WRF-NMM Users Page

WRF Modeling System Known Problems and Fixes

WRF Version 3.1.1 was released on July 31, 2009.

WRF Version 3.1.1

Occasional Segmentation Fault (posted 9/21/09)

Problem: WRF-NMM seg faults due to array bounds errors.

Solution: Download the fixed module_initialze_real.F and recompile.

Occasional spurious high PBL height in MYJ scheme (posted 8/3/09)

Problem: MYJ PBL scheme occasionally produces unrealistically high PBL and high TKE in sporadic columns. This is reported by PSU researchers.

Solution: PSU provided a fix for V3.0 code. A newer version will be available later. The scheme computes the PBL depth by using the TKE profile criteria from Penn State, instead of the current MYJ method that searches for the first level of background TKE. This fix reduces the PBL height in general.