High-Resolution Hurricane Test | UWM

Model Descriptions

University of Wisconsin-Madison (UWM)



  • 12 km (480 by 430)
    • UWM1: 12 km grid
  • 12 km (480 by 430) / 3 km (302 by 302)
    • UWM2: 3 km grid
    • UWM5: 12 km grid
  • 12 km (480 by 430) / 3 km (302 by 302) / 1 km (353 by 353)
    • UWM3: 1 km grid
    • UWM4: 12 km grid


46 grid points with model top at 22.8 km


Model: University of Wisconsin Nonhydrostatic Modeling System (UW-NMS)


The UW-NMS is a nonhydrostatic mesoscale model built to achieve accuracy simulating the scale-interaction process, primarily through the imposition of enstrophy and kinetic energy conservation. The model is calculated on the Arakawa C grid using a rotated latitude-longitude projection and geopotential height coordinates. For this test, the model is configured with one static domain and either one or two moving, two-way interactive nested domains. For more detailed information on the UW-NMS, please see Tripoli, 1992.


GFDL initial fields (GFS + GFDL embedded vortex)

Lateral Boundary Conditions

6-h GFS forecast output on 1 deg grid


Cumulus None
Microphysics Flatau (1989) and Tripoli ; 2-moment prognostic scheme (spedific humidity and number concentration) for all species except cloud water
PBL K theory (horizontal), TKE (vertical)
Surface Layer Louis (1979)
Land Surface 1d soil model (Tremback and Kessler, 1985)
Radiation RRTM (Mlawer et al., 1997a; Mlawer and Clough, 1997b)


1.5-layer model (mixed-layer, thermocline) forced by 10-m winds and employing a dynamic instability parameterization of entrainment velocity.


SST, mixed-layer depth, and 20C isotherm depth initialized from HYCOM North and Equatorial Atlantic Prediction System analyses


None planned at this time


Flatau, P., G. J. Tripoli, J. Verlinde, and W. Cotton, 1989: The CSU RAMS Cloud Microphysics Module: General Theory and Code Documentation. Technical Report 451, Colorado State University, 88 pp. [Dept. of Atmos. Sci., Colo.State Univ., Fort Collins, CO, 80523.]

Louis, J. F., 1979: A parametric model of vertical eddy fluxes in the atmosphere. Bound.-Layer Meteor., 17, 187-202.

Mlawer, E.J., S.J. Taubman, P.D. Brown, M.J. Iacono and S.A. Clough, 1997a: RRTM, a validated correlated-k model for the longwave. J. Geophys. Res., 102, 16,663-16,682.

Mlawer, E.J., and S.A. Clough, 1997b: On the extension of rapid radiative transfer model to the shortwave region, in Proceedings of the 6th Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Science Team Meeting, U.S. Department of Energy, CONF-9603149.

Trembeck, c. J., and R. Kessler, 1985: A surface temperature and moisture parameterization for use in mesoscale numerical models. Preprints, Seventh Conf. on Numerical Weather Prediction, Montreal, Amer. Meteor. Soc.

Tripoli, G. J., 1992: A Nonhydrostatic Mesoscale Model Designed to Simulate Scale Interaction. Mon. Wea. Rev., 120, 1342-1359.