Global Model Test Bed

The Common Community Physics Package (CCPP) is designed to facilitate the implementation of physics innovations in state-of-the-art atmospheric models, the use of various models to develop physics, and the acceleration of transition of physics innovations to operational NOAA models. The CCPP consists of two separate software packages, the pool of CCPP-compliant physics schemes (CCPP-Physics) and the framework that connects the physics schemes with a host model (CCPP-Framework). In public release, the CCPP has been bundled with the Global Model Test Bed Single Column Model (SCM) and contains all the physical parameterizations used in the operational NOAA Global Forecast System (GFS) implemented operationally in June 2017, updated with recent improvements by their developers. Additionally, the GFDL microphysics parameterization is included.
In this website you can find a User's and Technical Guide to run the CCPP with the GMTB SCM, containing:
- A description of how to obtain the codes
- A description of how to compile the codes
- A description of how to run the SCM with a test dataset
- A technical description of the SCM with information on how to add new test cases
For questions or comments about the CCPP, the SCM, and other Global Model Test Bed activities, please contact us at GMTB Help.