25 September 2009 (8 am - 4 pm)
National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
Foothills Lab Campus
Room: FL2 - 3107
3450 Mitchell Lane
Boulder, Colorado 80301
Remote Access will be provided. See Logistics Section.
Given the initial success of the DTC/HWT model evaluation activities in 2008-2009, there is a clear desire to further capitalize on the combined strengths of the DTC and HWT participants. A key objective is to identify emerging areas of NWP development, focusing on high resolution WRF models and ensemble prediction systems that have potential to improve forecasts of high impact convective weather, and to more accurately assess the utility of the NWP guidance to provide unique and useful guidance to operational forecasters.
- Discuss lessons learned during 2008 and 2009
- Discuss high level details for 2010 Spring Experiment objective evaluation
- Discuss if the HWT/DTC collaboration is an appropriate place to explore improving the impact of ensembles on forecast skill by providing testing and evaluation of additional SSEF members and/or other ensembles
- Develop a Draft Work Plan for the HWT/DTC collaboration, including both near and longer term goals.
Meeting will take place at the NCAR Foothills Lab Campus, FL2 Room 3107.
2010 HWT/DTC Collaboration Meeting
Friday, 25 September
08:00 Continental Breakfast
08:25 Welcome - Tara Jensen - 5 min
08:30 Brief Overview of Each Testbed
DTC – Bill Kuo (10 min)
HWT – Steve Weiss and Jack Kain (10 min)
10 min for discussion
09:00 Lessons Learned from HWT-DTC Interactions in
From SPC Perspective – Steve Weiss (10 min)
From NSSL Perspective – Jack Kain (10 min)
From DTC Perspective – Tara Jensen (10 min)
15 min for discussion
9:45 Break
10:00 Partner Projects,
Collaborative Opportunities & Needs
DTC – New tools and research goals - Bill Kuo (15 min)
GSD – Plans for rapid refresh including HRRR – Stan Benjamin (10 min)
GSD – Plans for ensemble forecasting – Zoltan Toth (10
NCAR – 4km modeling research – Morris Weisman (10 min)
CAPS – Storm scale and ensemble modeling activities – Ming Xue (10 min)
NSSL – Mesoscale ensemble and storm scale modeling plans – Mike Coniglio (15 min)
SPC – Operational focus and collaboration needs – Russ Schneider (15 min)
30 min for discussion
12:00 Lunch provided in meeting room
12:30 Looking Forward to 2010
HWT plans for 2010 – Steve Weiss (15 min)
How DTC would like to contribute in 2010 – Tara Jensen (15 min)
30 min for discussion
13:30 Discuss content for a Draft Work Plan for DTC/HWT collaboration
- Identification of collaboration areas
- Identify near-term (for 2010 Spring Experiment) and long-term (2011 and beyond) goals
- Identify what goals (particularly regarding ensembles) may belong in a different
14:15 Break
14:30 Discuss content for a Draft Work Plan for DTC/HWT collaboration (Cont).
- Identify personnel and resources
- Identify leads and responsibilities
15:45 Wrap-up
16:00 Meeting Ends
The meeting was held at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
Foothills Lab Campus, FL2 Room 3107,
in the northeast part of Boulder, Colorado. The Foothills Lab campus has an on-site
cafeteria where breakfast and lunch may be purchased. However, we will be providing both during this meeting.
Book at Best Western Golden Buff Lodge
for a special lodging rate of $74.00 per night. The Golden Buff is
located at 1725 28th Street, Boulder, CO 80301, and is on the NCAR shuttle route and
near many shopping areas and restaurants. You can make reservations with them at or at 303-442-7450 (1-800-999-2833).
Use Group #538552 get the special rate. The Group Name is Mesoscale Probabilistic Prediction.
Remote Atttendance
For those who wish to attend, but cannot make it to Boulder, we will be employing ReadyTalk.
Please email Tara Jensen ( if you would like to attend the meeting in this way.
Web access is via
Access code: 4978479
Telephone access is via 1-866-740-1260 or 303-248-0285.
Access code: 4978479 (Cloud Verification Group Breakout)
**While you are listening, please mute your line using *6. You can unmute with *7 to ask questions. **
The Ready Talk 24 hour support line can be reached at 1-800-843-9166.
Click for options of transportation to and around Boulder
If you need transportation to and from the Golden Buff Lodge to the NCAR Mesa Lab, please let Pam Johnson know when you register.