The scale-aware mass-flux shallow convection scheme (GFS mfshalcnv Main) is an updated version of the previous mass-flux shallow convection scheme with scale and aerosol awareness and parameterizes the effect of shallow convection on the environment. GFS mfshalcnv Main is similar to GFS mfdeepcnv Main but with a few key differences. First, no quasi-equilibrium assumption is used for any grid size and the shallow cloud base mass flux is parameterized using a mean updraft velocity. Further, there are no convective downdrafts, the entrainment rate is greater than for deep convection, and the shallow convection is limited to not extend over the level where p=0.7p_{sfc}. The paramerization of scale and aerosol awareness follows that of the SAMF deep convection scheme, although it can be interpreted as only having the "static" and "feedback" control portions, since the "dynamic" control is not necessary to find the cloud base mass flux.
The previous version of the shallow convection scheme (shalcnv.f) is described in [31] and differences between the shallow and deep convection schemes are presented in [31] and [33] . Details of scale- and aerosol-aware parameterizations are described in [33] .