Radiation Scheme in CCPP
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1 ! ========================================================== !!!!!
2 ! 'module_radiation_astronomy' description !!!!!
3 ! ========================================================== !!!!!
4 ! !
5 ! set up astronomy quantities for solar radiation calculations. !
6 ! !
7 ! in module 'module_radiation_astronomy', externally accessable !
8 ! subroutines are listed below: !
9 ! !
10 ! 'sol_init' -- initialization !
11 ! input: !
12 ! ( me ) !
13 ! output: !
14 ! ( none ) !
15 ! !
16 ! 'sol_update' -- update astronomy related quantities !
17 ! input: !
18 ! ( jdate,kyear,deltsw,deltim,lsol_chg, me ) !
19 ! output: !
20 ! ( slag,sdec,cdec,solcon ) !
21 ! !
22 ! 'coszmn' -- compute cosin of zenith angles !
23 ! input: !
24 ! ( xlon,sinlat,coslat,solhr,IM, me ) !
25 ! output: !
26 ! ( coszen,coszdg ) !
27 ! !
28 ! !
29 ! external modules referenced: !
30 ! 'module physparam' in 'physparam.f' !
31 ! 'module physcons' in 'physcons.f' !
32 ! !
33 ! program history log: !
34 ! - a collection of programs to track solar-earth position !
35 ! may 1977 --- ray orzol (gfdl) created program compjd to !
36 ! computes julian day and fraction from year,month,dayand,time!
37 ! jun 1977 --- robert white (gfdl) created program cdate to !
38 ! computes calendar month, day, year from julian day value. !
39 ! jul 1977 --- robert white (gfdl) created program solar to !
40 ! computes radius vector, declination and right ascension of !
41 ! sun, equation of time, hour angle, fractional daylight, and !
42 ! latitudinal mean zenith angle. !
43 ! fall 1988 --- hualu pan, updated to limit the iterations in !
44 ! newton method and also ccr reduced to avoid non-convergence.!
45 ! jul 1989 --- kenneth campana modified subr solar and created !
46 ! subr zenith for computations of effective mean cosz and !
47 ! daylight fraction. !
48 ! oct 1990 --- yu-tai hou created subr coszmn to replace !
49 ! the latitudinal mean cosz by time mean cosz at grid points. !
50 ! may 1998 --- mark iredell y2k compliance !
51 ! dec 2003 --- yu-tai hou combined compjd and fcstim and !
52 ! rewritten programs in fortran 90 compatable modular form. !
53 ! feb 2006 --- yu-tai hou add 11-yr solar constant cycle !
54 ! mar 2009 --- yu-tai hou modified solinit for climate !
55 ! hindcast situation responding to ic time. !
56 ! aug 2012 --- yu-tai hou modified coszmn to allows sw !
57 ! radiation calling interval less than 1 hr limit and linked !
58 ! model time step with numb of cosz evaluations. also changed !
59 ! the initialization subroutine 'solinit' into two parts: !
60 ! 'sol_init' is called at the start of run to set up module !
61 ! parameters; and 'sol_update' is called within the time !
62 ! loop to check and update data sets. !
63 ! nov 2012 --- yu-tai hou modified control parameters thru !
64 ! model 'physparam'. !
65 ! jan 2013 --- yu-tai hou modified to include new solar !
66 ! constant tables (noaa_a0, noaa_an, cmip_an, cmip_mn) !
67 ! !
68 !!!!! ========================================================== !!!!!
69 !!!!! end descriptions !!!!!
70 !!!!! ========================================================== !!!!!
74 !========================================!
76 !........................................!
77 !
78  use physparam, only : isolar, solar_file, kind_phys
79  use physcons, only : con_solr, con_solr_old, con_pi
80  use module_iounitdef, only : niradsf
81 !
82  implicit none
83 !
84  private
86 ! --- version tag and last revision date
87  character(40), parameter :: &
88  & VTAGAST='NCEP-Radiation_astronomy v5.2 Jan 2013 '
89 ! & VTAGAST='NCEP-Radiation_astronomy v5.1 Nov 2012 '
91 ! --- parameter constants
92  real (kind=kind_phys), parameter :: degrad = 180.0/con_pi
93  real (kind=kind_phys), parameter :: tpi = 2.0 * con_pi
94  real (kind=kind_phys), parameter :: hpi = 0.5 * con_pi
95  real (kind=kind_phys), parameter :: f12 = 12.0
96  real (kind=kind_phys), parameter :: f3600 = 3600.0
97  real (kind=kind_phys), parameter :: czlimt = 0.0001 ! ~ cos(89.99427)
98 ! real (kind=kind_phys), parameter :: pid12 = con_pi/f12 ! angle per hour
99  real (kind=kind_phys), parameter :: pid12 = (2.0*asin(1.0))/f12
101 ! --- module variables (to be set in subr sol_init):
102  real (kind=kind_phys), public :: solc0 = con_solr
103  integer :: isolflg = 10
104  character(26) :: solar_fname = ' '
106 ! --- module variables (to be set in subr sol_update):
107  real (kind=kind_phys) :: sollag=0.0 ! equation of time
108  real (kind=kind_phys) :: sindec=0.0 ! sineof the solar declination angle
109  real (kind=kind_phys) :: cosdec=0.0 ! cosine of the solar declination angle
110  real (kind=kind_phys) :: anginc=0.0 ! solar angle incrmt per iteration for cosz calc
111  real (kind=kind_phys) :: smon_sav(12) ! saved monthly solar constants (isolflg=4 only)
112  data smon_sav(1:12) / 12*con_solr /
114  integer :: iyr_sav =0 ! saved year of data used
115  integer :: nstp =6 ! total number of zenith angle iterations
117  public sol_init, sol_update, coszmn
120 ! =================
121  contains
122 ! =================
136 !-----------------------------------
137  subroutine sol_init &
138 !...................................
139 ! --- inputs:
140  & ( me )
141 ! --- outputs: ( none )
143 ! =================================================================== !
144 ! !
145 ! initialize astronomy process, set up module constants. !
146 ! !
147 ! inputs: !
148 ! me - print message control flag !
149 ! !
150 ! outputs: (to module variable) !
151 ! ( none ) !
152 ! !
153 ! external module variable: (in physparam) !
154 ! isolar - = 0: use the old fixed solar constant in "physcon" !
155 ! =10: use the new fixed solar constant in "physcon" !
156 ! = 1: use noaa ann-mean tsi tbl abs-scale with cyc apprx !
157 ! = 2: use noaa ann-mean tsi tbl tim-scale with cyc apprx !
158 ! = 3: use cmip5 ann-mean tsi tbl tim-scale with cyc apprx!
159 ! = 4: use cmip5 mon-mean tsi tbl tim-scale with cyc apprx!
160 ! solar_file- external solar constant data table !
161 ! !
162 ! internal module variable: !
163 ! isolflg - internal solar constant scheme control flag !
164 ! solc0 - solar constant (w/m**2) !
165 ! solar_fname-file name for solar constant table assigned based on !
166 ! the scheme control flag, isolflg. !
167 ! !
168 ! usage: call sol_init !
169 ! !
170 ! subprograms called: none !
171 ! !
172 ! =================================================================== !
173 !
174  implicit none
176 ! --- input:
177  integer, intent(in) :: me
179 ! --- output: ( none )
181 ! --- local:
182  logical :: file_exist
183 !
184 !===> ... begin here
185 !
186  if ( me == 0 ) print *, vtagast !print out version tag
188 ! --- initialization
189  isolflg = isolar
190  solc0 = con_solr
192  iyr_sav = 0
193  nstp = 6
195  if ( isolar == 0 ) then
197  if ( me == 0 ) then
198  print *,' - Using old fixed solar constant =', solc0
199  endif
200  elseif ( isolar == 10 ) then
201  if ( me == 0 ) then
202  print *,' - Using new fixed solar constant =', solc0
203  endif
204  elseif ( isolar == 1 ) then ! noaa ann-mean tsi in absolute scale
205  solar_fname(15:26) = 'noaa_a0.txt'
207  if ( me == 0 ) then
208  print *,' - Using NOAA annual mean TSI table in ABS scale', &
209  & ' with cycle approximation (old values)!'
210  endif
212  inquire (file=solar_fname, exist=file_exist)
213  if ( .not. file_exist ) then
214  isolflg = 10
216  if ( me == 0 ) then
217  print *,' Requested solar data file "',solar_fname, &
218  & '" not found!'
219  print *,' Using the default solar constant value =',solc0,&
220  & ' reset control flag isolflg=',isolflg
221  endif
222  endif
223  elseif ( isolar == 2 ) then ! noaa ann-mean tsi in tim scale
224  solar_fname(15:26) = 'noaa_an.txt'
226  if ( me == 0 ) then
227  print *,' - Using NOAA annual mean TSI table in TIM scale', &
228  & ' with cycle approximation (new values)!'
229  endif
231  inquire (file=solar_fname, exist=file_exist)
232  if ( .not. file_exist ) then
233  isolflg = 10
235  if ( me == 0 ) then
236  print *,' Requested solar data file "',solar_fname, &
237  & '" not found!'
238  print *,' Using the default solar constant value =',solc0,&
239  & ' reset control flag isolflg=',isolflg
240  endif
241  endif
242  elseif ( isolar == 3 ) then ! cmip5 ann-mean tsi in tim scale
243  solar_fname(15:26) = 'cmip_an.txt'
245  if ( me == 0 ) then
246  print *,' - Using CMIP5 annual mean TSI table in TIM scale', &
247  & ' with cycle approximation'
248  endif
250  inquire (file=solar_fname, exist=file_exist)
251  if ( .not. file_exist ) then
252  isolflg = 10
254  if ( me == 0 ) then
255  print *,' Requested solar data file "',solar_fname, &
256  & '" not found!'
257  print *,' Using the default solar constant value =',solc0,&
258  & ' reset control flag isolflg=',isolflg
259  endif
260  endif
261  elseif ( isolar == 4 ) then ! cmip5 mon-mean tsi in tim scale
262  solar_fname(15:26) = 'cmip_mn.txt'
264  if ( me == 0 ) then
265  print *,' - Using CMIP5 monthly mean TSI table in TIM scale', &
266  & ' with cycle approximation'
267  endif
269  inquire (file=solar_fname, exist=file_exist)
270  if ( .not. file_exist ) then
271  isolflg = 10
273  if ( me == 0 ) then
274  print *,' Requested solar data file "',solar_fname, &
275  & '" not found!'
276  print *,' Using the default solar constant value =',solc0,&
277  & ' reset control flag isolflg=',isolflg
278  endif
279  endif
280  else ! selection error
281  isolflg = 10
283  if ( me == 0 ) then
284  print *,' - !!! ERROR in selection of solar constant data', &
285  & ' source, ISOL =',isolar
286  print *,' Using the default solar constant value =',solc0, &
287  & ' reset control flag isolflg=',isolflg
288  endif
289  endif ! end if_isolar_block
290 !
291  return
292 !...................................
293  end subroutine sol_init
294 !-----------------------------------
307 !-----------------------------------
308  subroutine sol_update &
309 !...................................
310 ! --- inputs:
311  & ( jdate,kyear,deltsw,deltim,lsol_chg, me, &
312 ! --- outputs:
313  & slag, sdec, cdec, solcon &
314  & )
316 ! =================================================================== !
317 ! !
318 ! sol_update computes solar parameters at forecast time !
319 ! !
320 ! inputs: !
321 ! jdate(8)- ncep absolute date and time at fcst time !
322 ! (yr, mon, day, t-zone, hr, min, sec, mil-sec) !
323 ! kyear - usually kyear=jdate(1). if not, it is for hindcast mode,!
324 ! and it is usually the init cond time and serves as the !
325 ! upper limit of data can be used. !
326 ! deltsw - time duration in seconds per sw calculation !
327 ! deltim - timestep in seconds !
328 ! lsol_chg- logical flags for change solar constant !
329 ! me - print message control flag !
330 ! !
331 ! outputs: !
332 ! slag - equation of time in radians !
333 ! sdec, cdec - sin and cos of the solar declination angle !
334 ! solcon - sun-earth distance adjusted solar constant (w/m2) !
335 ! !
336 ! !
337 ! module variable: !
338 ! solc0 - solar constant (w/m**2) not adjusted by earth-sun dist !
339 ! isolflg - solar constant control flag !
340 ! = 0: use the old fixed solar constant !
341 ! =10: use the new fixed solar constant !
342 ! = 1: use noaa ann-mean tsi tbl abs-scale with cycle apprx !
343 ! = 2: use noaa ann-mean tsi tbl tim-scale with cycle apprx !
344 ! = 3: use cmip5 ann-mean tsi tbl tim-scale with cycle apprx!
345 ! = 4: use cmip5 mon-mean tsi tbl tim-scale with cycle apprx!
346 ! solar_fname-external solar constant data table !
347 ! sindec - sine of the solar declination angle !
348 ! cosdec - cosine of the solar declination angle !
349 ! anginc - solar angle increment per iteration for cosz calc !
350 ! nstp - total number of zenith angle iterations !
351 ! smon_sav- saved monthly solar constants (isolflg=4 only) !
352 ! iyr_sav - saved year of data previously used !
353 ! !
354 ! usage: call sol_update !
355 ! !
356 ! subprograms called: solar, prtime !
357 ! !
358 ! external functions called: iw3jdn !
359 ! !
360 ! =================================================================== !
361 !
362  implicit none
364 ! --- input:
365  integer, intent(in) :: jdate(:), kyear, me
366  logical, intent(in) :: lsol_chg
368  real (kind=kind_phys), intent(in) :: deltsw, deltim
370 ! --- output:
371  real (kind=kind_phys), intent(out) :: slag, sdec, cdec, solcon
373 ! --- locals:
374  real (kind=kind_phys), parameter :: hrday = 1.0/24.0 ! frc day/hour
375  real (kind=kind_phys), parameter :: minday= 1.0/1440.0 ! frc day/minute
376  real (kind=kind_phys), parameter :: secday= 1.0/86400.0 ! frc day/second
378  real (kind=kind_phys) :: smean, solc1, dtswh, smon(12)
379  real (kind=kind_phys) :: fjd, fjd1, dlt, r1, alp
381  integer :: jd, jd1, iyear, imon, iday, ihr, imin, isec
382  integer :: iw3jdn
383  integer :: i, iyr, iyr1, iyr2, jyr, nn, nswr, icy1, icy2, icy
385  logical :: file_exist
386  character :: cline*60
387 !
388 !===> ... begin here
389 !
390 ! --- ... forecast time
391  iyear = jdate(1)
392  imon = jdate(2)
393  iday = jdate(3)
394  ihr = jdate(5)
395  imin = jdate(6)
396  isec = jdate(7)
398  if ( lsol_chg ) then ! get solar constant from data table
400  if ( iyr_sav == iyear ) then ! same year, no new reading necessary
401  if ( isolflg==4 ) then
402  solc0 = smon_sav(imon)
403  endif
404  else ! need to read in new data
405  iyr_sav = iyear
407 ! --- ... check to see if the solar constant data file existed
409  inquire (file=solar_fname, exist=file_exist)
410  if ( .not. file_exist ) then
411  print *,' !!! ERROR! Can not find solar constant file!!!'
412  stop
413  else
414  iyr = iyear
416  close(niradsf)
417  open (niradsf,file=solar_fname,form='formatted', &
418  & status='old')
419  rewind niradsf
421  read (niradsf, * ) iyr1,iyr2,icy1,icy2,smean,cline(1:60)
422 ! read (NIRADSF, 24) iyr1,iyr2,icy1,icy2,smean,cline
423 ! 24 format(4i5,f8.2,a60)
425  if ( me == 0 ) then
426  print *,' Updating solar constant with cycle approx'
427  print *,' Opened solar constant data file: ',solar_fname
428 !check print *, iyr1, iyr2, icy1, icy2, smean, cline
429  endif
431 ! --- ... check if there is a upper year limit put on the data table
433 ! if ( iyear /= kyear ) then
434 ! icy = icy1 - iyr1 + 1 ! range of the earlest cycle in data table
435 ! if ( kyear-iyr1 < icy ) then ! need data range at least icy years
436  ! to perform cycle approximation
437 ! if ( me == 0 ) then
438 ! print *,' *** the requested year',iyear,' and upper',&
439 ! & 'limit',kyear,' do not fit the range of data ', &
440 ! & 'table of iyr1, iyr2 =',iyr1,iyr2
441 ! print *,' USE FIXED SOLAR CONSTANT=',con_solr
442 ! endif
443 ! solc0 = con_solr
444 ! isolflg = 10
446 ! elseif ( kyear < iyr2 ) then
448 ! --- ... because the usage limit put on the historical data table,
449 ! skip those unused data records at first
451 ! i = iyr2
452 ! Lab_dowhile0 : do while ( i > kyear )
453 ! read (NIRADSF,26) jyr, solc1
454 ! 26 format(i4,f10.4)
455 ! read (NIRADSF,*) jyr, solc1
456 ! i = i - 1
457 ! enddo Lab_dowhile0
459 ! iyr2 = kyear ! next record will serve the upper limit
461 ! endif ! end if_kyear_block
462 ! endif ! end if_iyear_block
464 ! --- ... checking the cycle range
466  if ( iyr < iyr1 ) then
467  icy = icy1 - iyr1 + 1 ! range of the earlest cycle in data table
468  lab_dowhile1 : do while ( iyr < iyr1 )
469  iyr = iyr + icy
470  enddo lab_dowhile1
472  if ( me == 0 ) then
473  print *,' *** Year',iyear,' out of table range!', &
474  & iyr1, iyr2
475  print *,' Using the closest-cycle year (',iyr,')'
476  endif
477  elseif ( iyr > iyr2 ) then
478  icy = iyr2 - icy2 + 1 ! range of the latest cycle in data table
479  lab_dowhile2 : do while ( iyr > iyr2 )
480  iyr = iyr - icy
481  enddo lab_dowhile2
483  if ( me == 0 ) then
484  print *,' *** Year',iyear,' out of table range!', &
485  & iyr1, iyr2
486  print *,' Using the closest-cycle year (',iyr,')'
487  endif
488  endif
490 ! --- ... locate the right record for the year of data
492  if ( isolflg < 4 ) then ! use annual mean data tables
493  i = iyr2
494  lab_dowhile3 : do while ( i >= iyr1 )
495 ! read (NIRADSF,26) jyr, solc1
496 ! 26 format(i4,f10.4)
497  read (niradsf,*) jyr, solc1
499  if ( i == iyr .and. iyr == jyr ) then
500  solc0 = smean + solc1
502  if (me == 0) then
503  print *,' CHECK: Solar constant data used for year',&
504  & iyr, solc1, solc0
505  endif
506  exit lab_dowhile3
507  else
508 !check if(me == 0) print *,' Skip solar const data for yr',i
509  i = i - 1
510  endif
511  enddo lab_dowhile3
512  elseif ( isolflg == 4 ) then ! use monthly mean data tables
513  i = iyr2
514  lab_dowhile4 : do while ( i >= iyr1 )
515 ! read (NIRADSF,26) jyr, smon(:)
516 ! 26 format(i4,12f10.4)
517  read (niradsf,*) jyr, smon(1:12)
519  if ( i == iyr .and. iyr == jyr ) then
520  do nn = 1, 12
521  smon_sav(nn) = smean + smon(nn)
522  enddo
523  solc0 = smean + smon(imon)
525  if (me == 0) then
526  print *,' CHECK: Solar constant data used for year',&
527  & iyr,' and month',imon
528  endif
529  exit lab_dowhile4
530  else
531 !check if(me == 0) print *,' Skip solar const data for yr',i
532  i = i - 1
533  endif
534  enddo lab_dowhile4
535  endif ! end if_isolflg_block
537  close ( niradsf )
538  endif ! end if_file_exist_block
540  endif ! end if_iyr_sav_block
541  endif ! end if_lsol_chg_block
543 ! --- ... calculate forecast julian day and fraction of julian day
545  jd1 = iw3jdn(iyear,imon,iday)
547 ! --- ... unlike in normal applications, where day starts from 0 hr,
548 ! in astronomy applications, day stats from noon.
550  if (ihr < 12) then
551  jd1 = jd1 - 1
552  fjd1= 0.5 + float(ihr)*hrday + float(imin)*minday &
553  & + float(isec)*secday
554  else
555  fjd1= float(ihr - 12)*hrday + float(imin)*minday &
556  & + float(isec)*secday
557  endif
559  fjd1 = fjd1 + jd1
561  jd = int(fjd1)
562  fjd = fjd1 - jd
564  call solar &
565 ! --- inputs:
566  & ( jd, fjd, &
567 ! --- outputs:
568  & r1, dlt, alp &
569  & )
571 ! --- ... calculate sun-earth distance adjustment factor appropriate to date
572  solcon = solc0 / (r1*r1)
574  slag = sollag
575  sdec = sindec
576  cdec = cosdec
578 ! --- ... diagnostic print out
580  if (me == 0) then
582  call prtime &
583 ! --- inputs:
584  & ( jd, fjd, dlt, alp, r1, solcon )
585 ! --- outputs: ( none )
587  endif
589 ! --- ... setting up calculation parameters used by subr coszmn
591  nswr = nint(deltsw / deltim) ! number of mdl t-step per sw call
592  dtswh = deltsw / f3600 ! time length in hours
594  if ( deltsw >= f3600 ) then ! for longer sw call interval
595  nn = max(6, min(12, nint(f3600/deltim) )) ! num of calc per hour
596  nstp = nint(dtswh) * nn + 1 ! num of calc per sw call
597  else ! for shorter sw sw call interval
598  nstp = max(2, min(20, nswr)) + 1
599 ! nn = nint( float(nstp-1)/dtswh )
600  endif
602  anginc = pid12 * dtswh / float(nstp-1) ! solar angle inc during each calc step
604  if ( me == 0 ) then
605  print *,' for cosz calculations: nswr,deltim,deltsw,dtswh =', &
606  & nswr,deltim,deltsw,dtswh,' anginc,nstp =',anginc,nstp
607  endif
609 ! if (me == 0) print*,'in sol_update completed sr solar'
610 !
611  return
612 !...................................
613  end subroutine sol_update
614 !-----------------------------------
617 !-----------------------------------
618  subroutine solar &
619 !...................................
620 ! --- inputs:
621  & ( jd, fjd, &
622 ! --- outputs:
623  & r1, dlt, alp &
624  & )
626 ! =================================================================== !
627 ! !
628 ! solar computes radius vector, declination and right ascension of !
629 ! sun, and equation of time. !
630 ! !
631 ! inputs: !
632 ! jd - julian day !
633 ! fjd - fraction of the julian day !
634 ! !
635 ! outputs: !
636 ! r1 - earth-sun radius vector !
637 ! dlt - declination of sun in radians !
638 ! alp - right ascension of sun in radians !
639 ! !
640 ! module variables: !
641 ! sollag - equation of time in radians !
642 ! sindec - sine of declination angle !
643 ! cosdec - cosine of declination angle !
644 ! !
645 ! usage: call solar !
646 ! !
647 ! external subroutines called: none !
648 ! !
649 ! =================================================================== !
650 !
651  implicit none
653 ! --- inputs:
654  real (kind=kind_phys), intent(in) :: fjd
655  integer, intent(in) :: jd
657 ! --- outputs:
658  real (kind=kind_phys), intent(out) :: r1, dlt, alp
660 ! --- locals:
661  real (kind=kind_phys), parameter :: cyear = 365.25 ! days of year
662  real (kind=kind_phys), parameter :: ccr = 1.3e-6 ! iteration limit
663  real (kind=kind_phys), parameter :: tpp = 1.55 ! days between epoch and
664  ! perihelion passage of 1900
665  real (kind=kind_phys), parameter :: svt6 = 78.035 ! days between perihelion passage
666  ! and march equinox of 1900
667  integer, parameter :: jdor = 2415020 ! jd of epoch which is january
668  ! 0, 1900 at 12 hours ut
670  real (kind=kind_phys) :: dat, t1, year, tyear, ec, angin, ador, &
671  & deleqn, sni, tini, er, qq, e1, ep, cd, eq, date, em, &
672  & cr, w1, tst, sun
674  integer :: jdoe, iter
676 !===> ... begin here
678 ! --- ... computes time in julian centuries after epoch
680  t1 = float(jd - jdor) / 36525.0
682 ! --- ... computes length of anomalistic and tropical years (minus 365 days)
684  year = 0.25964134e0 + 0.304e-5 * t1
685  tyear= 0.24219879e0 - 0.614e-5 * t1
687 ! --- ... computes orbit eccentricity and angle of earth's inclination from t
689  ec = 0.01675104e0 - (0.418e-4 + 0.126e-6 * t1) * t1
690  angin= 23.452294e0 - (0.0130125e0 + 0.164e-5 * t1) * t1
692  ador = jdor
693  jdoe = ador + (svt6 * cyear) / (year - tyear)
695 ! --- ... deleqn is updated svt6 for current date
697  deleqn= float(jdoe - jd) * (year - tyear) / cyear
698  year = year + 365.0
699  sni = sin( angin / degrad )
700  tini = 1.0 / tan( angin / degrad )
701  er = sqrt( (1.0 + ec) / (1.0 - ec) )
702  qq = deleqn * tpi / year
704 ! --- ... determine true anomaly at equinox
706  e1 = 1.0
707  cd = 1.0
708  iter = 0
710  lab_do_1 : do while ( cd > ccr )
712  ep = e1 - (e1 - ec*sin(e1) - qq) / (1.0 - ec*cos(e1))
713  cd = abs(e1 - ep)
714  e1 = ep
715  iter = iter + 1
717  if (iter > 10) then
718  write(6,*) ' ITERATION COUNT FOR LOOP 32 =', iter
719  write(6,*) ' E, EP, CD =', e1, ep, cd
720  exit lab_do_1
721  endif
723  enddo lab_do_1
725  eq = 2.0 * atan( er * tan( 0.5*e1 ) )
727 ! --- ... date is days since last perihelion passage
729  dat = float(jd - jdor) - tpp + fjd
730  date = mod(dat, year)
732 ! --- ... solve orbit equations by newton's method
734  em = tpi * date / year
735  e1 = 1.0
736  cr = 1.0
737  iter = 0
739  lab_do_2 : do while ( cr > ccr )
741  ep = e1 - (e1 - ec*sin(e1) - em) / (1.0 - ec*cos(e1))
742  cr = abs(e1 - ep)
743  e1 = ep
744  iter = iter + 1
746  if (iter > 10) then
747  write(6,*) ' ITERATION COUNT FOR LOOP 31 =', iter
748  exit lab_do_2
749  endif
751  enddo lab_do_2
753  w1 = 2.0 * atan( er * tan( 0.5*e1 ) )
755  r1 = 1.0 - ec*cos(e1)
757  sindec = sni * sin(w1 - eq)
758  cosdec = sqrt( 1.0 - sindec*sindec )
760  dlt = asin( sindec )
761  alp = asin( tan(dlt)*tini )
763  tst = cos( w1 - eq )
764  if (tst < 0.0) alp = con_pi - alp
765  if (alp < 0.0) alp = alp + tpi
767  sun = tpi * (date - deleqn) / year
768  if (sun < 0.0) sun = sun + tpi
769  sollag = sun - alp - 0.03255e0
770 !
771  return
772 !...................................
773  end subroutine solar
774 !-----------------------------------
785 !-----------------------------------
786  subroutine coszmn &
787 !...................................
788 ! --- inputs:
789  & ( xlon,sinlat,coslat,solhr, im, me, &
790 ! --- outputs:
791  & coszen, coszdg &
792  & )
794 ! =================================================================== !
795 ! !
796 ! coszmn computes mean cos solar zenith angle over sw calling interval !
797 ! !
798 ! inputs: !
799 ! xlon (IM) - grids' longitudes in radians, work both on zonal !
800 ! 0->2pi and -pi->+pi arrangements !
801 ! sinlat(IM) - sine of the corresponding latitudes !
802 ! coslat(IM) - cosine of the corresponding latitudes !
803 ! solhr - time after 00z in hours !
804 ! IM - num of grids in horizontal dimension !
805 ! me - print message control flag !
806 ! !
807 ! outputs: !
808 ! coszen(IM) - average of cosz for daytime only in sw call interval
809 ! coszdg(IM) - average of cosz over entire sw call interval !
810 ! !
811 ! module variables: !
812 ! sollag - equation of time !
813 ! sindec - sine of the solar declination angle !
814 ! cosdec - cosine of the solar declination angle !
815 ! anginc - solar angle increment per iteration for cosz calc !
816 ! nstp - total number of zenith angle iterations !
817 ! !
818 ! usage: call comzmn !
819 ! !
820 ! external subroutines called: none !
821 ! !
822 ! =================================================================== !
823 !
824  implicit none
826 ! --- inputs:
827  integer, intent(in) :: IM, me
829  real (kind=kind_phys), intent(in) :: sinlat(:), coslat(:), &
830  & xlon(:), solhr
832 ! --- outputs:
833  real (kind=kind_phys), intent(out) :: coszen(:), coszdg(:)
835 ! --- locals:
836  real (kind=kind_phys) :: coszn, cns, ss, cc, solang, rstp
838  integer :: istsun(im), i, it, j, lat
840 !===> ... begin here
842  solang = pid12 * (solhr - f12) ! solar angle at present time
843  rstp = 1.0 / float(nstp)
845  do i = 1, im
846  coszen(i) = 0.0
847  istsun(i) = 0
848  enddo
850  do it = 1, nstp
851  cns = solang + float(it-1)*anginc + sollag
853  do i = 1, im
854  ss = sinlat(i) * sindec
855  cc = coslat(i) * cosdec
857  coszn = ss + cc * cos(cns + xlon(i))
858  coszen(i) = coszen(i) + max(0.0, coszn)
859  if (coszn > czlimt) istsun(i) = istsun(i) + 1
860  enddo
861  enddo
863 ! --- ... compute time averages
865  do i = 1, im
866  coszdg(i) = coszen(i) * rstp
867  if (istsun(i) > 0) coszen(i) = coszen(i) / istsun(i)
868  enddo
869 !
870  return
871 !...................................
872  end subroutine coszmn
873 !-----------------------------------
876 !-----------------------------------
877  subroutine prtime &
878 !...................................
879 ! --- inputs:
880  & ( jd, fjd, dlt, alp, r1, solc &
881 ! --- outputs: ( none )
882  & )
884 ! =================================================================== !
885 ! !
886 ! prtime prints out forecast date, time, and astronomy quantities. !
887 ! !
888 ! inputs: !
889 ! jd - forecast julian day !
890 ! fjd - forecast fraction of julian day !
891 ! dlt - declination angle of sun in radians !
892 ! alp - right ascension of sun in radians !
893 ! r1 - earth-sun radius vector in meter !
894 ! solc - solar constant in w/m^2 !
895 ! !
896 ! outputs: ( none ) !
897 ! !
898 ! module variables: !
899 ! sollag - equation of time in radians !
900 ! !
901 ! usage: call prtime !
902 ! !
903 ! external subroutines called: w3fs26 !
904 ! !
905 ! =================================================================== !
906 !
907  implicit none
909 ! --- inputs:
910  integer, intent(in) :: jd
912  real (kind=kind_phys), intent(in) :: fjd, dlt, alp, r1, solc
914 ! --- outputs: ( none )
916 ! --- locals:
917  real (kind=kind_phys), parameter :: sixty = 60.0
919  character(LEN=1), parameter :: sign = '-'
920  character(LEN=1), parameter :: sigb = ' '
922  character(LEN=1) :: dsig
923  character(LEN=4) :: month(12)
925  data month / 'JAN.','FEB.','MAR.','APR.','MAY ','JUNE', &
926  & 'JULY','AUG.','SEP.','OCT.','NOV ','DEC.' /
928  integer :: iday, imon, iyear, ihr, ltd, ltm, &
929  & ihalp, iyy, jda, mfjd, idaywk, idayyr
930  real (kind=kind_phys) :: xmin, dltd, dltm, dlts, halp, ymin, &
931  & asec, eqt, eqsec
933 !===> ... begin here
935 ! --- ... get forecast hour and minute from fraction of julian day
937  if (fjd >= 0.5) then
938  jda = jd + 1
939  mfjd= nint( fjd*1440.0 )
940  ihr = mfjd / 60 - 12
941  xmin= float(mfjd) - (ihr + 12)*sixty
942  else
943  jda = jd
944  mfjd= nint( fjd*1440.0 )
945  ihr = mfjd / 60 + 12
946  xmin= float(mfjd) - (ihr - 12)*sixty
947  endif
949 ! --- ... get forecast year, month, and day from julian day
951  call w3fs26(jda, iyear,imon,iday, idaywk,idayyr)
953 ! -- ... compute solar parameters
955  dltd = degrad * dlt
956  ltd = dltd
957  dltm = sixty * (abs(dltd) - abs(float(ltd)))
958  ltm = dltm
959  dlts = sixty * (dltm - float(ltm))
961  if ((dltd < 0.0) .and. (ltd == 0.0)) then
962  dsig = sign
963  else
964  dsig = sigb
965  endif
967  halp = 6.0 * alp / hpi
968  ihalp= halp
969  ymin = abs(halp - float(ihalp)) * sixty
970  iyy = ymin
971  asec = (ymin - float(iyy)) * sixty
973  eqt = 228.55735 * sollag
974  eqsec= sixty * eqt
976  print 101, iday, month(imon), iyear, ihr, xmin, jd, fjd
977  101 format('0 FORECAST DATE',9x,i3,a5,i6,' AT',i3,' HRS',f6.2,' MINS'/&
978  & ' JULIAN DAY',12x,i8,2x,'PLUS',f11.6)
980  print 102, r1, halp, ihalp, iyy, asec
981  102 format(' RADIUS VECTOR',9x,f10.7/' RIGHT ASCENSION OF SUN', &
982  & f12.7,' HRS, OR',i4,' HRS',i4,' MINS',f6.1,' SECS')
984  print 103, dltd, dsig, ltd, ltm, dlts, eqt, eqsec, sollag, solc
985  103 format(' DECLINATION OF THE SUN',f12.7,' DEGS, OR ',a1,i3, &
986  & ' DEGS',i4,' MINS',f6.1,' SECS'/' EQUATION OF TIME',6x, &
987  & f12.7,' MINS, OR',f10.2,' SECS, OR',f9.6,' RADIANS'/ &
988  & ' SOLAR CONSTANT',8x,f12.7,' (DISTANCE AJUSTED)'//)
990 !
991  return
992 !...................................
993  end subroutine prtime
994 !-----------------------------------
996 !
997 !...........................................!
998  end module module_radiation_astronomy !
999 !===========================================!
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter czlimt
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter tpi
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter degrad
subroutine, public coszmn
This subroutine computes mean cos solar zenith angle over SW calling interval.
subroutine, public sol_update
This subroutine computes solar parameters at forecast time.
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter con_solr_old
solar constant (W/m2)-liu(2002)
Definition: physcons.f:59
subroutine solar
This subroutine computes radius vector, declination and right ascension of sun, and equation of time...
This module contains some the most frequently used math and physics constants for gcm models...
Definition: physcons.f:29
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter f12
real(kind=kind_phys), public solc0
character(40), parameter vtagast
This module defines commonly used control variables/parameters in physics related programs...
Definition: physparam.f:27
integer, save isolar
solar constant scheme control flag
Definition: physparam.f:143
subroutine prtime
This subroutine prints out forecast date, time, and astronomy quantities.
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter con_solr
solar constant (W/m2)-nasa-sorce tim(2008)
Definition: physcons.f:61
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter pid12
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter f3600
subroutine, public sol_init
This subroutine initializes astronomy process, and set up module constants.
This module sets up astronomy quantities for solar radiation calculations.
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter hpi
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter con_pi
Definition: physcons.f:41
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(12) smon_sav
character, save solar_file
external solar constant data table
Definition: physparam.f:145