Global Model Test Bed
Release Notes
Bundle CCPP-SCM Version 2.0
The Bundle CCPP-SCM v2.0 contains the CCPP v2.0 and the SCM v2.1.CCPP Version 2.0 Parameterizations
- GFS RRTMG shortwave and longwave radiation
- GFS ozone
- GFS Zhao-Carr microphysics
- GFDL microphysics
- GFS scale-aware mass-flux deep convection
- GFS scale-aware mass-flux shallow convection
- GFS hybrid eddy diffusivity-mass-flux PBL and free atmosphere turbulence
- GFS orographic gravity wave drag
- GFS convective gravity wave drag
- GFS surface layer
- GFS Noah Land Surface Model
- GFS near-sea-surface temperature
- GFS sea ice
- Additional diagnostics and interstitial computations needed for the GFS suite
CCPP Version 2.0 Framework
- Metadata standards for defining variables provided by the host application (in this case SCM) and needed by each parameterization
- CCPP_prebuild_script to parse host model and parameterizations metadata tables, compare the two and alert if incompatible, manufacture Fortran code for host model and physics caps, and generate makefile snippets
- New format for the Suite Definition File that allows choosing parameterizations at runtime
- Ability to automatically run the init and finalize routines of all parameterizations
- Split process for initialization of CCPP Framework (call ccpp_init) and CCPP Physics (call ccpp_physics_init)
- Changes to API: previous call ccpp_run is now call ccpp_physics_run and can take group_name and scheme_name as optional arguments
- Improved error handling
- Performance improvement to speed up the initialization
SCM Version 2.1
- Cmake build system to compile needed NCEP libraries, SCM, CCPP framework, and parameterizations
- Metadata available for CCPP cap creation
- Test cases
- Tropical Warm Pool - International Cloud Experiment (TWP-ICE) maritime deep convection
- Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Southern Great Plains (SGP) continental deep convection
- Atlantic Stratocumulus Transition EXperiment (ASTEX) maritime stratocumulus-to-cumulus transition
- Barbados Oceanographic and Meteorological EXperiment (BOMEX) maritime shallow convection
- LES ARW Symbiotic Simulation and Observation (LASSO) for May 18, 2016 (with capability to run all LASSO cases) continental shallow convection
Bundle CCPP-SCM Version 1.0
The Bundle CCPP-SCM v1.0 contains the CCPP v1.0 and the SCM v2.0.CCPP Version 1.0 Parameterizations
- GFS RRTMG shortwave and longwave radiation
- GFS ozone
- GFS Zhao-Carr microphysics
- GFDL microphysics
- GFS scale-aware mass-flux deep convection
- GFS scale-aware mass-flux shallow convection
- GFS hybrid eddy diffusivity-mass-flux PBL and free atmosphere turbulence
- GFS orographic gravity wave drag
- GFS convective gravity wave drag
- GFS surface layer
- GFS Noah Land Surface Model
- GFS near-sea-surface temperature
- GFS sea ice
- Additional diagnostics and interstitial computations needed for the GFS suite
CCPP Version 1.0 Framework
- Metadata standards for defining variables provided by the host application (in this case SCM) and needed by each parameterization
- CCPP_prebuild_script to read and parse SCM and parameterizations metadata tables, compare the two and alert if incompatible, manufacture Fortran code for SCM and physics caps, and generate makefile snippets
- Suite Definition File that allows choosing parameterizations at runtime
SCM Version 2.0
- Cmake build system to compile needed NCEP libraries, SCM, CCPP framework, and parameterizations
- Metadata available for CCPP cap creation
- Test case of the Tropical Warm Pool - International Cloud Experiment (TWP-ICE)