Global Model Test Bed

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I get help if my questions are not answered in the User's Guide?

A: First, refer to the documentation on this website. If that doesn't answer your question, then send an email to GMTB Help

Q: Can the CCPP be used with models other than the GMTB SCM?

A: Yes, the CCPP can be connected to other models, dynamical cores and host applications. Please refer to the CCPP v2 Developers Guide.

Q: What are the steps to add a new parameterization to the CCPP?

A: The first step is to make your parameterization CCPP-compliant, as described in the CCPP v2 Developers Guide. The second step is to conduct tests with your parameterization to see if meets criteria for inclusion in the CCPP. If you are interested in including an innovation in the CCPP, please contact us first at GMTB Help.

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