Community GSIv3.5 Online Tutorial

Building GSI from Scratch

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Obtaining the source code & setting up the directory

This exercise is intended to give you practice building the GSI system. The GSI system requires the WRF I/O bindings, therefore it is necessary to build the WRF model before attempting to build the GSI source code.

The community GSI resources, including source code, build system, utilities, practice data, and documentation, are available from the DTC community GSI users website. Similarly, the WRF code and full WRF documentation can be obtained from the WRF Users Page.

  • GSI:
  • WRF:
The code downloads will result in the following two tar files:

GSI requires use of CRTM coefficients to analyze satellite radiance observations. Due to their large size, these are available as a separate tarfile available for download by selecting the link: CRTM 2.2.3 Big Endian coefficients

The tars file may be unpacked using the UNIX commands:

gunzip comGSIv3.5_EnKFv1.1.tar.gz

tar -zxvf ./comGSIv3.5_EnKFv1.1.tar.gz

This creates the top level GSI directory: comGSIv3.5_EnKFv1.1