 ! usfco, vsfco - real, u/v component of surface current (m/s) im !
88 ! icplocn2atm - integer, option to include ocean surface 1 !
89 ! current in the computation of flux !
90 ! t1 - real, surface layer mean temperature ( k ) im !
91 ! q1 - real, surface layer mean specific humidity im !
92 ! tref - real, reference/foundation temperature ( k ) im !
93 ! cm - real, surface exchange coeff for momentum (m/s) im !
94 ! ch - real, surface exchange coeff heat & moisture(m/s) im !
95 ! lseaspray- logical, .t. for parameterization for sea spray 1 !
96 ! fm - real, a stability profile function for momentum im !
97 ! fm10 - real, a stability profile function for momentum im !
98 ! at 10m !
99 ! prsl1 - real, surface layer mean pressure (pa) im !
100 ! prslki - real, im !
101 ! prsik1 - real, im !
102 ! prslk1 - real, im !
103 ! wet - logical, =T if any ocn/lake water (F otherwise) im !
104 ! use_lake_model- logical, =T if flake model is used for lake im !
105 ! icy - logical, =T if any ice im !
106 ! xlon - real, longitude (radians) im !
107 ! sinlat - real, sin of latitude im !
108 ! stress - real, wind stress (n/m**2) im !
109 ! sfcemis - real, sfc lw emissivity (fraction) im !
110 ! dlwflx - real, total sky sfc downward lw flux (w/m**2) im !
111 ! sfcnsw - real, total sky sfc netsw flx into ocean (w/m**2) im !
112 ! rain - real, rainfall rate (kg/m**2/s) im !
113 ! timestep - real, timestep interval (second) 1 !
114 ! kdt - integer, time step counter 1 !
115 ! solhr - real, fcst hour at the end of prev time step 1 !
116 ! xcosz - real, consine of solar zenith angle 1 !
117 ! wind - real, wind speed (m/s) im !
118 ! flag_iter- logical, execution or not im !
119 ! when iter = 1, flag_iter = .true. for all grids im !
120 ! when iter = 2, flag_iter = .true. when wind < 2 im !
121 ! for both land and ocean (when nstf_name1 > 0) im !
122 ! flag_guess-logical, .true.= guess step to get CD et al im !
123 ! when iter = 1, flag_guess = .true. when wind < 2 im !
124 ! when iter = 2, flag_guess = .false. for all grids im !
125 ! nstf_name - integers , NSST related flag parameters 1 !
126 ! nstf_name1 : 0 = NSSTM off 1 !
127 ! 1 = NSSTM on but uncoupled 1 !
128 ! 2 = NSSTM on and coupled 1 !
129 ! nstf_name4 : zsea1 in mm 1 !
130 ! nstf_name5 : zsea2 in mm 1 !
131 ! lprnt - logical, control flag for check print out 1 !
132 ! ipr - integer, grid index for check print out 1 !
133 ! thsfc_loc- logical, flag for reference pressure in theta 1 !
134 ! !
135 ! input/outputs:
136 ! li added for oceanic components
137 ! tskin - real, ocean surface skin temperature ( k ) im !
138 ! tsurf - real, the same as tskin ( k ) but for guess run im !
139 ! xt - real, heat content in dtl im !
140 ! xs - real, salinity content in dtl im !
141 ! xu - real, u-current content in dtl im !
142 ! xv - real, v-current content in dtl im !
143 ! xz - real, dtl thickness im !
144 ! zm - real, mxl thickness im !
145 ! xtts - real, d(xt)/d(ts) im !
146 ! xzts - real, d(xz)/d(ts) im !
147 ! dt_cool - real, sub-layer cooling amount im !
148 ! d_conv - real, thickness of free convection layer (fcl) im !
149 ! z_c - sub-layer cooling thickness im !
150 ! c_0 - coefficient1 to calculate d(tz)/d(ts) im !
151 ! c_d - coefficient2 to calculate d(tz)/d(ts) im !
152 ! w_0 - coefficient3 to calculate d(tz)/d(ts) im !
153 ! w_d - coefficient4 to calculate d(tz)/d(ts) im !
154 ! ifd - real, index to start dtlm run or not im !
155 ! qrain - real, sensible heat flux due to rainfall (watts) im !
157 ! outputs: !
159 ! qsurf - real, surface air saturation specific humidity im !
160 ! gflux - real, soil heat flux (w/m**2) im !
161 ! cmm - real, im !
162 ! chh - real, im !
163 ! evap - real, evaperation from latent heat flux im !
164 ! hflx - real, sensible heat flux im !
165 ! ep - real, potential evaporation im !
166 ! !
167 ! ===================================================================== !
171 ! --- inputs:
172 integer, intent(in) :: im, kdt, ipr, nstf_name1, nstf_name4, nstf_name5
173 integer, intent(in) :: icplocn2atm
175 real (kind=kind_phys), intent(in) :: hvap, cp, hfus, jcal, eps, &
176 epsm1, rvrdm1, rd, rhw0, sbc, pi, tgice
177 real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(in) :: ps, u1, v1, &
178 usfco, vsfco, t1, q1, cm, ch, fm, fm10, &
179 prsl1, prslki, prsik1, prslk1, xlon, xcosz, &
180 sinlat, stress, sfcemis, dlwflx, sfcnsw, rain, wind
181 real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(in), optional :: &
182 tref
183 real (kind=kind_phys), intent(in) :: timestep
184 real (kind=kind_phys), intent(in) :: solhr
186 ! For sea spray effect
187 logical, intent(in) :: lseaspray
188 !
189 logical, dimension(:), intent(in) :: flag_iter, flag_guess, wet
190 integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: use_lake_model
191 logical, intent(in) :: lprnt
192 logical, intent(in) :: thsfc_loc
194 ! --- input/outputs:
195 ! control variables of dtl system (5+2) and sl (2) and coefficients for d(tz)/d(ts) calculation
196 real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: tskin, &
197 tsurf
198 real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(inout), optional :: &
199 xt, xs, xu, xv, xz, zm, xtts, xzts, dt_cool, &
200 z_c, c_0, c_d, w_0, w_d, d_conv, ifd, qrain
202 ! --- outputs:
203 real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: qsurf, gflux, cmm, chh, evap, hflx, ep
205 character(len=*), intent(out) :: errmsg
206 integer, intent(out) :: errflg
208 !
209 ! locals
210 !
211 integer :: k,i
212 !
213 real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(im) :: q0, qss, rch, rho_a, theta1, tv1, wndmag
215 real(kind=kind_phys) :: elocp,tem,cpinv,hvapi
216 !
217 ! nstm related prognostic fields
218 !
219 logical :: flag(im)
220 real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(im) :: xt_old, xs_old, xu_old, xv_old, xz_old, &
221 zm_old,xtts_old, xzts_old, ifd_old, tref_old, tskin_old, dt_cool_old,z_c_old
223 real(kind=kind_phys) :: ulwflx(im), nswsfc(im)
224 ! real(kind=kind_phys) rig(im),
225 ! & ulwflx(im),dlwflx(im),
226 ! & slrad(im),nswsfc(im)
227 real(kind=kind_phys) :: alpha,beta,rho_w,f_nsol,sss,sep, cosa,sina,taux,tauy, &
228 grav,dz,t0,ttop0,ttop
230 real(kind=kind_phys) :: le,fc,dwat,dtmp,wetc,alfac,ustar_a,rich
231 real(kind=kind_phys) :: rnl_ts,hs_ts,hl_ts,rf_ts,q_ts
232 real(kind=kind_phys) :: fw,q_warm
233 real(kind=kind_phys) :: t12,alon,tsea,sstc,dta,dtz
234 real(kind=kind_phys) :: zsea1,zsea2,soltim
235 logical :: do_nst
236 !
237 ! parameters for sea spray effect
238 !
239 real (kind=kind_phys) :: f10m, u10m, v10m, ws10, ru10, qss1, &
240 bb1, hflxs, evaps, ptem
241 !
242 ! real (kind=kind_phys), parameter :: alps=0.5, bets=0.5, gams=0.1,
243 ! real (kind=kind_phys), parameter :: alps=0.5, bets=0.5, gams=0.0,
244 ! real (kind=kind_phys), parameter :: alps=1.0, bets=1.0, gams=0.2,
245 real (kind=kind_phys), parameter :: alps=0.75,bets=0.75,gams=0.15, &
246 ws10cr=30., conlf=7.2e-9, consf=6.4e-8
247 real (kind=kind_phys) :: windrel
248 !
249 !======================================================================================================
250 ! Initialize CCPP error handling variables
251 errmsg = ''
252 errflg = 0
254 if (nstf_name1 == 0) return ! No NSST model used
256 cpinv = one/cp
257 hvapi = one/hvap
258 elocp = hvap/cp
260 sss = 34.0_kp ! temporarily, when sea surface salinity data is not ready
261 !
262 ! flag for open water and where the iteration is on
263 !
264 do_nst = .false.
265 do i = 1, im
266 ! flag(i) = wet(i) .and. .not.icy(i) .and. flag_iter(i)
267 flag(i) = wet(i) .and. flag_iter(i) .and. use_lake_model(i)/=1
268 do_nst = do_nst .or. flag(i)
269 enddo
270 if (.not. do_nst) return
271 !
272 ! save nst-related prognostic fields for guess run
273 !
274 do i=1, im
275 ! if(wet(i) .and. .not.icy(i) .and. flag_guess(i)) then
276 if(wet(i) .and. flag_guess(i) .and. use_lake_model(i)/=1) then
277 xt_old(i) = xt(i)
278 xs_old(i) = xs(i)
279 xu_old(i) = xu(i)
280 xv_old(i) = xv(i)
281 xz_old(i) = xz(i)
282 zm_old(i) = zm(i)
283 xtts_old(i) = xtts(i)
284 xzts_old(i) = xzts(i)
285 ifd_old(i) = ifd(i)
286 tskin_old(i) = tskin(i)
287 dt_cool_old(i) = dt_cool(i)
288 z_c_old(i) = z_c(i)
289 endif
290 enddo
293 ! --- ... initialize variables. all units are m.k.s. unless specified.
294 ! ps is in pascals, wind is wind speed, theta1 is surface air
295 ! estimated from level 1 temperature, rho_a is air density and
296 ! qss is saturation specific humidity at the water surface
297 !!
298 do i = 1, im
299 if ( flag(i) ) then
301 nswsfc(i) = sfcnsw(i) ! net solar radiation at the air-sea surface (positive downward)
302 wndmag(i) = sqrt(u1(i)*u1(i) + v1(i)*v1(i))
304 q0(i) = max(q1(i), 1.0e-8_kp)
306 if(thsfc_loc) then ! Use local potential temperature
307 theta1(i) = t1(i) * prslki(i)
308 else ! Use potential temperature referenced to 1000 hPa
309 theta1(i) = t1(i) / prslk1(i) ! potential temperature at the middle of lowest model layer
310 endif
312 tv1(i) = t1(i) * (one + rvrdm1*q0(i))
313 rho_a(i) = prsl1(i) / (rd*tv1(i))
314 qss(i) = fpvs(tsurf(i)) ! pa
315 qss(i) = eps*qss(i) / (ps(i) + epsm1*qss(i)) ! pa
316 !
317 evap(i) = zero
318 hflx(i) = zero
319 gflux(i) = zero
320 ep(i) = zero
322 ! --- ... rcp = rho cp ch v
324 if (icplocn2atm ==0) then
325 rch(i) = rho_a(i) * cp * ch(i) * wind(i)
326 cmm(i) = cm(i) * wind(i)
327 chh(i) = rho_a(i) * ch(i) * wind(i)
328 else if (icplocn2atm ==1) then
329 windrel= sqrt( (u1(i)-usfco(i))**2 + (v1(i)-vsfco(i))**2 )
330 rch(i) = rho_a(i) * cp * ch(i) * windrel
331 cmm(i) = cm(i) * windrel
332 chh(i) = rho_a(i) * ch(i) * windrel
333 endif
336 ! at previous time step
337 evap(i) = elocp * rch(i) * (qss(i) - q0(i))
338 qsurf(i) = qss(i)
340 if(thsfc_loc) then ! Use local potential temperature
341 hflx(i) = rch(i) * (tsurf(i) - theta1(i))
342 else ! Use potential temperature referenced to 1000 hPa
343 hflx(i) = rch(i) * (tsurf(i)/prsik1(i) - theta1(i))
344 endif
346 ! if (lprnt .and. i == ipr) print *,' tskin=',tskin(i),' theta1=',
347 ! & theta1(i),' hflx=',hflx(i),' t1=',t1(i),'prslki=',prslki(i)
348 ! &,' tsurf=',tsurf(i)
349 endif
350 enddo
352 ! run nst model: dtm + slm
353 !
354 zsea1 = 0.001_kp*real(nstf_name4)
355 zsea2 = 0.001_kp*real(nstf_name5)
360 do i = 1, im
361 if ( flag(i) ) then
362 tsea = tsurf(i)
363 t12 = tsea*tsea
364 ulwflx(i) = sfcemis(i) * sbc * t12 * t12
365 alon = xlon(i)*rad2deg
366 grav = grv(sinlat(i))
367 soltim = mod(alon/15.0_kp + solhr, 24.0_kp)*3600.0_kp
368 call density(tsea,sss,rho_w) ! sea water density
369 call rhocoef(tsea,sss,rho_w,alpha,beta) ! alpha & beta
370 !
372 !
373 le = (2.501_kp-0.00237_kp*tsea)*1.0e6_kp
374 dwat = 2.11e-5_kp*(t1(i)/t0k)**1.94_kp ! water vapor diffusivity
375 dtmp = (one+3.309e-3_kp*(t1(i)-t0k)-1.44e-6_kp*(t1(i)-t0k) &
376 * (t1(i)-t0k))*0.02411_kp/(rho_a(i)*cp) ! heat diffusivity
377 wetc = 622.0_kp*le*qss(i)/(rd*t1(i)*t1(i))
378 alfac = one / (one + (wetc*le*dwat)/(cp*dtmp)) ! wet bulb factor
379 tem = (1.0e3_kp * rain(i) / rho_w) * alfac * cp_w
380 qrain(i) = tem * (tsea-t1(i)+1.0e3_kp*(qss(i)-q0(i))*le/cp)
384 f_nsol = hflx(i) + evap(i) + ulwflx(i) - dlwflx(i) + omg_sh*qrain(i)
386 ! if (lprnt .and. i == ipr) print *,' f_nsol=',f_nsol,' hflx=',
387 ! &hflx(i),' evap=',evap(i),' ulwflx=',ulwflx(i),' dlwflx=',dlwflx(i)
388 ! &,' omg_sh=',omg_sh,' qrain=',qrain(i)
390 sep = sss*(evap(i)/le-rain(i))/rho_w
391 ustar_a = sqrt(stress(i)/rho_a(i)) ! air friction velocity
392 !
393 ! sensitivities of heat flux components to ts
394 !
395 rnl_ts = 4.0_kp*sfcemis(i)*sbc*tsea*tsea*tsea ! d(rnl)/d(ts)
396 hs_ts = rch(i)
397 hl_ts = rch(i)*elocp*eps*hvap*qss(i)/(rd*t12)
398 rf_ts = tem * (one+rch(i)*hl_ts)
399 q_ts = rnl_ts + hs_ts + hl_ts + omg_sh*rf_ts
400 !
403 ! & calculate c_0, c_d
404 !
405 call cool_skin(ustar_a,f_nsol,nswsfc(i),evap(i),sss,alpha,beta, &
406 rho_w,rho_a(i),tsea,q_ts,hl_ts,grav,le, &
407 dt_cool(i),z_c(i),c_0(i),c_d(i))
409 tem = one / wndmag(i)
410 cosa = u1(i)*tem
411 sina = v1(i)*tem
412 taux = max(stress(i),tau_min)*cosa
413 tauy = max(stress(i),tau_min)*sina
414 fc = const_rot*sinlat(i)
415 !
416 ! Run DTM-1p system.
417 !
418 if ( (soltim > solar_time_6am .and. ifd(i) == zero) ) then
419 else
420 ifd(i) = one
421 !
422 ! calculate fcl thickness with current forcing and previous time's profile
423 !
424 ! if (lprnt .and. i == ipr) print *,' beg xz=',xz(i)
427 if ( f_nsol > zero .and. xt(i) > zero ) then
428 call convdepth(kdt,timestep,nswsfc(i),f_nsol,sss,sep,rho_w, &
429 alpha,beta,xt(i),xs(i),xz(i),d_conv(i))
430 else
431 d_conv(i) = zero
432 endif
434 ! if (lprnt .and. i == ipr) print *,' beg xz1=',xz(i)
435 !
436 ! determine rich: wind speed dependent (right now)
437 !
438 ! if ( wind(i) < 1.0 ) then
439 ! rich = 0.25 + 0.03*wind(i)
440 ! elseif ( wind(i) >= 1.0 .and. wind(i) < 1.5 ) then
441 ! rich = 0.25 + 0.1*wind(i)
442 ! elseif ( wind(i) >= 1.5 .and. wind(i) < 6.0 ) then
443 ! rich = 0.25 + 0.6*wind(i)
444 ! elseif ( wind(i) >= 6.0 ) then
445 ! rich = 0.25 + min(0.8*wind(i),0.50)
446 ! endif
448 rich = ri_c
451 call dtm_1p(kdt,timestep,rich,taux,tauy,nswsfc(i), &
452 f_nsol,sss,sep,q_ts,hl_ts,rho_w,alpha,beta,alon, &
453 sinlat(i),soltim,grav,le,d_conv(i), &
454 xt(i),xs(i),xu(i),xv(i),xz(i),xzts(i),xtts(i))
456 ! if (lprnt .and. i == ipr) print *,' beg xz2=',xz(i)
458 ! apply mda
459 if ( xt(i) > zero ) then
462 call dtm_1p_mda(xt(i),xtts(i),xz(i),xzts(i))
463 if ( xz(i) >= z_w_max ) then
466 call dtl_reset(xt(i),xs(i),xu(i),xv(i),xz(i),xtts(i), xzts(i))
468 ! if (lprnt .and. i == ipr) print *,' beg xz3=',xz(i),' z_w_max='
469 ! &,z_w_max
470 endif
472 ! apply fca
473 if ( d_conv(i) > zero ) then
478 call dtm_1p_fca(d_conv(i),xt(i),xtts(i),xz(i),xzts(i))
479 if ( xz(i) >= z_w_max ) then
480 call dtl_reset (xt(i),xs(i),xu(i),xv(i),xz(i),xzts(i),xtts(i))
481 endif
482 endif
484 ! if (lprnt .and. i == ipr) print *,' beg xz4=',xz(i)
486 ! apply tla
487 dz = min(xz(i),max(d_conv(i),delz))
488 !
492 call sw_ps_9b(delz,fw)
493 q_warm = fw*nswsfc(i)-f_nsol !total heat absorbed in warm layer
497 if ( q_warm > zero ) then
498 call cal_ttop(kdt,timestep,q_warm,rho_w,dz, xt(i),xz(i),ttop0)
500 ! if (lprnt .and. i == ipr) print *,' d_conv=',d_conv(i),' delz=',
501 ! &delz,' kdt=',kdt,' timestep=',timestep,' nswsfc=',nswsfc(i),
502 ! &' f_nsol=',f_nsol,' rho_w=',rho_w,' dz=',dz,' xt=',xt(i),
503 ! &' xz=',xz(i),' qrain=',qrain(i)
505 ttop = ((xt(i)+xt(i))/xz(i))*(one-dz/((xz(i)+xz(i))))
507 ! if (lprnt .and. i == ipr) print *,' beg xz4a=',xz(i)
508 ! &,' ttop=',ttop,' ttop0=',ttop0,' xt=',xt(i),' dz=',dz
509 ! &,' xznew=',(xt(i)+sqrt(xt(i)*(xt(i)-dz*ttop0)))/ttop0
512 if ( ttop > ttop0 ) then
513 call dtm_1p_tla(dz,ttop0,xt(i),xtts(i),xz(i),xzts(i))
515 ! if (lprnt .and. i == ipr) print *,' beg xz4b=',xz(i),'z_w_max=',
516 ! &z_w_max
517 if ( xz(i) >= z_w_max ) then
518 call dtl_reset (xt(i),xs(i),xu(i),xv(i),xz(i),xzts(i),xtts(i))
519 endif
520 endif
521 endif ! if ( q_warm > 0.0 ) then
523 ! if (lprnt .and. i == ipr) print *,' beg xz5=',xz(i)
525 ! apply mwa
527 t0 = (xt(i)+xt(i))/xz(i)
528 if ( t0 > tw_max ) then
529 call dtm_1p_mwa(xt(i),xtts(i),xz(i),xzts(i))
530 if ( xz(i) >= z_w_max ) then
531 call dtl_reset (xt(i),xs(i),xu(i),xv(i),xz(i),xzts(i),xtts(i))
532 endif
533 endif
535 ! if (lprnt .and. i == ipr) print *,' beg xz6=',xz(i)
537 ! apply mta
539 sstc = tref(i) + (xt(i)+xt(i))/xz(i) - dt_cool(i)
541 if ( sstc > sst_max ) then
542 dta = sstc - sst_max
543 call dtm_1p_mta(dta,xt(i),xtts(i),xz(i),xzts(i))
544 ! write(*,'(a,f3.0,7f8.3)') 'mta, sstc,dta :',islimsk(i),
545 ! & sstc,dta,tref(i),xt(i),xz(i),2.0*xt(i)/xz(i),dt_cool(i)
546 if ( xz(i) >= z_w_max ) then
547 call dtl_reset (xt(i),xs(i),xu(i),xv(i),xz(i),xzts(i),xtts(i))
548 endif
549 endif
550 !
551 endif ! if ( xt(i) > 0.0 ) then
552 ! reset dtl at midnight and when solar zenith angle > 89.994 degree
553 if ( abs(soltim) < 2.0_kp*timestep ) then
554 call dtl_reset (xt(i),xs(i),xu(i),xv(i),xz(i),xzts(i),xtts(i))
555 endif
557 endif ! if (solar_time > solar_time_6am .and. ifd(i) == 0.0 ) then: too late to start the first day
559 ! if (lprnt .and. i == ipr) print *,' beg xz7=',xz(i)
561 ! update tsurf (when flag(i) .eqv. .true. )
563 call get_dtzm_point(xt(i),xz(i),dt_cool(i),z_c(i), zsea1,zsea2,dtz)
564 tsurf(i) = max(tgice, tref(i) + dtz )
566 ! if (lprnt .and. i == ipr) print *,' tsurf=',tsurf(i),' tref=',
567 ! &tref(i),' xz=',xz(i),' dt_cool=',dt_cool(i)
570 if ( xt(i) > zero ) then
571 call cal_w(kdt,xz(i),xt(i),xzts(i),xtts(i),w_0(i),w_d(i))
572 else
573 w_0(i) = zero
574 w_d(i) = zero
575 endif
577 ! if ( xt(i) > 0.0 ) then
578 ! rig(i) = grav*xz(i)*xz(i)*(alpha*xt(i)-beta*xs(i))
579 ! & /(2.0*(xu(i)*xu(i)+xv(i)*xv(i)))
580 ! else
581 ! rig(i) = 0.25
582 ! endif
584 ! qrain(i) = rig(i)
585 zm(i) = wind(i)
587 endif
588 enddo
590 ! restore nst-related prognostic fields for guess run
591 do i=1, im
592 ! if (wet(i) .and. .not.icy(i)) then
593 if (wet(i) .and. use_lake_model(i)/=1) then
594 if (flag_guess(i)) then ! when it is guess of
595 xt(i) = xt_old(i)
596 xs(i) = xs_old(i)
597 xu(i) = xu_old(i)
598 xv(i) = xv_old(i)
599 xz(i) = xz_old(i)
600 zm(i) = zm_old(i)
601 xtts(i) = xtts_old(i)
602 xzts(i) = xzts_old(i)
603 ifd(i) = ifd_old(i)
604 tskin(i) = tskin_old(i)
605 dt_cool(i) = dt_cool_old(i)
606 z_c(i) = z_c_old(i)
607 else
608 !
609 ! update tskin when coupled and not guess run
610 ! (all other NSST variables have been updated in this case)
611 !
612 if ( nstf_name1 > 1 ) then
613 tskin(i) = tsurf(i)
614 endif ! if nstf_name1 > 1 then
615 endif ! if flag_guess(i) then
616 endif ! if wet(i) .and. .not.icy(i) then
617 enddo
619 ! if (lprnt .and. i == ipr) print *,' beg xz8=',xz(i)
621 if ( nstf_name1 > 1 ) then
624 do i = 1, im
625 if ( flag(i) ) then
626 qss(i) = fpvs( tskin(i) )
627 qss(i) = eps*qss(i) / (ps(i) + epsm1*qss(i))
628 qsurf(i) = qss(i)
629 evap(i) = elocp*rch(i) * (qss(i) - q0(i))
631 if(thsfc_loc) then ! Use local potential temperature
632 hflx(i) = rch(i) * (tskin(i) - theta1(i))
633 else ! Use potential temperature referenced to 1000 hPa
634 hflx(i) = rch(i) * (tskin(i)/prsik1(i) - theta1(i))
635 endif
637 endif
638 enddo
639 endif ! if ( nstf_name1 > 1 ) then
640 !
642 !
643 do i=1,im
644 if(lseaspray .and. flag(i)) then
645 f10m = fm10(i) / fm(i)
646 u10m = f10m * u1(i)
647 v10m = f10m * v1(i)
648 ws10 = sqrt(u10m*u10m + v10m*v10m)
649 ws10 = max(ws10,1.)
650 ws10 = min(ws10,ws10cr)
651 tem = .015 * ws10 * ws10
652 ru10 = 1. - .087 * log(10./tem)
653 qss1 = fpvs(t1(i))
654 qss1 = eps * qss1 / (prsl1(i) + epsm1 * qss1)
655 tem = rd * cp * t1(i) * t1(i)
656 tem = 1. + eps * hvap * hvap * qss1 / tem
657 bb1 = 1. / tem
658 evaps = conlf * (ws10**5.4) * ru10 * bb1
659 evaps = evaps * rho_a(i) * hvap * (qss1 - q0(i))
660 evap(i) = evap(i) + alps * evaps
661 hflxs = consf * (ws10**3.4) * ru10
662 hflxs = hflxs * rho_a(i) * cp * (tskin(i) - t1(i))
663 ptem = alps - gams
664 hflx(i) = hflx(i) + bets * hflxs - ptem * evaps
665 endif
666 enddo
667 !
668 do i=1,im
669 if ( flag(i) ) then
670 tem = one / rho_a(i)
671 hflx(i) = hflx(i) * tem * cpinv
672 evap(i) = evap(i) * tem * hvapi
673 endif
674 enddo
675 !
676 ! if (lprnt) print *,' tskin=',tskin(ipr)
678 return
679 end subroutine sfc_nst_run
681end module sfc_nst
subroutine, public convdepth(kdt, timestep, i0, q, sss, sep, rho, alpha, beta, xt, xs, xz, d_conv)
This subroutine calculates depth for convective adjustment.
subroutine, public dtm_1p_mwa(xt, xtts, xz, xzts)
This subroutine applies maximum warming adjustment (mwa).
subroutine, public density(t, s, rho)
This subroutine computes sea water density.
subroutine, public dtm_1p_fca(d_conv, xt, xtts, xz, xzts)
This subroutine applies free convection adjustment(fca).
subroutine, public get_dtzm_point(xt, xz, dt_cool, zc, z1, z2, dtm)
This subroutine computes dtm (the mean of ).
subroutine, public cal_ttop(kdt, timestep, q_warm, rho, dz, xt, xz, ttop)
This subroutine calculates the diurnal warming amount at the top layer with thickness of delz.
subroutine, public dtm_1p_mta(dta, xt, xtts, xz, xzts)
This subroutine applies maximum temperature adjustment (mta).
subroutine, public dtm_1p(kdt, timestep, rich, tox, toy, i0, q, sss, sep, q_ts, hl_ts, rho, alpha, beta, alon, sinlat, soltim, grav, le, d_conv, xt, xs, xu, xv, xz, xzts, xtts)
This subroutine contains the module of diurnal thermocline layer model.
subroutine sfc_nst_run(im, hvap, cp, hfus, jcal, eps, epsm1, rvrdm1, rd, rhw0, pi, tgice, sbc, ps, u1, v1, usfco, vsfco, icplocn2atm, t1, q1, tref, cm, ch, lseaspray, fm, fm10, prsl1, prslki, prsik1, prslk1, wet, use_lake_model, xlon, sinlat, stress, sfcemis, dlwflx, sfcnsw, rain, timestep, kdt, solhr, xcosz, wind, flag_iter, flag_guess, nstf_name1, nstf_name4, nstf_name5, lprnt, ipr, thsfc_loc, tskin, tsurf, xt, xs, xu, xv, xz, zm, xtts, xzts, dt_cool, z_c, c_0, c_d, w_0, w_d, d_conv, ifd, qrain, qsurf, gflux, cmm, chh, evap, hflx, ep, errmsg, errflg)
Definition sfc_nst.f90:40
subroutine, public dtm_1p_mda(xt, xtts, xz, xzts)
This subroutine applies minimum depth adjustment (xz adjustment).
subroutine, public dtl_reset(xt, xs, xu, xv, xz, xzts, xtts)
This subroutine resets the value of xt,xs,xu,xv,xz,xtts,xzts.
subroutine, public rhocoef(t, s, rhoref, alpha, beta)
This subroutine computes thermal expansion coefficient (alpha) and saline contraction coefficient (be...
subroutine, public dtm_1p_tla(dz, te, xt, xtts, xz, xzts)
This subroutine applies top layer adjustment (tla).
subroutine, public cal_w(kdt, xz, xt, xzts, xtts, w_0, w_d)
This subroutine computes coefficients (w_0 and w_d) to calculate d(tw)/d(ts).
subroutine, public cool_skin(ustar_a, f_nsol, f_sol_0, evap, sss, alpha, beta, rho_w, rho_a, ts, q_ts, hl_ts, grav, le, deltat_c, z_c, c_0, c_d)
This subroutine contains the upper ocean cool-skin parameterization (Fairall et al,...
real(kind_phys) function, public grv(x)
This module contains constants and parameters used in GFS near surface sea temperature scheme.
This module contains GFS NSST water property subroutines.
This module contains the diurnal thermocline layer model (DTM) of the GFS NSST scheme.
This module contains the CCPP-compliant GFS near-surface sea temperature scheme.
Definition sfc_nst.f90:5