Global Model Test Bed

Code repositories and hosting services
The CCPP uses community-based repository hosting and code development protocols in order to facilitate community involvement with the CCPP.
The authoritative repository for the CCPP resides on GitHub. This central repository will only contain code pertaining to the supported CCPP, that is, a master with the supported suites. New and ongoing shared development branches will be hosted in server-side copy of the repository, also known as fork o f the repository. The development forks may be hosted by any Git-based repository hosting service. The development forks may be centralized for an organization (NCAR, ESRL, etc.) or may be created by an individual developer for single or collaborative work, enabling exchanges amongst developers who may want to share and combine their work. When the development is mature, a pull request will be ini tiated to begin the review process. An organizational fork may implement their own review process for their fork if desired.
The current repository structure includes
- CCPP-Physics (library of physical parameterizations): and
- CCPP-Framework (infrastructure for using the physics in a host model):
The CCPP can be used with the GMTB SCM and with FV3.
- SCM (GMTB Single-Column Model):
- FV3: Please contact GMTB Help at for more information.