Model Runs:
Forecast Hour: 03 06 09 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 48 48
Surface Field, Upper Air Field or Sounding: SURFACE FIELD CHOICES, BELOW MSLP & 3-hour Total Precipitation Precipitation TypePrecipitable Water Snow Water Equivalent Composite Reflectivity 1-km AGL Reflectivity Surface Dewpoint and Wind Surface Temperature and Wind Surface Wind CAPE CIN PBL Height UPPER AIR FIELD CHOICES, BELOW 850 mb Temp & Wind 850 mb Wind 850 mb Relative Humidity 850-500 mb mean RH & 700 mb Wind 700 mb Vertical Velocity 500 mb Absolute Vorticity 250 mb Wind SOUNDING SKEWT LOCATIONS, BELOW Bethel, AK Barrow, AK Fairbanks, AK Anchorage, AK
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