Common Community Physics Package (CCPP) Scientific Documentation  Version 2.0
RRTMG Aerosols Module

This module contains climatological atmospheric aerosol schemes for radiation computations. More...

Detailed Description

GFS selection for Aerosol distribution (namelist control paramter - IAER = 111 and IAERMDL =0; not available for the current operational GFS)
IAERMDL=0: OPAC-climatology tropospheric model (monthly mean, \(15^o\) horizontal resolution)
IAERMDL=1: GOCART-climatology tropospheric aerosol model
IAERMDL=2: GOCART-climatology prognostic aerosol model

Stratosphere: historical recorded volcanic forcing in four zonal mean bands (1850-2000)
IAER = abc of 3-digit integer flags: a-volcanic; b-LW; c-SW
a=0: include background stratospheric volcanic aerosol effect (if both b&c /=0)
a=1: include recorded stratospheric volcanic aerosol effect
b=0: no LW tropospheric aerosol effect
b=1: include LW tropospheric aerosol effect
c=0: no SW tropospheric aerosol effect
c=1: include SW tropospheric aerosol effect

NCEP-Radiation_aerosols v5.2 Jan 2013

This module has three externally callable subroutines:


subroutine, public module_radiation_aerosols::aer_init (NLAY, me)
 The initialization program is to set up necessary parameters and working arrays. More...
subroutine wrt_aerlog
 This subroutine writes aerosol parameter configuration to run log file. More...
subroutine set_spectrum
 This subroutine defines the one wavenumber solar fluxes based on toa solar spectral distribution, and define the one wavenumber IR fluxes based on black-body emission distribution at a predefined temperature. More...
subroutine set_volcaer
 The initialization program for stratospheric volcanic aerosols. More...
subroutine module_radiation_aerosols::clim_aerinit (solfwv, eirfwv, me )
 This subroutine is the opac-climatology aerosol initialization program to set up necessary parameters and working arrays. More...
subroutine set_aercoef
 The initialization program for climatological aerosols. The program reads and maps the pre-tabulated aerosol optical spectral data onto corresponding SW radiation spectral bands. More...
subroutine optavg
 This subroutine computes mean aerosols optical properties over each SW radiation spectral band for each of the species components. This program follows GFDL's approach for thick cloud optical property in SW radiation scheme (2000). More...
subroutine, public module_radiation_aerosols::aer_update (iyear, imon, me)
 This subroutine checks and updates time varying climatology aerosol data sets. More...
subroutine trop_update
 This subroutine updates the monthly global distribution of aerosol profiles in five degree horizontal resolution. More...
subroutine volc_update
 This subroutine searches historical volcanic data sets to find and read in monthly 45-degree lat-zone band of optical depth. More...
subroutine, public module_radiation_aerosols::setaer (prsi, prsl, prslk, tvly, rhlay, slmsk, tracer, xlon, xlat, IMAX, NLAY, NLP1, lsswr, lslwr, aerosw, aerolw , aerodp )
 This subroutine computes aerosols optical properties. More...
subroutine module_radiation_aerosols::aer_property (prsi, prsl, prslk, tvly, rhlay, dz, hz, tracer, alon, alat, slmsk, laersw, laerlw, IMAX, NLAY, NLP1, aerosw, aerolw, aerodp )
 This subroutine maps the 5 degree global climatological aerosol data set onto model grids, and compute aerosol optical properties for SW and LW radiations. More...
subroutine radclimaer
 This subroutine computes aerosols optical properties in NSWLWBD bands. there are seven different vertical profile structures. in the troposphere, aerosol distribution at each grid point is composed from up to six components out of ten different substances. More...
subroutine module_radiation_aerosols::gocart_init (NWVTOT, solfwv, soltot, NWVTIR, eirfwv, NBDSW, NLWBND, NSWLWBD, imon, me, raddt, fdaer )
 The initialization program for gocart aerosols. More...
subroutine set_aerspc (raddt, fdaer)
 This subroutine determines merging coefficients ctaer; setup aerosol specification. The current version only supports prognostic aerosols (from GOCART in-line calculations) and climo aerosols (from GEOS-GOCART runs). More...
subroutine rd_gocart_luts
 This subroutine reads input gocart aerosol optical data from Mie code calculations. More...
subroutine optavg_grt
 This subroutine computes mean aerosols optical properties over each SW/LW radiation spectral band for each of the species components. This program follows GFDL's approach for thick cloud optical property in SW radiation scheme (2000). More...
subroutine rd_gocart_clim
 This subroutine: More...
subroutine module_radiation_aerosols::setgocartaer (alon, alat, prslk, rhlay, dz, hz, NSWLWBD, prsl, tvly, trcly, IMAX, NLAY, NLP1, ivflip, lsswr, lslwr, aerosw, aerolw )
 This subroutine computes SW + LW aerosol optical properties for gocart aerosol species (merged from fcst and clim fields). More...
subroutine map_aermr
 This subroutine maps input tracer fields (trcly) to local tracer array (aermr). More...
subroutine aeropt_grt
 This subroutine computes aerosols optical properties in NSWLWBD SW/LW bands. Aerosol distribution at each grid point is composed from up to NMXG aerosol species (from NUM_GRIDCOMP components). More...