Radiation Scheme in CCPP
physparam Module Reference

This module defines commonly used control variables/parameters in physics related programs.
Section 1 contains control variables defined in the form of parameter. They are pre-determined choices and not adjustable during model's run-time.
Section 2 contains control variables defined as module variables. They are more flexible to be changed during run-time by either through input namelist, or through model environment condition. They are preassigned here as the default values.


integer, parameter iswrate = 2
 sw heating rate unit control flag
=1:k/day; =2:k/second. More...
integer, parameter iswrgas = 1
 sw rare gases effect control flag (ch4,n2o,o2,...)
=0:no; =1:yes. More...
integer, save iswcliq = 1
 sw optical property for liquid clouds
=0:input cld opt depth, ignoring iswcice setting
=1:input cwp,rew, use hu and stamnes (1993) method
=2:not defined yet. More...
integer, save iswcice = 3
 sw optical property for ice clouds (only iswcliq>0)
=0:not defined yet
=1:input cip,rei, use ebert and curry (1992) method
=2:input cip,rei, use streamer v3.0 (2001) method
=3:input cip,rei, use fu's method (1996) More...
integer, parameter iswmode = 2
 sw control flag for 2-stream transfer scheme
=1:delta-eddington (joseph et al., 1976)
=2:pifm (zdunkowski et al., 1980)
=3:discrete ordinates (liou, 1973) More...
integer, parameter ilwrate = 2
 lw heating rate unit
=1:k/day; =2:k/second. More...
integer, parameter ilwrgas = 1
 lw rare gases effect control flag (ch4,n2o,o2,cfcs,...)
=0:no; =1:yes. More...
integer, save ilwcliq = 1
 lw optical property for liquid clouds
=0:input cld opt depth, ignoring ilwcice setting
=1:input cwp,rew,use hu and stamnes (1993) method
=2:not defined yet More...
integer, save ilwcice = 3
 lw optical property for ice clouds (only ilwcliq>0)
=0:not defined yet
=1:input cip,rei, use ebert and curry (1992) method
=2:input cip,rei, use streamer (1996) method
=3:input cip,rei, use fu's method (1998) More...
logical, parameter lalw1bd =.false.
 control flag for lw aerosol property
=t: use 1 broad-band lw aeros properties
=f: use multi bands aeros properties More...
integer, save isolar = 0
 solar constant scheme control flag More...
character, save solar_file
 external solar constant data table More...
integer, save iaermdl = 0
 aerosol model scheme control flag More...
integer, save iaerflg = 0
 aerosol effect control flag More...
logical, save lalwflg = .true.
 lw aerosols effect control flag More...
logical, save laswflg = .true.
 sw aerosols effect control flag More...
logical, save lavoflg = .true.
 stratospheric volcanic effect flag More...
character, save aeros_file
 external aerosols data file More...
integer, save ico2flg = 0
 co2 data source control flag More...
integer, save ictmflg = 0
 external data time/date control flag More...
integer, save ioznflg = 1
 ozone dta source control flag More...
character, save co2dat_file
 external co2 2d monthly obsv data table More...
character, save co2gbl_file
 external co2 global annual mean data table More...
character, save co2usr_file
 external co2 user defined data table More...
character, save co2cyc_file
 external co2 clim monthly cycle data table More...
integer, save icldflg = 1
 cloud optical property scheme control flag More...
integer, save icmphys = 1
 cloud microphysics scheme control flag More...
integer, save iovrsw = 1
 cloud overlapping control flag for sw More...
integer, save iovrlw = 1
 cloud overlapping control flag for lw More...
logical, save lcrick =.false.
 eliminating CRICK control flag More...
logical, save lcnorm =.false.
 in-cld condensate control flag More...
logical, save lnoprec =.false.
 precip effect on radiation flag (ferrier microphysics) More...
logical, save lsashal =.false.
 shallow convection flag More...
integer, save ialbflg = 0
 surface albedo scheme control flag More...
integer, save iemsflg = 0
 surface emissivity scheme control flag More...
character, save semis_file
 external sfc emissivity data table More...
integer, save ivflip = 1
 vertical profile indexing flag More...
integer, save isubcsw = 0
 sub-column cloud approx flag in sw radiation More...
integer, save isubclw = 0
 sub-column cloud approx flag in lw radiation More...
integer, save ipsd0 = 0
 initial permutation seed for mcica radiation More...

Variable Documentation

character, save physparam::aeros_file

Definition at line 163 of file physparam.f.

Referenced by set_aercoef(), and trop_update().

163  character, save :: aeros_file*26 ! external aerosols data file
character, save physparam::co2cyc_file

Definition at line 183 of file physparam.f.

Referenced by module_radiation_gases::gas_init().

183  character, save :: co2cyc_file*26 ! external co2 clim monthly cycle data tb
character, save physparam::co2dat_file

Definition at line 177 of file physparam.f.

Referenced by module_radiation_gases::gas_update().

177  character, save :: co2dat_file*26 ! external co2 2d monthly obsv data table
character, save physparam::co2gbl_file

Definition at line 179 of file physparam.f.

Referenced by module_radiation_gases::gas_update().

179  character, save :: co2gbl_file*26 ! external co2 global annual mean data tb
character, save physparam::co2usr_file

Definition at line 181 of file physparam.f.

Referenced by module_radiation_gases::gas_init().

181  character, save :: co2usr_file*26 ! external co2 user defined data table
integer, save physparam::iaerflg = 0

Definition at line 155 of file physparam.f.

Referenced by module_radiation_aerosols::aer_init(), rad_initialize(), module_radiation_driver::radinit(), module_radiation_aerosols::setaer(), and wrt_aerlog().

155  integer, save :: iaerflg = 0 ! aerosol effect control flag
integer, save physparam::iaermdl = 0

Definition at line 153 of file physparam.f.

Referenced by module_radiation_aerosols::aer_init(), rad_initialize(), module_radiation_aerosols::setaer(), and wrt_aerlog().

153  integer, save :: iaermdl = 0 ! aerosol model scheme control flag
integer, save physparam::ialbflg = 0

Definition at line 213 of file physparam.f.

Referenced by rad_initialize(), module_radiation_driver::radinit(), module_radiation_surface::setalb(), module_radiation_surface::setemis(), and module_radiation_surface::sfc_init().

213  integer, save :: ialbflg = 0 ! surface albedo scheme control flag
integer, save physparam::icldflg = 1

Definition at line 193 of file physparam.f.

Referenced by module_radiation_clouds::cld_init(), rad_initialize(), module_radiation_driver::radinit(), module_radlw_main::rlwinit(), and module_radsw_main::rswinit().

193  integer, save :: icldflg = 1 ! cloud optical property scheme control flag
integer, save physparam::icmphys = 1

Definition at line 195 of file physparam.f.

Referenced by module_radiation_clouds::cld_init(), module_radiation_driver::grrad(), rad_initialize(), and module_radiation_driver::radinit().

195  integer, save :: icmphys = 1 ! cloud microphysics scheme control flag
integer, save physparam::ico2flg = 0

Definition at line 171 of file physparam.f.

Referenced by module_radiation_gases::gas_init(), module_radiation_gases::gas_update(), module_radiation_gases::getgases(), rad_initialize(), and module_radiation_driver::radinit().

171  integer, save :: ico2flg = 0 ! co2 data source control flag
integer, save physparam::ictmflg = 0

Definition at line 173 of file physparam.f.

Referenced by module_radiation_gases::gas_init(), module_radiation_gases::gas_update(), rad_initialize(), module_radiation_driver::radinit(), and module_radiation_driver::radupdate().

173  integer, save :: ictmflg = 0 ! external data time/date control flag
integer, save physparam::iemsflg = 0

Definition at line 215 of file physparam.f.

Referenced by rad_initialize(), module_radiation_driver::radinit(), and module_radiation_surface::sfc_init().

215  integer, save :: iemsflg = 0 ! surface emissivity scheme control flag
integer, save physparam::ilwcice = 3

Definition at line 116 of file physparam.f.

Referenced by module_radlw_main::cldprop().

116  integer,save :: ilwcice = 3 ! lw optical property for ice clouds (only ilwcliq>0)
integer, save physparam::ilwcliq = 1

Definition at line 107 of file physparam.f.

Referenced by module_radlw_main::cldprop(), module_radlw_main::lwrad(), and module_radlw_main::rlwinit().

107  integer,save :: ilwcliq = 1 ! lw optical property for liquid clouds
integer, parameter physparam::ilwrate = 2

Definition at line 97 of file physparam.f.

Referenced by module_radlw_main::rlwinit().

97  integer,parameter :: ilwrate = 2 ! lw heating rate unit (1:k/day; 2:k/second)
integer, parameter physparam::ilwrgas = 1

Definition at line 101 of file physparam.f.

Referenced by module_radlw_main::lwrad(), and module_radlw_main::rlwinit().

101  integer,parameter :: ilwrgas = 1 ! lw rare gases effect control flag (ch4,n2o,o2,cfcs...)
integer, save physparam::iovrlw = 1

Definition at line 199 of file physparam.f.

Referenced by module_radiation_clouds::cld_init(), module_radlw_main::lwrad(), module_radlw_main::mcica_subcol(), rad_initialize(), module_radiation_driver::radinit(), and module_radlw_main::rlwinit().

199  integer, save :: iovrlw = 1 ! cloud overlapping control flag for lw
integer, save physparam::iovrsw = 1

Definition at line 197 of file physparam.f.

Referenced by module_radiation_clouds::cld_init(), module_radsw_main::mcica_subcol(), rad_initialize(), module_radiation_driver::radinit(), module_radsw_main::rswinit(), and module_radsw_main::swrad().

197  integer, save :: iovrsw = 1 ! cloud overlapping control flag for sw
integer, save physparam::ioznflg = 1

Definition at line 175 of file physparam.f.

Referenced by module_radiation_gases::gas_init(), module_radiation_gases::gas_update(), rad_initialize(), and module_radiation_driver::radinit().

175  integer, save :: ioznflg = 1 ! ozone data source control flag
integer, save physparam::ipsd0 = 0

Definition at line 230 of file physparam.f.

Referenced by rad_initialize().

230  integer, save :: ipsd0 = 0 ! initial permutation seed for mcica radiation
integer, save physparam::isolar = 0

Definition at line 143 of file physparam.f.

Referenced by rad_initialize(), module_radiation_driver::radinit(), module_radiation_driver::radupdate(), and module_radiation_astronomy::sol_init().

143  integer, save :: isolar = 0 ! solar constant scheme control flag
integer, save physparam::isubclw = 0

Definition at line 228 of file physparam.f.

Referenced by module_radlw_main::cldprop(), module_radlw_main::lwrad(), rad_initialize(), module_radiation_driver::radinit(), and module_radlw_main::rlwinit().

228  integer, save :: isubclw = 0 ! sub-column cloud approx flag in lw radiation
integer, save physparam::isubcsw = 0

Definition at line 226 of file physparam.f.

Referenced by module_radsw_main::cldprop(), rad_initialize(), module_radiation_driver::radinit(), module_radsw_main::rswinit(), and module_radsw_main::swrad().

226  integer, save :: isubcsw = 0 ! sub-column cloud approx flag in sw radiation
integer, save physparam::iswcice = 3

Definition at line 77 of file physparam.f.

Referenced by module_radsw_main::cldprop().

77  integer,save :: iswcice = 3 ! sw optical property for ice clouds (only iswcliq>0)
integer, save physparam::iswcliq = 1

Definition at line 68 of file physparam.f.

Referenced by module_radsw_main::cldprop(), module_radsw_main::rswinit(), and module_radsw_main::swrad().

68  integer,save :: iswcliq = 1 ! sw optical property for liquid clouds
integer, parameter physparam::iswmode = 2

Definition at line 86 of file physparam.f.

Referenced by module_radsw_main::rswinit(), module_radsw_main::spcvrtc(), and module_radsw_main::spcvrtm().

86  integer,parameter :: iswmode = 2 ! sw control flag for 2-stream transfer scheme
integer, parameter physparam::iswrate = 2

Definition at line 58 of file physparam.f.

Referenced by module_radsw_main::rswinit().

58  integer,parameter :: iswrate = 2 ! sw heating rate unit control flag
integer, parameter physparam::iswrgas = 1

Definition at line 62 of file physparam.f.

Referenced by module_radsw_main::rswinit(), and module_radsw_main::swrad().

62  integer,parameter :: iswrgas = 1 ! sw rare gases effect control flag (ch4,n2o,o2,...)
logical, parameter physparam::lalw1bd =.false.

Definition at line 127 of file physparam.f.

Referenced by module_radiation_aerosols::aer_init(), and wrt_aerlog().

127  logical,parameter :: lalw1bd =.false. ! =t: use 1 broad-band lw aeros properties
logical, save physparam::lalwflg = .true.
logical, save physparam::laswflg = .true.
logical, save physparam::lavoflg = .true.

Definition at line 161 of file physparam.f.

Referenced by module_radiation_aerosols::aer_init(), module_radiation_aerosols::aer_update(), rad_initialize(), module_radiation_aerosols::setaer(), and wrt_aerlog().

161  logical, save :: lavoflg = .true. ! stratospheric volcanic effect flag
logical, save physparam::lcnorm =.false.

Definition at line 203 of file physparam.f.

Referenced by module_radiation_clouds::progcld1(), module_radiation_clouds::progcld2(), module_radiation_clouds::progcld3(), rad_initialize(), and module_radiation_driver::radinit().

203  logical, save :: lcnorm =.false. ! in-cld condensate control flag
logical, save physparam::lcrick =.false.

Definition at line 201 of file physparam.f.

Referenced by module_radiation_clouds::progcld1(), module_radiation_clouds::progcld2(), module_radiation_clouds::progcld3(), rad_initialize(), and module_radiation_driver::radinit().

201  logical, save :: lcrick =.false. ! eliminating CRICK control flag
logical, save physparam::lnoprec =.false.

Definition at line 205 of file physparam.f.

Referenced by module_radiation_clouds::progcld2(), rad_initialize(), and module_radiation_driver::radinit().

205  logical, save :: lnoprec =.false. ! precip effect on radiation flag (ferrier microphysics)
logical, save physparam::lsashal =.false.

Definition at line 207 of file physparam.f.

Referenced by module_radiation_clouds::progcld1(), module_radiation_clouds::progcld2(), rad_initialize(), and module_radiation_driver::radinit().

207  logical, save :: lsashal =.false. ! shallow convection flag
character, save physparam::semis_file

Definition at line 217 of file physparam.f.

Referenced by module_radiation_surface::sfc_init().

217  character, save :: semis_file*26 ! external sfc emissivity data table
character, save physparam::solar_file

Definition at line 145 of file physparam.f.

Referenced by module_radiation_astronomy::sol_init().

145  character, save :: solar_file*26 ! external solar constant data table